By Jeffrey Zeldman
201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46290
Taking Your
Talent to the
A Guide for the Transitioning Designer
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Taking Your Talent to the Web:
A Guide for the Transitioning Designer
Copyright 2001 by New Riders Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means—electronic, mechani-
cal, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without written permission
from the publisher. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the
use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution
has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and au-
thor assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any li-
ability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information
contained herein.
International Standard Book Number: 0-7357-1073-2
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 00-111152
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing: May 2001
05 04 03 02 01 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as ac-
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tion provided is on an “as is” basis. The authors and the publisher shall
have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with re-
spect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in
this book.
David Dwyer
Associate Publisher
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Executive Editor
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Suzanne Pettypiece
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Contents at a Glance
Introduction 1
Part I WHY: Understanding the Web
Chapter 1 Splash Screen 5
Chapter 2 Designing for the Medium 13
Chapter 3 Where Am I? Navigation & Interface 69
Part II WHO: People, Parts, and Processes
Chapter 4 How This Web Thing Got Started 111
Chapter 5 The Obligatory Glossary 123
Chapter 6 What Is a Web Designer, Anyway? 135
Chapter 7 Riding the Project Life Cycle 147
Part III HOW: Talent Applied (Tools & Techniques)
Chapter 8 HTML, the Building Blocks of Life Itself 175
Chapter 9 Visual Tools 209
Chapter 10 Style Sheets for Designers 253
Chapter 11 The Joy of JavaScript 285
Chapter 12 Beyond Text/Pictures 327
Chapter 13 Never Can Say Goodbye 387
Index 403
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Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Part I WHY: Understanding the Web 3
1 Splash Screen 5
Meet the Medium 6
Expanding Horizons 7
Working the Net…Without a Net 9
Smash Your Altars 11
2 Designing for the Medium 13
Breath Mint? Or Candy Mint? 14
Where’s the Map? 19
Mars and Venus 20
Web Physics: Action and Interaction 20
Different Purposes, Different Methodologies 23
Web Agnosticism 23
Open Standards—They’re Not Just for Geeks Anymore 27
Point #1: The Web Is Platform-Agnostic 27
Point #2: The Web Is Device-Independent 29
Point #3: The Web Is Held Together by Standards 29
The 18-Month Pregnancy 31
Chocolatey Web Goodness 32
’Tis a Gift to Be Simple 32
Democracy, What a Concept 32
Instant Karma 34
The Whole World in Your Hands 35
Just Do It: The Web as Human Activity 35
The Viewer Rules 36
Multimedia: All Talking! All Dancing! 37
The Server Knows 38
It’s the Bandwidth, Stupid 41
Web Pages Have No Secrets 42
The Web Is for Everyone! 44
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It’s Still the Bandwidth, Stupid 45
Swap text and code for images 46
Trim those image files 46
Do more with less 47
Prune redundancy 47
Cache as Cache Can 49
Much Ado About 5K 50
Screening Room 51
Liquid Design 51
Color My Web 55
Thousands Weep 57
Gamma Gamma Hey! 59
Typography 62
The 97% Solution 62
Points of Distinction 63
Year 2000—Browsers to the Rescue 64
Touch Factor 65
Appropriate Graphic Design 65
Accessibility, the Hidden Shame
of the Web 65
User Knowledge 67
3 Where Am I? Navigation & Interface 69
What Color Is Your Concept? 70
Business as (Cruel and) Usual 71
The Rise of the Interface Department 72
Form and Function 74
Copycats and Pseudo-Scientists 77
Chaos and Clarity 78
A Design Koan: Interfaces Are a Means too Often Mistaken for an End 80
Universal Body Copy and Other Fictions 80
Interface as Architecture 81
Ten (Okay, Three) Points of Light 82
Be Easily Learned 82
Remain Consistent 82
Continually Provide Feedback 84
GUI, GUI, Chewy, Chewy 84
It’s the Browser, Stupid 85
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Clarity Begins at Home (Page) 87
I Think Icon, I Think Icon 88
Structural Labels: Folding the Director’s Chair 90
The Soul of Brevity 90
Hypertext or Hapless Text 91
Scrolling and Clicking Along 95
Stock Options (Providing Alternatives) 97
