General Editors
Manuel Arellano Guido Imbens Grayham E. Mizon
Adrian Pagan Mark Watson
Advisory Editor
C. W. J. Granger
Other Advanced Texts in Econometrics
ARCH: Selected Readings
Edited by Robert F. Engle
Asymptotic Theory for Integrated Processes
By H. Peter Boswijk
Bayesian Inference in Dynamic Econometric Models
By Luc Bauwens, Michel Lubrano, and Jean-Fran¸cois Richard
Co-integration, Error Correction, and the Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Data
By Anindya Banerjee, Juan J. Dolado, John W. Galbraith, and David Hendry
Dynamic Econometrics
By David F. Hendry
Finite Sample Econometrics
By Aman Ullah
Generalized Method of Moments
By Alastair Hall
Likelihood-Based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models
By Søren Johansen
Long-Run Econometric Relationships: Readings in Cointegration
Micro-Econometrics for Policy, Program, and Treatment Effect
By Myoung-jae Lee
Modelling Econometric Series: Readings in Econometric Methodology
Modelling Non-Linear Economic Relationships
By Clive W. J. Granger and Timo Ter¨asvirta
Modelling Seasonality
Edited by S. Hylleberg
Non-Stationary Times Series Analysis and Cointegration
Edited by Colin P. Hargeaves
Outlier Robust Analysis of Economic Time Series
By Andr´e Lucas, Philip Hans Franses, and Dick van Dijk
Panel Data Econometrics
By Manuel Arellano
Periodicity and Stochastic Trends in Economic Time Series
By Philip Hans Franses
Progressive Modelling: Non-nested Testing and Encompassing
Edited by Massimiliano Marcellino and Grayham E. Mizon
Reading in Unobserved Components
Edited by Andrew Harvey and Tommaso Proietti
Stochastic Limit Theory: An Introduction for Econometricians
By James Davidson
Stochastic Volatility
Edited by Neil Shephard
Testing Exogeneity
Edited by Neil R. Ericsson and John S. Irons
The Econometrics of Macroeconomic Modelling
By Gunnar B˚ardsen, Øyvind Eitrheim, Eilev S. Jansen, and Ragnar Nymoen
Time Series with Long Memory
Edited by Peter M. Robinson
Time-Series-Based Econometrics: Unit Roots and Co-integrations
By Michio Hatanaka
Workbook on Cointegration
By Peter Reinhard Hansen and Søren Johansen
Selected Readings
Edited by
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List of Contributors vii
General Introduction 1
Part I. Model building 35
1. A Subordinated Stochastic Process Model with Finite Variance
for Speculative Prices 37
Peter K. Clark
2. Financial Returns Modelled by the Product of Two Stochastic
Processes—A Study of Daily Sugar Prices, 1961–79 60
Stephen J. Taylor
3. The Behavior of Random Variables with Nonstationary
Variance and the Distribution of Security Prices 83
Barr Rosenberg
4. The Pricing of Options on Assets with Stochastic Volatilities 109
John Hull and Alan White
5. The Dynamics of Exchange Rate Volatility:
A Multivariate Latent Factor Arch Model 130
Francis X. Diebold and Marc Nerlove
6. Multivariate Stochastic Variance Models 156
Andrew Harvey, Esther Ruiz and Neil Shephard
7. Stochastic Autoregressive Volatility: A Framework for
Volatility Modeling 177
Torben G. Andersen
8. Long Memory in Continuous-time Stochastic Volatility Models 209
Fabienne Comte and Eric Renault
Part II. Inference 245
9. Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models 247
Eric Jacquier, Nicholas G. Polson and Peter E. Rossi
10. Stochastic Volatility: Likelihood Inference and
Comparison with ARCH Models 283
Sangjoon Kim, Neil Shephard and Siddhartha Chib
11. Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models with Diagnostics 323
A. Ronald Gallant, David Hsieh and George Tauchen
Part III. Option pricing 355
12. Pricing Foreign Currency Options with Stochastic Volatility 357
Angelo Melino and Stuart M. Turnbull
13. A Closed-Form Solution for Options with Stochastic
Volatility with Applications to Bond and Currency Options 382
Steven L. Heston
14. A Study Towards a Unified Approach to the Joint Estimation of
Objective and Risk Neutral Measures for the Purpose of
Options Valuation 398
Mikhail Chernov and Eric Ghysels
Part IV. Realised variation 449
15. The Distribution of Realized Exchange Rate Volatility 451
Torben G. Andersen, Tim Bollerslev, Francis X. Diebold
and Paul Labys
16. Econometric Analysis of Realized Volatility and its use
in Estimating Stochastic Volatility Models 480
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen and Neil Shephard
Author Index 515
Subject Index 523
vi Contents
List of Contributors
Andersen, Torben, Finance Department, Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University, 2001 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, IL 60208, U.S.A.
Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E., Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of
Aarhus, Ny Munkegade, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
Bollerslev, Tim, Department of Economics, Duke University, Box 90097,
Durham, NC 27708-0097, U.S.A.
Chernov, Mikhail, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, 3022
Broadway, Uris Hall 413, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A.
Clark, Peter, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis,
CA 95616-8609, U.S.A.
Comte, Fabienne, UFR Biome
dicale, Universite
Descartes-Paris 5, 45 rue
des Saints-Pe
res, 75270 Paris cedex 06, France.
Diebold, Frank, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 3718
Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297, U.S.A.
Gallant, A. Ronald, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, DUMC Box
90120, W425, Durham, NC 27708-0120, U.S.A.
Ghysels, Eric, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina – Chapel
Hill, Gardner Hall, CB 3305 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3305, U.S.A.
