Understanding The Economics Of Online Insurance Lead
By: Jason Hornung – President
Jason Hornung Agency, Inc.
The whole purpose of this website and the products and services that I offer are to teach
insurance professionals how to do online insurance lead generation for themselves as a way to
end dependency upon the lead companies.
I firmly believe that it's dependency on the lead companies that is killing the businesses of the
vast majority
and that only those who learn how to leverage the internet for themselves will be successful
moving into the future.
Because insurance professionals have been conditioned into buying leads, one of the main
questions I get on my surveys and in coaching calls with my clients is "how much do the leads
You see, that's really a difficult question to answer because there are so many variables that
actually contribute to what you pay on a per lead basis, because what I teach is completely
different than buying a shared lead for $20 or an exclusive lead for $150.
So in this post, what I'm going to do is help you to understand the economics of online insurance
lead generation so that you can have a formula that will give you a basic idea of what you can
expect to pay for the leads you generate using the methods that I teach.
There's a couple of key components that are going to contribute to how much you pay for a lead,
so let's examine each of those and piece together the formula for determining your cost per lead.
Each of these components can be manipulated and improved so that you can have a direct impact
on what you pay per lead as well. You need to understand that. This is the part of my training
program called optimization.
Online Insurance Lead Generation Cost Per Lead (CPL) Component #1:
The first thing that is going to contribute to your cost per lead is the traffic source that you are
using and how much you pay for that traffic.
If you don't know, traffic is having people visit your website. How you get traffic is by placing
advertising on different platforms that have links back to your website.
When people click on those links, you get traffic. In my training program, I show you 7 different
platforms that you can advertise on that will drive traffic to your website.
©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved
Each of these online insurance marketing methods will charge a different amount for each of the
clicks that you get to your website. And all of them work on an auction basis, meaning you set a
bid for how much you are willing to pay for each click to your site.
You have total control over that. We are going to refer to this as your cost per click or CPC from
here on out. A typical CPC can range from $1 all the way up to $5 depending on what traffic
source you are using.
Just keep in mind this piece for right now as I'm going to explain the next component and then
I'll give you an example that utilizes the formula we are putting together here.
Online Insurance Lead Generation Cost Per Lead (CPL) Component #2:
The next piece of this formula has to do with how well your site turns traffic into leads. We call
this the conversion rate of your website.
Essentially the conversion rate is the percentage of visitors you get on your site that fill out your
form and become a lead.
There are a LOT of different things you can do on your landing page or website that will affect
the conversion rate that you get on that page. Again, these are things we discuss in great detail
within my ALM program.
Depending on how you set things up on your site, what type of insurance you are promoting and
the offer strategy you are using, your conversion rate can be as low as 5% up to as high as 70%.
In order to be able to determine what you will spend on leads, you have to know what traffic
source you are using and what your CPC is for your campaign. You also need to know how your
site converts that traffic into leads.
Obviously, if you are setting up a brand new system, you have no idea how your site is going to
convert until you run a test campaign to find out.
What I like to do when I'm setting up a new system is use some benchmarks for typical
conservative conversion rates and what I know I will pay for traffic to my site. Then I can do the
math backwards and figure out what I'd pay per lead using those figures.
If my CPL doesn't work out the way I want, than I know that I have to lower my CPC, increase
my conversion rate on my website or perhaps both.
As you can see, the economics of online insurance lead generation are tricky to figure out in the
beginning. But once you have actual data to work with, you can apply strategies that have a
direct impact on your CPL.
Alright, so let's give you the exact formula for figuring out your CPL with an example.
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Let's say you want to run a test using Facebook traffic. You can get clicks on Facebook for $1
each, so your CPC is $1. To run any valid test, you should have at least 500 clicks coming to
your website.
So your CPC X #of clicks = your campaign cost.
In this example, your campaign cost is $500.
Next you want to figure out how many leads you are going to get using this insurance lead
generation method. To do that you take the # of clicks (500) X your conversion rate. To be
conservative, you should plan on 5% conversion.
In this example, you'd generate 25 leads.
Then you simply divide your campaign cost ($500) by the number of leads you got (25) = your
CPL ($20).
Here's the formula all in one spot:
Cost Per Lead = Campaign Cost / (Traffic X Conversion Rate)
Like I said before, you have a direct control over what you spend on the traffic and how well
your site converts. Those two items impact what your cost per lead are.
Doing online insurance lead generation for yourself isn't a one size fits all solution like the lead
companies provide. Everyone is different, that's why you need to determine how much you will
pay per lead by analyzing specifically what you are doing with your promotions.
I hope that all makes sense.
The three strategic pillars of insurance lead generation over the internet are traffic, conversion
and optimization. That's exactly what you'll learn in my Agent's Lead Machine Internet
Marketing Mastery Program.
It's the most complete program ever developed to help agents generate their own exclusive
insurance leads online.
Now I realize that you may not be ready to jump feet first into this entire program yet
You probably have a ton of other questions about how all of this works. That's why I put
together a free video that will take care of those questions for you.
All you have to do is click the button below and register on the next page. You'll be able to
watch this video instantly.
©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved
©2012 Jason Hornung Agency, Inc. – All Rights Reserved