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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
‘What lies infront of you is the result ofthe Master Thess, the final step before graduationIn Chil Engineering at Delft University of Technology (DUT). This project is about theanalysis and modelling of boundary conditions and the conceptual design of Port Dong Lam,Thua Thien-Hue Province, Vietnam. The work was executed in cooperation with RoyalHaskoning- departments Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
<small>Royal Haskoning provided me a working space and put all their information, knowledge and</small>
advice at my disposal for which | am thankful. As well | want to show my gratefulnes tothe members of my graduation committee for guiding me during the process
Prof. ir. H.igteringen Delft University of Technology, chai Ports & Waterways
Dr iJ. Van de Graatt Delft University of Technology, chair Coastal Engineering
OUR Walstra Delft University of Technology, chair Coastal Engineering
eM. Westra Royal Maskoning (NL), department Coastal & Rivers
<small>rT lings Royal Haskoning (NU, department Maritime</small>
Besides | want to thank my overseas supervisors in Vietnam for providing information andadvice:
trM.Coopman. Royal Haskoning (VN), department Maritime
ro M. Kiibberc Royal Haskoning (VN), department Maritime
Last but not least | want to show my appreciation to my frends, roommates and fellowstudents Special thanks go to my family, Mischa and my close friends Lock, Paul, Cyriel andJan, Without their support the mountain to climb would have been a few steps higher.
<small>[At the end of this project | can say that | have really expanded my knowledge and skils,</small>
both technically and pragmaticaly. Moreover, my self awareness has reached a higher levelhich i priceless with regard to my future. The struggle to achieve this was tough and I‘would ike to quote 3 fellow student to describe this journey:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
at ik het afstudeerwerk vergeljken met een tocht over de Andes van Chilinaar Argentinié.
<small>Vooraf likt het een prachtig mooie tocht te worden, het begin laopt relaxed, maar er komt</small>
ongetwifeld een as waar niet overheen te komen is, Dagen van sneeuwstormen en
_sychologische ellende zorgen ervoor dat we geen steek verder komen. Mar naarmate het
berglandschop bekender terrein wordt, worden nieuwe paden zichtboar. Met de weinigeervaring stuiten we nog op een cantal tegenslagen die we van tevoren niet haddenvoorzien, maar omdat we goede bogage hebben en een porte Kennis over de elementenlukt het ons met gezond verstand om een weg te banen door de Cordillera
(Andesgeberate). Aangekomen in Argentin® staat vervolgens een vilegtuig Ho, dle kun je
"emen, naar welke plek op aarde dan ook. Bas van Son (2008)
Wouter Broersen Delt, 28 mei 2010,
<small>‘Dong Lam Cement Factory is developing a new clinker plant in Thua Thien-Hue Province,</small>
Vietnam. The clinker has to be exported towards Ho Chỉ Minh City, where it is grinded into
<small>cement and used for the construction industry. For the clinker production coal is needed</small>
and has to be imported. To make the in- and export possible a new dedicated seaport i
<small>required to allow for 15,000 dut clinker vessels and 7,000 dt coal vessel</small>
From the production plant, the clinker bulk is transported to a storage facility by truck.From here the material is transported to the seaport by means ofa conveyor belt. The coal's transported by the same modalities but vice versa,
In the fist phase up to 2015) about 2 milion ton per year bulk material is expected to behandled at tis port Inthe second phase (2015 -2035) this amounts about 4 milion ton per
year of bulk material. Following the increasing demand for concrete, a doubling of the
In the third project phase (2035 and up).
‘The objective i to design s port with sufficient capacity to handle the predicted cargo flowand which offers acceptable conditions for the ships to enter. The effective berth andhinterland capacity have to be determined such, that turnaround times are within limits. To
<small>create safe conditions, the vessels need to have enough space for manouevrng inthe wet</small>
sitation on the long term, To ensure the workability of the port these effects have to belite.
<small>AnalysisPort capacity</small>
<small>To determine the effective berth capacity the queuing theory is applied. In phase 1 and 2</small>
‘one clinker and one coal berth satity with effective capacities of respectively 700 and 375
‘fh respectively. In phase 3 two clinker and two coal berths are needed with the same
<small>Foading/anloading rates, Clinker is loaded with a radial loader and coal is unloaded with a</small>
‘Soundary coneitions
To get insight in the environmental boundary conditions, field data is collected andanalysed thoroughly. In Vietnam the wind climate is governed by the South-Fast Asian‘monsoon system, with 3 dominant SE direction and strong NNE winds, The wave climate is
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
Having frequent waves from the NNE and SE, littoral transport is generated in north- andsouthward direction, Nevertheless, the northward transport is clearly dominant, Currentsare heading SE for mast of the time.