Harvey, Andrew, Department of Economics, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick
Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DD, U.K.
Heston, Steven, Department of Finance, Robert H Smith School of Business,
University of Maryland, Van Munching Hall, College Park, MD 20742,
Hsieh, David, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Box 90120, 134
Towerview Drive, Durham NC 27708-0120, U.S.A.
Hull, John, Finance Group, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, Univer-
sity of Toronto, 105 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6, Canada.
Jacquier, Eric, 3000 Cote Sainte-Catherine, Finance Department, H.E.C. Mon-
treal, Montreal PQ H3T 2A7, Canada.
Kim, Sangjoon, RBS Securities Japan Limited, Riverside Yomiuri Building, 36-2
Nihonbashi-Hakozakicho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0015, Japan.
Labys, Paul, Charles River Associates, Inc., Salt Lake City, U.S.A.
Melino, Angelo, Department of Economics, University of Toronto, 150 St.
George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G7, Canada.
Nerlove, Marc, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University
of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, U.S.A.
Polson, Nicholas, Chicago Business School, University of Chicago, 1101 East
58th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A.
Renault, Eric, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill, Gardner Hall, CB 3305 Chapel Hill, NC 27599–3305, U.S.A.
Rosenberg, Barr.
Rossi, Peter, Chicago Business School, University of Chicago, 1101 East 58th
Street, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A.
Ruiz, Esther, Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, C/
Madrid, 126–28903, Getafe, Madrid, Spain.
Shephard, Neil, Nuffeld College, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 1NF, U.K.
Siddhartha, Chib, John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University in
St. Louis, Campus Box 1133, 1 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130, U.S.A.
Taylor, Stephen, Department of Accounting and Finance, Management School,
Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YX, U.K.
Tauchen, George, Department of Economics, Duke University, Box 90097,
Durham, NC 27708-0097, U.S.A.
Turnbull, Stuart, Department of Finance, Bauer College of Business, University
of Houston, 334 Mel Hall, Houston, TX 77204-6021, U.S.A.
White, Alan, Finance Group, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, Uni-
versity of Toronto, 105 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6, Canada.
viii List of Contributors
General Introduction
neil shephard
Stochastic volatility (SV) is the main concept used in the fields of financial
economics and mathematical finance to deal with time-varying volatility in
financial markets. In this book I bring together some of the main papers which
have influenced the field of the econometrics of stochastic volatility with the hope
that this will allow students and scholars to place this literature in a wider
context. We will see that the development of this subject has been highly multi-
disciplinary, with results drawn from financial economics, probability theory and
econometrics, blending to produce methods and models which have aided our
understanding of the realistic pricing of options, efficient asset allocation and
accurate risk assessment.
Time-varying volatility and codependence is endemic in financial markets.
Only for very low frequency data, such as monthly or yearly asset returns, do
these effects tend to take a back seat and the assumption of homogeneity seems
not to be entirely unreasonable. This has been known for a long time, early
comments include Mandelbrot (1963), Fama (1965) and Officer (1973). It was
also clear to the founding fathers of modern continuous time finance that
homogeneity was an unrealistic if convenient simplification, e.g. Black and
Scholes (1972, p. 416) wrote ‘‘ . . . there is evidence of non-stationarity in the
variance. More work must be done to predict variances using the information
available.’’ Heterogeneity has deep implications for the theory and practice of
financial economics and econometrics. In particular, asset pricing theory is
dominated by the idea that higher rewards may be expected when we face higher
risks, but these risks change through time in complicated ways. Some of the
changes in the level of risk can be modelled stochastically, where the level of
volatility and degree of codependence between assets is allowed to change over
time. Such models allow us to explain, for example, empirically observed depart-
ures from Black–Scholes–Merton prices for options and understand why we
should expect to see occasional dramatic moves in financial markets. More
generally, as with all good modern econometrics, they bring the application of
economics closer to the empirical reality of the world we live in, allowing us to
make better decisions, inspire new theory and improve model building.
This volume appears around 10 years after the publication of the readings
volume by Engle (1995) on autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
(ARCH) models. These days ARCH processes are often described as SV, but
I have not followed that nomenclature here as it allows me to delineate this
volume from the one on ARCH. The essential feature of ARCH models is that
they explicitly model the conditional variance of returns given past returns
observed by the econometrician. This one-step-ahead prediction approach to
volatility modelling is very powerful, particularly in the field of risk management.
It is convenient from an econometric viewpoint as it immediately delivers the
likelihood function as the product of one-step-ahead predictive densities.
In the SV approach the predictive distribution of returns is specified indirectly,
via the structure of the model, rather than explicitly. For a small number of SV
models this predictive distribution can be calculated explicitly (e.g. Shephard
(1994) and Uhlig (1997) ). Most of the time it has to be computed numerically.
This move away from direct one-step-ahead predictions has some advantages. In
particular in continuous time it is more convenient, and perhaps more natural, to
model directly the volatility of asset prices as having its own stochastic process
without immediately worrying about the implied one-step-ahead distribution of
returns recorded over some arbitrary period used by the econometrician, such as
a day or a month. This raises some difficulties as the likelihood function for SV
models is not directly available, much to the frustration of econometricians in the
late 1980s and 1990s.
Since the mid-1980s continuous time SV has dominated the option pricing
literature in mathematical finance and financial economics. At the same time
econometricians have struggled to come to terms with the difficulties of estimat-
ing and testing these models. In response, in the 1990s they developed novel
simulation strategies to efficiently estimate SV models. These computationally
intensive methods mean that, given enough coding and computing time, we can
now more or less efficiently estimate fully parametric SV models. This has lead to
refinements of the models, with many earlier tractable models being rejected from
an empirical viewpoint. The resulting enriched SV literature has been brought far
closer to the empirical realities we face in financial markets.
