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phòng giáo dục và đào tạo
chí linh
đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi lớp 9
năm học 2009 - 2010
Số phách:
Điểm bài thi:
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Đề thi gồm: 05 trang
Ngày thi: 6 tháng 3 năm 2010
A. Listening. (10 marks)
You will hear a short conversation between two people talking at the air port. You will
hear the conversation only twice. There are five questions about the conversation. The
questions will be followed by three options (marked A, B, and C). You are to choose the
best answer to each question by circling the letter A, B, or C.
1. What does Michal look like? Hes
A. tall and well-built B. not tall but handsome C. tall but slim
2. What color are Michals eyes? They are
A. brown B. blue C. gray
3. What is Michals relationship with Tim? Michal is Tims
A. brother B. cousin C. neighbor
4. Michal is quite
A. shy B. generous C. sociable
5. When Tim sees Michal, Michal is.
A. shouting B. talking C. crying
B. Phonetics.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
in each group by circling the letter A, B, C or D. (5 marks)
6. A. threat B. breath C. cloth D. though
7. A. surfed B. laughed C. closed D. impressed
8. A. religion B. pesticide C. assign D. hike

9. A. tough B. cough C. enough D. rough
10. A. communicate B. decorate C. participate D. considerate
C. Grammar - Vocabulary - Language Functions.
I. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence (15 marks)
11. Sarah has lost her passport again. Its the second time this______
A. has happened B. happens C. happened D. is happening
12. We ______ by a loud noise during the night.
A. woke up B. are woken up C. were woken up D. were waking up
13. I would like ______my eyes ______
A. to have/ examined B. to have/ be examined
C. have/ examining D. have/ examination
14. We went by ______ to ______ North of England.
A. train/ B. train/ the C. a train/ the D. a train/
15. It began to get dark ______ I turned on the light.
A. however B. but C. therefore D. so
16. I ______ my father. He was scared of height, too.
A. take after B. take to C. take up D. take off
Đề chính thức
17. Our neighbors apologized ______so much noise.
A. for make B. to make C. for making D. to making
18. She was very terrified when she discovered a man _____ on her bed.
A. to sleep B. sleep C. sleeping D. slept
19. Dr. Chan is a very good lecturer with _____ we are having testing lessons now.
A. who B. whom C. which D.A and B
20. Last year, we had a wonderful holiday in China with John, _____ is our English friend.
A. who B. whom C. which D. that
21. ________they are tropical birds, parrots can live in temperature or even cold water.
A. Despite B. Although C. Nevertheless D. But
22. " When can you come?" - "I'll come as soon as ______my work"

A. I’ve finished B. I'd finished C. I will finish D. I finish
23. " What would you like for your birthday?" - "______will do"
A. Anything B. None C. Something D. Somebody
24. They said that ______the spare parts come in, they’ll call you straight away.
A. When B. even if C. in case D. whether
25. It's important ______ the meeting on time.
A. starting B. start C. to start D. started
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentence. Write your
answer next to the number. (5 marks)
26. Peter spoke ______ because he was so excited (BREATHE)
27. It was very ______ of you to sing so loud so late at night. (THINK)
28. Do you ever suffer from _________. (BORE)
29. It was an ______ experience of his when he was studying at the University. (FORGET)
30. Many children found the film ______ (FASCINATE)
III. Identify the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
Write the letter A, B, C or D next to the number (5marks)
31. John is going (A) to the airport to meet (B) his old friend, that (C) comes (D) to stay with
him for some weeks.
32. We haven’t had (A) a party from (B) last year because (C) we almost haven’t had one day
off (D) to do it.
33. Learning (A) a foreign language enables (B) you develop (C) an understanding of another
culture (D).
34. The smaller (A) of all (B) nine planets (C) in the solar (D) system is Pluto.
35. If he weren’t (A) too old, he would (B) apply to (C) the job as (D) a war reporter.
Your answer: 31______32______33______34______35______
I. These announcements appear at some places only. Match each announcement (1 – 8)
with a proper place (A – K) where it usually appears. Write the letter A, B, C or D next

