scribed was developed in which the 𝐿
models are replaced by a ranking per-
ceptron ([53]). Specifically, 𝑁 binary one-vs-rest SVM models are trained,
which form the set of 𝐿
models. Similar to the cascade SVM method, the
representation of each compound in the training set for the 𝐿
models con-
sists of its descriptor-space based representation and its output from each of
the 𝑁 𝐿
models. Finally, a ranking model 𝑊 learned using the ranking per-
ceptron described in the previous section. Since the 𝐿
model is based on the
descriptor-space based representation and the outputs of the 𝐿
models, the
size of 𝑊 is 𝑁 × (𝑛 + 𝑁).
5.2 Performance of Target Fishing Strategies
An extensive evaluation of the different Target Fishing methods was per-
formed recently ([53]) which primarily used the PubChem ([39]) database
to extract target-specific dose-response confirmatory assays. Specifically, the
ability of the five methods to identify relevant categories in the top-𝑘 ranked
categories was assessed in this work. The results were analyzed along this
direction because this directly corresponds to the use case scenario where a
user may want to look at top-𝑘 predicted targets for a test compound and fur-
ther study or analyze them for toxicity, promiscuity, off-target effects, path-
way analysis etc([53]). The comparisons utilized precision and recall metric
in top-𝑘 for each of the five schemes. as shown in Figures 19.3a) and 19.3b).
These figures show the actual precision and recall values in top-𝑘 by varying 𝑘
from one to fifteen.
These figures indicate that for identifying one of the correct categories or tar-
gets in the top 1 predictions, cascade SVM outperforms all the other schemes
in terms of both precision and recall. However, as 𝑘 increases from one to fif-
teen, the precision and recall results indicate that the best performing scheme
is the SVM+Ranking Perceptron and it outperforms all other schemes for both
precision as well as recall. Moreover, these values in figure 19.3b) show that
as 𝑘 increases from one to fifteen, both the ranking perceptron based schemes
(RP and SVM+RP) start performing consistently better that others in identify-
ing all the correct categories. The two ranking perceptron based schemes also
achieve average precision values that are better than other schemes in the top
fifteen (Figure 19.3a)).
6. Future Research Directions
Mining and retrieving chemical data for a single biomolecular target and
building SAR models on it has been traditionally used to predict as well as
analyze the bioactivity and other properties of chemical compounds and plays
a key role in drug discovery. However, in recent years the wide-spread use
of High-Throughput Screening (HTS) technologies by the pharmaceutical in-
Trends in Chemical Graph Data Mining 601
dustry has generated a wealth of protein-ligand activity data for large com-
pound libraries against many biomolecular targets. The data has been system-
atically collected and stored in centralized databases ([38]). At the same time,
the completion of the human genome sequencing project has provided a large
number of “druggable” protein targets ([44]) that can be used for therapeutic
purposes. Additionally, a large fraction of the protein targets that have or are
currently been investigated for therapeutic purposes are confirmed to belong
to a small number of gene families ([62]). The combination of these three
factors has led to the development of methods that utilize information that
goes beyond the traditional single biomolecular target’s chemical data analy-
sis. In recent years, the trend has been to integrate chemical data with protein
and genetic data (bioinformatics data) and analyze the problem over multiple
proteins or different protein families. Consequently, Chemogenomics ([43]),
Poly-Pharmacology ([38])and Target Fishing ([23]) have emerged as important
problems in drug discovery.
Another new direction that utilizes graph mining is network pharmacology.
A fundamental assumption in drug discovery that has been applied widely in
the past decades is the “one gene, one drug, on disease” assumption. How-
ever, the increasing failure in translating drug candidates into effective ther-
apies raises the challenges to this assumption. Recent studies show that the
modulating or effecting an individual gene or gene product has little effects on
disease network. For example, under laboratory conditions, many single-gene
knockouts by themselves exhibit little or no effects on phenotype and only
19% of genes were found to be essential across a number of model organisms
([63]). This robustness of phenotype can be understood in terms of redundant
functions and alternative compensatory signalling routes. In addition, large
scale functional genomics studies reveal the importance of polypharmacology,
which suggests that is, instead of focusing on drugs that are maximally selec-
tive against a single drug target, the focus should be to select the drug can-
didates that interact with multiple proteins that are essential in the biological
network. This new paradigm is refereed to as network pharmacology ([21]).