Port dimensions
<small>“To reduce the breakwater length, itis decided for the tugs to make fast outside the</small>
breakwaters. Asa consequence, almost 4% of downtime can be expected, since tugs cannot‘operate when Hs > 2m. Once the vessel has entered the harbour the stopping manoeuvrecan be started, which requires an inner channel length of 290 m. The turning circle allowsfor the turning manoeuvre for which a radius of 290 m is reserved. Inthe mooring basin,ships are forced into the rght position to make safe berthing possible. This requires a with(of 210 m and a quay length of 652 m. Note that these basic dimensions are determined for
project phase 3 ( berths), considering a 15,000 đạt design vessel
<small>Layouts and evaluation</small>
Four different layouts re developed for phase 3 ofthe project. Two of them are dismissedin an early stage, because of unfavourable conditions. The other two layouts ~ the ‘coastal’and 'ofshore' alternative, are evaluated with a costvalue approach. In this approach thevalue of each design i assessed by means of 2 MCA.
“The following criteria are taken into consideration: navigation, tranquility at berth, coastal
<small>Impact, sedimentation, ease of cargo handling, safety and flexibility. Regarding navigation</small>
and wind, wave and current hindrance, no significant differences are found. It turns out
<small>that the most important difference is found in the coastal impact. The coastal alternative</small>
will eause erosion along 7.5 km of coastine with a maximum retreat of 100m. Instead, theoffshore alternative affects ‘only’ 3 km with maximum retreat of 70m.
“The other element of the costvalue approach is the costs. The investment costs for the
coastal altemative are 64.1 Mộ, which include the dredging works, breakwater and quay
construction. The costs for the offshore port amount 77.5 Mộ, which entails the dredging
<small>works, breakwater, jetty quay and trestle construction. The relative low costs for the</small>
coastal alternative are achieved by applying the cutand-fil balance; the dredged sand isused as breakwater foundation. Maintenance dredging costs are 1.75 MS and 0.9 Mộ forrespectively the coastal and offshore alternative
To finish the cost-value approach the value/cost ratio is taken for both port layouts. Thecoastal alternative (1.11) turns out to be 2 better port layout than the offshore alternative(0.95)
<small>Downtime assessment</small>
The total downtime amounts 54% hich s entals the following contributions:
<small>+ Wave height exceedance tugs: 3.9%</small>
<small>Wind speed exceedance moored vessels 1.5%</small>
28/05/2010 w ——————
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>TABLE OF EQUATIONS. - xu</small>
<small>1:12 Metacean conditions</small>
<small>4341 bata collection.432 Modeling</small>
<small>133. Tronsportcopacties</small>
<small>134. Port dmensions</small>
<small>1.35 Layout design and concep selection.</small>
<small>251. Crote-shore profi. „261 Tức R2⁄63 Woterlevel setup, B</small>
<small>274 Background. 92.72 Normal conditions 202.73. Entreme conltions 25274 Conclusion. ”281 Normal conditions 2282 Extreme conaltions</small>
<small>291 Normal conditions2.9.2 Extreme conltions.2.93 conclusion.</small>
<small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>A7. 522414 Conclusion vn vn vn s62:12 Cosstat womnocaor %2121 TUNG (2001). 552422 Littoral tronsport under normal condltions. " —2123 tittoral ransport under extreme conditions. " —213 Soveonomons</small>
<small>2421 ConclusionTRANSPORT CAPACITY.</small>
<small>.... 6s</small>
<small>3.2 02DafohALRCoUROupds 633.3 Transom Cannes, “2.34 Berth assessment 6332 Conveyor belt</small>
<small>333 Storage oreo.334. Road3.35. Goncsion.4 BASIC PORT DIMENSIONS..</small>
<small>41 mopueron. kì42 Nomacconomens. 843° DES6NVESL 8</small>
<small>44 Warennen ao</small>
<small>44.1 Approach chanel " ° ° đo(442 Turing Cle " : . on a5443° Mooring Basin, đề444 Quoy length " - - vn để45° Concuson, a75 ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS.</small>
<small>54 INHBBuCToM</small>
<small>52 Desiouconsoenations 4653 — Pomruvours 90531 Refinement of port oyouts. : " Eì54 MuienTENnannns, 96541 Novigaton. ”542. Trơguliyatbenh " " 97543. Coastolimpact. " " —.544 Sedimentation 105545 Softy on 108546 Fentiley.. - 198547 Result 10355 CantaLcostsencuunon a551 Coastal por. ˆ " ˆ —-552. Offshore por. 1856 _ Manrenance costs exesanon. 26561 Coastolpor. ˆ " ˆ ——-562 Offshore por. 1657. CostvaEaenone nh6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS... 1g</small>
<small>421 Dato and modeling 130622 Pordesign 130</small>
<small>621 Calelation of maximum wove eight. ut€22 Calelation of wave height at port ste 1aC23. Example coleviaton as</small>
<small>E. _ OHSHORECURRENTS... 5. ass</small>
<small>F.WAVE MODELLING onsen 5. as?</small>
<small>22 Land boundary 157F22 Computational grits. 18£23 bathymetry 1593.1 Hydrodynamic boundory conditions. 160F32 Physialpocametes. tết#33. Numencal parameter 162</small>