Hierarchy and the So-Called Three Click Rule 97
The So-Called Rule of Five 99
Highlights and Breadcrumbs 101
Consistent Placement 102
Brand That Sucker! 103
Part II WHO: People, Parts, and Processes 109
4 How This Web Thing Got Started 111
1452 111
1836 111
1858 111
1876 112
Why We Mentioned These Things 112
1945 112
1962 112
1965 112
1966 113
1978 113
1981 113
1984 114
1986 114
1988 114
1989 115
1990 115
1991 115
1993 116
1994 116
1995 117
1996 118
1997 119
1998 120
1999 121
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2000 121
The year web standards broke, 1 121
The year web standards broke, 2 122
The year web standards broke, 3 122
The year the bubble burst 122
2001 122
5 The Obligatory Glossary 123
Web Lingo 124
Extranet 124
HTML 125
Hypertext, hyperlinks, and links 125
Internet 125
Intranet 126
JavaScript, ECMAScript, CSS, XML, XHTML, DOM 127
Web page 128
Website 128
Additional terminology 129
Roles and Responsibilities in the Web World 129
Web developer/programmer 129
Project manager 130
Systems administrator (sysadmin) and network administrator (netadmin) 131
Web technician 131
Your Role in the Web 133
6 What Is a Web Designer, Anyway? 135
What We Have Here Is an Opportunity to Communicate 137
The Definition Defined 138
Look and feel 138
Business-to-business 139
Business-to-consumer 140
Solve Communication Problems 140
Brand identity 141
Web-specific 141
Restrictions of the Medium 142
Technology 143
Works with team members 144
Visually and emotionally engaging 144
Easy to navigate 145
Compatible with visitors’ needs 145
Accessible to a wide variety of web browsers and other devices 145
Can You Handle It? 146
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7 Riding the Project Life Cycle 147
What Is the Life Cycle? 148
Why Have a Method? 149
We Never Forget a Phase 151
Analysis (or “Talking to the Client”) 152
The early phase 153
Defining requirements 154
Design 156
Brainstorm and problem solve 156
Translate needs into solutions 157
Sell ideas to the client 158
Identify color comps 160
Create color comps/proof of concept 160
Present color comps and proof of concept 161
Receive design approval 162
Development 162
Create all color comps 163
Communicate functionality 164
Work with templates 165
Design for easy maintenance 165
Testing 166
Deployment 166
The updating game 167
Create and provide documentation and style guides 168
Provide client training 169
Learn about your client’s methods 169
Work the Process 170
Part III HOW: Talent Applied (Tools & Techniques) 173
8 HTML, the Building Blocks of Life Itself 175
Code Wars 176
Table Talk 176
XHTML Marks the Spot 177
Minding Your <p>’s and q’s 178
Looking Ahead 179
Getting Started 181
View Source 183
A Netscape Bonus 184
The Mother of All View Source Tricks 184
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Doin’ it in Netscape 184
Doin’ it in Internet Explorer 185
Absolutely Speaking, It’s All Relative 185
What Is Good Markup? 188
What Is Sensible Markup? 189
HTML as a Design Tool 190
Plug-ins and Tables and Frames, Oh My! 193
The Frames of Hazard 194
Please Frame Safely 195
Framing Your Art 195
<META> <META> Hiney Ho! 197
Search Me 197
Take a (Re)Load Off 200
A Comment About <COMMENTS> 201
WYSIWYG, My Aunt Moira’s Left Foot 202
Code of Dishonor 202
WYS Is Not Necessarily WYG 203
Browser Incompatibilities: Can’t We All Just Get Along? 204
Publish That Sucker! 205
HTMHell 207
9 Visual Tools 209
Photoshop Basics: An Overview 209
Comp Preparation 210
Dealing with Color Palettes 210
Exporting to Web-Friendly Formats 210
Gamma Compensation 211
Preparing Typography 211
Slicing and Dicing 211
Rollovers (Image Swapping) 211
GIF Animation 212
Create Seamless Background Patterns (Tiles) 212
Color My Web: Romancing the Cube 212
Dither Me This 213
Death of the Web-Safe Color Palette? 215
A Hex on Both Your Houses 216
Was Blind, but Now I See 217
From Theory to Practice 217
Format This: GIFs, JPEGs, and Such 221
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GIF 222
Loves logos, typography, and long walks in the woods 223
GIFs in Photoshop 224
JPEG, the Other White Meat 226
Optimizing GIFs and JPEGs 228
Expanding on Compression 231
Make your JPEGS smaller 231
Combining sharp and blurry 231
Compression Breeds Style: Thinking About the Medium 234
PNG 236
Animated GIFs 237
Creating Animations in ImageReady 238
Typography 239
The ABCs of Web Type 240
Anti-Aliasing 241
Specifying Anti-Aliasing for Type 243
General tips 244
General Hints on Type 244
The Sans of Time 244
Space Patrol 245
Lest We Fail to Repeat Ourselves 245
Accessibility, Thy Name Is Text 246
