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De giua ky II

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (129.38 KB, 5 trang )

I. Listen and tick the activities .(1,5 điểm)
Reading Watching Listening Doing Jogging Talking
Her mother
Her father
Her broher
II. Read the text .
Quang is a gymnast . He is tall and thin. He has short black hair.
His eyes are brown . He has a round face and thin lips. Quang is having
dinner at the moment . He likes eating fish. He often has fish , meat and
vegetables for dinner . After dinner , he eats bananas . Then he drinks
orange juice . He feels full after dinner .
1. True or false(Đánh dấu(T)nếuthông tin đúng và(F)nếu thông tin sai ).(1.5p)
a. Quang is short and big.
b. After dinner , he eats oranges and drink lemon juice.
c. Quang is full after dinner.
2. Answer the questions. ( Trả lời các câu hỏi )(1.5p)
a. What does Quang do ?
b. Is he having dinner now ?
c. What color is his hair ?
III. Match the question in A with their answers in B. ( Nối câu hỏi cột A
với câu trả lời cột B )(1.5p)
Đáp án
What is she doing now ? a She is learning English. 1 -
How do you feel ? b
Id like a glass of milk.
2 -

Which sports does she play ? c They are blue. 3 -
What would you like ? d I feel hungry and tired 4 -
How much meat do you want? e
She does aerobics and plays badminton
5 -
What color are Lizs eyes ?
f Two kilos 6 -
IV. choose the best answer. ( Chọn đáp án đúng )(2.0p)
1. How.bananas are there on the table ?
A. often B. many C. much D. long
2. Listen ! He about your exercise .
A. talking B. to talk C. is talking D. talk
3. What Lan often do in her free time ? She plays piano.
A. would B. do C. is D. does
Phòng gd & đt vĩnh bảo
Trờng thcs liên am
đề khảo sát chất lợng giữa kỳ ii
Năm học 2009 - 2010
Môn tiếng anh 6 ( Thời gian làm bài : 45 )
454545tgfgcgftytuy6tuytyryrtredrtdtd4545454545 )
4. There aren’t………. apples in the fridge .
A. some B. a C. any D. an
V. Write sentences with the cues given. ( Dïng tõ gîi ý viÕt thµnh c©u ) (2.0p).
1. Chi / tall / but / her friends / short . ……………………………………………
2. How often / Nga and Lan / go/ walking/ mountains ?
…………………………………………………… . . ?

3. She / listen / music / now . ……………………………………………
4. I/ like / sandwich / glass/ lemon juice/,please.
…………………………………… . . . . . . . .
Matrix:Kh¶o s¸t chÊt lîng gi÷a k× II. – ANH 6 (2009-2010)
Nội dung kiến thức
Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng
Tự luận
Tự luận
Listening : I 6
0,25 đ
6 1, 5 đ
Language focus :III
0,25 đ
0,5 đ
6 1,5 đ
4 2,0 đ
Reading : II

0,5 đ
0,5 đ
6 3.0 đ
Writing : V 4
0,5 đ
4 2,0đ
Tổng: Câu
1,5 đ
2,0 đ
3,0 đ
1,5 đ
10 đ
Đáp án bài khảo sát chất lợng giữa học kì II
Năm học 2009- 2010
Môn tiếng Anh 6
I. (1,5 điểm ) Mỗi câu đúng đợc 0,25 điểm:
Hoa : doing
Her mother :watching , talking

Her father : readimg , listening
Her brother : jogging
II. (3,0điểm ) Mỗi câu đúng đợc 0,5 điểm:
1. a. F
b. F
c. T
2. a. He is a gymnast.
b. Yes, he is.
c. His hair is black / He has black hair.
III. (1,5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng đợc 0,25 điểm:
1- a
2- d
3- e
4- b
5- f
6- c
IV.(2,0 điểm ) Mỗi câu đúng đợc 0,5 điểm;
1. B. many
2. C. is talking
3. D. does
4. C. any
V. (2,0 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng đợc 0,5 điểm:
1. Chi is tall but her friends are short.
2. How offten do Lan and Nga go walkingin the
mountains ?
3. She is listening to music now.
4. Id like a sandwich and a glass of lemon juice, please.
Lời bài nghe:
At 8 p.m . Affter dinner, Hoas family are at home. Now she is doing her
homework and her mother is watching a film and talking to her bother on the

phone. Her brother ,Nam is jogging with his friend. Her father likes watching
TV but now he is reading the newspaper and listening to music.

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