<small>E51 Normal conditions 162</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>62 ŒACromua 67G21 Genero 167622 Calculation setup, - " —623 Coleulation of wave prametes. : 1656.2.4 Calelaion of shoaling ond refraction factors. 169625 Coleultion of sediment transport. - 706.26 Colevltion nput ond output " 10G3 MKEUTPACK-LHORET 3G31 Gener ° 473632 Hydrodynamic mode... ˆ " ` 3633 Sediment ronsport model 173634. Model setup " " —_635 Mode! settngs : " vd?636 Model input 178637 Calbration ond vodation... ` ` 179G38. Model output. " " ——.639 semlriyenglsis 183Ga MKEUTPACK-LHUNE 4395641 Gener ` ° —3G42 Mode! setup 185643 Mode int. " - - ——.G44 Caliration ond voidation...</small>
<small>645. Mode output</small>
<small>H. CALCULATIONS ON BERTH CAPACITY.Ha phases</small>
<small>H2 Pa?Hà P3</small>
<small>1. BREAKWATER CALCULATIONScosta ron</small>
<small>TABLE OF FIGURES</small>
<small>Figure: planed pot steln Google Earth mage. 3Figure 2: wanspor syst for ctr export and oa import. 4Figured: bathymeuy ner Thue Then Hue Province abained om Cap. 10Figure’: bathymeny near pr ste obtained rom Cap. 10Figue:cossshore CC, aFique7: ferent waterevesina maed ie 2Figure 8 measurement ofthe water lve athe project 3Figured: schematization of wind setup. 15Figure 10: sehemavzaton ofthe fetch for wid setup caleaton 8Figure 1: schematzaton of wave setup 7Figure 12: cnet. of wave setup. „</small>
<small>le 15: yoheon Cea and in Vietnam a the 150 of Cctabe, 985, 2Figure 15: wing ciate ecordng tothe China Sea Plt aFigure 17: NOAA win ses forthe sda locations mèFigure 18: winrose (0) 2Figure 1: ue series of wind gee in 1986, mèFigure 20: cumulative exceedance frequency versus winé speed 25Figure 2: 0p 50of won! depressions iting ceta Vietnam between 1959 and 2003 26Figure 22: NORA wave roses forthe si data locations. 29Figure 2: ue series of wave height i 1998. 30Figue 2: wave os wave helt, dtecton and reauena) StFigure 25: wave os wave ptog, decton ad teaver 3Figure 25: wave hit versus Hequenyeneedance 33</small>
<small>Figure 29: wave mdel su fe random wave conden 38Figure 30: otshore wave rose with schematied wave deco. Sour: NORA locaton 18WIO7.SE... 39re 3: nearshore wove ose at 15 mate danh, 0Figure 32: camulatve potabity fexceedace vets wave height ofsore and eyzlore wave data. 2Figure 3: Typhoon €D 1990] coming om ES (11259 director and showing the dominant wave on... 43Figure 3: cues inthe South hina Sa, Source: UXO (178) “Figure 35 leatonsofcurent measurement about 600m ofshore} Source: TEIPORT. 2</small>
<small>Figure 3: eens fo verti! 3 Source ocalmeasutement by TEDPORT 50</small>
<small>Figue 37: yaropraphia suey oes ring Me 150000, =Figure 38: bed sal of oation MOS. =Figure 3: et seman vasport org the coastal bare lm Than ti nh Tha 8Figure: ross-sore st buon of sediment rasp or 1/10 yeas yphoen conan. =Figure a: oss-sore bự of sede raspot or 1/59 restyehopncondten 38Figure a2: ross-sore distribu of sediment rasp or 1/10 yeas monsoon conde, 39Figure 3: ross-sore distribu of sediment traspet or 1/50 ens monsoon conde, 38Figure: borehole cations for getecncal survey. “Figure : geotechnical ross stton nating ou ferent sl ayes. “</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>Figure 0: example ofa aa loader for diner oosing. aFique i: empl ofa continous uioeder or cal vlasing a</small>
<small>Figure 3: example of conveyor bt rom enlosel a</small>
<small>Figure: angular sap af trage areas. 8Figure: example ofa covered warehouse 6Fique 7: read between production plant na Pot Dong am 7%Figure 9: eres of dai angle dag entering ofthe pt. 2Figure 0: base manoeuring with of alin Si. =Figure 52: eeuredgsce le eperations in marin Bs “Figure 53: —— vịFigure 6: ross shore distin of sediment rnp during 1/10 em yghazn mFigure 65: sediment ăngươl dng typhoon event = oat pot. 2Figure 5: sediment ai dự hệ nansoon event costa pot 33Figure 7: ross shore dstibaion ol edna anspor dung 1/10 year monsoon, 9Figure 5: sediment warspot dng nanan antyphoon events sore pr 3Fique 0: aeacton sound besevater bend costa pot 38mì." mmFigure 72: coat rosin -cosal son 10Figure 7: coastal weston lho pot, 108Figure 75: stavon aes for costal por. 05Figure 76: ross shore sediment sistibution ding 1/10 monsoon tom without and with coast roth 206|Figure 7: station sea or iso port 108Figure 7: possive port expansion cout por. 109Figure 0:.and gi anand elamation costal port, 12Figure: rosssecion of sand sit. mFigure 2: exsion patie for sandy Sch. 12Figure 3: ongtudnalrescsedionefhe main reakate lower pcre onde Secondary breakwater,</small>
<small>Figure 5: rss-secon 1a 2 Teun on sae spit canst port 16Figure 8: cross-sections end 4~coatal por. nềFigure 8: regi works -ofshore se, 120Figure 3: sand spt-otore pore. 20Figure 1: wave height and water depths tom SWAN model -oshore por 1mFigure 92: cross-sections Land -ffshoe pot 123Figure 93: expe fa ety ay conected t he any este asFigure 94: cost estimate other or. 25Figure 95: fa port deg, 29Figure 97: windrose, Sure: WS, Con Ce sod ngFigure 98: wave ose. Source: HNS of Con Co lad 7Figure 100: 109 50 of opal depressions iting cert Velram between 1959 an 2008 29Figure 11: dimensions of lone winds m</small>
