678 Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services
architecture, SSIS
data flow, 20, 644–645
engines for managing workflows in SSIS, 4
object model, 20
overview, 18–19
run time, 20
service component, 19
Archiving Downloaded Files package, 175–179
exercise archiving downloaded files, 156–160
exercise deleting data month by month from archives. See data
deletion exercise
historical data, 657
AssignExpression, For Loops and, 124
asynchronous transformations
blocking asynchronous full row-set-based transformations,
exercise writing asynchronous output to nonstandard text file,
partially blocking asynchronous row-set-based
transformations, 648–649
performance enhancement with, 645–647
scripting, 520–525
of data in data warehouse, 441–443
in ER modeling, 541
setting on files and folders, 155
auditing transformations
Audit, 436–437
data flow and, 5, 355
overview of, 436
Row Count, 437–438
auto-generated scripts, 492–494
as Aggregate transformation, 429–430
exercise aggregating sales orders, 433
Back Up Database task
control flow tasks, 212–213
as maintenance task, 140
backup compression, in data warehousing, 557–558
backward compatibility
Client Tools Backward Compatibility, 602
control flow tasks, 141
batch files
calling using Execute Process task, 152–154
creating, 149
BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio)
Adding Connection Managers to packages, 75
adding imported package to, 54–55
based on VSTA, 12
comparing with SQL Server Management Studio, 71
creating blank project for use with, 29–31
as development tool, 4–5
digitally signing packages, 271
exploring imported packages, 53
overview, 28–29
Package Configurations Organizer utility in, 569
running packages during development phase, 244–245
SSIS Designer, 111
starting SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, 43
validation alerts in, 632
windows and tab options in, 31–36
binary data option, Flat File source, 347
BLOB Bytes Read, performance counters, 659
BLOB Bytes Written, performance counters, 659
BLOB Files In Use, performance counters, 659
blocking asynchronous full row-set-based transformations, 649–650
bottom-up design, data warehouse, 539
debugging Script task and, 501–503
exercise setting, 635–638
overview of, 634
Buffer Memory, performance counters, 659
buffers, in memory management, 644
Buffers In Use, performance counters, 659
Buffers Spooled, performance counters, 659–660
BufferSizeTuning, logging event, 661
BufferWrapper class, in Script component, 510
Bulk Insert task
configuring to import text files, 183
as control flow tasks, 169
mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
overview of, 5
as SQL Server task, 138
Business Intelligence Development Studio. See BIDS (Business
Intelligence Development Studio)
business intelligence transformations
data flow and, 352–353
Data Mining Query, 455–456
exercise configuring SCD transformation, 445–452
exercise executing package for removing duplicates,
exercise filtering with SCD key, 444–445
exercise loading SCD transformation, 452–455
exercise removing duplicates by Fuzzy Grouping, 474–478
exercise removing exact duplicates, 470–472
exercise removing fuzzy duplicates, 472–474
exercise using SCD transformation, 444
Fuzzy Grouping, 460–463
Fuzzy Lookup, 463–467
overview of, 352–353, 439
SCD (Slowly Changing Dimension), 439–443
Term Extraction, 457–460
Term Lookup, 456–457
Index 679
Cache Connection Manager, 76
Cache Mode section, of lookup transformation, 397–399
cache transformation, as split and join transformation, 394–395
Campaign database, attaching to SQL Server 2008, 674
candidate key profile, for multiple-column profiles, 65
case sensitivity, Term Lookup and, 457
CDC (Change Data Capture)
data warehouse enhancements in SQL Server 2008 R2,
MERGE statement used with, 561
what’s new in SQL Server 2008, 13
change types, available in SCD Wizard, 441–443
changing attribute
attribute change types in SCD Wizard, 441–442, 546
configuring SCD transformation, 450
Character Map transformation
exercise using to convert pipeline data, 407–408
as row transformation, 379–380
standardization of data with, 6
Check Database Integrity task
as control flow task, 213–214
as maintenance task, 140
CheckFile option, DTExec utility, 253
CheckpointFileName property, 312
CheckPointing option, DTExec utility, 252