Navigation: Charting the Visitor’s Course 247
Slicing and Dicing 248
Thinking Semantically 251
10 Style Sheets for Designers 253
Tag Soup and Crackers 254
CSS to the Rescue…Sort of 256
Designing with Style: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 257
Separation of Style from Content 258
Disadvantages of Traditional Web Design Methods 258
CSS Advantages: Short Term 259
CSS Advantages: Long Term 261
Compatibility Problems: An Overview 261
Working with Style Sheets 263
Types of Style Sheets 266
External style sheets 267
Embedding a style sheet 268
Adding styles inline 269
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Trouble in Paradise: CSS Compatibility Issues 271
Fear of Style Sheets: CSS and Layout 271
Fear of Style Sheets: Leading and Image Overlap 273
Fear of Style Sheets: CSS and Typography 274
Promise and performance 274
Font Size Challenges 276
Points of contention 276
Point of no return: browsers of the year 2000 277
Pixels for fun and profit 278
Absolute size keywords 280
Relative keywords 281
Length units 282
Percentage units 283
Looking Forward 284
11 The Joy of JavaScript 285
What Is This Thing Called JavaScript? 286
The Web Before JavaScript 286
JavaScript, Yesterday and Today 287
JavaScript, Unhh! What Is It Good For? 288
Sounds Great, but I’m an Artist. Do I Really Have to Learn This Stuff? 290
Educating Rita About JavaScript 291
Don’t Panic! 292
JavaScript Basics for Web Designers 292
The Dreaded Text Rollover 294
The Event Handler Horizon 295
Status Quo 297
A Cautionary Note 299
Kids, Try This at Home 299
The fine print 299
Return of the son of fine print 300
The Not-So-Fine Print 300
The Ever-Popular Image Rollover 302
A Rollover Script from Project Cool 303
Windows on the World 307
Get Your <HEAD> Together 308
Avoiding the Heartbreak of Linkitis 310
Browser Compensation 312
JavaScript to the Rescue! 314
Location, location, location 315
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Watching the Detection 316
Going Global with JavaScript 321
Learning More 324
12 Beyond Text/Pictures 327
Prelude to the Afternoon of Dynamic Websites 329
You Can Never Be Too Rich Media 330
The Form of Function: Dynamic Technologies 330
Server-Side Stuff 331
Where were you in ‘82? 332
Indiana Jones and the template of doom 332
Serving the project 334
Doing More 335
Mini-Case Study: 336
Mini-Case Study: 337
Any Size Kid Can Play 338
Take a Walk on the Server Side 339
Are You Being Served? 341
Advantages of SSI 342
Disadvantages of SSI 343
Cookin’ with Java 343
Ghost in the Virtual Machine 344
Where the web designer fits in 346
Java Woes 347
Java Woes: The Politically Correct Version 347
Java Joys 349
Rich Media: Exploding the “Page” 350
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) 350
SVG and SMIL 352
SMIL (through your fear and sorrow) 352
SVG for You and Me 354
Romancing the logo 356
Sounds dandy, but will it work? 357
Promises, Promises 358
Turn on, Tune in, Plug-in 358
A Hideous Breach of Reality 360
The ubiquity of plug-ins 360
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The Impossible Lightness of Plug-ins 361
Plug-ins Most Likely to Succeed 361
RealPlayer ( 362
QuickTime ( 364
Windows Media Player (WMP)
( 367
Beatnik ( 368
(, 369
Who Makes the Salad? Web Designers and Plug-ins 376
Making It Work: Providing Options 377
The “Automagic Redirect” 379
The iron-plated sound console from Hell 381
The Trouble with Plug-ins 381
If Plug-ins Run Free 383
Parting Sermon 384
13 Never Can Say Goodbye 387
Separation Anxiety 387
From Tag Soup to Talk Soup: Mailing Lists and Online Forums 389
A List Apart 390
Astounding Websites 390
The Babble List 390
Dreamless 391
Evolt 391
Metafilter 391
Redcricket 392
Webdesign-l 392
When All Else Fails 392
Eye and Brain Candy: Educational and Inspiring Sites 393
Design, Programming, Content 393
The Big Kahunas 395
Beauty and Inspiration 396
The Independent Content Producer Refuses to Die! 401
Index 403
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About the Author
Jeffrey Zeldman has been designing websites since the Crimean War. His personal website at has been visited by millions. Jeffrey is the publisher and creative director of A List
Apart (, a weekly magazine “For People Who Make Websites”; cofounder and
leader of the advocacy group, The Web Standards Project (; and founder of
Happy Cog (, a web design agency. He is a featured columnist for publications in-
cluding Adobe Web Center, PDN-Pix Magazine, and Crain’s Creativity Magazine and speaks at web and
design conferences around the world. But what he really wants to do is direct.
