Higher Nationals in Computing
Unit 43: Internet of Things
Assessor name: PHAN MINH TAM
Learner9s name: Tr¿n Vĩnh Tiến
ID: GCS190159
Class: GCS0803_PPT
Subject code: 1690
Assignment due: April 10th, 2021
Assignment submitted:
TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title
Unit 43: Internet of Things
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Date Received 1st submission
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Date Received 2nd submission
Student Name
Trần Vĩnh Tiến
Student ID
Assessor name
Phan Minh Tam
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I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
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BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number
Unit 43: Internet of Things
Assignment title
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Phan Minh Tam
Issue date
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IV name and date
Submission Format:
This assignment is an Individual assignment and specifically including 1 document:
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Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing software applications
LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware
and APIs
LO3 Develop an IoT application using any combination of hardware, software, data, platforms and services.
LO4 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the potential impact on
people, business, society and the end user and the problems it might encounter when integrating into the wider
IoT ecosystem
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
You currently work as a product developer for a new startup where you design IoT products for the
consumer, corporate, government and defence clients. As part of your role your manager has tasked you
to plan and develop a new IoT product, service or application for a potential client. You are required to
identify a target user and conduct tests with this user and include this feedback into multiple iterative
versions of your product.
Part 1 (Assignment 1):: For the first part, you must:
Plan an IoT application for a specific target end user and the tests you intend to conduct with this
user. This plan will be in the form of a document and will include supporting evidence and
material, such as user personas and customer journey maps.
• Create multiple iterations of your application and modify each iteration with enhancements
gathered from user feedback and experimentation. This will follow the pathway outlined in your
plan.(log book,)
Part 2 (Assignment 2): For the first part, you must:
Show evidence about Developed IoT application using any combination of hardware, software,
data, platforms and services (video or images of your IoT system with code snippet)
Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the potential
impact on people, business, society and the end user and the problems it might encounter when
integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing software
P1 Explore various forms of
IoT functionality.
P2 Review standard
architecture, frameworks,
tools, hardware and APIs
available for use in IoT
M1 Evaluate the impact of
common IoT architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware and
APIs in the software development
D1 Evaluate specific forms of
IoT architecture and justify their
use when designing software
M2 Review specific forms of IoT
architecture, frameworks, tools,
hardware and APIs for different
problem-solving requirements.
LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture, frameworks,
tools, hardware and APIs
P3 Investigate architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware
and API techniques available
to develop IoT applications.
P4 Determine a specific
problem to solve using IoT.
M3 Select the most appropriate
IoT architecture, frameworks,
tools, hardware and API
techniques to include in an
application to solve this problem.
M4 Apply your selected
techniques to create an IoT
application development plan.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
II. Report................................................................................................................................................................ 6
P1: Explore various forms of IoT functionality....................................................................................................... 6
1. Overview of IoT ................................................................................................................................................. 6
2. The history of the internet of things................................................................................................................. 7
3. Final Thoughts and a Look into the Future of IoT ........................................................................................... 10
4. Types of popular technologies in IoT: ............................................................................................................. 11
a. Local Sensor Networks: ............................................................................................................................... 12
b. Gateway Subsystem: ................................................................................................................................... 13
c. Cloud Connectivity Networks: ..................................................................................................................... 14
5. IoT is a software development. ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 IoT development ........................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
6. Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT: ........................................................................................................... 16
a. Pros: ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
- Communication ............................................................................................................................................ 17
- Automation and Control ............................................................................................................................... 17
- Information ................................................................................................................................................... 17
- Money ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
- Efficient and Saves Time ............................................................................................................................... 17
b. Cons: ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
- Privacy/Security ............................................................................................................................................ 18
- Safety ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
- Compatibility................................................................................................................................................. 18
- Lesser Employment of Menial Staff .............................................................................................................. 18
- Technology Takes Control of Life.................................................................................................................. 19
c. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 19
P2 and P3: Review and investigate standard architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs available for
use in IoT development. ...................................................................................................................................... 19
1. IoT Architecture .............................................................................................................................................. 19
1.1 What is IoT architecture?.............................................................................................................................. 19
1.2 IoT architecture layers. ................................................................................................................................. 20
a. Sensor.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
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b. Gateways .................................................................................................................................................... 22
c. Processors ................................................................................................................................................... 22
d. Applications ................................................................................................................................................ 23
1.3 Example Internet of Things architecture ...................................................................................................... 24
Smart Healthcare application using IoT .......................................................................................................... 25
1.4 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................................... 25
2. IoT Frameworks .............................................................................................................................................. 26
2.1 Overview of IoT Framework ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.2 What is the IoT Framework?......................................................................................................................... 26