Graph mining has also been utilized to study the drug-target interaction net-
work. Such networks provide topological information between drug and tar-
get interactions that once explored may suggest novel perspective in terms of
drug discovery that is not possible by looking at drugs and targets in isolation.
Learning from drug-target interaction networks has been focused on predicting
drugs for targets that are novel, or that have only a few drugs known (Target
Hopping). These methods tend to leverage the knowledge of both targets and
the drug simultaneously to obtain characteristics of drug-target interaction net-
works. Many of the learning methods utilize Support Vector Machine (SVM).
In this approach, novel kernels have been developed that relate drugs and tar-
gets explicitly. For example, Yamanish et al.([60]), developed profiles to repre-
sent interactions between drugs and targets, and then used kernel regression to
the relationship among the interactions. Their framework enables predictions
of unknown drug-target interactions.
With the improvement in high throughput technologies in chemistry, ge-
nomics, proteomics, and chemical genetics, graph mining is set to play an
important role in the understanding of human disease and pursuit of novel ther-
apies for these diseases.
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𝑘-Means Clustering, 282
𝐾-Anonymity in Graphs, 428
𝐾-Automorphism Anonymity, 431
𝐾-Degree Generalization, 429
𝐾-Neighborhood Anonymity, 430
𝐾-core enumeration, 314
2-Hop Cover, 183, 185, 196
3-Hop Cover, 183, 185, 204
Abello’s Algorithm for Dense Components, 317
Apriori, 367
BANKS, 263
Best-Max Retrieval Strategy, 594
Best-Sim Retrieval Strategy, 593
Chain Cover, 183, 185, 191
DBXplorer, 26, 261
DISCOVER, 26, 261
Dual Labeling, 183, 184, 188
GOOD Data Model, 152
GOQL Data Model, 153
GRASP Algorithm, 317
GRIPP, 183, 184, 186, 187
Girvan-Newman Algorithm, 284
GraphDB Data Model and Query Language,
GraphLog, 152
GraphQL, 128
HSIGRAM, 30, 370
Karger’s Minimum Cut Algorithm, 281
Kerninghan-Lin Algorithm, 282
LEAP, 378
LPboost, 39, 356
LaMoFinder, 561
ObjectRank Algorithm, 269
Path-Tree Cover, 183, 185, 194
SPARQL Query Language, 154
Six Degrees of Separation, 77
Subtree Reduction Algorithm, 528
TAX Tree Algebra, 153
TSMiner, 31, 369
Tree Cover, 183, 184, 190
Tree+SSPI, 183, 184, 186
VSIGRAM, 30, 370
XPath, 17
XProj Algorithm, 36
XProj Algorithm, 293
XQuery, 17
XRank, 26, 253
XRules, 40
XSEarch, 26, 253
gIndex, 166
sLEAP, 380
2-Hop Cover Maintenance, 202
Active and Passive Attacks, 426
Additive Spanner Construction, 408
Algebra for Graphs, 134
Anonymization, 421
Answer Ranking for Keyword Search, 254
Attacks on Naive Anonymized Networks, 426
Backward Search, 265
Betweenness Centrality, 284, 458
Biclustering, 568
Bidirectional Search, 266
Biological Data, 8, 43, 547
Biological Graph Clustering, 566
Biological Networks, 547
Bipartite Graph Anonymization, 443
Boosting, 337
Boosting for Graph Classification, 349
Boosting-based Graph Classification, 39
Bowtie Structure, 86
Branch-and-Bound Search, 377
BRITE Generator, 107
Call Graph Based Bug Localization, 532
Call Graphs, 515
Cartesian Product Operator, 135
Centrality, 458
Centrality Analysis, 488
Chemical Data, 8, 43, 582
Classification, 6, 37, 337, 588
Classification Algorithms for Chemical Com-
pounds, 588
Cliques, 311
Closed Subgraph, 369
Clustering, 5, 32, 275, 304
Clustering Applications, 295
Co-citation Network, 463