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About the Technical Editor
Steve Champeon is the CTO of, a web services firm in Raleigh, NC, that specializes in dis-
tinctive B2B and corporate sites, vibrant online communities, and high impact applications. He has pro-
vided technical editing on the topics of XML, XHTML, and other web-related topics and was the de-
velopment editor for Jeff Veen’s recent bestseller, The Art and Science of Web Design, published by New
Riders. In addition to his work as an editor, Champeon is a frequent contributor to online and print
magazines for web professionals and is the author of Building Dynamic HTML GUIs (published by IDG
Books Worldwide).
A highly sought-after speaker at trade conferences, Champeon regularly participates in CMP’s Web
conference circuit and Cool Site in a Day competition, Thunder Lizard, South by Southwest (SxSW), and
others, often speaking on DHTML and how to grow successful online communities.
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To Joan, whose love makes me feel happy and safe.
To my Dad, who taught me to be independent.
To my Mom, who loved books. I wish she could have seen this one.
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I cannot possibly name all the people whose creativity has inspired me, or those I’ve been lucky enough
to collaborate with over the years. It would take hundreds of pages to properly thank those I’ve worked
with this year alone.
In childhood, I attended a wedding where the bride and groom thanked the special people in their lives.
In the flush of the moment, they forgot to name one friend. He harbored a resentment that deepened
over the years. Ultimately, a tragedy ensued, in which innocent bystanders lost their lives. But I digress.
Rather than make a similar mistake, I’m going to deliberately omit the names of many special people
who contributed to my knowledge of the Web and thus, however unwittingly, to this book. Even if you
are not named below, I love you and am grateful to you, and you should buy this book regardless.
To Steve Crozier of Populi, who envisioned an intelligent method of teaching web design, and to Mar-
garet Alston and Cheryl Stockton, who collaborated with me on the development of the Populi Cur-
riculum, my sincere and endless thanks.
My deep gratitude to Michael Nolan for asking me to write this book. To Michael and Karen White-
house for shepherding it safely through the minefields of the publishing industry. To development ed-
itor Victoria Elzey for keeping it real. And to my friend and this book’s technical editor Steven Cham-
peon for finding all the mistakes and not telling anyone but me.
To my beloved friends Fred Gates, Leigh and TJ Baker-Foley, and Katherine Sullivan: thank you for shar-
ing your lives, keeping me sane, and forgiving the disappearances, hibernation, and mood swings that
accompanied the writing of this book.
To Jim, who asked only an occasional phone call and got nothing but months of silence: I wrote this
book for you, I owe you more than these words express, and I promise to start calling again, really.
To Don Buckley, my friend and first web client, and to my first web design partners, Steve McCarron
and Alec Pollak, sincere thanks and respect.
All web designers owe thanks to Glenn Davis for contributions too numerous to describe here. Simi-
larly, respect and thanks to George Olsen, Teresa Martin, and Michael Sweeney. You know what you
Love, thanks, and respect to Brian M. Platz, co-founder of A List Apart back when it was a mailing list
for web designers. To Bruce Livingstone, Nick Finck, Webchick, and Erin Kissane, who help keep ALA go-
ing. And to the fine writers who make it worth reading, including Joe Clark, J. David Eisenberg, Curt
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Cloninger, Alan Herrell, Scott Kramer, Jeffrey Veen, John Allsopp, Robin Miller, Denice Warren, Jason
Kottke, Lance Arthur, Glenn Davis, Alyce McPartland, Ryan Holsten, Julia Hayden, Peter-Paul Koch,
Wayne Bremser, D.K. Robinson, L. Michelle Johnson, Mattias Konradsson, Steven Champeon (again),
Chris Schmitt, Marlene Bruce, Lee Moyer, Bob Stein, Dave Linabury, Mark Newhouse, Bob Jacobson, Eri-
ka Meyer, Ross Olson, Rich Robinson, Bill Humphries, Scott Cohen, Peter Balogh, Robert Miller,
Shoshannah L. Forbes, Pär Almqvist, Simon St. Laurent, Jennifer Lindner, Nick Finck (again), Jim Byrne,
Makiko Itoh, Ben Henick, George Olsen (again), and Chris MacGregor.
Thanks to everyone who’s ever looked at any site I’ve had a hand in creating, and especially to those
who’ve written (even if you wrote to say it stank). Thanks to all the web designers and developers who
joined The Web Standards Project.