<small>igre 101/8 ers Uae</small>
<small>`..."Figure 108: determination of tant betwee nail nd po tsFire 106: examin eaculton determination of HA</small>
<small>Figure 107: Wel detrs ion ites wind speeds of 33 mandaFigure 108: rencton Setwean trop tars ana typhors</small>
<small>Fire 109: Webul derbtion teat wave eens of 66 m anu.Fire 110: Wel ted to wave hgbtof3 3m ap</small>
<small>Figure 11; cuarets inthe South hina Sea, Source UKHO (1978)Figure 12: compatatonal gis ued nthe SWAN moe</small>
<small>Figure 19: ln boundary, computations ada bathymetry for er 1Flere 15: rid 2 ante thy,</small>
<small>Figure 116: wav stenution for wave canton 20,7.Figure 117: rd 1 (mettosre]ln modeling of etree wave,</small>
<small>Figure 118: wave power P per unt beach eth eft} an the alorgsore component f(a</small>
Figure 19: Ines tden between StI, ]2bd?(PVbased on measurements.
<small>ge 120: thyme survey by TEIPORT.</small>
<small>ge 122: fl vloety by Van Rin (188) ad el raugue 12%: mesniredard approximated el curentlyeve 125: wave height wave pod ad sent traeport in 1988.</small>
<small>Fee 126 wave height wave peed and sediment transport as between 1987 and 2008,Figure 127; accumulated sediment vanspot from 87t 2008,</small>
<small>Fee 12: esto he senetty aah</small>
<small>ge 129° UTNE ngứa tp th neste boundary condor.Fee 10 fire por sehematatin</small>
<small>eye 13: oat por sharataton</small>
<small>Fee 12: detintion of cosrtee careersFieve 13: apt dedeng ot.</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>TABLE OF TABLES</small>
<small>Table: fetch schematization and wind setup celaton. 18Table 2: wd speed and rection an hecoresponðngfreeuehdesofovrere 23Table wave het and rection and the conesponding occurence equences StTable 5: wave erie and điecion andthe coesponding ocutence Frequencies. 3Table 6: wav steepness for the ferent waveclinats. 3Table 7: typhoon generated entreme waves, 35Table 8 monsoon generated erene waves 36Table: wave height and rection and he coespondingHequencies ference aTable 10: clean of typhoon wave periods unde srene condor. aTable 1: ofshore yon condtionsfor wave mode aTable 12: earshae typhoon wave cordon fe seuctura dein "Table 15: earshoe typhoon wave cordon rtm rangpotcld/alen “Table: clean of monsoon ae periods under errineconđtons a3Tale 5: otsore monsoon condton fr wave made “Table 16 earshare monsoon wave contons, “Table 17: rent vdodt ae the ocurnce frequency) vera 2 Sure: TEDIPONT. 0Tale sedan characteris forMDI to MDET sable 19 ttl tora anspor per year an pe 2 ya" by CEC formu, STTable 0 tl tora transport per yar an pe 2 year 2 cla by UTPACK. “Table 21: input for typhoon ndieedsedheandgofC, 38Table 2: put for monsoon ince seeimen wanspor. 0able 23: determination of coal volun, mTable f-ecupatd, Teen wating tire and mean tunarund time mPhase 1 70Table 25: zcuparcy, mesa wating tre and mean tunaround time Phase 2 aTable 26: xcupancy, mean wang tere and mean turnaround tie m Pras 3. aTable 27: requted tage afeas oe storage fact mmTable requred trae afeas focal storage cty, 7Table 29: equred numberof ets, vanspot ang storage capacities 78Table 30: characters of ck and cal veel =Table 31: clean rst of canna wih, aTable 32: clean results of rant doth BsTable 35: clean restore hannel pth asTable 4: summary af water area dimensions. srTable 35: determination of weight fats. 96Table 36: wae acon atts for coastal pot 98Table 37: woe tract ats for fsbore pot. °°Table 38: ooglne gro intme for coastal pe. amTable 39: caste growthin earofElorepert 02Table: MeAres 10Table 1: clean of and pt volume aTable 42: required volumes of concrete and natralock casa port. sựble 45: mateilsealblfyandcost sưTable placing and tot costs pe ms 8Tale 5: Cost of lo armour uns. ueTable đề Tot costs of reakwaters- costal or. 8</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 17</span><div class="page_container" data-page="17"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>Tade 0: NPV maintenance sreding operations atshore pr. my“Tate Si: Cog-Vaue Approach 8Table 3: ave eight and ection and he carespndng requences of ocurenee 17Table 54: lop 30 typhoons belween 1959-2008 and corssonding win speeds 140Table đoan ratio Jf rato MMR sak and HS mọc ste 16Table: ample calla: characteris of typhoon Xengtae PTae 59: nal clean: actual wave height Hein). 8‘Tati g0ap 10 monsoon stormsin ems wave bight 152Table 62: SWAN ngu an ouput or aishore-reasnore wave Vantin 161Tate 66:wave height versus period ad the catespording occurence equeny mm— amTable: ab versus wave hit and wave decton. inTobe 70: ch versus wove eight and wave diet, inTable 7c wave eight and period andthe coesponding trl anspor i</small>
<small>Table 0: maintenance edging eosts-constl por 197Table I: mantnance dredging eosts-olshore por 198</small>
<small>Equation: catlation 69</small>
<small>quaon 25 Ses aw an caleuation of gb 170Equation 29 refraction fer. 270</small>
<small>quaton 30: conseraton of energy in waves 70</small>
