How to Draw Cartoons:
Create Your Own Style
I was recently asked how to draw cartoons with style, a topic that is
really worth spending time on for anyone who is serious about their
cartoon drawing and wants to push it to the next level.
Drawing cartoons in the same style is one of the things that takes the
most time to learn, but once you start seeing the results of your hard
work, you’ll have the reward of feeling like an accomplished
Finding Style Reference
I would suggest that you look in your local newspaper or bookstore for
different cartoon character examples and start off by copying them. Just
copy them directly - don't worry at this point about being too creative,
just copy exactly - you're still learning how to draw cartoons right now.
Get used to drawing these characters in different poses as they appear
in the comic strips. Once you are familiar with that style of drawing,
start to experiment and change the details to match your friends.
Because you are familiar with the style already it shouldn't be too much
of a stretch to change the hair, body shape (fat, thin, muscular, short
etc) to fit different types of people.
I know you may feel like a 'hack' doing this, but don't worry - you're
still learning right now, and copying is totally fine.
Expanding your Cartoon Style Library of 'Tricks'
Once you are able to draw your friends in that particular style then it's
time to look once again at other examples of different styles of
cartoons. You should by now have a good grasp of drawing characters
in all kinds of different poses, as well as adapting the characters to
match people that you want to draw in the real world like your friends.
From these new examples of cartoon styles, pick and choose different
parts that interest you. Perhaps you like the style of the eyes in one
strip, and the way another artist draws hands. Start experimenting with
mixing and matching these different parts together to come up with
your own original style.
Keep experimenting over and over, and try to push yourself by
referencing other styles of comics and try to draw your characters and
incorporate new elements. Don't stop until you start to get satisfied, and
don't be afraid to ask opinions of those around you for some of your
new styles that you think are promising. Always keep in mind that
you're still learning how to draw cartoons and developing your own
style so don't worry too much about any criticism you may encounter -
just keep drawing!
Tip: I suggest that you do all of your drawings in one sketchbook so
that you can go back and reflect on the progress that you have
achieved, but also so that you can see patterns emerge. These patterns
should be a good indication of two things: you are good at drawing in
that style, and that the style is pleasing to you on a subconscious level
and that's why you keep drawing that way. If you're happy with the
patterns that you see then start to run with it - you may have just
discovered your own 'style.'
Refining your Personal Drawing Style
Keep practicing and drawing and refining your style. This happens both
conscious and subconsciously. The more you do, the better and quicker
you'll become.
Don't get frustrated with this how to draw cartoons process - it's not
something that happens over night, but depending on your drawing
skill you might be able to achieve this in a few weeks.
Tip: I usually draw while I watch TV. I got a large drawing board (any
flat piece of wood will do) and sit comfortably and then just draw,
draw, draw. I find that I don't miss much of the movie since I hear all of
the parts, and I can always look up if there's a cool explosion or tense
scene that I want to see. I find this a good way to keep drawing every
day, and I don't need to miss out on any movies or TV time that I also