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OBJECT-ORIENTED PHP Concepts, Techniques, and Code- P2 doc

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Contents in Detail xi
The SOAP Extension 105
A SOAP Client 105
Testing the Functionality 108
Viewing the Results Using AJAX 109
Complex Tasks Made Easy 110
Would You Want to Do It Procedurally? 110
__get and __set 112
Is It Worth It? 113
__isset and __unset 113
__call 114
__autoload 115
__sleep and __wakeup 116
__clone 116
Where’s Waldo? 117
clone 118
Aggregate Classes 119
A Get Method for Object Data Members of an Aggregate Class 121
No Clones Allowed 122
A Note About Overloading 122
What Are the Reflection Classes? 126
The Reflection Group of Classes 126
The Reflection Class 127
The ReflectionClass Class 128
ReflectionMethod and ReflectionParameter 129
Built-in Functions 129

What Format Do You Want? 130
The Documenter Class 130
Describing the Documenter Class 130
Describing Methods and Data Members 131
The Constructor 132
Method and Data Member Modifiers 132
Using the Documenter Class 134
Creating a Sidebar of Classes and Interfaces 134
Formatting Detailed Documentation 134
Formatting Comments for the Documenter 136
Reflecting 137
Brief Overview 140
Directory Structure 140
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xii Contents in Detail
How It’s Done 141
Getting Started 141
Creating a Table 142
Views 143
Triggers 144
PHP Implementation of SQLite 145
Extending SQLiteDatabase 145
Override the Query Methods 146
Error Messages 147
Query Methods 148
Utility Methods 151
Getting Metadata 152
Using Metadata 153

User-Defined Functions 154
Uses and Limitations of SQLite 156
Pros and Cons 158
Converting the SQLite Application 158
Code Changes 158
Additional Capabilities of PDO 161
The PDO Class 161
PDOStatement 161
Assessment 164
Is It the Holy Grail? 164
php.ini Settings 166
Don’t Escape Twice 168
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Special thanks to my family for their support, encouragement, and
forbearance; to the folks at No Starch for so deftly smoothing over the
rough edges; and lastly, thanks to Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP.
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OOPHP_02.book Page xiv Friday, May 5, 2006 2:25 PM
A number of years ago, before I started using PHP, I

created dynamic web pages using C. This really wasn’t
too different from some of the other options available
at the time, though it seems almost unthinkable now.
Creating a dynamic page meant outputting HTML
from your script and recompiling that script if any
changes needed to be made. What PHP had to offer was the ability to
embed server-side scripts into the body of a page wherever they were needed.
This was a considerable improvement because it meant you could code the
HTML as HTML and insert scripting when required. Introducing changes
was much easier, and since PHP is an interpreted language, there was no
need for recompilation.
The paths to using PHP are many and varied, but the single most
important reason for staying with it is ease of use. This is the major reason
that PHP has become such a popular web programming language. With the
arrival of version 5, PHP once again makes life simpler for web developers.
You can now add the power of a robust but uncomplicated object-oriented
(OO) language to your arsenal of web development tools.
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xvi Introduction
What Does This Book Have to Offer?
This book teaches OO PHP by doing it. If you are a PHP programmer who
wants to make the switch to an OO approach, Object-Oriented PHP can ease
the transition from procedural to object-oriented programming (OOP). Basic
concepts are introduced using simple but useful classes. In short, this book:
Brings together information from a variety of sources for a comprehen-
sive overview of OO PHP
Explains OO concepts through concrete examples, not in the abstract
Takes a practical and easy-to-understand approach
Demonstrates the advantages of OOP rather than just asserting them
The classes developed in this book are fully functional and are all