<small>Equation 32 ctalaon S 70Equation 35: allaon dimensiones bed shear sues. a4Equation 34: vrtcal turbulent fs equation, 78quaon 35: suspended sediment warsport a8Equation 36 clelaUen fal vdedt, 176Equation 37: clan of nematic west a8Equation 38 cominty equation fr sadmert HH</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 19</span><div class="page_container" data-page="19"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>1 INTRODUCTION</small>
1.1 Study Background
Dong Lam Cement Factory ~ one of the largest privately owned cement companies in
<small>Vietnam -s developing @ new clinker plant in Thus Thien-Hue Province. As wel, three other</small>
shareholders including a bank and other trading companies are involved
Next to the location of the plant there is a limestone quarry which provides the mainTnạredient for production process. The produced clinker will be exported from the provinceAandi will require coal forthe production, To make this possible a new dedicated seaportrequired to allow for upto 15,000 dwt clinker vessels and up to 7,000 dt coal vessels. This
<small>‘new seaport terminal to be constructed several kilometres from the quany plant on the</small>
coastal stretch North West ofthe city Hue (see Figure 1). Inthe first phase (up to 2015)
<small>about 2 milion ton per year bulk material is expected to be handled at this port. In the</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 23</span><div class="page_container" data-page="23">Port Dong Lam ROYAL HASKG
The clinker bulk will be transported from the plant to a storage faclity by truck over aspecilly-build new road, From there the material is transported tothe seaport by means ofa conveyor belt. The coal is transported the other way around, This is shown in Figure 2.From the por, the clinker Is exported to a grinding plant in Ho Chi Minh City, where iti
srinded into cement.
<small>The por is to be located on the beginning ofa coastal barrier, which is about 30 km away</small>
{com Thuan An inlet ofthe Tam Giang - Cau Hat lagoon ~ shown in the upper right corner in
<small>Figure 2. This lagoon is located in Thưa Thien-Hue province which is one ofthe six provinces</small>
In the region of the North Central Coast. The province borders the Quang Tri Province to
<small>the north, the city of Da Nang to the eas, the Quang Nam Province to the south, and the</small>
Xekong Province of Laos to the west
1.2 Metocean conditions
In Vietnam, the monsoon system is the governing force of the wind and wave climate
<small>Besides, typhoons find their origin in the Western Pacific Ocean and propagate towards the</small>
Vietnamese coast. The most affected areas by typhoons are the coastal provinces of the
<small>North and Central regions. This means that wave conditions are strong and that severe</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 24</span><div class="page_container" data-page="24">wave conditions can be expected. Together with the sandy beaches this can lead tosignificant erosion and accretion, which has to be studied when building port structures,
<small>1.2 Study Scope</small>
Paragraph 1 shows that an extensive transport system is required in between the clinkerand grinding plant to enable the transport of clinker and coal bulk. In ths study the focus ion the port design, which forms a very important element. The design ofthe conveyor beltand storage facility is not considered in this study. Only the required capacities aredetermined
\When designing a port four important conditions should be fufile:
<small>‘+ The port entrance at the seaside shouldbe safe and well accessible</small>
<small>‘+The port basins and quays should provide adequate space for manoeuvring and</small>
berthing ofthe ships
<small>‘+ Atthe quay sufficient loading and unloading capacity shouldbe available</small>
‘+The hinterland connections shouldbe efficent and have enough capacity
<small>Ín Paragraph 1.1.2 it was stated that knowledge and understanding about the metocean</small>
and morphological circumstances in the port surroundings is crucial to make a proper port
<small>sign. The study objective can be outlined as follows:</small>
‘The objective isto design a port with sufficient capacity to handle the predicted cargo flowand which offers acceptable condiions for the ships to enter and forthe surroundings. This‘means that wave and current disturbance dnd sedimentation ofthe harbor basin have to be
<small>limited as well as the morphological impact on the coast.</small>
To give insight in the structure of this study the objective can be separated into five main
1, Data callection
2, Modeling of offshore wave conditions te nearshore and modeling of Hteral
3.. Determination of required port capacity
4. Caleulation of basic port dimensions
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 25</span><div class="page_container" data-page="25"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
1.3. Study approach and contents
43.1 Datacollection
Before any design can be initiated, information has to be Known on the coastal,bathymetric and climate conditions. As well data is required about the water level, wind,waves and currents. Moreover, the sediment characterises and littoral transport have tobe known and quantiled to be able to make a proper port design. As well, the soil
