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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
1. Layers of scalp [Video]
2. Sensory nerves supplying scalp.<b>[Video]:Arteries supplying scalp.[Video]</b>
3. Arteries supplying face.
4. Components of lacrimal apparatus.
5. Structures pierces by parotid duct. [Video]
6. Structures passing through the parotid gland. [Video]7. Branches of facial artery.
8. Cutaneous nerve of side of neck and their root values.9. Tributaries of external jugular vein
10. Contents of posterior triangle. [Video]11. Contents of carotid triangle. [Video]12.Infrahyoid muscles and their nervedd supply.13.Suprahyoid muscles and their nerve supply14. Muscles supplied by ansa cervicalis.
15. Structures forming superficial relations of hyoglossus muscle.16. Structures passing deep to the posterior border of hyoglossus.17. Branches of external carotid artery.
18. Branches of cerebral part of internal carotid artery.19. Branches of 1st part of subclavian artery.
20. Tributaries of internal jugular vein.21. Medial relations of thyroid gland.22. Branches of 1<small>st</small> part of maxillary artery.23. Branches of 2<small>nd</small> part of maxillary artery.24. Branches of 3<small>rd</small> part of maxillary artery.25. Branches of maxillary nerve.
26. Branches of anterior division of mandibular nerve and structures supplied by them.
27. Muscles of mastication and their action.
28. Branches of posterior division of mandibular nerve and structures supplied by them.
29. Muscles of mastication and their nerve supply.30. Contents of infratemporal fossa.
31. Components of Waldeyer’s ring.
32. Muscles of tongue and their nerve supply.33. Muscles of soft palate and their nerve supply.34. Muscles of pharynx and their nerve supply.
35. Structures passing above the superior constrictor of pharynx.
36. Structures passing between superior and middle constrictor of pharynx.37. Structures passing between middle and inferior constrictor of pharynx.38. Structures passing below the inferior constrictor of pharynx.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">43. Structures opening in middle meatus of nose.44. Structures opening in inferior meatus of nose.45. Arteries supplying nasal septum.
46. Nerves supplying nasal septum.47. Nerves supplying lateral wall of nose.48. Paired and unpaired dural venous sinuses.
49. Structures passing through the lateral wall of cavernous sinus.50. Extra-ocular muscles and their nerve supply.
51. Nerves supplying auricle.
52. Contents of middle ear cavity/tympanic cavity.53. Muscles in tympanic cavity and their nerve supply.54. Structures attached to the styloid process.
55. Muscles attached to the styloid process and their nerve supply.56. Structures passing through superior orbital fissure.
1. Layers of scalp. [Video]2. Sensory innervation of face.
3. Components of lacrimal apparatus.4. Relations of parotid gland. [Video]
5. Structures emerging from the periphery of parotid gland. [Video]6. Horizontal disposition of deep cervical fascia.
7. Carotid sheath.8. Ansa cervicalis.
9. Superficial relations of hyoglossus muscle.
10. Mandibular nerve and its branches. [Video]11. Sensory innervation of tongue.
12. Relations of palatine tonsil.13. Arterial supply of palatine tonsil.
14. Arterial supply of nasal septum. [Video]
15. Lateral wall of nose with meatuses and structures opening into them. [Video]
16. Tympanic membrane
17. Relations and contents of tympanic/middle ear cavity.
1. Lacrimal apparatus[Click here].2. Buccinator muscle[Click here].
3. Lymphatic drainage of face[Click here].4. Venous draiage of face[Click here].5. Facial Artery[Click here].[Video]
6. Nerve supply of parotid gland[Click here]. [Video]7. Ansa cervicalis[Click here].
8. Carotid sheath[Click here].
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">9. Carotid Triangle [Click here] [Video]10. Internal jugular vein [Click here]11. Internal carotid artery[Click here].
12. Blood supply of thyroid gland[Click here].13. Otic ganglion[Click here].
14. Submandibular ganglion[Click here].15. Submandibular gland[Click here].16. Pterygopalatine ganglion[Click here].17. Temporomandibular joint[Click here].18. Muscles of mastication[Click here].19. Palatine tonsil [Click here].
20. Pyriform fossa[Click here].21. Paranasal air sinuses[Click here].22. Extraocular muscles[Click here].
23. Cavernous venous sinus[Click here].<b>[Video]</b>
24. Tympanic membrane[Click here].25. Middle ear cavity[Click here].26. Glossopharyngeal nerve[Click here].27. Facial nerve[Click here].
31. Dangerous area of face[Click here].[Video]
1. <b>Describe parotid gland under the following headings:</b>
1. Location and parts2. Relations
3. Nerve supply4. Applied anatomy
2. <b> Describe thyroid gland under the following headings:[ Video -Thyroid gland]</b>
3. Nerve supply correlated with development4. Lymphatic drainage
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">5. Applied anatomy
4. <b>Describe temporomandibular joint under the following headings:</b>
1. Type
2. Capsule and ligaments
3. Movements and muscles responsible for causing movements4. Applied anatomy
5. <b>Describe cavernous sinus under the following headings:</b>
1. Location2. Relations
3. Tributaries and connections4. Applied anatomy
6. <b>Describe palatine tonsil under the following headings:</b>
1. Location and external features2. Relations
3. Arterial supply4. Applied anatomy
<b> 7. Describe facial nerve under the following headings:</b>
a. Functional components b. Course
c. Branches and distribution d. Applied aspect
<b> 8. Describe glossopharyngeal nerve under the following headings:</b>
a. Functional components b. Course
c. Branches and distribution d. Applied aspect
<b>9. Describe oculomotor nerve under the following headings:</b>
a. Functional components b. Course
c. Branches and distribution d. Applied aspect
<b> 10. Describe hypoglossal nerve under the following headings:</b>
a. Functional components b. Course
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5">c. Branches and distribution d. Applied aspect
1. Dangerous layer of scalp[Click here].
2. A blow on head lead to ‘Black eye’[Click here].3. Wounds of scalp bleed profusely[Click here].4. Dangerous area of face[Click here].
5. Bell’s palsy[Click here].
6. Inflammatory swelling of parotid gland are very painful[Click here].7. Parotid abscess is drained by horizontal incision[Click here].
8. Frey’s syndrome[Click here].
9. Cut in external jugular vein 1/2 inch above the clavicle may be fatal.
10. Formation of calculus is more common in the submandibular gland than parotid gland[Click here].
11. For excision of submandibular gland, the incision in the skin should be given approx. 1 inch below the angle of mandible[Click here].
12. Thyroid gland moves up and down during swallowing[Click here].13. During thyroidectomy, thyroid gland is removed along with the true
capsule[Click here].
14. During thyroidectomy, superior throid artery is ligated close to the upper pole of thyroid gland, whereas the inferior thyroid artery is ligated away from the inferior pole[Click here].
15. Genioglossus is known as safety muscle of the tongue[Click here].16. Bleeding during tonsillectomy[Click here].
17. Quinsy[Click here].
18. There may be loss of taste sensation following tonsillectomy[Click here].19. Removal of foreign bodies lodged in pyriform fossa may lead to loss of
protective cough reflex[Click here].
20. Killian dehiscence and pharyngeal diverticulum[Click here].
21. Posterior cricoarytenoid is known as safety muscle of the larynx[Click here].
22. Patient having cancer of tongue often complains of earache[Click here].23. Maxillary sinus is the most commonly infected paranasal air sinus[Click