From the late 1990s SV models have taken centre stage in the econometric
analysis of volatility forecasting using high frequency data based on realised
volatility and related concepts. The reason for this is that the econometric
analysis of realised volatility is generally based on continuous time processes
and so SV is central. The close connections between SV and realised volatility
have allowed financial econometricians to harness the enriched information set
available through the use of high frequency data to improve, by an order of
magnitude, the accuracy of their volatility forecasts over that traditionally
offered by ARCH models based on daily observations. This has broadened
the applications of SV into the important arena of risk assessment and asset
In this introduction I will briefly outline some of the literature on SV
models, providing links to the papers reprinted in this book. I have organised
2 Stochastic Volatility
the discussion into models, inference, options and realised volatility. The SV
literature has grown rather organically, with a variety of papers playing import-
ant roles for particular branches of the literature. This reflects the multidisciplin-
ary nature of the research on this topic and has made my task of selecting the
papers particularly difficult. Inevitably my selection of articles to appear in this
book has been highly subjective. I hope that the authors of the many interesting
papers on this topic which I have not included will forgive my choice.
The outline of this Chapter is as follows. In section 2 I will trace the origins of
SV and provide links with the basic models used today in the literature. In section
3 I will briefly discuss some of the innovations in the second generation of SV
models. These include the use of long-memory volatility processes, the introduc-
tion of jumps into the price and volatility processes and the use of SV in interest
rate models. The section will finish by discussing various multivariate SV models.
In section 4 I will briefly discuss the literature on conducting inference for SV
models. In section 5 I will talk about the use of SV to price options. This
application was, for around 15 years, the major motivation for the study of SV
models as they seemed to provide a natural way to extend the Black–Scholes–
Merton framework to cover more empirically realistic situations. In section 6
I will consider the connection of SV with the literature on realised volatility.
The origin of SV models
The modern treatment of SV is almost all in continuous time, but quite a lot of
the older papers were in discrete time. Typically early econometricians in this
subject used discrete time models, while financial mathematicians and option
pricing financial economists tended to work in continuous time. It was only in the
mid-1990s that econometricians started getting to grips with the continuous time
versions of the models. The origins of SV are messy. I will give five accounts,
which attribute the subject to different sets of people.
Clark (1973) introduced Bochner’s (1949) time-changed Brownian motion
(BM) into financial economics (see also Blattberg and Gonedes (1974, Section 3) ).
He wrote down a model for the log-price M as
¼ W
, t 0, (1)
where W is Brownian motion (BM), t is continuous time and t is a time-change.
The definition of a time-change is a non-negative process with non-decreasing
sample paths. In econometrics this is often also called a subordinator, which is
unfortunate as probability theory reserves this name for the special case of a
time-change with independent and stationary increments (i.e. equally spaced
increments of t are i.i.d.). I think econometricians should follow the probabilists
in this aspect and so I will refer to t solely as a time-change, reserving the word
subordinator for its more specialised technical meaning. Clark studied various
properties of log-prices in cases where W and t are independent processes. Then
N(0, t
). Thus, marginally, the increments of M are a normal mixture,
General Introduction 3
which means they are symmetric but can be fat tailed (see also Press (1967),
Praetz (1972) ). Further, now extending Clark, so long (for each t)asE
< 1
then M is a martingale (written M 2M) for this is necessary and sufficient to
ensure that EjM
j < 1. More generally if (for each t) t
< 1 then M is a local
martingale (written M 2M
)—which is a convenient generalisation of a mar-
tingale in financial economics. Hence Clark was solely modelling the instantly
risky component of the log of an asset price, written Y, which in modern
semimartingale (written Y 2SM) notation we would write as
Y ¼ A þ M:
In this notation the increments of A can be thought of as the instantly available
reward component of the asset price, which compensates the investor for being
exposed to the risky increments of M. The A process is assumed to be of finite
variation (written A 2FV), which informally means that the sum of the absolute
values of the increments of this process measured over very small time intervals is
finite. A simple model for A would be A
¼ mt þbt
, where b is thought of as a
risk premium. This would mean that Y
N(mt þbt
, t
In some of his paper Clark regarded t as a deterministic function of observables,
such as the volume of the asset traded. This work was followed by influential
articles by Tauchen and Pitts (1983), Andersen (1994), Andersen (1996) and later
by Ane
and Geman (2000). In other parts of the paper he regarded t as latent. It is
perhaps the latter approach which has had more immediate impact. The main part
of the Clark paper dealt with the case where t was a subordinator and assumed
W??t (thatis W is independent of t). He compared possible parametric models for t
using various datasets, rejecting the stable hypothesis earlier suggested by Man-
delbrot (1963) and Mandelbrot and Taylor (1967). This broad framework of
models, built by time-changing BM using a subordinator, is now called a type-G
vy process for M. It has been influential in the recent mathematical finance
literature. Leading references include Madan and Seneta (1990), Eberlein and
Keller (1995), Barndorff-Nielsen (1998) and Carr, Geman, Madan, and Yor
Clark’s paper is very important and, from the viewpoint of financial econom-
ics, very novel. It showed financial economists that they could move away from
BM without resorting to empirically unattractive stable processes. Clark’s argu-
ments were in continuous time, which nicely matches much of the modern
literature. However, a careful reading of the paper leads to the conclusion that
it does not really deal with time-varying volatility in the modern sense. In the
Clark paper no mechanism is proposed that would explicitly generate volatility
clustering in M by modelling t as having serially dependent increments.