to the number in “Your answer” column. E.g. 0 – L (9 marks)
Announcements Appearing places Your
36.No smoking – Inflammable!
37.Keep silent!
38.Keep out of reach of children
39.For over 18 years old only
40.No smoking – Fasten your seat belt
41.Be aware of bears!
42.Dangerous! High voltage!
43.No picture allowed!
44.Slow down!
A. In a school-yard
B. On an airplane
C. At a gas station
D. On the fence of a military base
E. On a box or bottle of medicine
F. At the gate of a supermarket
G. In a hospital
H. At an intersection
I. On the electric posts
J. At the entrance of a forest
K. At the movie or cinema halls

II. Read the information on The Medicine in the passage below and write (T) or (F) in the
blanks after the statements from 45 to 50. (6 marks)
Write (T) if the statement agrees with the information
Write (F) if the statement contradicts the information
Example: You must shake the bottle before you take this medicine. ____T_____
The Medicine
• This medicine must be taken as directed.
• Before using, shake the bottle.
• Dose: 50ml to be taken twice daily after the midday and evening meals.
• Do not take this medicine on an empty stomach or immediately before lying down.
• If any of the following occur, discontinue taking the medicine and contact your
doctor: dizziness, vomiting, affected eyesight.
• The medicine is not available without a prescription and is not suitable for children
under 5 years.
• Once you have begun to take this medicine you must continue to take it until the
bottle is empty, unless advised otherwise by your doctor.
• Only one course of this medicine should be taken in a period of six months.
Expiry date: 16 February, 2004
T/ F
45. You should take this medicine before the midday and evening meals. ________
46. You should lie down after you have taken the medicine. ________
47. You must stop taking the medicine if your eyesight is affected. ________
48. This medicine is suitable for a person of any age. ________

49. “Expiry date” means “the date after which something should not be used”. ________
50. Your health will be better if you follow the doctor’s advice. ________
III. Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to the questions from 51
to 60 by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (10 marks)
Last summer John went on holiday for two weeks to the island of Sardinia. He stayed
in a hotel which had a wonderful swimming pool and beautiful views of the sea. It was a
village where the local people went fishing in the winter, and foreign visitors came in the
John spent his first day on the beach, but on the second day he felt very ill. First he
was very hot, and then he was too cold. He couldn't understand why he felt like that. So he
went to see the local doctor, who was a very nice man, and whose English was excellent.
"Summer is a time when people often feel ill". The doctor said. "It's too hot for most of
us! Take this medicine, and stay out of the sun." John took the doctor's advice, and stayed
in his room for the rest of his holiday. He soon felt better. "What a cheap holiday!" he
thought happily.
51. Where did John go to for a holiday last summer?
A. the mountain B. the island C. the desert D. the city
52. He stayed in a________ hotel.
A. nice B. bad C. old D. cheap
53. The village is for___________.
A. visitors only B. local people only C. both A and B D. foreigners only
54. What did the local people do there?
A. visited B. spent their holidays C. went fishing D. made friends
55. How many days did John spend on the beach?
A. 1 day B. 2 weeks C. 1 week D. 2 days
56. Who did he meet when he felt very ill?