<small>conditons have to be known for foundation of the structures, These data sources can be</small>
13.2 Modeling
‘To determine the nearshore wave climate, littoral sediment transport and coastal impact,‘numerical models will be setup using SWAN and MIKE LITPACK, The results from the wave‘modeling study form the input for the morphological model. In both models, normal and
<small>‘extreme conditions are considered. The resufs of the wove and morphological model can</small>
be found in Paragraph 2.9 and 2.12 respectively. For more details the reader is refered to
<small>Appendices Fand 6.</small>
<small>4.3.3 Transport capacities</small>
Based on the predicted cargo forecasts the required number of ships per year can bedetermined. From this the number of berths, loading and unloading capacities, conveyorbelt capacity and the storage areas can be calculated, This is described throughoutParagraph 3.1 t03.3
134. Portdimensions
By means of design guidelines the principal dimensions of the port can be formulated,
taking into consideration the environmental boundary conditions. The principal port
<small>dimensions are understood as the approach channel, mooring basi, turning circle and the</small>
‘quay length, These basic almensions con be found in Paragraph 4.2 to 45,
1.3.5 Loyout design and concept selection
The port layouts are designed based on guidelines in Paragraph 5.2 and 5.3. The followingelements are considered!
<small>+ Breakwaters)</small>
<small>© Quy</small>
<small>Turning basin+ Mooring basin</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 26</span><div class="page_container" data-page="26">‘Based on the cost and value of the different layouts, the best layout is selected. To assessthe value ofthe diferent layouts, a MCA analysis is done in Paragraph 5.4 and takes thefollowing aspects into account:
<small>‘+ Navigation</small>
<small>Wave disturbance</small>
<small>+ Coastal impact</small>
<small>+ Sedimentation+ Cargo handing</small>
<small>+ safety</small>
<small>+ Flexibility</small>
<small>In Paragraphs 5.5 and 5.6 respectively the capital and maintenance costs are calculated. At</small>
last in Paragraph 5.7 the best port layout is concluded,
1.4 Miscellaneous
<small>To avoid misunderstandings while reading ths report, one important remark is made:‘+ Allcompass directions ae relative to the North unless stated differently,</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 27</span><div class="page_container" data-page="27"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
24. Introduction
In this chapter the collected fel data Is described and analysed thoroughly. large part ofthe data has been obtained from a local survey, executed by the Vietnamese engineeringcompany TEDIPORT. Normal and extreme condtions are considered, which enables theetermination of the serviceability of the port and the design of the port structures. The
<small>following boundary conditions are studies:</small>
<small>+ Coastal characteristics+ Climate</small>
<small>+ Topography+ BathymetryWater levels+ Winddimate</small>
<small>+ Offshore wave climate+ Nearshore wave climate</small>
<small>“The central coast of Vietnam is characterized by an abundance of small and medium size</small>
estuaries and lagoons formed at the mouth of rvers that discharge the steep hinterland,
<small>More than 60 rivers meet the South China Sea along 1500 km of coastline. Rivers usually</small>
are short and steep with gradients generally steeper than 1:100. The coasts predominantlysandy as 2 result of high fluvial sediment input during flood periods which nourish themainland beaches and sandy bariers that form across estuary mouths and tidal inlets“Mainland beaches and barriers are typically steep and narrow and are dominated by cross:shore sediment transports. The sediment of the beaches and barriers is rather coarse. Inthe south of the Central coast, the coast line is daminated by rocky headlands or bysheltered bays behind headlands; sand deposition is limited to pocket beaches and river‘mouths (TUNG, 2006}.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 28</span><div class="page_container" data-page="28">Vietnam has a cool season with cold winds. high pressure system sets up over China andGrives winds across the ocean from the north-east. This scaled the winter monsoon, withan average wind speed of 4 m/s and occasional strong winds up to 17 m/s. Thetemperatures can fall to 12°C in the plains but the average monthly temperature is stil20°C. Relative humidity is high, between 85 and 95%,
<small>Ín the period May till August, when the continental high pressure area diminishes, the</small>
summer monsoon sets in and causes winds from the SW. Wind speeds are normally lowerthan in the winter months, up to 11 m/s. In this warmer period, average monthlytemperatures are 28°C in July, reaching up to 41°C occasionally. The relative humidity ilower, sometimes down to 50%.