To the best of my understanding the first published direct volatility clustering
SV paper is that by Taylor (1982) (see also Taylor (1980) ). This is a neglected
paper, with the literature usually attributing his work on SV to his seminal book
Taylor (1986), which was the first lengthy published treatment of the problem of
4 Stochastic Volatility
volatility modelling in finance. I emphasise the 1982 paper as it appeared without
knowledge of Engle (1982) on modelling the volatility of inflation.
Taylor’s paper is in discrete time, although I will link this to the continuous
time notation used above. He modelled daily returns, computed as the difference
of log-prices
¼ Y(i) Y(i 1), i ¼ 1, 2, ,
where I have assumed that t ¼ 1 represents one day to simplify the exposition. In
his equation (3) he modelled the risky part of returns,
¼ M
as a product process
¼ s
: (2)
Taylor assumed e has a mean of zero and unit variance, while s is some non-
negative process, finishing the model by assuming e??s. The key feature of this
model is that the signs of m are determined by e, while the time-varying s delivers
volatility clustering and fat tails in the marginal distribution of m. Taylor
modelled e as an autoregression and
¼ exp (h
where h is a non-zero mean Gaussian linear process. The leading example of this
is the first order autoregression
¼ m þf(h
m) þZ
, (3)
where Z is a zero mean, Gaussian white noise process. In the modern SV literature
the model for e is typically simplified to an i.i.d. process, for we deal with the
predictability of asset prices through the A process rather than via M. This is now
often called the log-normal SV model in the case where e is also assumed to be
Gaussian. In general, M is always a local martingale, while it is a martingale so
long as E(s
) < 1, which holds for the parametric models considered by Taylor
as long as h is stationary.
A key feature of SV, which is not discussed by Taylor, is that it can deal with
leverage effects. Leverage effects are associated with the work of Black (1976)
and Nelson (1991), and can be implemented in discrete time SV models by
negatively correlating the Gaussian e
and Z
. This still implies that M 2M
but allows the direction of returns to influence future movements in the volatility
process, with falls in prices associated with rises in subsequent volatility. This is
important empirically for equity prices but less so for exchange rates where the
previous independence assumption roughly holds in practice. Leverage effects
General Introduction 5
also generate skewness, via the dynamics of the model, in the distribution of
for s 2, although (M
continues to be symmetric.
This is a major reason for the success of these types of models in option pricing
where skewness seems endemic.
Taylor’s discussion of the product process was predated by a decade in the
unpublished Rosenberg (1972). I believe this noteworthy paper has been more or
less lost to the modern SV literature, although one can find references to it in the
work of, for example, Merton (1976a). It is clear from my discussions with other
researchers in this field that it was indirectly influential on a number of very early
SV option pricing scholars (who I will discuss in a moment), but that economet-
ricians are largely unaware of it.
Rosenberg introduces product processes, empirically demonstrating that time-
varying volatility is partially forecastable and so breaks with the earlier work
by Clark, Press, etc. In section 2 he develops some of the properties of product
processes. The comment below (2.12) suggests an understanding of aggregational
Gaussianity of returns over increasing time intervals (see Diebold (1988) ).
In section 3 he predates a variety of econometric methods for analysing hetero-
skedasticity. In particular in (3.4) he regresses log squared returns on various
predetermined explanatory variables. This method for dealing with hetero-
skedasticity echoes earlier work by Bartlett and Kendall (1946) and was advo-
cated in the context of regression by Harvey (1976), while its use with unobserved
volatility processes was popularised by Harvey, Ruiz, and Shephard (1994).
In (3.6) he writes, ignoring regressor terms, the squared returns in terms of the
volatility plus a white noise error term. In section 3.3 he uses moving averages
of squared data, while (3.17) is remarkably close to the GARCH(p,q)
model introduced by Engle (1982) and Bollerslev (1986). In particular in
the case where u
is exactly zero he produces the GARCH model. However,
this vital degenerate case is not explicitly mentioned. Thus what is missing,
compared to the ARCH approach, is that s
could be explicitly written as
the conditional variance of returns—which, in my view, is the main insight
in Engle (1982). This degenerate case is key as it produces a one-step-ahead
conditional model for returns given past data, which is important from an
economic viewpoint and immediately yields a likelihood function. The latter
greatly eases the estimation and testing of ARCH models. Rosenberg also did
not derive any of the stochastic properties of these ARCH type model. However,
having said that, this is by far the closest precursor of the ARCH class of models
I have seen.
The product process (2) is a key modelling idea and will reappear quite often in
this Introduction. In continuous time the standard SV model of the risky part of a
price process is the stochastic integral
, (4)
6 Stochastic Volatility
where the non-negative spot volatility s is assumed to have ca
g sample paths
(which implies it can possess jumps). Such integrals are often written in the rather
attractive, concise notation
M ¼ s W,
where denotes stochastic integration (e.g. Protter (2004) ). The squared vola-
tility process is often called the spot variance or variation. I follow the latter
nomenclature here. There is no necessity for s and W to be independent,
but when they are we obtain the important simplification that M
N 0,
, which aids understanding, computation and immediately
links the model structure to the time-change BM model (1) of Clark.
