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I: Choose the best answer
1. He always …… soccer after school.
A. play B. plays C. is playing
2. I …… be 13 years old on my next birthday.
A. will B. am C. do
2. They ……….the trees in the garden now.
A. are planting B. plant C. will plant
3. How ……. is it from your house to school? - About 3 km
A. long B. far C. old)
4. Would you like to… to the movie theater tonight ?
A. do B. go C. play
5. At……., students study many subjects.
A. work B. market C. school
II: Match the question and the suitable answer
A B Answer
7.How often do you do your homework? a) Yes, I’d love to 7-
8.What do students often do at recess? b) about one kilometer 8-
9.How far is it from here to your house? c) I’m in class 7C 9-
10.Would you like to listen to music? d) 15 10-
11.Which class are you in? e) I do my homework every day. 11-
12.How old will you be on your next birthday? f) They often play games at recess. 12-
III: Read the passage and answer the question
Nam is a student at Quang Trung Junior high school. He is in class 7A . He goes
to school six days a week from Monday to Saturday. His classes start at one o’clock
and finish at a quarter to five in the afternoon. At school, he studies a lot of subjects,
such as Math, Literature, English, Geography and so on. His favorite subject is
Geography. He likes this subject because he studies maps and learns many interesting
countries in the world.
13.What does Nam do?

14.How often does he go to school?
15.What time do his classes start and finish?
16.Does he study a lot of subjects at school?
17.What is his favorite subject?
18.Why does he like Geography?
IV: Make the sentences with given words.
19.It / time / for recess / school.
20.Many students/ playing / games in the school yard now
21.How often/ you/ play badminton?
22.Vietnamese students/ have/ fewer vacations/ American ones.

I. (1,5m) 0,25 mark for each correct answer:
1-B 2- A 3- A 4- B 5- B 6- C
II. (1,5m’) 0,25 mark for each correct answer
7- e 8- f 9- b 10- a 11- c 12- D
III. (3m’) 0,5 mark for each correct answer
13. Nam is a student.
14. He goes to school six days a week( from Monday to Saturday)
15. His classes start at one o’clock and finish at a quarter to five in the afternoon.
16. Yes, he does
17. His favorite subject is Geography.
18. Because he studies maps and learns many interesting countries in the world
IV. (4m’) 1 mark for each correct answer .
19 It’s time for recess in school.
20. Many students are playing games in the school yard now
21. How often do you play badminton?
22. Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American ones.
GV ra đề : Thai Thu Hong

GV duyệt đề : Cao Quảng Trung

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