2.3 List of IoT Framework ................................................................................................................................... 27
a. DeviceHive IoT............................................................................................................................................. 27
b. ThingSpeak.................................................................................................................................................. 28
c. Mainflux ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
f. OpenRemote................................................................................................................................................ 30
2.4 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................................... 30
3. IoT Tools .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.1 Introduction to IoT Tools .............................................................................................................................. 31
3.2 List of IoT tools.............................................................................................................................................. 32
a. Node-RED .................................................................................................................................................... 32
f. RIOT ............................................................................................................................................................. 32
g. DeviceHub ................................................................................................................................................... 33
h. The Thing System ........................................................................................................................................ 34
i. Anjay ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
k. Key takeaways............................................................................................................................................. 35
3.3 Conclusion – IoT Tools .................................................................................................................................. 36
4. IoT Hardware .................................................................................................................................................. 36
4.1 Introduction to IoT Hardware ....................................................................................................................... 36
4.2 Common IoT Hardware Devices ................................................................................................................... 37
a. Sensors in IoT .............................................................................................................................................. 37
b. Microcontrollers ......................................................................................................................................... 38
c. Other IoT hardware in special field ............................................................................................................. 38
4.3 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................................... 38
5. IoT APIs ........................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.1 What is an IoT API? ....................................................................................................................................... 39
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5.2 IoT APIs is important. .................................................................................................................................... 39
5.3 APIs for Internet of Things ............................................................................................................................ 40
b. Google Assistant API ................................................................................................................................... 40
c. Withings API ................................................................................................................................................ 41
e. Unofficial Tesla Model S API ....................................................................................................................... 41
f. Apple HomeKit ............................................................................................................................................. 42
g. Amazon Alexa Home Skills API .................................................................................................................... 42
P4: Determine a specific problem to solve using IoT........................................................................................... 43
1. Scenario .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
2. Solution ........................................................................................................................................................... 43
3. Needed Devices .............................................................................................................................................. 44
III. Reference ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
Table of figures
Figure 1: Overview of IoT .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2: History of IoT.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 3: The Internet of Things was "born" between 2008 and 2009. ................................................................... 9
Figure 4: The future of IoT ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5: Overview of IoT technology ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: Local sensor networks example............................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8: IoT devices connect to network through gateway subsystem. ............................................................... 13
Figure 9: Cloud connectivity network diagram....................................................................................................... 14
Figure 11: IoT software development..................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 12: Advantages and disadvantages of IoT ................................................................................................... 16
Figure 13: IoT architecture example ....................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 15: IoT key building blocks ........................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 16: Things, sensors, and controllers ............................................................................................................ 21
Figure 17: Gateways and data acquisition.............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 18: Edge analytics ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 19: Data centre / Cloud platform................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 20: Smart Healthcare example .................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 21: Open source IoT framework .................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 22: DeviceHive IoT platform ........................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 23: Thing Speak framework ......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 24: Mainflux platform .................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 27: Open Remote framework ...................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 28: Node-RED tool ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 31: Riot tool ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Page |3
Figure 32: DeviceHub tool ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 33: The Thing System ................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 34: Deploying Anjay for Raspberry Pi .......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 35: Key takeaways environment .................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 36: Overview IoT hardware ......................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 37: IoT sensors ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 38: Microcontroller ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 43: IoT APIs .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 45: Google Assistant API .............................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 47: Unofficial Tesla Model S API .................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 48: Apple HomeKit ....................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 49: Amazon Alexa Home API ....................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 50: Lamp/ LED .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 51: Motion sensor in lamp/ LED .................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 52: Wifi Circuit ............................................................................................................................................. 45
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I. Introduction
The Internet of Things — IoT, for short — is made up of devices that connect to the internet and share
data with each other. IoT devices include not only computers, laptops and smartphones, but also
objects that have been equipped with chips to gather and communicate data over a network.