The first use of continuous time SV models in financial economics was, to my
knowledge, in the unpublished Johnson (1979) who studied the pricing of options
using time-changing volatility models in continuous time. This paper evolved
into Johnson and Shanno (1987). Wiggins (1987) studied similar types of prob-
lems, recording his work first in his 1986 MIT Ph.D. thesis. The most well known
paper in this area is Hull and White (1987) who allowed the spot volatility
process to follow a diffusion. Each of these authors was motivated by a desire
to generalise the Black and Scholes (1973) and Merton (1973) approach to option
pricing models to deal with volatility clustering. In the Hull and White approach
the spot variation process is written out as the solution to the univariate stochas-
tic differential equation (SDE)
¼ a(s
)dt þ!(s
where B is a second Brownian motion and !(:) is a non-negative determin-
istic function. The process they spent most time on in their paper was
originally parameterised as a linear process for log s
. In particular they often
focused on
d log s
¼ a(m log s
)dt þ !dB, a > 0,
which is a Gaussian OU process. The log-normal SV model in Taylor (1982) can
be thought of as an Euler discretisation of this continuous time model over a unit
time period
¼ s
log s
log s
¼ a(m log s
) þ!(B
Ito’s formula implies that the log-normal OU model can be written as
¼ as
m þe
log s
dt þ!s
General Introduction 7
Other standard models of this type are the square root process used in this
context by Heston (1993) and the so-called GARCH diffusion introduced by
Nelson (1990). By potentially correlating the increments of W and B, Hull and
White produced the first coherent and explicit leverage model in financial econom-
ics. It motivatedthe later econometric workof Nelson (1991)onEGARCH models.
In the general diffusion-based models the volatility was specified to be Marko-
vian and to have a continuous sample path. Note this is a constraint on the
general SV structure (4) which makes neither of these assumptions. Research in
the late 1990s and early 2000s has shown that more complicated volatility
dynamics are needed to model either options data or high frequency return
data. Leading extensions to the model are to allow jumps into the volatility
SDE (e.g. Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2001) and Eraker, Johannes, and
Polson (2003) ) or to model the volatility process as a function of a number of
separate stochastic processes or factors (e.g. Chernov, Gallant, Ghysels, and
Tauchen (2003), Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2001) ). Chernov, Gallant,
Ghysels, and Tauchen (2003) is particularly good at teasing out the empirical
relevance of particular parts and extensions of SV models.
The SV models given by (4) have continuous sample paths even if s does not.
For M 2M
we need to assume (for every t) that
ds < 1, while a necessary
and sufficient condition for M 2Mis that E
< 1.
At first sight the construction of SV models looks rather ad hoc. However, the
probability literature has demonstrated that they and their time-changed BM
relatives are fundamental. This theoretical development will be the fifth strand of
literature that I think of as representing the origins of modern stochastic volatility
research. I will now discuss some of it. Suppose we simply assume that M 2M
a process with continuous local martingale sample paths. Then the celebrated
Dambis–Dubins–Schwartz Theorem (cf., for example, Rogers and Williams
(1996, p. 64)) shows that M can be written as a time-changed Brownian motion.
Further the time-change is the quadratic variation (QV) process
¼ p lim
j ¼1
, (5)
for any sequence of partitions t
¼ 0 < t
< < t
¼ t with sup
} ! 0
for n !1(e.g. Jacod and Shiryaev (1987, p. 55)). What is more, as M has
continuous sample paths, so must [M]. Under the stronger condition that [M]is
absolutely continuous, then M can be written as a stochastic volatility process.
This latter result, which is called the martingale representation theorem, is due to
Doob (1953)
. Taken together this implies that time-changed BMs are canonical
An example of a continuous local martingale which has no SV representation is a time-
change Brownian motion where the time-change takes the form of the so-called ‘‘devil’s stair-
case,’’ which is continuous and non-decreasing but not absolutely continuous (see, for example,
Munroe (1953, Section 27)). This relates to the work of, for example, Calvet and Fisher (2002) on
8 Stochastic Volatility
in continuous sample path price processes and SV models are special cases of this
class. A consequence of the fact that for continuous sample path time-change
BM, [M] ¼ t is that in the SV case
the integrated variation of the SV model. This implies that the left derivative of
the QV process is s
, the spot variation just before time t. Of course if s
continuous sample paths then ›[M]
=›t ¼ s
Although the time-changed BM is a slightly more general class than the SV
framework, SV models are perhaps somewhat more convenient as they have an
elegant multivariate generalisation. In particular, write a p-dimensional price
process M as
M ¼ Q W,
where Q is a matrix process whose elements are all ca
g, W is a multivariate
BM process and the (ll)-element of Q has the property that
ds < 1, l ¼ 1, 2, , p:
Again a key feature of this model class is that the QV process,
¼ p lim
has the property that
the integrated covariation. Further, the SV class is closed under stochastic
integration. In particular with M as a vector SV process, then
U ¼ C M ¼ (CQ) W ¼ Q
is again a SV process. This is attractive as we can think of U as the value of a
set of portfolios constructed out of SV processes. In particular if M is a vector of
SV processes, then each element of U is also a SV process. Hence this class
is closed under marginalisation. This desirable feature is not true for ARCH
General Introduction 9
Second generation model building
Univariate models
Long memory
In the first generation of SV models the volatility process was given by a simple
SDE driven by a BM. This means that the spot volatility was a Markov
process. There is considerable empirical evidence that, whether the volatility is
measured using high frequency data over a couple of years or using daily data
recorded over decades, the dependence in the volatility structure initially decays
quickly at short lags but the decay slows at longer lags (e.g. Engle and Lee
(1999) ). There are a number of possible causes for this. One argument is that
long memory effects are generated by the aggregation of the behaviour of
different agents who are trading using different time horizons (e.g. Granger
(1980) ). A recent volume of readings on the econometrics of long memory is
given in Robinson (2003). Leading advocates of this line of argument in financial
econometrics are Dacorogna, Gencay, Mu
ller, Olsen, and Pictet (2001), Ander-
sen and Bollerslev (1997a) and Andersen and Bollerslev (1998b) who have been
motivated by their careful empirical findings using high frequency data. A second
line of argument is that the long-memory effects are spurious, generated by a
shifting level in the average level of volatility through time (e.g. Diebold and
Inoue (2001) ). In this discussion we will not judge the relative merits of these
different approaches.
