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group assignment mkt304 omeezs imc plan thêm đơn cho trái đất thêm xanh

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<b>Course: MKT304</b>

<b>Lecturer: Phó Thị Mỹ HạnhGroup: Winx </b>

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1. Overview...5...

2. Brand Positioning and Brand Essence...5

3. Mission and Goals...5


1. Internal analysis ( SWOT )...5


1. Key strategic decisions...7

1.1. Marketing objectives...7

1.2. Communication objectives...8

1.3. Campaign Target Audience...8

a. Publisher...8

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b. Merchant...8

2. Creative Strategy...9

2.1. Development of Creative Idea...9

2.2. Detailed explanation and Mock-ups (Tangible Executions) across all media...10

3. Media Plan...10

3.1. Justification of IMC Tool Selected...10

a. Advertising...10

b. Public Relation ...10

c. Digital/ Internet Marketing...11

3.2. Justification of Media Vehicles Selected...11

a. New Media - Social Media, Internet...11

b. Traditional Media – OOH...12

3.3. Media Objectives...12

3.4. Timeline...12

3.5. Media Calendar...13

4. Budget Determination...14

4.1. Set tentative marketing communications budget...14

4.2. Allocate tentative budget...14

5. Evaluation and Control...15



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This report interprets the IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) plan for an Omeez affiliatemarketing app. Affiliate marketing is a new platform in Vietnam. It is used by businesses to expandtheir reach and increase sales by partnering with brands to promote their products or services. TheIMC plan presented in this article aims to give a complete and creative plan to attract Publishers,Merchants, and Mentors. The IMC plan started with the introduction of the first intensive affiliatemarketing app in Vietnam - Omeez. Next, a thorough SWOT analysis of this platform, customersegmentation, and consumer behavior analysis. The main objectives of the campaign include bringingto the client and the community the expertise of creating true value and genuine trust. In addition, thecooperation with the non-profit organization Tree Bank aims to create a "green" affiliate community,creating a "green" sales channel for the brand. The IMC plan combines many marketing tools, such asDigital/Internet Marketing, Public Relation (PR), and Advertising. Each tool is strategically selectedto match the interests and behavioral patterns of the target audience. Overall, this IMC plan presentsan affiliate marketing platform green campaign. Ensure a cohesive and impactful campaign within 6months.

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Omeez digital development joint stock company belongs to Omega Group (A group LeadingPerformance Marketing Agency). Omeez is the first Intensive Affiliate Marketing Platform inVietnam belonging to an affiliate platform that helps businesses grow through affiliate marketing is aPlatform in the field of Intensive Affiliate Marketing first in Vietnam. Publisher is provided withaffiliate marketing-based monetization utilities, with the support of experienced Mentors. (Omeez,2023)

2. Brand Positioning and Brand Essence

Omeez's brand positioning is a true professional community with mentors with deep expertise infields such as finance, economics, ... who can lead for Publishers (Omeez, 2023). Since then, themission and true nature that Omeez wants to bring to customers and the community is the expertisethat creates true value and genuine trust.

3. Mission and Goals

Omeez's goal and vision are to create a "green" affiliate community. Create a "green" sales channelfor brands. From there, its mission is to create appropriate and quality distribution links for itscustomers.


a. Strength

Affiliate Marketing Expertise: This is the pioneer specialized affiliate platform in Vietnam, wherethey provide useful solutions for businesses that can grow through this platform. Strong PartnerNetwork: Omeez has established partnerships with reputable brands and platforms including Shopee,Lazada, and Tiki.vn, Tiktok, Root Digital and Omega Martech (Omeez, 2023). These partnershipsoffer growth and networking opportunities with more marketing opportunities.

Unique "Dual Income" model: Attractive commissions with a dual income mechanism, learn fromthose who have gone before and have the opportunity to become an expert or mentor to increaseincome, have a dedicated community to share the experience. This particular model can appeal toaffiliates and

businesses looking for a new source of revenue.

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b. Weakness

Limited market reach: While Omeez operates in Vietnam, the company's market reach will be limitedto this specific geographic region and hinder potential growth opportunities in other regions and othermarkets.

Depends on partner platform: Omeez's success will depend on the strategy and terms of partnerplatforms including Shopee, Lazada, and Tiki. Any changes to the policies or terms of partnerplatforms will affect Omeez's profits and revenue.

c. Opportunity

The affiliate marketing industry is growing: The affiliate marketing industry is witnessing stronggrowth around the world. Omeez can capitalize on this trend by growing its network, openingbranches, and collaborating with new brands and platforms.