Thanks to the arrival of super-cheap computer chips and the ubiquity of wireless networks, it's possible
to turn anything, from something as small as a pill to something as big as an aeroplane, into a part of
the IoT. Connecting up all these different objects and adding sensors to them adds a level of digital
intelligence to devices that would be otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate real-time data
without involving a human being. The Internet of Things is making the fabric of the world around us
more smarter and more responsive, merging the digital and physical universes. (Ranger, 2021)
The range of existing and potential Internet of Things devices is enormous. Consumers often use their
smartphones to communicate with IoT devices, whether it9s a smart speaker or home thermostat.
Connected devices offer convenience, like helping you make a grocery list, or savings, like when you
turn down the heat at home while you9re on vacation. (Symanovich, 2021)
In this report, we will find out what IoT have.
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II. Report
P1: Explore various forms of IoT functionalit
1. Overview of IoT
Figure 1: Overview of IoT
Internet of Things (IoT) is a sprawling set of technologies and use cases that have no clear, single
definition. One workable view frames IoT as the use of network-connected devices, embedded in the
physical environment, to improve some existing processors to enable a new scenario not previously
These devices, or things, connect to the network to provide the information they gather from the environment
through sensors, or to allow other systems to reach out and act on the world through actuators. They could be
connected versions of common objects you might already be familiar with, or new and purpose-built devices
for functions not yet realized. They could be devices that you own personally and carry with you or keep in
your home, or they could be embedded in factory equipment, or part of the fabric of the city you live in. Each
of them is able to convert valuable information from the real world into digital data that provides increased
visibility into how your users interact with your products, services, or applications. (Google Cloud, 2021)
The specific use cases and opportunities across different industries are numerous, and in many ways,
the world of IoT is just getting started. What emerges from these scenarios is a set of common
challenges and patterns. IoT projects have additional dimensions that increase their complexity when
compared to other cloud-centric technology applications, including:
Diverse hardware
Diverse operating systems and software on the devices
Different network gateway requirements
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2. The history of the internet of things
Figure 2: History of IoT
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Most sites that try to explain the history of the Internet of Things want to give you the whole story of
how the Internet itself – and all the technologies relating to it – came into being. However, given that
it9s pretty darn obvious that you don9t get the Internet of Things without first having a worldwide
computer network to connect those things, let9s skip this part and begin with what you9re really
interested in – the history of IoT.
So, leaving aside the first radio voice transmission and the development of computers, one of the first
truly recognizable examples of IoT – which occurred over a decade before the concept was given a
name – was a Coca-Cola machine in the early 80s, located at the Carnegie Melon University in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A student at the uni – one David Nichols – was tired of having to walk what
he describes as
wanted a soda, only to find more often than not that the thing would be empty (or, if it had been
recently refilled, the glass bottles inside to be unsatisfyingly warm).
at Stanford and realized that we didn9t have to put up with this, that we had the technology,= Nichols
later recalled. Soon, Nichols and a few friends had developed a system to connect to the machine via
the APRANET – a precursor to today9s internet – which enabled them to remotely check the status of
the machine (i.e. see if there was drink available, and if it was cold) before making the trip. Many say
that this vending machine was the first the first true IoT-enabled device.
However, it wasn9t until 1999 that the
Ashton, Co-Founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology9s Auto-ID Center (later replaced by
the more research-oriented Auto-ID Labs in 2003). The
presentation Ashton made for Procter & Gamble while he was still working there as a brand manager.
Ashton had been assigned to help launch a line of cosmetics – but he was concerned that every time
he went into his local store, a certain shade of brown lipstick always seemed to be sold out. He
checked with the people in charge of P&G9s supply chain, who told him that plenty of lipsticks in that
color were available in the warehouse. This wasn9t good enough – Ashton wanted to know where his
lipstick was, what was happening to it, and why the store couldn9t keep it in stock. However, no one
could give him an answer.
At roughly the same time, radio frequency identification (RFID) tags were being developed. Such tags
were embedded with tiny radio-enabled chips, which could transfer small bits of data wirelessly.