In the SV literature considerable progress has been made on working with both
discrete and continuous time long memory SV. This is, in principle, straightfor-
ward. We just need to specify a long-memory model for s in discrete or continu-
ous time.
In independent and concurrent work Breidt, Crato, and de Lima (1998) and
Harvey (1998) looked at discrete time models where the log of the volatility was
modelled as a fractionally integrated process. They showed this could be handled
econometrically by moment estimators which, although not efficient, were com-
putationally simple.
In continuous time there is work on modelling the log of volatility as fraction-
ally integrated Brownian motion by Comte and Renault (1998) and Gloter
and Hoffmann (2004). More recent work, which is econometrically easier
to deal with, is the square root model driven by fractionally integrated
BM introduced in an influential paper by Comte, Coutin, and Renault
(2003) and the infinite superposition of non-negative OU processes introduced
by Barndorff-Nielsen (2001). These two models have the advantage that
it may be possible to perform options pricing calculations using them
without great computational cost. Ohanissian, Russell, and Tsay (2003) have
used implied volatilities to compare the predictions from the Comte, Coutin,
and Renault (2003) long memory model with a model with spurious long
memory generated through shifts. Their empirical evidence favours the use
of genuine long memory models. See also the work of Taylor (2000) on this
10 Stochastic Volatility
In detailed empirical work a number of researchers have supplemented standard
SV models by adding jumps to the price process or to the volatility dynamics.
This follows, of course, earlier work by Merton (1976b) on adding jumps to
diffusions. Bates (1996) was particularly important as it showed the need to
include jumps in addition to SV, at least when volatility is Markovian. Eraker,
Johannes, and Polson (2003) deals with the efficient inference of these types of
models. A radical departure in SV models was put forward by Barndorff-Nielsen
and Shephard (2001) who suggested building volatility models out of pure jump
processes. In particular they wrote, in their simplest model, that s
follows the
solution to the SDE
dt þdz
, l > 0,
and where z is a subordinator (recall this is a process with non-negative incre-
ments, which are independent and stationary). The rather odd-looking timing z
is present to ensure that the stationary distribution of s
does not depend upon l.
Closed form option pricing based on this non-Gaussian OU model structure is
studied briefly in Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2001) and in detail by Nico-
lato and Venardos (2003). This work is related to the earliest paper I know of
which puts jumps in the volatility process. Bookstaber and Pomerantz (1989)
wrote down a non-Gaussian OU model for s, not s
, in the special case where z is
a finite activity gamma process. This type of process is often called ‘‘shot noise’’
in the probability literature. All these non-Gaussian OU processes are special
cases of the affine class advocated by Duffie, Pan, and Singleton (2000) and
Duffie, Filipovic, and Schachermayer (2003). Extensions from the OU structure
to continuous time ARMA processes have been developed by Brockwell (2004)
and Brockwell and Marquardt (2004), while Andersen (1994) discusses various
autoregressive type volatility models.
I have found the approach of Carr, Geman, Madan, and Yor (2003), Geman,
Madan, and Yor (2001) and Carr and Wu (2004) stimulating. They define the
martingale component of prices as a time-change Le
vy process, generalising
Clark’s time-change of Brownian motion. Empirical evidence given by Barn-
dorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2003b) suggested these rather simple models are
potentially well fitting in practice. Clearly if one built the time-change of the pure
jump Le
vy process out of an integrated non-Gaussian OU process then the
resulting process would not have any Brownian components in the continuous
time price process. This is a rather radical departure from the usual con-
tinuous time models used in financial economics.
Another set of papers which allow volatility to jump is the Markov switching
literature. This is usually phrased in discrete time, with the volatility stochastic-
ally moving between a finite number of fixed regimes. Leading examples of this
include Hamilton and Susmel (1994), Cai (1994), Lam, Li, and So (1998), Elliott,
Hunter, and Jamieson (1998) and Calvet and Fisher (2002). See also some of
General Introduction 11
statistical theory associated with these types of models is discussed in Genon-
Catalot, Jeantheau, and Lare
do (2000).
Interest rate models
Stochastic volatility has been used to model the innovations to the short-rate, the
rate of interest paid over short periods of time. The standard approach in
financial economics is to model the short-rate by a univariate diffusion, but it is
well known that such Markov processes, however elaborate their drift or diffu-
sion, cannot capture the dynamics observed in empirical work. Early papers on
this topic are Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff, and Sanders (1992) and Longstaff
and Schwartz (1992), while Nissen, Koedijk, Schotman, and Wolff (1997) is a
detailed empirical study. Andersen and Lund (1997) studied processes with SV
¼ k( m r
)dt þs
We may expect the short-rate to be stationary and the mean reversion is modelled
using the linear drift. The volatility of the rate is expected to increase with the
level of the rate, which accounts for the r
effects where g 1=2. When the
volatility is constant the r
term would also enforce a reflecting boundary at
zero for the short rate (so long as the volatility is sufficiently small compared to
the drift), which is convenient as the short-rate is not expected to become
negative. It is less clear to me if this is the case with stochastic volatility.
Elaborations on this type of model have been advocated by for example Ahn,
Dittmar, and Gallant (2002), Andersen, Benzoni, and Lund (2002), Bansal and
Zhou (2002) and Dai and Singleton (2000).