available for download at the companion website. This code can be put to
work immediately in a variety of situations.
The code takes full advantage of the capabilities of PHP 5 but, where
possible, a PHP 4 version of the code is also provided, because you don’t
always have a choice about where your code is deployed. Additionally, this
will ease the transition for anyone already familiar with OOP under PHP 4.
Who Should Read This Book?
This book will appeal to the developer who is familiar with PHP and wants to
learn how to use its OO capabilities. However, programmers already familiar
with an OO language, such as Java, who want to learn a scripting language will
also find it useful. Additionally, if you are a system administrator who is consid-
ering installing PHP 5, this book will help you make an informed decision.
PHP is first and foremost a language for creating dynamic web pages, but
the relative simplicity of OOP in PHP makes it an ideal language for a general
introduction to OOP. The concepts learned here are applicable to any OO
language, so if you want to get a feel for OOP, OO PHP is a good place to begin.
Whatever your motivation, by the time you’ve finished this book you’ll
have an excellent understanding of OOP and numerous classes that can
easily be reused in a variety of circumstances. But, more importantly, you’ll
be able to create your own classes and extend existing ones.
In order to get the maximum benefit from this book, there are software and
skill prerequisites.
With one or two minor exceptions (they are noted in the text), all the code
in this book will run on PHP 5.0.4 and higher. The PHP 4 code will run just
fine under PHP 5 but will issue warnings if error reporting is set to
(See Appendix A for more information about this new error reporting level.)
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Introduction xvii
PHP is available for virtually any operating system, so there are no
restrictions in this regard. As far as databases are concerned, any recent
version of MySQL, specifically versions 3 or higher, will do. Apache is the
preferred web server but Internet Information Server (IIS) can also be used.
(However, the acronym for Windows using IIS and MySQL with PHP may
serve to dissuade you from using this particular platform.)
Some knowledge of PHP is desirable, but barring that, a good understanding
of C-type syntax should get you through most code examples. Some knowl-
edge of (X)HTML and CSS is also assumed—after all, PHP is primarily a
web development language. You need only the most basic understanding
of XML even when working with the
SimpleXMLElement or SOAPClient classes.
Some understanding of JavaScript would be beneficial.
Familiarity with relational databases, especially MySQL, is recommended.
Overview of Contents
OOP is often described as an iterative process, and this is the approach we
take in this book. We will develop working examples of classes in order to
explore specific OO concepts and then return to improve these classes.
This book has sixteen chapters and two appendices. It is made up of
three different sections. The first three chapters offer an introduction to
OOP as implemented in PHP. Chapters 4 through 9 develop some useful
classes that demonstrate the basic syntax and concepts of OOP. Code com-
patible with PHP 4 and PHP 5 is provided. The remainder of the book
makes use of built-in classes available in PHP 5 only; consequently, there is
no PHP 4–compatible code. A brief outline of each chapter is provided here.
Chapter 1
Strangely enough, there are still web developers who question whether a
scripting language really needs to be object-oriented. This chapter deals with

issues related to this question.
Chapter 2
This chapter introduces the basics of OOP. The intent is not to exhaustively
cover the theoretical underpinnings of OOP—far from it. Think of this chap-
ter as a quick check for shallow water and rocks before diving in. The concepts
discussed are class, access modifiers, and inheritance—all you need to start
coding as quickly as possible.
Chapter 3
This chapter gives a broad overview of the changes introduced with PHP 5.
If you are new to PHP, it’s a good opportunity to assess the capabilities of the
language, but it should also appeal to the PHP 4 programmer who’s consid-
ering upgrading. This chapter also deals with some compatibility issues when
moving from version 4 to version 5.
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xviii Introduction
Chapter 4
Hands-on programming begins here. A relatively straightforward class is coded
in the style of PHP 4. The most basic concept of OOP, a class, is introduced.
Chapter 5
The directory items class, created in Chapter 4, is upgraded to use the syntax
of PHP 5. Further functionality is added to this class.
Chapter 6
This chapter creates a thumbnail image class for reducing images on the
fly. This class is used in conjunction with the directory items class created in
Chapter 5 to display images of a uniform size.
Chapter 7
After dealing with the size of images, the problem of displaying a large num-
ber of images is addressed. A page navigator class is created in order to step
through numerous images in an orderly fashion.
Chapter 8