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During his
P&G products, allowing the identification and tracking of specific objects throughout the supply chain,
meaning that the location of stock could be better and more easily monitored. Knowing that the
worked it into the title of his presentation to the board.
them, but they knew the Internet was a big deal,= Ashton explained to Tech Republic.
get the word 8Internet9 into the title of my presentation, I could get their attention.=
Ashton subsequently gave hundreds of presentations to corporate leaders about the potential of RFID
technology – specifically, how each RFID chip was able to communicate to machines via a wireless
network. By 2003, the Auto-ID Center had 103 sponsors, numerous branches all around the world, and
commitments to standards so any smart package could talk to networks at suppliers and retailers.
Over time, the market developed, investments were made, and chips got better and better and
cheaper and cheaper. (Goddard, 2021)
Figure 3: The Internet of Things was "born" between 2008 and 2009.
By the late 2000s to early 2010s, corporations around the world were starting to get really excited
about the Internet of Things – much in the way they9re getting excited about artificial intelligence and
machine learning today. IBM began work on its Smarter Planet campaign around this time. McKinsey
started writing reports on the state of Internet of Things technology. And Cisco declared in 2011 that
IoT was
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connected to the internet than there were living people on the planet. In the same year, Gartner
added the new emerging phenomenon to its famous Hype-cycle for Emerging Technologies list for the
first time. (Goddard, 2021)
IoT startups started coming out of the woodwork – such as Nest Labs in 2010, manufacturing products
like sensor-driven, Wi-Fi-enabled, self-learning thermostats and smoke detectors. In 2014, Google
announced that it would be buying Nest Labs for $3.2 billion. And this was perhaps the moment –
bolstered, no doubt, by the emergence of Amazon Alexa and subsequently Google Home – when the
Internet of Things was truly brought to the public9s attention, and the market has been positively
snowballing ever since. (Goddard, 2021)
3. Final Thoughts and a Look into the Future of IoT
Today, the Internet of Things is drastically transforming how businesses are run, how lives are lived,
and how society functions in general. Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the
technology9s potential to improve operations and reach consumers through an ever-expanding
network of constantly connected smart devices.
Indeed, IoT is now a burgeoning industry in and of itself. As Carrie MacGillivray, Vice President,
Internet of Things, 5G and Mobility at IDC, observes:
in governments, and in consumers9 daily lives. We are increasingly observing how data generated by
connected devices is helping businesses run more efficiently, gain insight into business processes, and
make real-time decisions. For consumers, access to data is changing how they are informed about the
status of households, vehicles, and family members as well as their own health and fitness. The next
chapter of IoT is just beginning as we see a shift from digitally enabling the physical to automating and
augmenting the human experience with a connected world.=
According to IDC, worldwide spending on the Internet of Things is forecast to reach $745 billion in
2019 – an increase of 15.4% over the $646 billion spent in 2018 – and will surpass the $1 trillion mark
in 2022. The industries expected to see the fastest annual compound growth rates (CAGR) over the
2017-2022 forecast period are insurance (17.1%), federal/central government (16.1%), and healthcare
(15.4%). The greatest levels of investment in 2019 will be manufacturing operations ($100 billion),
production asset management ($44.2 billion), smart home ($44.1billion), and freight monitoring
($41.7 billion). Between 2017 and 2022, the IoT use cases that are expected to deliver the fastest
P a g e | 10
spending growth are airport facility automation (transportation), electric vehicle charging (utilities),
agriculture field monitoring (resource), bedside telemetry (healthcare), and in-store contextualized
marketing (retail).
Figure 4: The future of IoT
4. Types of popular technologies in IoT:
The technology stack is IoT is described in each figure architecturally, typical IoT system is divided into
three subsystems: sensor subsystem, gateway subsystem, and cloud subsystem with the necessary
underlying network connectivity between the subsystems. The sensor subsystem is connected to the
gateway subsystem via local sensor networks. The gateway subsystem is connected to cloud subsystem
via a wide area network like the Internet. Each of these three subsystems connected via two types of
networking are described in brief next. (Pal and Purushothaman, 2016.)
