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En11 từ vựng ngữ nghĩa học bài 2

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<small>FOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH (No 1) </small>

<i> Subject Code: EN11</i>

Full name: Date of birth: Group:

<b>Đề số 1</b>

<b>I. Answer the following questions: (40 points) </b>

1. What is a word ? its typical features?

2. What is a morpheme? What are the differences between a word and a morpheme? Bài làm

1. A word is one of the fundamental units of language, and it is a dialect unity of formand content. In addition, a word is a letter or group of letters that has meaning whenspoken and written, and it is a separate meaningful unit, which can be used to formsentences.

Words can have the typical features, including names of things (nouns: school,etc.),indicates activities (verbs: drink,etc.), states (adverb: confident,etc.), troperties(adjectives: exciting,etc.). Words are tools that represent hument concept to reality.

1. A morpheme are the smallest units in word, its refers to the smallest meaningfulelement of a word. A morpheme cannot be further broken into parts. For instance, dog,table, computer are all morphemes.

The main differences between a word and a morpheme is that a word can stand alonewhile a morpheme may or may not be able to stand alone.

<b>II. Exercises </b>

Exercises on Prefixes

<b>I. Which negative adjective fits each of the following definition ?</b>

1. Unmarried means not having a husband or wife.2. Inedible means impossible to eat

3. Illiterate means unable to read and write.4. Unemployed means not having a job.

5. Impartial means fair in giving judgement, not favouring one side.6. Irreplaceable means unable to be replaced.

<b>II. Answer the following questions</b>

1. What kind of oven cooks things particularly fast? Microwave2. What kind of drug can help somebody with an infection? Antibiotic

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3. What kind of company has branches in many countries? Multi-national 4. How does a passenger aeroplane normally fly? On auto-pilot

5. What is a student who is studying for a second degree? Postgraduate

6. What means "underground railway in the US" and "underground passage in the UK"?Subway

<b>III.Rewrite the following sentences, using prefixes.</b>

1. He's in favour of the American approach. He is a pro-American.

2. The BBC tried to avoid pronouncing foreign words incorrectly.The BBC tried to avoid mispronouncing.

3. Most people say they have to work too hard but are paid too little.Most people say they are overworked but underpaid.

4. He dated his cheque with a date that was late than the real date.He post-dated his cheque.

5. She's still on good terms with the man who used to be her husband.She is still on good terms with her ex-husband.

6. He made so many mistakes in the letter that he had to write it again.He made so many mistakes in the letter that he had rewrite it.

<b>IV. Use your knowledge of prefixes to write definitions of the underlined words</b>

Although Jim is an ex-soldier, he's only semi-literate. When he tries to write a letter , hemisspells half the words and his wife has to rewrite it for him . His wife used to work in asub-department of the post office where her main job was redirecting mail. Jim's verypro-army but he over-emphasizes its good points. His wife, on the other hand, is ratheranti-army and she undervalues its positive aspects.

Ex-soldier means who used to be a member of an army of a countrySemi-literate means able to read and write on an elementary levelMisspell means to spell incorrectly

Rewrite means write something again

Sub-department means a department that is a part of a laeger departmentRedirecting means to change direction of something

Pro-army means an army of a country professional in military skills

Over-emphasizes means to give something more importance or attention than it deservesAnti-army means opposition or hostility to the military

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Undervalue means to give something an idadequately high rating

<b>V. Which word is the odd one out in each set and why?</b>

1, legible, loyal, legal, legitimate2, insert, internal, inedible, income3, uncomfortable ,unlock ,unfold, unzip

4, extract, ex-wife, ex- communicative, exhale5, worship, kinship,friendship, partnership

1. Legible is the odd one out in its set because loyal, legal, and legitimate describesomething related to law except legible means understandable.

2. Inedible is the odd one out in its set because insert, internal, and income, all meaninside or to come inside.

3. Uncomfortable is the odd one out in its set because unlock, unfold, and unzipemphasize opening something, but uncomfortable means unpleasant.

4. Ex-wife is the odd one out in its set because extract, ex-communicative, and exhalemean to take in or out, but ex-wife means former wife.

5. Worship is the odd one out in its set because kinship, friendship, and partnership allrepresent relations while worship means to pray.

