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Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 81 docx

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Chapter 21 Working Together with Adobe Programs 513
Adobe Mini Bridge (New!) is a condensed version of Adobe Bridge
available in a panel within an Adobe CS program (Photoshop, InDesign,
and InCopy). Mini Bridge allows you to directly access graphics within
a CS program, where you can drag and drop them in a document.
Within Mini Bridge, you can navigate to different locations on your
computer, preview content, access Adobe Bridge, and set preferences
for launching, appearance, and managing modules.
Using Mini Bridge
Use Mini Bridge
Launch your Adobe product, and
then start Mini Bridge:
◆ Photoshop. Click the File menu,
and then click Browse in Mini
Bridge or click the Launch Mini
Bridge button on the Application
◆ InDesign/InCopy. Shift+click the
Go to Bridge button on the
Application bar.
The Welcome to Mini Bridge
screen opens.
Click the Browse Files button to
view files or click Settings button to
change preferences.
Use the Navigation pod and Path
bar to locate the graphics you want
to view.
Use the tools on the top of the
Content Pod to sort, filter, and place

files, and tools on the bottom to
change the display view.
To preview files, click the Preview
list arrow, and then click an option:
◆ Slide Show. Displays a slide
show of the viewed files.
◆ Review Mode. Displays a full
screen preview of the viewed
◆ Full Screen Preview. Displays a
full screen preview.
◆ Preview. Displays a preview in
the Content panel.
Launch Mini Bridge button on the Application bar
Home Screen button
From the Library of Wow! eBook
514 Chapter 21
Adobe CS Live (New!) is an online service that allows you to set up or
manage (sign in and out) an Adobe account, review CS5 documents

(Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop) online, access the Acrobat.com
subscription-based Web site or the Adobe ConnectNow Web site
where you can collaborate with others, display CS news and resources
in a panel within CS5 programs, and access an Adobe Web site with
information about CS Live Services. You can access these options
directly from the CS Live menu on the right side of the menu bar next to
the Search bar. When the CS Live menu icon includes a bulls eye, you
are signed in to the online services.
Exploring CS Live
Explore CS Live Services
Click the CS Live menu (New!),
and then select any of the following
◆ Set Up Your Access To Adobe
CS Live Online Services, Sign
In, or Sign Out. Select to set up,
sign in, or sign out of the CS Live
online service.
◆ Create New Review or Learn
More. Creates a CS5 document
review in Illustrator, InDesign, or
◆ Acrobat.com Home. Opens the
Acrobat.com subscription-based
Web site that allows you to work
and collaborate with others.
◆ Share My Screen. Opens the
Adobe ConnectNow Web site
where you can start an online

meeting and collaborate on any
design project across platforms
and programs.
◆ CS News and Resources. Opens
the CS News and Resources
panel with news and resources
from Adobe.
◆ Manage My Account. Opens a
secure Web site with your
Adobe account information after
you sign in.
◆ Explore CS Live Services.
Opens an Adobe Web site that
describes CS Live Services.
Signed in to CS Live online
Sign In to Adobe CS Live
From the Library of Wow! eBook
Chapter 21 Working Together with Adobe Programs 515
The Share My Screen command on the File or CS Live (New!) menu
allows you to connect to Adobe ConnectNow, which is a secure Web
site where you can start an online meeting and collaborate on any
design project across platforms and programs. You can share and
annotate your computer screen or take control of an attendee’s com-
puter. During the meeting, you can communicate by sending chat mes-
sages, using live audio, or broadcasting live video. In addition, you can
take meeting notes, and share files.
Sharing My Screen

Share My Screen
Click the File or CS Live menu, and
then click Share My Screen.
Enter your Adobe ID and
◆ If you don’t have an Adobe ID
and password, click the Create
a Free Adobe ID link, and then
follow the online instructions.
Click Sign In.
◆ If prompted, sign in to
To share your computer screen,
click the Share My Computer
Screen button.
Use the ConnectNow toolbar to do
any of the following:
◆ Meeting. Use to invite
participants, share your
computer screen, upload a file,
share your webcam, set
preferences, end a meeting,
and exit Adobe ConnectNow.
◆ PODS. Use to show and hide
pod panels.
◆ Help. Use to get help,
troubleshoot problems, and set
account and Flash Player
Click the participant buttons at the

bottom to specify roles, remove a
user, or request control of a user’s
From the Library of Wow! eBook
516 Chapter 21
Adobe CS Review (New!) is an integrated online service that provides
a simple way for CS5 users to quickly share their designs on the Web
so others can provide feedback. A review of a CS5 document can be
initiated from within Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. Reviewers, on
the other hand, don’t need the native program to perform a review. It’s
all done online in a browser along with the Flash Player installed. When
you provide feedback in CS Review online, the information and any
comments or requests are displayed back in the originating CS5 docu-
ment where the owner can respond. CS Review online provides secu-
rity options to control who can participate in a review and management
options to support the Review process.
Reviewing CS
Create a New Review with

CS Live
Open the CS5 document you want
to review in Illustrator, InDesign, or
Click the File or CS Live menu, and
then click Create New Review.
If prompted, click Sign In, enter
your e-mail address and
password, and then click Sign In.
Enter a review name, select the
Add Active Document to Review
check box, click OK, and then if
prompted, click Continue to use
the active document or Save As to
use a copy of the document.
If prompted, specify upload
settings for the document,
including page range, quality, and
intent, and then click Upload.
The CS Review panel opens.
Use the toolbar buttons to display
reviews and comments. You can
also double-click an item.
Select the document you want to
Click the View the Current Review
Online button on the panel.
In the Acrobat.com Web site, open
the reviewer page, and use the
toolbar options to add comments.