Multivariate models
In an important paper Diebold and Nerlove (1989) introduced volatility cluster-
ing into traditional factor models, which are used in many areas of asset pricing.
Their paper was in discrete time. They allowed each factor to have its own
internal dynamic structure, which they parameterised as an ARCH process.
The factors are not latent which means that this is a multivariate SV model. In
continuous time their type of model would have the following interpretation
M ¼
) þG,
where the factors F
, F
, , F
are independent univariate SV models and G
is correlated multivariate BM. This structure has the advantage that if time-
invariant portfolios are made of assets whose prices follow this type of process,
then the risky part of prices will also have a factor structure of this type. Some of
the related papers on the econometrics of this topic include King, Sentana, and
Wadhwani (1994), Sentana (1998), Pitt and Shephard (1999b) and Fiorentini,
12 Stochastic Volatility
Sentana, and Shephard (2004), who all fit this kind of model. These papers
assume that the factor loading vectors are constant through time.
A more limited multivariate discrete time model was put forward by Harvey,
Ruiz, and Shephard (1994) who allowed M ¼ C(Q W), where Q is a diagonal
matrix process and C is a fixed matrix of constants with a unit leading diagonal.
This means that the risky part of prices is simply a rotation of a p-dimensional
vector of univariate SV processes. In principle the elements Q
can be dependent
over l, which means the univariate SV processes are uncorrelated but not inde-
pendent. This model is close to the multivariate ARCH model of Bollerslev
(1990) for although the M process can exhibit quite complicated volatility
clustering, the correlation structure between the assets is constant through time.
Inference based on return data
Moment based inference
A major difficulty with the use of discrete but particularly continuous time SV
models is that traditionally they have been hard to estimate in comparison with
their ARCH cousins. In ARCH models, by construction, the likelihood (or
quasi-likelihood) function is readily available. In SV models this is not the
case, which leads to two streams of literature originating in the 1990s. First,
there is a literature on computationally intensive methods which approximate the
efficiency of likelihood based inference arbitrarily well, but at the cost of the use
of specialised and time-consuming techniques. Second, a large number of papers
have built relatively simple, inefficient estimators based on easily computable
moments of the model. It is the second literature which we will briefly discuss
before focusing on the former.
The task is to carry out inference based on a sequence of returns
y ¼ (y
, , y
from which we will attempt to learn about y ¼ (y
, , y
the parameters of the SV model. The early SV paper by Taylor (1982) calibrated
his discrete time model using the method of moments. A similar but more extensive
approach was used by Melino and Turnbull (1990) in continuous time. Their paper
used an Euler approximation of their model before computing the moments.
Systematic studies, using a GMM approach, of which moments to heavily weight
in discrete time SV models was given in Andersen and Sørensen (1996), Genon-
Catalot, Jeantheau, and Lare
do (1999), Genon-Catalot, Jeantheau, and Lare
(2000), Sørensen (2000), Gloter (2000) and Hoffmann (2002).
A difficulty with using moment based estimators for continuous time SV
models is that it is not straightforward to compute the moments of the discrete
returns y from the continuous time models. In the case of no leverage, general
results for the second order properties of y and their squares were given in
Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2001). Some quite general results under lever-
age are also given in Meddahi (2001), who focuses on a special class of volatility
models which are widely applicable and particularly tractable.
In the discrete time log-normal SV models described by (2) and (3), the
approach advocated by Harvey, Ruiz, and Shephard (1994) has been influential.
General Introduction 13
This method, which also appears in the unpublished 1988 MIT Ph.D. thesis of
Dan Nelson, in Scott (1987) and the early unpublished drafts of Melino and
Turnbull (1990), was the first readily applicable method which both gave param-
eter estimates, and filtered and smoothed estimates of the underlying volatility
process. Their approach was to remove the predictable part of the returns, so we
think of Y ¼ M again, and work with log y
¼ h
þ log e
, which linearises the
process into a signal (log-volatility) plus noise model. If the volatility has short
memory then this form of the model can be handled using the Kalman filter,
while long memory models are often dealt with in the frequency domain (Breidt,
Crato, and de Lima (1998) and Harvey (1998) ). Either way this delivers a
Gaussian quasi-likelihood which can be used to estimate the parameters of the
model. The linearised model is non-Gaussian due to the long left hand tail of
log e
which generates outliers when e
is small. Comparisons of the performance
of this estimator with the fully efficient Bayesian estimators I will discuss in a
moment is given in Jacquier, Polson, and Rossi (1994), which shows in Monte
Carlo experiments that it is reasonable but quite significantly inefficient.
Simulation based inference
In the early to mid-1990s a number of econometricians started to develop and use
simulation based inference devices to tackle SV models. Their hope was that they
could win significant efficiency gains by using these more computationally inten-
sive methods. Concurrently two approaches were brought forward. The first was
the application of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques, which came
into econometrics from the image processing and statistical physics literatures, to
perform likelihood based inference. The second was the development of indirect
inference or the so-called efficient method of moments. This second approach is,
to my knowledge, a new and quite general statistical estimation procedure. To
discuss these methods it will be convenient to focus on the simplest discrete time
log-normal SV model given by (2) and (3).
