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<b>Lecturer: Lam Minh QuanClass: 46K01.1Group 2:</b>

Le Tran Ai My (Leader)Ngo Thi Dac LoiDo Thi Hoang NganTran Le Ngoc Tram

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<i>Da Nang, May 6 , 2023</i>

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<b>2.History of the Formation and Development3.Mission statement</b>

<b>III.MARKET ANALYSIS1.Overview of Thailand</b>

<b>2.Target market</b>

<b>3.Market competitiona.</b>

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<b>V.MARKETING AND SALES STRATEGIES1.Advertising plans</b>

<b>2.Pricing plans3.Distribution plansVI.CONCLUSIONREFERENCES</b>

<b>Too long to read onyour phone? Save</b>

to read later onyour computer

Save to a Studylist

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Currently, students' demand for books is increasing, however, there are also concernsabout prices and environmental issues. That's why we created an online marketplace"Bookworm" where students can buy, sell and exchange everything they need for theirstudies including secondhand textbooks for courses from there. This helps not onlymake full use of old books, prevent waste, but also bring users a convenient andeconomical experience when shopping online. To use our services, users must have anaccount to register. After clicking the site link, the user's screen will show the homepage. Our website ensures the necessary features for both buyers and sellers to usesafely, conveniently, quickly, and conveniently. With more than 10 years of operation,accumulated experience, and certain success in the domestic market such asBookworm is ranked in the top 5 for both website visits ratings, with an average ofmore than 8 million visits per quarter, we have decided to expand the website to theinternational market, namely Thailand. Our target market is students who want to buyor sell used books. As a foreign website accessing the Thai market for the first time,our company has used a differentiation strategy and diversified advertising methodssuch as social networking platforms, car cards, or publicity... to convey thefunctionality of the website to the consumer. As a member of ASEAN, it is not toodifficult to penetrate the Thai market, where there are many similarities in terms ofculture and society. Although Thailand has some political difficulties and culturaldifferences, we have carefully researched to avoid those risks and barriers.

<b>II. COMPANY DESCRIPTION1.Overvie w of the company</b>

Bookworm Co., Ltd. is one of the few e-commerce companies operating in thesecondhand textbooks market in Vietnam, starting with the websitewww.bookworm.com in March 2010.

Over the years, Bookworm has developed into a reputable middleman for buying andselling used textbooks, connecting buyers with sellers through extremely simple,convenient, fast, and safe transactions. The company provides a secondhand textbookexchange service with all majors and essential stationery for students across the

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country at affordable prices, which helps them save costs compared to buying newtextbooks while still enjoying the pleasure of reading.

Bookworm company has an office located at 71 Ngu Hanh Son, My An Ward, NguHanh Son District, Da Nang City.

<b>2.History of the Formation and Development</b>

March 2010: During the second technology wave in Vietnam, Bookworm wasestablished with the mission of becoming an online marketplace for students tosell, buy, and trade textbooks based on the C2C (Customers to Customers)model.

2013: Bookworm became one of the leading websites for trading usedtextbooks in Vietnam, with over one million monthly visitors.

2015: Bookworm expanded its business to include various other study supplies.In addition to over 5,000 used textbooks, buyers could find other studyessentials on the site such as backpacks, pens, calculators, and more.

2017: Bookworm was honored to receive the award for the Outstanding commerce Website and Service of 2017.

E-2020: According to data recently published by Iprice Insight, Bookworm isranked in the top 5 for both website visits ratings, with an average of more than8 million visits per quarter.

<b>3.Mission statement </b>

The mission of the e-commerce application "Bookworm" is to make full use ofthe source of old books in order to protect the environment, avoid waste, and buyerscan access the books they need at reasonable prices. From there, connecting buyersand sellers, gives users the experience of buying and selling secondhand textbooksonline safely, conveniently, easily, and quickly. Thus, Bookworm is not only interestedin business but also concerned with environmental issues and bringing valuableknowledge resources to people in all parts of the country.

Nowadays, Bookworm is making more and more efforts to meet the needs of users,actively contributing to bringing the culture of "reading" more and more widely,integrating into the culture and knowledge economy of the world.

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Inside the business:

- For leaders: Fair treatment, creating the best conditions and opportunities foremployees to develop; encouraging, motivating, and caring at the right time,right place; building a comfortable working environment, keeping a friendlyand open attitude to connect everyone in the organization; trainingemployees according to international standards.

- For employees: Efforts to benefit the organization; work according tospecific and clear plans; constantly changing, actively contributing ideas;behave culturally in all situations; Always willing to learn, improveknowledge, and foreign language skills.