Growing demand for ethical and sustainable marketing: Omeez is focused on building a "green"affiliate community and developing eco-friendly sales channels that match the growing demandthrough sound and ethical marketing efforts. This is an opportunity to make a difference globally.

2. External analysis (STP Strategy Segmentation)a. Segmentation

Market segment: Omeez focuses on the Vietnamese market and actively seeks partners, Publishers,and Merchants across the country. Omeez aims to make its platform easily accessible to everyone andwill probably become a pioneer in the field of affiliate marketing in Vietnam.

Demographic segment: The market that Omeez targets are the young and middle age audience of allgenders, especially those who want to earn passive income such as online earners and studentsPsychological segment: The young and middle-aged generation who are dynamic and flexible, areconscious of investing or want to earn another source of income besides their current main job.

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b. Targeting

Nondiscriminatory Marketing: Omeez will create a general message with the benefits of participatingin using passive income on Omeez's platform and also engaging with Omeez will help participantsand merchants contribute part of myself creating a "green community" for the purpose of protectingthe environment through Omeez's partner, TreeBank.

Differentiated Marketing: Young or middle-aged people who want to earn an additional source of passive income outside of their main job as well as a target group with an interest in finance, economics, and the environment. Especially students or housewives.

c. Positioning

Omeez is one of the pioneers in the field of affiliate marketing in Vietnam. Omeez is committed tobringing attractive and genuine privileges such as attractive commissions with dual incomemechanisms, learning from mentors who have gone before, having the opportunity to become anexpert, having mentor to increase income and there is a professional community to share experiences(Omeez, 2023). This has made Omeez more special than ever and affirmed its position in theVietnamese market.


Enterprises understand that environmental protection and green growth are opportunities forsustainable business development and contribute to solving social problems. They are aware of theimportance and benefits of this. Businesses understand that they have a responsibility to minimizetheir negative impact on the environment and make a positive contribution to the protection andimprovement of the environment. They take specific measures such as reducing pollution, conservingnature, responding to climate change, and actively communicating with consumers, communities, andstakeholders. In this way, the business is making a positive impact in protecting the environment andcontributing to sustainable development. (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2016)

2. Publisher

Some Publishers and KOLs are interested in environmental protection and green growth because itbrings business benefits, improves reputation, and expands the market. They are also aware of theirrole in solving social problems and complying with environmental laws. By making a positive impact,they promote awareness and action for environmental sustainability. (Nguyen, 2021)


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1. Key strategic decisions1.1. Marketing objectives

Market Share - The primary marketing objective was to co-develop a new marketing strategy with thenon-profit organization - Treebank. This led to increased awareness of the green affiliate marketingplatform Omeez in Vietnam. This will in turn increase awareness among target customers, create agreen community and improve market share. Currently, Omeez has more than 150,000 Publishers,more than 1000 Advertisers, and more than 50 Professional Mentors in all fields (Omeez, 2023). Weaim to increase Omeez's brand value from Omeez x Treebank by at least a 30% increase in platformregistrations after 6 months. Omeez's ultimate marketing goal is to become the largest greenprofessional affiliate marketing platform in Vietnam.

Audience - We hope to measure how well our campaigns reach our target audience by measuringconsumption in specific demographic groups. We aim to increase more than 55,000 Publishers,increase more than 300 reputable Merchants and increase more than 50 Mentors.

1.2. Communication objectives

Omeez wanted to use her effective tagline and advertising to increase brand recall and recognition,both of which contribute to brand awareness. We aim to help consumers understand the rationalebehind our slogan and brand concept. This helps consumers connect with the brand and trigger adesire to use this affiliate marketing platform. The main goal is for consumers to better remember andrecognize the brand through a marketing campaign. By the end of the campaign, we hope that 1% ofthe Vietnamese population will recognize Omeez as a reputable affiliate marketing platform. The highcommissions and high quality of our platform are important brand attributes that we aspire to conveyto our audience.

1.3. Campaign Target Audiencea. Publisher

Omeez's target audience is Publishers who want a comfortable freelance job with high income,flexible income sources, and Advertisers who want to expand the company's distribution channels andwant to save maximum costs of human resources, time, and hiring costs as well as will increaserevenue for the business with high efficiency and will convey the message of the business. Becauseusers have a common age attribute, Omeez was introduced to target young people because they aremore likely to want to earn extra income. Geographically, the user profile that Omeez specificallytargets could be those living in urban/semi-urban areas where 18 to 30-year-olds are literate.Psychologically, Omeez users tend to want to do freelance, comfortable jobs and have a moderatesocioeconomic location. Subjects who want to earn extra income, appreciate independence andfreelance work.