Hello? Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee for inventing the Web. Thanks to the Web’s first teachers: Jeffrey Veen
(again), Glenn Davis (again), Dan Shafer, David Siegel, and Lynda Weinman. Thanks to Jim Heid and
Steve Broback of Thunder Lizard for support, encouragement, great programs, and fine hotel accom-
Thanks to Michael Schmidt and Toke Nygaard for the secret work you did on this book, for the incred-
ible work you do on the Web, and for your friendship. Similar thanks to the incredible Carlos Segura.
Thanks to Todd Fahrner and Tantek Çelik for contributing to my knowledge and (more importantly) to
the sane advancement of the Web. Likewise, each in their own way: Tim Bray, Steven Champeon (again),
Rachel Cox, B.K. DeLong, Sally Khudairi, Tom Negrino, Dori Smith, Simon St. Laurent, Eric Meyer, Eric
Costello, J. David Eisenberg (again), Dave Winer, Stewart Butterfield, Carl Malamud, Joe Jenett, Evan
Williams, Robert Scoble, and Peter-Paul Koch (again).
Huge shout-outs to my supremely talented web designer pals. I value your friendship and love your
work. You know who you are, and if you didn’t know you might get a clue from the fact that I am al-
ways linking to you or referring obliquely to you, and if that’s not enough, you’ll find yourselves in the
Exit Gallery at
The paragraph above and the one you’re now reading constitute the toughest part of writing this book.
In the six years I’ve spent designing websites, I’ve met or corresponded with tens of thousands of tal-
ented people, worked with or gotten close to hundreds. I can’t list you all. This is so painful I feel like
canceling the book, but my publisher insists otherwise. Please accept these tragically empty paragraphs
as my attempt to embrace you all in love and gratitude.
Love and thanks to Peyo Almqvist, Derek Powazek, Josh Davis, Heather Champ, Daniel Bogan, Craig
Hockenberry, Lance Arthur, Michael Cina, Heather Hesketh, Dave Linabury, Dan Licht, Brian Alvey, Shau-
na Wright, Halcyon, Hasan, Matt, Jason, Big Dave, Lmichelle, Fish Sauce, Toke, Michael, Leigh, and
Uncle Joe.
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I wrote this book for four people:
For Jim, a print designer who’s tired of sending his clients to someone else when they need a website.
For Sandi, a gifted art director, who’s hit a wall in her advertising career, and is eager to move into full-
time interactive design.
For Billy, whose spare-time personal site has gotten so good, he’d like to become a professional web
designer—but is unsure about what is expected or how to proceed.
And for Caroline, a professional web designer who wants to better understand how the medium works
and where it is going.
I did not make up these names or descriptions: These are real people. I knew the book was finished
when it had covered everything they needed to know.
An entire curriculum, a year of work and thought, and 100 years of professional experience (mine, my
editors’, and my collaborators’) have gone into this book.
Jeffrey Zeldman
1 April 2001
New York City
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Web vs. Print: A Note About URLs
The Web is an ever-changing flow of ideas, designs, and redesigns. Sites evolve and decay. Some move
to new locations. Others disappear. By the time you read this book, some of the sites it describes will
surely have changed, while others may have vanished altogether.
This flow and flux is natural to the Web, and in some ways it is even healthy. It’s good when mediocre
sites improve, and it’s inevitable that pointless sites (like pointless products) eventually fade away.
But healthy and natural or not, the medium’s constant dynamism can wreak havoc with books about
the Web, and thus with those books’ readers. You read about an interesting design or technological de-
cision, fire up your web browser, and discover that the site no longer demonstrates what was discussed
in the book.
Fortunately, dear reader, you can minimize the damage by bearing these things in mind:
1. Most of the concepts and techniques discussed here are fairly widespread. If Site A no longer
sports a nifty rollover technique we’ve described, you’ll probably find it at Site B or Site C. The
principles are more important than the specific examples.
2. Sites should not arbitrarily change page locations, but unfortunately, many do. If a particular web
page seems to have disappeared, try factoring the URL to a simpler version. For instance, if no longer works, go back to its purest form,,
and see if you can navigate to the page’s new location that way.
3. Finally, if a site we’ve hailed as an example of creative excellence or touted as a superb resource
for further learning seems to have disappeared, try visiting the Exit Gallery at If the site is truly special and has moved to a new location on the
Web, you’ll find that new address in our Exit Gallery. If the site has actually changed its name,
we’ll mention the former name to help you get your bearings.
Now go forth, design, and conquer.
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