A. The hotel manager B. The local fisherman
C. His friend D. The local doctor
57. According to the passage the local doctor________.
A. can't speak English very well B. can speak English badly
C. can't speak English D. can speak English very well
58. According to the passage, the weather in summer is__________ for people's health.
A. good B. not good C. comfortable D. pleasant
59. John ___________what the doctor told him.
A. followed B. was opposed to C. didn’t follow D. was against
60. It is inferred from the passage John was__________ with his holiday.
A. disappointed B. not pleased C. sad D. satisfied
IV. Read the text carefully then put those sentences in the correct order. Write only the
letter of each sentence in each box behind the number given. (10 marks)
Working for an airline
Nicola Pete left school at eighteen went to a college and then work at a local airport.
After nine months, she went to work for Saudi Arabian Airlines and then she joined
British Airways as an air-hostess. Four years later, she got her present job as a manager.
This is what she told us about her job:
“My office is at Heathrow Airport, but I spend 60% of my time in the air, I teach air-
hostesses and help them with any problems. I also go to lots of meetings. My hours are
usually from 8 am but sometimes I work from 1pm to 9 pm. At work, the first thing I do is
to check plane time on my computer and then I speak with some of the air-hostesses.
Sometimes I go on long flights to check how the air-hostesses are doing. That’s my
favorite part of the job, but I like office work, too. Traveling can be a hard work. When I
get back from a long journey, all I can do is eating something and then going to bed! I
don’t earn much money, but I’m happy with British Airways and I want to stay there and
continue to travel.”

A. After leaving school, Nicola became a hostess.
B. Nicola finished school at the age of 18.
C. Nicola would like to stay the same job
D. Most days, Nicola started work at 8 a.m.
E. Nicola does the most of the work in airplane.
F. The first thing Nicola does after a long journey is to have a meal
G. When Nicola first started working for British Airways; she was an air-hostess.
H. Nicola occasionally likes going on long flights.
I. Nicolas first job was at a local airport
J. At the beginning of each day, Nicola works with her computer.
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
I. Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a certain place/city in Vietnam. Write a letter to
a friend about your trip. Your letter must be between 100-120 words beginning and
finishing as shown. You need to cover the following information: (25 marks)
- Place: name of the place you visited
- How did you feel about the people? (Friendly, hospitable, helpful, etc.)
- What was the weather like? (Warm, cold, windy, sunny, etc.)
- Who did you meet and see? (Old friends, teachers, neighbors, relatives, etc)
- What did you see? (Museums, supermarkets, parks, zoos, etc.)
- What did you buy? (Souvenirs, books, photos, postcards, etc.)
Dear Nga,

The end
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phòng giáo dục và đào tạo
chí linh
Đáp án và hớng dẫn chấm.
đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi lớp 9
năm học 2009 - 2010
M«n: TiÕng Anh
(Kú thi ngµy 6 th¸ng 3 n¨m 2010)
A. Listening. (10 marks)
Total: 10 marks. Each correct answer is given 2 marks
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C
B. Phonetics.
Total: 5 marks. Each correct answer is given 1 mark
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D
C. Grammar - Vocabulary - Language Functions.

Total: 15 marks. Each correct answer is given 1 mark
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D 16. A
17. C 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. D
23. A 24. A 25. C
Total: 5 marks. Each correct answer is given 1 mark
26. breathless 27. thoughtless 28. boredom
29. unforgettable 30. fascinating
Total: 5 marks. Each correct answer is given 1 mark
31. C 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. C
Total: 9 marks. Each correct answer is given 1 mark
36 - C 37 – O 38 – E 39 – K 40 – B 41 – J
42 – I 43 – D 44 - H
Total: 6 marks. Each correct answer is given 1 mark
45 – F 46 – F 47 – T 48 – F 49 – T 50 - T
Total: 10 marks. Each correct answer is given 1 mark
51 – B 52 – A 53 – C 54 – C 55 – B 56 – D
57 – D 58 – B 59 – A 60 - D
Total: 10 marks. Each correct answer is given 1 mark
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Analytical Marking

Situational writing (25 marks) (an informal letter)
No Components Marks
1 Content / ideas (quantity & quality of ideas) 10
2 Organization of ideas ( Topic sentence, supportive ideas, very
smooth and cohesive
3 Language - good command of English, grammar and
sentence structures
4 Vocabulary ( quantity and quality of ideas) 3
5 Creative / style 2
Total 25
Tổng 100 điểm
Giữ nguyên điểm chấm

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