Added comments
From the Library of Wow! eBook
Chapter 21 Working Together with Adobe Programs 517
Manage a Review with CS Live
Click the Window menu, point to
Extensions, and then click CS
Review. If prompted, sign in.
Use the toolbar buttons to display
reviews and comments.
Use the Down arrow to access
available options:
◆ For a Reviewer. Click Open
View Comments, View Online,
Share, or Save As.

◆ For a Document. Click Open
Source File, View Online,
Delete Part, or Comment.
◆ For a Comment. Click Reply,
Flag, View Online, Copy Text,
Edit, or Delete.
Click a comment to display it.
Use buttons on the CS Review
panel to manage reviews:
◆ Invite Reviewers. Click the
Share button, specify an e-mail
address and role for each
reviewer, and then click OK.
◆ Show/Hide Comments in
Layout. Click the Show/Hide
Comments in Layout button.
◆ Go to Comment in Layout. Click
the Go to Comment in Layout
button, and then select a file.
◆ Add Pages. Click the Add
Pages from Current File button,
click Continue or Save As, and
then specify options.
◆ View the Review Online.
Select the review, and then
click the View the Current
Review Online button.
◆ Create New Review. Click the
Create a New Review button,
and specify information.

◆ Delete Review. Select the
review, click the Delete Review
button, and then click Delete.
Invite reviewers
Add pages
From the Library of Wow! eBook
518 Chapter 21
Exploring Adobe Device Central
Emulator tab
Displays a simulation of how content
appears on specific mobile devices.
Information panels
Displays a number of panels
for displaying information
based on the selected device.
Test Devices
Displays sets
of devices for

depends on the
content type.
Device image
From the Library of Wow! eBook
Chapter 21 Working Together with Adobe Programs 519
Testing your content on as many different devices as possible allows
you to reach a wider audience. Adobe Device Central makes it easy to
test your content on a wide variety of different mobile devices in one
place. Device Central provides a library of devices from which to
choose, and each device includes a profile with information about the
device, including media and content support types. Device Central uses
an emulator to simulate the way your content will look on a selected
device. An emulator is not the same as the real device. However, it
allows you to quickly test devices to get initial results.
Checking Content Using
Adobe Device Central
Check Content Using Adobe
Device Central
Start Adobe Device Central from the
Start menu (Win) or the Applications
folder (Mac) or from a CS program,
click the File menu, and then click
Device Central.
◆ In Bridge, right-click a file, and
then click Test in Device Central.
From the Welcome screen or the
File menu, select the option you

◆ Open for Testing. Opens a file for
testing with the Emulator tab. Use
the buttons on the mobile device
to test your content.
◆ Device Profiles. Displays mobile
device profiles. In the Available
Devices panel, expand a folder
with devices. On the Device
Profiles tab, click links to display
profile information.
◆ Create New Mobile. Creates a
new mobile document for Flash,
Photoshop, Illustrator, or other
CS program; select a mobile
device, and then click Create.
If you’re testing, select the options
you want in the Testing panels.
When you’re done, click the Close
button in the Device Central window.
New Document tab
Click to create a new
From the Library of Wow! eBook

520 Chapter 21
The Adobe Extension Manager is a program you can use to install and
delete added program functionality, known as extensions, to many
Adobe programs. The Extension Manager is automatically installed
when you install Flash, Dreamweaver, InDesign, or Fireworks. You can
use the Extension Manager to access the Adobe Exchange site, where
you can locate, research, and download many different types of exten-
sions. Some are free and some are not. After you download an exten-
sion, you can use Extension Manager to install it. Extension Manager
only displays extensions installed using the Extension Manager; other
extensions installed using a third-party installer might not appear. After
you install an extension, you can find and display information about it.
Using Adobe
Extension Manager
Download and Install an
Start Adobe Extension Manager
from the Start menu (Win) or the
Applications folder (Mac).
In Flash,
Dreamweaver, InDesign, or
Fireworks, click the Help menu, and
then click Manage Extensions.
Click the Exchange button on the
Select the extension you want to
download, and then save it to your
In Extension Manager, click the

Install button on the toolbar.
Locate and select the extension
(.mxp) you want to install, and then
click Install.
You can perform any of the
◆ Sort. Click a column heading.
◆ Enable or Disable. Select or
clear the check in the Enabled
check box next to the extension.
◆ Remove. Select the extension,
and then click Remove.
When you’re done, click the Close
button in the Extension Manager
Adobe CS programs
Extensions for the

selected CS program
From the Library of Wow! eBook