Outside the business:

- For the law and government: Ensure all company activities are compliantwith the law.

- For buyers and sellers: Respect mutual benefits, operate based on mutualbenefits, and put the interests of users first.

<b>III.MARKET ANALYSIS6.Overview of Thailand</b>

According to the study, Thailand has the highest weekly percentage of internet usersbetween the ages of 16 and 64 who make purchases online (66.8%). Thailand isfollowed by South Korea, where internet shopping accounts for 65.6% of all retailsales.

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By the end of 2020, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) commerce in Thailand will have grown from $33 billion in 2017 to $49 billion. In thatyear, 58% of households were doing their grocery and other shopping online. Theaverage annual customer spending on online purchases in 2020 of $1,738 was amongthe highest in Southeast Asia. The numbers above show that it is easy for ourcompany to enter the Thailand market and our products will reach more customers.Regarding reading habits, Thailand was the second most-read country in the world in2020. Thais spend an average of 80 minutes a day reading, up 14 minutes from theprevious study in 2015. Besides, for the past five years, the Thai government has beendeveloping Thailand 4.0, a value-based economic model that emphasizes social andenvironmental sustainability and is powered by innovation, creativity, and technology.Youth education is seen as essential to achieving this goal. Hence, our website tradingpre-owned textbooks are totally suitable for this trend. Mass production of books andpaper products requires a lot of lost trees. Therefore, buying used books is a uniqueway of saving the lives of many trees and helping the environment. By purchasingused textbooks, users are reducing paper consumption. Ultimately, users will reducethe use of paper and support the environment.

e-There is a sizable and expanding market for used textbooks in Thailand. The need forutilizing old textbooks grows along with the number of pupils and student population.This gave rise to an opportunity of setting up a website where people could exchange,buy, and sell used textbooks. Online shopping has become more convenient andconsumer confidence has increased with the rise in internet and mobile phone use, aswell as improvements to logistics and e-payment systems. The government plans todevelop the newest digital application platforms to support and advance onlineoperations including e-government, e-payments, and the e-marketplace. The ultimateobjective is for the locals to begin operating e-commerce for enterprises for theirgoods and services. The adoption of digital wallets also is boosted by governmentsupport as well as rising smartphone penetration. Additionally, social media isdeveloping into a significant advertising and sales channel in Thailand's e-commerce

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industry. Businesses may reach clients and promote their goods and services via socialmedia platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok.

Thailand has seen a lot of political instability difficulties recently, which hascontributed to the country's economic crisis. As a result, people's purchasing powerhas decreased, making it challenging to enter Thailand's business sector. Consumerprotection and tax laws are two of the many strict regulatory criteria that apply toThailand's e-commerce industry. Thailand's used textbook industry is rife withpirated, copyright-exempt, and fraudulent books. If we cannot ensure the quality ofthe book or fail to take precautions to stop booms, displaying images of books that arefalse, could damage the website's reputation.

<b>7.Target market </b>

There is no official online marketplace where students can purchase secondhandtextbooks in Thailand. The market just has small online groups within the universityto buy and sell pre-owned textbooks or local stores trade many genres of used booksbut not textbooks. Additionally, many well-known universities in Thailand useEnglish-written books for teaching curriculum but the price of these books is tooexpensive, especially if they just use them for a term. Consequently, Thailand studentsfind it difficult to find a full, trustworthy, and convenient place to assist them in theirstudies.

Thai festivals take place throughout the year and Thai people are incredibly eager towelcome these big festivals such as Songkran (Water Festival), Visakha Bucha(Buddha's Birthday), Krathong (Festival of Lights),... Accordingly, we can customizeour website's interface when the festivals arrive. In addition, Thai people are famousfor their friendliness and hospitality through greetings and communication. It isconsidered impolite to behave bad-mannered here. Therefore, the website should have

<b>some greetings to express friendliness to users when experiencing our website. Most</b>

Thais have nicknames. Thai nicknames are not only expressions of endearment usedamong family members and close friends but are also entwined with the very essence

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of being Thai. There might be a number of users who love being called by theirnicknames. Hence, our website will interact with our users with their usernames to beclose to them.

According to Hofstede Insights, Thailand receives a score of 64 on the UncertaintyAvoidance Index, demonstrating a preference for avoiding confusion. Our website willprovide clients with clear and detailed information regarding the purchasing andselling processes as well as book information in order to minimize this level ofuncertainty.