‘The annual ainfal anges from 1500 mm to 4000 mm. The rainy season is during the South‘monsoon, from May to September; about 70 percent of the precipitation occurs in those
<small>months. The central region receives its maximum rainfall during tropical storms in</small>
2.4 Topography
‘hua Thien-Hue Province is made up of four different zones: the mountains, il, pains and
<small>lagoons which are separated from the sea by sand barriers.</small>
The mountains, covering more than half the total surface of the province, are along thewest and southwest border ofthe province, ther height varying from 500 to 1480 meters.The hills are lower, between 20 to 200 meters and occupy 3 third of the area of theprovince. The plains ccount for about one tenth ofthe surface area, with a height of about20 meters above sea level. The lagoons occupy the remaining 5 percent ofthe surface area
<small>cof the province.</small>
<small>Figure 3 rivers and lagoon system in Thua Thi: Hue province.</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 29</span><div class="page_container" data-page="29"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
25° Bathymetry
island, named Con Ca, can be recognised together with some shoals further offshore, Thecontour lies show an Inclined patter, in which the continental shelf of North Vietnam canbe recognised,
Figure 4: bathymetry near Thus Thien-Hue Province obtained from C-map,
<small>In Figure 5a close up bathymetry is shown, also obtained from C-Map. The 20, 30 and 50 m</small>
water depth solines are clearly visible
25.1 Œossshoreprojle
In Figure 6 the crose-sbere profile C-C'~ a incated in Figure Sis shown from-SO m úp to“he dune at 45.0 m. The frst part is almost linear witha slope of 1:70, Further offshore, 3shallow area is found with a minimum water depth of -16:5 m. Next, the profile continueslinearly towards deeper waters witha slope of 1:200 m.
<small>Distance to cost in)</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 31</span><div class="page_container" data-page="31"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
2.6 Water levels
‘The sea level i frequently subject to fluctuations, mainly due to astronomical and‘meteorological forces. The te causes water movement ina regular pattern and is the onlycomponent that can be well predicted, Meteorological influences - such as water levelsetup due to low pressure, wind and waves ~ have an iregular character and cannot be
<small>rise has a long-term influence on the water level</small>
In Paragraph 2.6.1 the tide is described and in Paragraph 2.6.2 the water level setup icaleulated. In Paragraph 2.6.3 the sea level rise is discussed,
261° Tide
“The tidal regime at the future port location is mixed; Le. iregular semidiurmal, in whichsemiciurnal constituents preval. This normally means two high {one Higher High Water and‘one Lower High Water) and two low (one Higher Low Water and one Lower Low Water)
<small>tides in a day. See Figure 7.</small>
<small>Figure 7: dlferent wate levels ina mixed tide</small>
<small>26:11 Data available</small>
Data on the tide were collected from four sources:
<small>+ Local measurement at the port ste</small>
‘+ Measurements (Hydro Meteorological Station at Cua Viet)
<small>‘British Admiralty Charts (UK Hydrographic Ofice)</small>
Global inverse Tide Model {Oregon State University)
28/05/2010 m Se Thesis WAA roersen
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 32</span><div class="page_container" data-page="32">The data sources where well anaiyzed and the local measurements proved to be the mostreliable data source. In Paragraph this data is described and conclusions are drawn,
<small>261.2 Local measurement</small>
TEDIPORT =a Vietnamese engineering company ~ has conducted a water level survey from
09/12/2008 to 09/24/2008. In this period winds were calm, so its assumed that the water
level registration isnot influenced significantly by meteorological influences.
Looking at the measurement in Figure 8 the tide reaches a maximum on 09/19/2008 of 41cm, which is a spring tide ~ knowing that full moon was on the 09/15/2008. As well, at
09/19/2008 the lowest water level during the spring tie is measured, which is -8 cm,
These water levels are measured with respect to National Datum (ND), which is equal tothe mean sea level
<small>The maximum water level during spring tide ~ which is called Higher High Weter Spring</small>
(HAWS) -is considered as normative for design. The minimum water level during spring ide
~ which is called Lower Low Water Spring (LLWS) ~is considered as Chart Datum (CD). TheHHWS becomes now 41 + 48 =89 cm w.r.t CD. Mean sea level (MSI 8 em wrt CD.
<small>Time series plot of hourly water level at Dong Lam station</small>
(Paro 2 Fra 106 Selanbrlo 20 Sgenbe 200) wt loml Dư
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 33</span><div class="page_container" data-page="33"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>Pressure and wind effects are often combined during storms, generating very long waves</small>
called storm surges, with a characteristic time-sale of several hours to one day and awavelength approximately equal to the width of the centre of the depression, typically
150-800 km (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF, 2007)
For the Vietnamese coast the most severe storm surges are Induced by typhoons. For astatistically correct calulation, this means that the once in 50 year typhoon conditionshave to be considered. Here a simplification is made by taking the most severe typhooncondilons which occurred in the last S0 years. This was typhoon Harriet in 1970 with the
<small>value of 925 hPa, this gives a water level se of 0.9 m,</small>
7, =0015013= p„)
FquaNion12w8ter evel rise due to low atmosphere pressure
<small>Wind setup</small>
The other contribution in storm surges s wind setup, see Figure 9. The wind induces a
‘and parallel bottom contours by Equation 2. The fetch is split up in 20 sections withdifferent water depths, as schematized in Figure 10. For the fetch length a distance of 250,km fs taken, which ls the average fetch in typhoons (see Appendix C). This results in a windsetup of 3.3m.