Community Detection, 487, 488, 494, 563
Community Structure Evaluation, 505
Community Structure in Social Networks, 492
Composition Operator, 135
Concatenation Operator, 130
Counting Triangles, 397
Cross-Graph Quasi-Cliques, 328
Data Mining Applications of Graph Matching,
Degree Distribution, 88, 100
Dense Component Analysis, 329
Dense Component Visualization, 320
Dense Components in a Single Graph, 311
Dense Components with Frequency Constraint,
Dense Subgraph Discovery, 275, 304
Dense Subgraph Extraction, 5
Dense Subgraphs and Clusters, 309
Densest Components, 322
Densest Subgraph: Approximation Algorithm,
Densification, 41
Densification Power Law, 82
Descending Leap Mine, 382
DGX Distribution, 76
Discriminative Structure, 166
Disjunction Operator, 131
Distance Computations in Graph Streams, 405
Distance-Aware 2-Hop Cover, 205
Distinguishing Characteristics, 71
Edge Copying Models, 96
Edge Modification, 428
Edge-Weighted Graph Anonymization, 445
Edit Distance for Graphs, 227
Embedding Graphs, 236
Ensemble Graph Clustering, 566
Evolution Modeling, 41
Evolution of Network Communities, 41
Evolving Graph Generator, 112
Evolving Graph Patterns, 82
Evolving Graphs, 82
Exact Graph Matching, 221
Exponential Cutoffs Model, 91
Extended Connectivity Fingerprints, 584
Feature Preserving Randomization, 438
Feature-based Graph Index, 162
Feature-based Structural Filtering, 170
Frequency Descending Mining, 380
Frequent Dense Components, 327
Frequent Graph, 367
Frequent Graphs with Density Constraints, 327
Frequent Pattern, 29, 161, 365
Frequent Pattern Mining, 6, 29, 365
Frequent Subgraph Mining, 29, 365, 555
Frequent Subgraph Mining for Bug Localiza-
tion, 521
Frequent Subgraphs in Chemical Data, 585
Frequent Subtree Mining, Motif Discovery, 550
Functional Modules, 556, 558, 563
Gene Co-Expression Networks, 556
Gene Co-expression Networks, 562
Generalization for Privacy Preservation, 440
Generalized Random Graph Models, 90
Generators, 3, 69, 86
Glycan, RNA, 549
Graph Partitioning, 566
Graphs-at-a-time Queries, 126
Group-Centric Community Detection, 498
Groups based on Complete Mutuality, 495
Hashed Fingerprints, 584
Heavy-Tailed Distributions, 72
Hierarchical Indexing, 168, 176
High Quality Item Mining (Web), 461
Hill Statistic, 75
HITS, 460
Hitting Time, 47, 477, 478
Indexing, 4, 16, 155, 161
Inet Generator, 114
Inexact Graph Matching, 226
Information Diffusion, 488
Information Retrieval Applications of Graph
Matching, 231
Internet Graph Properties, 84
Internet Topology-based Generators, 113
Isomorphism, 221
Isomorphism of Subgraphs, 223
Join Index, 208
Join Operator, 135
Kernel Methods for Graph Matching, 231
Kernel-based Graph Classification, 38
Kernels, 38, 337, 340, 589
Keyword Search, 5, 24, 249
Keyword Search over Graph Data, 26
Keyword Search over Relational Data, 26, 260
Keyword Search over Schema-Free Graphs, 263
Keyword Search over XML Data, 25, 252
Kronecker Multiplication for Graph Generation,
Label Propagation, 358
Label Sequence Kernel, 342
Laplacian Matrix, 286
LCA-based Keyword Search, 258
Least Squares Regression for Classification, 356
Link Analysis Ranking Algorithms, 459
Link Disclosure Analysis, 435
Link Mining, 455
Link Protection in Rich Graphs, 442
Lognormals, 76
Maccs Keys, 584
Matching, 4, 21, 217
Matching in Graph Streams, 400
Maximal Subgraph, 369
Maximum Common Subgraph, 223
Metabolic Pathways, 555
Minimum Cut Problem, 277
Mining Algorithms, 29
Motif Discovery, 558, 560
Multi-way Graph Partitioning, 281