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b. Merchant

Our target audience is businesses that are aware of the importance of environmental protection andgreen growth. In terms of demographics, we do not limit the audience by specific age or gender butfocus on environmentally conscious businesses that want to implement environmental protectionmeasures in their business activities. Psychologically, we believe that environmentally consciousbusinesses often have specific values and ideas, focusing on protecting the environment andcontributing to sustainable development. They have a sense of responsibility and a desire to contributeto society. Geographically, we look forward to cooperating with businesses operating on a large scale,contributing to the sustainable development of both the region and the country.

2. Creative Strategy

Creative strategy is defined as an outline of launching campaigns regarding what message, to whom,and with what tone, using a deliberate and strategic approach to achieving goals to convey theintended message. The strategy for this shows that Omeez is the first in-depth affiliate marketingplatform in Vietnam and creates a “green” affiliate community, creating a “green” sales channel forbrands when combined with Treebank. As the MMO market is growing globally, it is predicted thatpeople will try this online money-making platform. This will expand the consumer audience bytargeting people who are looking for freelance, high-paying jobs.

The use of traditional and new media such as television advertising, radio advertising, newspapers,magazines, signs, billboards, and internet advertising. In addition, to match the intended message ofthe new product launch, a campaign will be designed as a story about introducing an intensive andeffective affiliate marketing platform through a tree planting campaign online created to attractcustomers to participate, the participants will plant trees online, and protect the earth.

2.1. Development of Creative Idea

Creativity is an important factor determining the effectiveness of advertising. In addition, youngpeople will be the main target market. Moreover, this group is also known for actively looking formore jobs and wanting to live greener. This innovative strategy will solve the problem of customerslooking for an in-depth and “green” affiliate marketing platform. So Omeez x Treebank would be aperfect project for this consumer audience. An advertisement to increase awareness with the message“Thêm đơn cho Trái Đất thêm xanh” has been proposed. The advertising's message comes with green,in-depth, and reputable elements that will attract and create the attention of this platform. Participantswill plant trees online, and protect the Earth by posting 2 articles on Facebook and Tiktok platformswith the condition that the article must link to a product from Omeez, create content introducing thatproduct, and tag 3 friends with hashtags "#Omeez", "#ThemdonchoTraiDatthemxanh" will plant a

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tree. After the campaign ends, the number of trees planted will be publicly announced on the Omeezfanpage. The main communication content of this promotion and campaign is to create awarenessabout the importance of protecting the environment in this modern society and to target those whohave been and want to make money online and those who want to make money online. care about theenvironment.

Additionally, the team will look at using celebrities to promote this Omeez x Treebank green affiliatemarketing campaign. The goal of this innovative strategy will be to attract new Publishers andMerchants, raise awareness of the Omeez platform, and generate sales potential.

2.2. Detailed explanation and Mock-ups (Tangible Executions) across all media

Advertising on new media including social media such as Instagram, and Facebook will be the maincommunication option to promote Omeez's strategy, because of its ability to reach a wider audience.In addition, advertising on the Internet is the fastest advertising medium and costs much less thanother mediums. Therefore, Omeez suggests using Internet impressions (banners/remarketing) to showtargeted advertising to visitors of certain websites to drive more traffic to the website.

To achieve potential national and international coverage, Omeez also recommends using outdoorbillboard advertising, which includes posters, signs, and billboards placed in a defined geographicallocation. designated as the bus entrance, or the entire bus body.

Overall, using these communication strategies helps Omeez achieve greater impact and audienceengagement and engagement, along with the ability to drive traffic to Omeez's website.

3. Media Plan

3.1. Justification of IMC Tool Selected

The integrated communication tool chosen for this Omeez x Treebank campaign is a combination ofAdvertising, Public Relations, and Digital/ Internet Marketing. The combination of these two toolswill help the Omeez campaign achieve its marketing goals in a more comprehensive way. Theycomplement each other, enhance each other's effectiveness, and help maximize the effectiveness of amarketing campaign. Combining these three tools will help Omeez build a brand, increase brandawareness, create good relationships with customers, and enhance brand trust and reputation.

a. Advertising

Advertising tools are used to help Omeez campaigns reach their target customers through variousadvertising channels such as newspapers, radio, online, and more. Omeez campaigns can useadvertising tools to bring their message to their target customers through online advertising channels