MCMC allows us to simulate from high dimensional posterior densities, a
simple example of which is the smoothing variables hjy, y, where
h ¼ (h
, , h
are the discrete time unobserved log-volatilities. The earliest
published use of MCMC methods on SV models is Shephard (1993) who noted
that SV models were a special case of a Markov random field and so MCMC
could be used to carry out the simulation of hjy, y in O(T) flops. This means the
simulation output inside an EM algorithm can be used to approximate the
maximum likelihood estimator of y. This parametric inference method, which
was the first fully efficient inference methods for SV models published in the
literature, is quite clunky as it has a lot of tuning constants and is slow to
converge numerically. In an influential paper, whose initial drafts I believe were
written concurrently and independently from the drafts of Shephard’s paper,
Jacquier, Polson, and Rossi (1994) demonstrated that a more elegant inference
algorithm could be developed by becoming Bayesian and using the MCMC algo-
rithm to simulate from h, yjy, again in O(T) flops. The exact details of their
14 Stochastic Volatility
sampler do not really matter as subsequent researchers have produced computa-
tionally simpler and numerically more efficient methods (of course they have the
same statistical efficiency!). What is important is that once Jacquier, Polson, and
Rossi (1994) had an ability to compute many simulations from this T þK
dimensional random variable (recall there are K parameters), they could discard
the h variables and simply record the many draws from yjy. Summarising these
draws then allows them to perform fully efficient parametric inference in a
relatively sleek way. See Chib (2001) for a wider view of MCMC methods.
A subsequent paper by Kim, Shephard, and Chib (1998) gives quite an
extensive discussion of various alternative methods for actually implementing
the MCMC algorithm. This is a subtle issue and makes a very large difference to
the computational efficiency of the methods. There have been quite a number of
papers on developing MCMC algorithms for various extensions of the basic SV
model (e.g. Wong (1999), Meyer and Yu (2000), Jacquier, Polson, and Rossi
(2003), Yu (2003) ).
Kim, Shephard, and Chib (1998) also introduced the first genuine filtering
method for recursively sampling from
, , h
, , y
, y, i ¼ 1, 2, , T,
in a total of O(T) flops
. These draws allow us to estimate by simulation
, , y
, y), the corresponding density and the density of
, , y
, y. This was carried out via a so-called particle filter (see, for
example, Gordon, Salmond, and Smith (1993), Doucet, de Freitas, and Gordon
(2001) and Pitt and Shephard (1999a) for more details. The latter paper focuses its
examples explicitly on SV models). Johannes, Polson, and Stroud (2002) discusses
using these methods on continuous time SV models, while an alternative strategy
for performing a kind of filtering is the reprojection algorithm of Gallant and
Tauchen (1998). As well as being of substantial scientific interest for decision
making, the advantage of having a filtering method is that it allows us to compute
marginal likelihoods for model comparison and one-step-ahead predictions for
model testing. This allowed us to see if these SV models actually fit the data.
Although these MCMC based papers are mostly couched in discrete time, a
key advantage of the general approach is that it can be adapted to deal with
continuous time models by the idea of augmentation. This was mentioned in
Kim, Shephard, and Chib (1998), but fully worked out in Elerian, Chib, and
Shephard (2001), Eraker (2001) and Roberts and Stramer (2001). In passing we
should also mention the literature on maximum simulated likelihood estimation,
which maximises an estimate of the log-likelihood function computed by simula-
tion. General contributions to this literature include Hendry and Richard (1991),
Durbin and Koopman (1997), Shephard and Pitt (1997) and Durbin and
Of course one could repeatly reuse MCMC methods to perform filtering, but each simula-
tion would cost O(t) flops, so processing the entire sample would cost O(T
) flops which is
usually regarded as being unacceptable.
General Introduction 15
Koopman (2001). The applications of these methods to the SV problem
include Danielsson (1994), Sandmann and Koopman (1998), Durbin and
Koopman (2001) and Durham and Gallant (2002). The corresponding results
on inference for continuous time models is given in the seminal paper by
Pedersen (1995), as well as additional contributions by Elerian, Chib, and Shep-
hard (2001), Brandt and Santa-Clara (2002), Durham and Gallant (2002) and
Durham (2003).
The work on particle filters is related to Foster and Nelson (1996) (note also the
work of Genon-Catalot, Laredo, and Picard (1992) and Hansen (1995) ). They
provided an asymptotic distribution theory for an estimator of Q
, the spot
(not integrated) covariance. Their idea was to compute a local covariance from
the lagged data, e.g.
¼ "h
j ¼1
They then studied its behaviour as M !1and h # 0 under some assumptions.
This ‘‘double asymptotics’’ yields a Gaussian limit theory so long as h # 0 and
M !1at the correct, connected rates. This work is related to the realised
volatility literature discussed in section 6.
As I discussed above, the use of MCMC methods to perform inference on SV
models is important, but it really amounted to the careful importation of existing
technology from the statistics literatures. A more novel approach was introduced
by Smith (1993) and later developed by Gourieroux, Monfort, and Renault
(1993) and Gallant and Tauchen (1996) into what is now called indirect inference
or the efficient method of moments. Throughout their development of this rather
general fully parametric simulation method both Gourieroux, Monfort, and
Renault (1993) and Gallant and Tauchen (1996) had very much in mind the
task of performing reasonably efficient inference on SV models. Early applica-
tions include Engle and Lee (1996) and Monfardini (1998). Gallant, Hsieh, and
Tauchen (1997) give an extensive discussion of the use of these methods in
practice. Here I will briefly give a stylised version of this approach, using different
Suppose there is an alternative plausible model for the returns whose
density, g(y;c), is easy to compute and, for simplicity of exposition, has
dim (c) ¼ dim (y). The model g is often called the auxiliary model. I suppose it
is a good description of the data. Think of it, for simplicity of exposition, as
GARCH. Then compute its MLE, which we write as
cc. We assume this is a
regular problem so that
› log g(y;c)
¼ 0,
16 Stochastic Volatility