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Figure 5: Overview of IoT technology
a. Local Sensor Networks:
Figure 6: Local sensor networks example
Local sensor networks carry the sensor data from sensors to a gate way device for further processing
and transport of the data over the Internet or other public networks to the cloud. They can have fixed
network topologies like star, ring, bus tree, or mesh networks or they can be formed in an ad hoc
manner. Shared media access protocols using time division multiple access (TDMA), frequency division
multiple access (FDMA) or code division multiple access (CDMA) technologies are used on top of the
physical network connectivity for seamless transportation of the sensor data. Bluetooth and Zigbee are
the most popular wireless sensor network technologies, while Wi-Fi also can be used in some
scenarios. Depending upon the use case, the sensors can be interconnected using wired network also
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or can be connected point-to-point to the gateway using serial interfaces like universal serial bus (USB).
(Pal and Purushothaman, 2016.)
b. Gateway Subsystem:
Figure 7: IoT devices connect to network through gateway subsystem.
Gateway subsystems connect to local sensor networks on one side and public networks like the Internet on
the other side. They typically operate as a router, gateway, or switch bridging the two different types of
physical network and protocol stacks. For example, the public network is typically Internet Protocol (IP)
enabled, whereas in most of the cases the local sensor network is not. One of the sensor nodes in local sensor
network can become the gateway or there can be dedicated gateway devices. Because typically gate way
devices can have more memory and computing power and in many scenarios are electrically powered, it is
possible to execute some of the high sampling rate sensor signal processing and noise cancellation algorithms
in the gateway itself so that clean data at
a reduced rate goes to the cloud. (Pal and Purushothaman, 2016.)
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c. Cloud Connectivity Networks:
Figure 8: Cloud connectivity network diagram
The cloud connectivity networks are typically IP networks; in most of the cases, this will be the Internet
for IoT systems. However, there may be scenarios where private networks and private clouds are
deployed depending upon the use case requirements. Bandwidth, latency, reliability, and security of
this network are critical for viable implementation of these systems. (Pal and Purushothaman, 2016.)
5. IoT is a software development.
Figure 9: IoT software development
For better or worse, the exponential growth in the number of objects connected to the Internet is
changing our world. We know it as IoT – the
impacting on how we live and work. Here, we look at where IoT is going.
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As you know, the term IoT describes the connection of everyday products or machines to the Internet,
allowing them to process data and connect with other electronic devices. IoT is literally a giant network
of connected man-made mechanical and digital objects, but also includes people with medical
identifiers or farm animals with chip sensors. Current predictions say that by 2020 the IoT Market will
reach the point of 24 billion devices across the Earth.
Such is the growth of IoT that it9s fast becoming a must-have for companies wanting to add digital
presence to their existing operations, services or products. Put simply, any device with an on and off
switch can be connected to the Internet and/or to each other. This includes mobile phones, coffee
makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and literally anything else you can
think of. (Chima, 2021)
5.1 IoT development
The actual components making up most IoT devices include tags, sensors, embedded computers and
actuators integrated into objects. While some IoT objects are
for an industrial device), others (like a grid-controlled smart bulb) can find use in many areas.
Some, like tags or iBeacons, will be of the
data that is monitored and controlled via a web interface by the owner or provided by companies that
implement IoT-as-a-service for customers, like Thingspeak. (Chima, 2021)
The main driving forces behind IoT, and therefore shaping its future, are commoditisation and
interoperability, which in turn depend on:
The development of embedded devices (low-power, reduced cost computers, most frequently
based on the ARM architecture).
Improved communications protocols (GSM, WiFi, Bluetooth variants and more specialized
Zigbee, 6LowPAN, Sigfox and so on.)
Software platforms like Thingworx, ioBridge, Sense and others.
Influential companies like Amazon, Google, Apple, IBM, and Microsoft are also playing a part as drivers
of IoT.
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5.2 Summary
IoT is one of the most exciting developments in recent times. It will impact all our lives and
revolutionize the way we interact with the world.
If we assume hardware refinements and communication protocols will continue to improve, it will fall
on the quality of the software applications we create to define the success of IoT devices, particularly
how serious the malicious control of objects, access to data or unauthorized surveillance will become.