Creating one class has lead to the creation of two other classes. This chapter
demonstrates that these classes can work well in unison.
Chapter 9
Databases are an important element in most dynamic web pages. Creating
our own MySQL database classes highlights the advantages of OOP in this
area. Using the page navigator class in a different context demonstrates the
reusability of OO code.
Chapter 10
Inheritance can improve the performance and ease of use of the MySQL
database classes. Catching exceptions is cleaner and much less tedious than
error trapping.
Chapter 11
In the interest of getting on with the coding, some advanced concepts of OOP
were glossed over in Chapter 10. This chapter returns to some of the topics
previously raised. It includes an in-depth discussion of abstract classes, inter-
faces, and static classes. Design patterns and polymorphism are also examined.
Chapter 12
PHP is all about creating dynamic websites. So far we’ve seen how this can be
done using databases. This chapter explores the creation of dynamic pages
using the
SimpleXMLElement and SOAPClient classes. This chapter also shows how
asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) can work in unison with PHP. See
just how easy it is to implement web services using classes built in to PHP 5.
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Introduction xix
Chapter 13
This is one of the few non–project-oriented chapters. It explores in detail all
the magic methods available in PHP 5. Understanding these methods is
essential for getting the maximum benefit out of OO PHP and for avoiding
some common “gotchas.”

Chapter 14
PHP 5 includes a group of classes called the Reflection classes, typically used
to reverse engineer code. Pay a little attention to the format of internal docu-
mentation, and these classes can be used to make your code self-documenting.
Chapter 15
SQLite is packaged with PHP 5 and comes with an OO interface. This chapter
extends SQLite and develops a web-based resource management program.
No knowledge of SQLite is presupposed.
Chapter 16
PHP Data Object (PDO) is a data-access abstraction layer that works with most
databases. The application developed in Chapter 15 is converted to a PDO
Appendix A
This appendix deals with OO issues related to the installation and config-
uration of PHP 5.
Appendix B
The major syntactic differences between PHP 4 and PHP 5 are presented
here in tabular form.
Companion Website
This book has a companion website () where
you can download all the code related to it. Downloads are available as
zipped files or tarballs, chapter by chapter or as one complete download.
Code compatible with PHP 4 is clearly marked as such and, depending upon
your circumstances, may not need to be downloaded at all.
The principle purpose of the companion site is to provide these down-
loads, but working examples of some of the classes created in this book are
also incorporated into the site. The
DirectoryItems class is used to present the
downloads, and a page navigator is used in conjunction with MySQL classes
to page through a database of articles. Resources are added and displayed

using PDO and an SQLite database. Finally, documentation of internal PHP
classes is generated using the
Documenter class. The companion website not
only provides support for this book, it is also a graphic demonstration of its
contents; to rephrase an expression, “the message becomes the medium.”
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xx Introduction
You can also post or review errata on the website, and links to many of
the resources used in this book are provided.
For your convenience, some of the most useful resources are reproduced here.
International PHP Magazine: www.phpmag.net
Cutting-edge articles and news about PHP. Available by subscription only.
The official PHP site, where you will find documentation and many code
examples. It is the primary source of information about PHP.
A monthly magazine for PHP professionals. Available by subscription only.
Planet PHP: www.planet-php.net
Links to articles and all the latest news about PHP.
Zend: www.zend.com
Information about Zend products, but also many good tutorials by the
creators of the scripting engine that underlies PHP.
Essential PHP Security, by Chris Shiflett (O’Reilly)
Learning XML, by Erik T. Ray (O’Reilly)
PHP 5 Power Programming, by Andi Gutmans, Stig Bakken, and Derick
Rethans (Prentice Hall)
PHP Cookbook, by David Sklar and Adam Trachtenberg (O’Reilly)

PHP Hacks, by Jack D. Herrington (O’Reilly)
php|architect’s Guide to PHP Design Patterns, by Jason Sweat (php|architect)
php|architect’s Guide to PHP Security, by Ilia Alshanetsky (php|architect)
Programming PHP, by Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre, and Rasmus Lerdorf
Thinking in Java, by Bruce Eckel (Prentice Hall)
Upgrading to PHP 5, by Adam Trachtenberg (O’Reilly)
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