28/05/2010 m Se Thesis WAA roersen
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 34</span><div class="page_container" data-page="34"><small>Figure 8: schematization of wind setup.</small>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 35</span><div class="page_container" data-page="35"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
Fetch nr. Fetch length (m) Water depth (m) Set up (m)
<small>oe</small> <sub>{nen</sub>
<small>= deepwater wave at)</small>
<small>he water depth)</small>
<small>ymax = masa wave stu (m)</small>
<small>Figure 11: schematization of wave setup</small>
<small>Figure 12: caleulation of wave setup</small>
CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF (2007) proposed a chart from which the wave setup at the shoreline
<small>can be read for uniform sloping beaches. To do so, the beach slope, the deep water wave</small>
height HO and the ficttious deep water wave steepness HO/LO have to be known. From the‘wave model in Paragraph it follows that HO = 17.0 m with a return period of SO
deduced from Figure 6. Now the wave setup becomes 17 m.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 37</span><div class="page_container" data-page="37"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
26.3 Sealevelrise
In the Netherlands, the water level rise scenario due to climate change is 0.6 min 100 yearsfor structures which ae dificult to upgrade, like quay walls and terminals. Fora period of50 years, 0.3 m has tobe taken into account.
264 Conclusion
<small>2.64. Mean sea level</small>
+ MSLir0Sm wrtCD (rounded off)
<small>2.64.2 Extreme water level</small>
In Figure 13 the aitferent water level contributions are schematically presented. Summation
<small>+ Tie: 09m</small>
<small>* Storm surge: 4.2m</small>
<small>* Wavesetup: 17m+ Sealevelrise: 03m+ Total: 7a m</small>
Figure 13: extreme water level conteibutions.
‘This value is very large because all contributions are added up. In practice, the event that al‘the contributions occur at the same time has 3 low probablity. A probabilistic approach canoffer a more realistic solution inthis situation, but will not be applied here. Instead a factor‘of 0.75 is introduced to obtain a more realistic result. The approximated 1/50 year water
level becomes then: 0.75 *7.1=5.3mwatCD.
1 The once in 50 year water levalis 5.3 mwirt CO
27 Wind data
In Vietnam, monsoons winds are the governing force of the wind climate. Extreme windeendiiens are induced by typhoons. Several data sources have been collected, in which adistinction is made between normal and extreme conditions. The normal wind conditions
conditions (Paragraph 2.7.3) have tobe known in order to calculate extreme wave heights27.1 Background
<small> Monsoon winds</small>
<small>Figure 14: Aslan summer and winter monsoon system.</small>
<small>27.12 Typhoons</small>
Since 1954, there have been 212 typhoons landing in or dcectly influencing Vietnam. Therere about 30 typhoons originating inthe Western Pacific Ocean each year of which about10 are generated in the South China Sea, On average, 4 to 6 hit or affect the Vietnam coastleach year.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 39</span><div class="page_container" data-page="39"><small>Port Dong Lam</small>
<small>Figure 15: typhoon Cel landed in Vietnam atthe 15th of October, 1985,27.2 Normal conditions</small>
‘Wine data were collected from several sources and are listed here:
<small>‘National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, USA) -12 year data</small>
<small>‘China Sea Plt (UKHO, 1978) -130 year data</small>
<small>+ Hydro Meteorological Station at Con Co Island (Vietnam) ~20 year data</small>
‘The three data sources were well studied and the NOAA data source proved tobe the mostapplicable because omnidirectional data is provided, Besides, there Is also wave dataavailable from the NOAA which is favourable. In Paragraph the NOAA wind data is
<small>described extensively. As the data covers ‘only’ 12 years of measurement, the 130 year data</small>
fom the China Sea Plat is used as a check. The wind data from Con Co island can be found
<small>in Appendix B.1</small>
<small>27.21 China Sea Pilot</small>
The China Sea Pilot describes wind measurements on ships which are carried out for over130 years. In the North western part of the South China Sea, monsoon winds are coming
<small>from the NE in autumn and winter. Typically, wind speeds do not exceed Beaufort? (14-17,</small>
m/s). In spring and summer, the dominant directions are SE and SW. Winds speeds are
lower, ot exceeding Beaufort 5 (8 11 m/s). The wind patterns inthe different seasons ofthe year are shown in Figure 16.
28/05/2010 70 Se Thesis WAA roersen
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 40</span><div class="page_container" data-page="40">etermined every 3 hours and has been provided at six locations (see Figure 17). The
locations ae:
<small>© TÊN/107/55E+ 179N; 108.758</small>
<small>+ TENA</small>
<small>+ T8EN/107/55E</small>
<small>+ 189N/10875%E+ 1geN; anor</small>