Network Classification, 488
Network Modeling, 488
Network Structure Indices, 282
Network-Centric Community Detection, 499
Neural Networks for Graph Matching, 229
Node Classification, 358
Node Clustering Algorithms, 277
Node Fitness Measures, 97
Node-Centric Community Detection, 495
Operators in Graph Query Languages, 129
Optimal Chain Cover, 193
Optimization-based Models, 87
Optimized Tolerance Model, 101
Orthogonal Representative Set Generation, 388
PageRank, 45, 459
Partitioning Approach to 2-Hop Cover, 199
Path-based Graph Index, 163
Pattern Matching in Graphs, 207
Pattern Mining for Classification, 350
Pattern-Growth Methods, 368
Patterns in Timings, 83
Personal Identification in Social Networks, 448
Phase Transition Point, 89
Phylogenetic Tree, 550
PLRG Model, 91
Power Law Deviations, 76, 99
Power Law Distribution, 4, 72
Power Laws, 69, 72
Power Laws: Traditional, 72
Power-law Distributions, 457
Prediction of Successful Items, 463
Preferential Attachment, 92
Prestige, 458
Privacy, 7, 421
Program Call Graphs, 515
Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Networks, 562
Quasi-Cliques, 288, 313
Query Languages, 4, 126
Query Processing of Tree Structured Data, 16
Query Recommendation, 455
Query Semantics for Keyword Search, 253
Query-Log Mining, 455
Querying, 161
Question Answering Portals, 465
R-MAT Generator, 108
Random Graph, 88
Random Graph Diameter, 90
Random Graph Models, 87
Random Walks, 45, 341, 412, 459, 479
Randomization, 421
Randomization for Graph Privacy, 433
Reachability Queries, 19, 181
Regulatory Modules, 563
Relaxation Labeling for Graph Matching, 230
Repetition Operator, 131
Representative Graph, 385
Representative Graph Pattern, 382
Resilience, 80
Resilience to Structural Attacks, 434
Reverse Substructure Search, 175
Rich Graph Anonymization, 441
Rich Interaction Graph Anonymization, 444
Role Analysis, 488
RTM Generator, 112
Scale-Free Networks, 457, 489
Searching Chemical Compound Libraries, 590
Selection Operator, 134
Set Covering based Reachability, 20
Shingling Technique, 289, 315
Shrinking Diameters, 41, 83
Significant Graph Patterns, 372
Similarity Search, 161
SIT Coding Scheme, 186
Small Diameters, 77
Small World Graphs, 77
Small-World Effect, 491
Small-World Model, 104
Social Network Analysis, 49, 455, 487
Software Bug Localization, 8, 51, 515
Sort-Merge Join, 208
Spanner Construction, 408
Spanning Tree based Reachability, 20
Spectral Clustering, 285, 310
Spectral Methods for Graph Matching, 230
Spectrum Preserving Randomization, 438
Static Graph Patterns, 79
Streaming Algorithms, 7, 27, 393
Streaming Distance Approximation, 411
Streaming Graph Statistics, 397
Structural Leap Search, 378
Structural Queries for Privacy Attacks, 427
Structure Similarity Search, 169
Substructure Search, 162
Synopsis Construction, 27
Target Fishing, 596
Target Identification for Chemical Compounds,
Teleportation in Random Walks, 46, 479
Tensor-based Models, 87
Topic-Sensitive Page Rank, 46
Topical Query Decomposition, 478
Topological Descriptors for Chemical Com-
pounds, 583
Traversal Approaches for Reachability Query-
ing, 186
Tree Alignment, 552, 554
Tree Edit Distance, 552
Tree Markov Models, 554
Tree-shaped Subgraphs, 90
Vector Space Embedding by Graph Matching,
Vertex Classification, 358
Vertex Similarity For Group Construction, 499
Viral Marketing, 488
Web Applications, 7, 45, 487
Weighted Graph Patterns, 80
XML Classification, 40
XML Clustering, 35, 291
XML Indexing, 4, 17