In Thailand, people value convenience and immediate access to services. To meetconsumers’ demands in real-time as they search for immediate answers and services,Bookworm has a live chat tool that connects buyers with sellers. Moreover, our searchtool has automatically suggested keywords if the user's searches don’t contain theexact same words. Besides, online marketing channels and marketing strategiesimpact the consumer's purchase intentions in terms of internet advertising, ratingscores, and online reviews. Regarding the marketing channels, our website will usethe most popular social networking platforms among students in Thailand to reach alarger number of customers. Regarding marketing strategies, Bookworm has sellerstore reviews and product reviews where buyers can leave feedback and ratings ontheir shopping experience and product quality so that Bookworm can be perceived asa transparent and trustworthy online marketplace for everyone to trade. Thecompatibility of payment methods, delivery, and aftersales services also significantlyaffect consumers' purchase behavior. Bookworm will set up a variety of paymentoptions, provide a visual indication of order status and ask for feedback. We look afterevery step of our customer's journey to guarantee a seamless user experience.

<b>8.Market competition</b>

<b>Main competitor (secondhand books' store and website): Dasa Books</b>

Opened in 2004, Dasa Books is the biggest secondhand bookshop in Bangkok,Thailand for people to buy, sell and exchange secondhand books. They have over

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18000 books in stock in many categories. The books are written in English andvarious European languages.

Process The sellers e-mail a listof the books that theyhave, then see how muchBookbyte offers for it.

Get access to thewebsite, search forbooks, add books tothe cart, and confirmthe order.

Buyers can bringbooks less than 6months after thepurchase date, thatwere bought fromDasa back toexchange for othertitles.

Price - The sellers can sellbooks for cash orexchange them for creditto buy things in the shop.- The price paid (or creditamount given) per bookdepends on factors suchas book condition, theoriginal publisher's price,the publication’s country,book size, and the book’sedition type.

- The price can rangefrom:

+ 10-50 ($0,3

standard sizepaperbacks.+ 50-100 ($1,48 -

Average 170/ book($5,04/book)

- The exchangerscan exchangebooks for cash orfor credit:

+ For credit: astore credit ofup to 50% ofthe pricebuyers paid atDasa.+ For cash: the

cash price is20% less thanthe creditamount.

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$2,97) for largersize paperbacks. Payment Sellers have to directly e-

mail for moreinformation.

- All book orders mustbe pre-paid by banktransfer to theBangkok Bankaccount beforeshipping.

- They do not acceptcredit or debit cards,PayPal, US dollars, orLao kip.

Exchangers haveto directly workwith the shop formore information.

Shipping costs: + Kerry Express:orders can be shippedwithin a day or two,only 80-100 ($2,37 -$2,97).

+ Thai Post: orderswill be shipped onlytwice each week (onTuesday and Friday),only about 50($1,48) via RegisteredThai Post for 3-4paperbacks.

Display No official website forselling.

No automatic process forselling books, mostly

Modern displayLess informationabout the books (justhave the title of the

No official websitefor exchanging.No automaticprocess for selling

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manually. books, author, andprice)

books, mostlymanually.

<b>Other competitors:</b>

<b>-Local secondhand bookstores such as Book Lovers, Angel Tomorrow, Elite</b>

Book House, Dilok Books, Chatuchak Market. These stores/places arepopular among local people because of the plentiful cheap used books instock. However, the categories are limited, mostly fiction books, travelbooks, magazines,... They have few textbooks for students. In addition, thebooks are disorganized and not arranged according to the categories whichmakes it hard to find the books. Besides, everyone has to go to the store topurchase books, which is suitable for the locals only.

<b>-</b> Bookstores such as Open House, River Books. These stores have a variety ofbook categories but not many textbooks. Since they sell new books only, theprice of them must be higher than used books. Additionally, everyone has toreach out to them directly to purchase books, which makes it inconvenientfor people outside the city.

<b>-</b> Online and offline bookstores such as Asia Books. Asia Books is Thailand'slargest English and Thailand bookshop chain offering a variety of bookcategories such as arts, business, reference, test prep, fiction, non-fiction,...and non-books such as book-related gifts, stationery & accessories,notebook,... They don't have specific categories of textbooks for pupils orstudents. The price of new books must be higher than secondhand books.However, they usually offer a 5- 25% discount per book (normally 7%) andhave a free delivery policy for customers. Besides, they have an easy-to-useonline website for purchasing books.

<b>-</b> Our website mainly focuses on textbooks. We will provide a diverse varietyof subject areas from many different universities to meet the needs ofstudents.