Already, IoT hacking is growing because manufacturers are selling cheap connected devices into the
market without careful cybersecurity considerations, while consumers are equally keen to bring
connected devices into their homes and lives. This makes the potential for crime very high, and the
need for quality software critical. (Chima, 2021)
6. Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT:
Every new technology faces a million challenges in its initial phases. Internet of Things also poses some
grave issues that need to be tackled well in order to utilize its fullest potential. But let9s leave the
threats aside for the time being and focus only on the positives in this post. (Quek, 2021)
Before we understand the impact IoT can have on our way of living, it9s important to go through its
advantages and disadvantages:
Figure 10: Advantages and disadvantages of IoT
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a. Pros:
- Communication
IoT encourages the communication between devices, also famously known as Machine-to-Machine
(M2M) communication. Because of this, the physical devices are able to stay connected and hence the
total transparency is available with lesser inefficiencies and greater quality. (Quek, 2021)
- Automation and Control
Due to physical objects getting connected and controlled digitally and centrally with wireless
infrastructure, there is a large amount of automation and control in the workings. Without human
intervention, the machines are able to communicate with each other leading to faster and timely
output. (Quek, 2021)
- Information
It is obvious that having more information helps making better decisions. Whether it is mundane
decisions as needing to know what to buy at the grocery store or if your company has enough widgets
and supplies, knowledge is power and more knowledge is better. (Quek, 2021)
- Money
The biggest advantage of IoT is saving money. If the price of the tagging and monitoring equipment is
less than the amount of money saved, then the Internet of Things will be very widely adopted. IoT
fundamentally proves to be very helpful to people in their daily routines by making the appliances
communicate to each other in an effective manner thereby saving and conserving energy and cost.
Allowing the data to be communicated and shared between devices and then translating it into our
required way, it makes our systems efficient. (Quek, 2021)
- Efficient and Saves Time
The machine-to-machine interaction provides better efficiency, hence; accurate results can be obtained
fast. This results in saving valuable time. Instead of repeating the same tasks every day, it enables
people to do other creative jobs. (Quek, 2021)
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b. Cons:
- Privacy/Security
With all of this IoT data being transmitted, the risk of losing privacy increases. For instance, how well
encrypted will the data be kept and transmitted with? Do you want your neighbors or employers to
know what medications that you are taking or your financial situation? (Quek, 2021)
- Safety
Imagine if a notorious hacker changes your prescription. Or if a store automatically ships you an
equivalent product that you are allergic to, or a flavor that you do not like, or a product that is already
expired. As a result, safety is ultimately in the hands of the consumer to verify any and all automation.
As all the household appliances, industrial machinery, public sector services like water supply and
transport, and many other devices all are connected to the Internet, a lot of information is available on
it. This information is prone to attack by hackers. It would be very disastrous if private and confidential
information is accessed by unauthorized intruders. (Quek, 2021)
- Compatibility
As devices from different manufacturers will be interconnected, the issue of compatibility in tagging
and monitoring crops up. Although this disadvantage may drop off if all the manufacturers agree to a
common standard, even after that, technical issues will persist. Today, we have Bluetooth-enabled
devices and compatibility problems exist even in this technology! Compatibility issues may result in
people buying appliances from a certain manufacturer, leading to its monopoly in the market. (Quek,
- Lesser Employment of Menial Staff
The unskilled workers and helpers may end up losing their jobs in the effect of automation of daily
activities. This can lead to unemployment issues in the society. This is a problem with the advent of any
technology and can be overcome with education. With daily activities getting automated, naturally,
there will be fewer requirements of human resources, primarily, workers and less educated staff. This
may create Unemployment issue in the society. (Quek, 2021)
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- Technology Takes Control of Life
Our lives will be increasingly controlled by technology and will be dependent on it. The younger
generation is already addicted to technology for every little thing. We have to decide how much of our
daily lives are we willing to mechanize and be controlled by technology. (Quek, 2021)
c. Conclusion
Although IoT has quite a few disadvantages, its advantages of saving the consumer time and money
can9t be ignored. So, the time isn9t far when the Internet Of Things will be commonly seen in both
households and companies. Efforts will have to be made to find ways to combat its disadvantages.
(Quek, 2021)
P2 and P3: Review and inv
estigate standard architecture, fra
meworks, tools, hardware and AP
available fo
forr use in IoT develop
1. IoT Architecture
1.1 What is IoT architecture?
Figure 11: IoT architecture example
The concept behind the Internet of Things is as powerful as it is complex, and in order for the elements
in the IoT puzzle to mesh together perfectly, they all have to be part of a well-thought-out structure.
This is where IoT architecture enters the stage, especially in terms of IoT device management.
From IoT hype to IoT reality
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