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Cracker Handbook 1.0 part 23 potx

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T_______________________________Single Step one instruction
TASK____________________________Display windows task list
THREAD__________________________Display thread information
U_______________________________Un-Assemblers instructions
VER_____________________________SoftICE Version
WATCH__________________________Add watch
WHAT___________________________Identify the type of expression
WMSG ___________________________Display windows messages
X________________________________Return to host debugger or program

Những lệnh cấp cao :
CPU_____________________________Display CPU register information
GDT_____________________________Display global descriptor table
GENINT__________________________Generate an interrupt
HEAP____________________________Display windows global heap
LHEAP___________________________Display windows local heap
IDT_____________________________Display interrupt descriptor table
I, IB, IW, ID______________________Input data from I/O Port
O. OB, OW, OD____________________Output data form I/O Port
LDT_____________________________Display local descriptor table
MAP32___________________________Display 32Bit section map
MAPV86__________________________Display v86 memory map
PAGE____________________________Display page table information
PCI______________________________Display PCI device information
PEEK____________________________Read from physical address
PHYS______________________Display all virtual addresses for physical address
POKE____________________________Write to physical address
PROC____________________________Display process information
QUERY__________________________Display process virtual address space map
TSS_____________________________Display task state segment
STACK___________________________Display call stack

VCALL___________________________Display VxD calls
VM______________________________Display virtual machine information
VXD_____________________________Display windows VxD map
XFRAME__________________________Display active exeption frames

Mode Control :
FAULTS__________________________Enable/Disable SoftIce fault trapping
I1HERE__________________________Direct INT1 to SoftICE
I3HERE__________________________Direct INT3 to SoftICE
SET_____________________________Change an internal variable
ZAP_____________________________Zap embedded INT1 or INT3

Những lệnh chỉnh sửa :
ALTKEY_________________________Set key sequence to invoke window
ANSWER______________________Auto-answer and redirect console to modem
CODE___________________________Display insctruction bytes in code window
COLOR__________________________Display/Set screen colors
DEX____________________________Display/Assign window data expression
DIAL____________________________Redirect console to modem
FKEY____________________________Display/Set function keys
LINES___________________________Set/Display number of lines on screen
MACRO__________________________Define a named macro command
PAUSE___________________________Control display scroll mode
PRN_____________________________Set printer output port
SERIAL__________________________Redirect console
TABS____________________________Set/Display tab setting

Window Commands :
._______________________________ Locate current instruction
EC______________________________Enable/Disable code window

WC_____________________________Toggle code window
WD_____________________________Toggle data window
WF_____________________________Toggle float point stack window
WL_____________________________ Toggle locals window
WR_____________________________Toggle register window
WW_____________________________Toggle watch window

Window Control :
ALTSCR__________________________Change to alternate display
CLS_____________________________Clear window
FLASH___________________________Restore screen during P and T
RS______________________________Restore program screen

Symbole / Source Commands :
EXP_____________________________Display export symbols
FILE____________________________Change/Display current source file
LOCALS__________________________Display locals currently in scope
SRC_____________________________Toggle between source, mixed & code
SS______________________________Search source module for string
SYMLOC_________________________Relocate symbol base
TAB_____________________________Select/Remove symbol table
TYPES___________________________List all types, or display type defination

Back Trace Commands :
SHOW___________________________Display from backtrace buffer
TRACE__________________________Enter backtrace simulation mode
XT______________________________Step in trace simulation mode
XP______________________________Program step in trace simulation mode
XG______________________________Go to address in trace simulation mode
XRSET___________________________Reset backtrace history buffer

Special Operators :
._______________________Preceding a decimal number specifies a line number
$______________________Preceding an address specifies SEGMENT addressing
#______________________Preceding an address specifies SELECTOR
@______________________Preceding an address

(típ theo)

PHẦN 3 : Breakpoint và Win API Details

03.1 Crippled Programs
Hàm EnableMenuItem có nhiệm vụ enable, disable, hay gray 1 item nào đó trong
BOOL EnableMenuItem(
HMENU hMenu,_________________// handle of menu
UINT uIDEnableItem,____________// menu item to enable, disable, or gray
UINT uEnable__________________// menu item flags
Giá trị trả về sẽ chỉ rõ trạng thái trước đó của menu item (đó là MF_DISABLED,
MF_ENABLED hay MF_GRAYED). Nếu menu item không tồn tại, giá trị trả về
sẽ là 0xFFFFFFFF

Hàm EnableWindow có nhiệm vụ enable hoặc disable chuột và bàn phím input vào

specified window hoặc control. Khi input bị disable, window không thể nhận input
như click chuột và gõ phím. Khi input enable, window nhận tất cả input
BOOL EnableWindow(
HWND hWnd,________________// handle of window
BOOL bEnable_______________// flag for enabling or disabling input
Nếu window đã bị disable, giá trị trả về là TRUE, ngược lại giá trị trả về là
FALSE. Để biết thông tin về lỗi, chúng ta dùng lệnh GetLastError.

03.2 Dialog Boxes
CreateDialogIndirectParamA / CreateDialogIndirectParamW
Hàm CreateDialogIndirectParamA có nhiệm vụ tạo ra modeless dialog box từ
dialog box template trong memory. Trước khi display dialog box, function sẽ pass
program-defined value vào dialog box procedure giống như thông số Iparam của
WM_INITDIALOG message. Chương trình có thể sử dụng giá trị này để initialize
(chạy) dialog box controls
HWND CreateDialogIndirectParam(
HINSTANCE hInstance,______________// handle of application instance
LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpTemplate, ________// address of dialog box template
HWND hWndParent,________________// handle of owner window
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,_____________// address of dialog box procedure
LPARAM lParamInit_________________// initialization value
Nếu function succeed (tạm dịch là hoàn thành), giá trị trả về là handle của dialog
box. Còn nếu function fail (không hoàn thành), giá trị trả về là NULL, giá trị là


CreateDialogParamA / CreateDialogParamW
Hàm CreateDialogParamA có nhiệm vụ tạo ra modeless dialog box từ dialog box
template resource. Trước khi display dialog box, function sẽ pass program-defined
value vào dialog box procedure giống như thông số Iparam của
WM_INITDIALOG message. Chương trình có thể sử dụng giá trị này để initialize
dialog box controls
HWND CreateDialogParam(
HINSTANCE hInstance,____________// handle of application instance
LPCTSTR lpTemplateName, _________// identifies dialog box
HWND hWndParent,_____________ // handle of owner window
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,___________// address of dialog box procedure
LPARAM dwInitParam ____________// initialization value
Nếu window bị disable, giá trị trả về là TRUE, ngược lại giá trị trả về là FALSE.
Để biết thông tin về lỗi, chúng ta dùng lệnh GetLastError

Hàm DialogBox có nhiệm vụ tạo ra modal dialog box từ dialog box template
resource. DialogBox không return control cho đến khi specified callback function
kết thúc modal dialog box bằng cách gọi EndDialog
int DialogBox(
HANDLE hInstance,__________________ // handle of application instance
LPCTSTR lpTemplate,_________________// identifies dialog box template
HWND hWndParent,_________________// handle of owner window

DLGPROC lpDialogFunc ______________// address of dialog box procedure
Nếu function hoàn thành, giá trị trả về là thông số nResult trong lệnh call
EndDialog được dùng để kết thúc dialog box. Nếu function không hoàn thành, giá
trị trả về là -1

Hàm DialogBoxIndirect có nhiệm vụ tạo ra modal dialog box từ dialog box
template trong memory.
int DialogBoxIndirect(
HANDLE hInstance,___________________// handle of application instance