exercise in seeing effect of transactions on checkpoints,
restarting packages with, 311–313
CheckpointUsage property, 312
CIF (Corporate Information Factory), 538
CIM (Common Information Model), 196
Client Tools Backward Compatibility, 602
Code window, BIDS, 35
column length distribution profile, single-column profiles, 64, 68
column null ratio profile, single-column profiles, 64
column pattern profile, single-column profiles, 64
column statistics profile, single-column profiles, 64
column value distribution profile, single-column profiles, 64
ADO.NET source, 343
copying input columns to output columns, 378–379
creating new columns on row by row basis (row
transformation), 353
derivations on input column data, 382–385
Excel source, 346
Export Column transformation, 385–386
Import Column transformation, 386
mappings, 58–60
raw file source, 350
SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, 45–46
Columns tab, Fuzzy Grouping transformation, 462
Columns tab, Fuzzy Lookup transformation, 465
comma-separated value (CSV)
exercise writing synchronous output to, 526–528
text file log provider writing information into, 293
command prompt
DTExec utility for running packages, 250–256
installing SSIS from, 25–26
command sourcing phase, DTExec utility, 251
Common Information Model (CIM), 196
Component Wrapper class, in Script component, 510–511
compression, backup compression in SQL Server 2008 R2, 557–558
Conditional Split transformation, as row transformation, 389–390
ConfigFile option, DTExec utility, 253
Archiving Downloaded Files for sending filenames, 175–179
Bulk Insert task for importing text files, 183
data flow path, 372–375
Data Flow task, 421–424
DTExec utility phase, 252–255
Execute SQL task, 90–92, 115–118
exercise applying checkpoint configurations to packages,
FTP Connection Manager, 145
FTP task, 143, 144–147
logging, 296–299
package. See package configurations
SCD transformation, 445–452
Transfer Database task, 202–203
XML task areas, 162–165
configuring Script component
as data source, 507–514
as destination, 525–526
as transformation, 515
conformed dimensions, in dimensional modeling, 544
Connection Manager tab, Fuzzy Grouping transformation, 461–462
Connection Managers
adding for contacts email campaign, 114–115
ADO Connection Manager, 75
ADO.NET Connection Manager, 75–76, 213–214, 343
Analysis Services Connection Manager, 78–79
Cache Connection Manager, 76
Connections Project Wizard and, 63
displaying all Connection Managers defined in package, 58
Excel Connection Manager, 76–77, 345
exercise adding, 89–90, 431
File Connection Manager, 77–78
Flat File Connection Manager, 78
FTP Connection Manager, 78, 143, 145
HTTP Connection Manager, 78, 160
Microsoft Connector 1.0 for SAP BI, 81–82
Microsoft Connector for Oracle by Attunity, 82–83
Microsoft Connector for Teradata by Attunity, 83–84
MSMQ Connection Manager, 78
680 Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services
Connection Managers (cont.)
Multiple Files Connection Manager, 79
Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager, 79–80
ODBC Connection Manager, 80
OLE DB Connection Manager, 80, 114–115, 369, 461
overview of, 74–75
raw file source, 350
SMO Connection Manager, 80–81
SMTP Connection Manager, 81, 195
SQL Server Compact Edition Connection Manager, 81
types of objects in SSIS packages, 71
WMI Connection Manager, 81, 197–199
Connection option, DTExec utility, 253
connection strings, types of sensitive data, 271
Connections Managers tab, BIDS windows
displaying all Connection Managers defined in package, 58
overview of, 35
connections, mapping Dts services to SSIS, 616
Connections Project Wizard, 63
ConnectionString property, evaluating at runtime, 106
consistency of data. See data integrity
ConsoleLog option, DTExec utility, 253–254
constrained executable, 99–100
constraints. See precedence constraints
contacts email campaign
adding Connection Managers for, 114–115
adding Foreach Loop Container, 119–120
adding Send Mail Task and executing package, 119–122
configuring Execute SQL Task, 115–118
method, 113
review, 123
control flow
data flow and, 334–335
managing workflow with, 55–56
running parallel task in, 669–670
types of objects in SSIS packages, 70
control flow containers
Event Handler, 110
exercise avoiding inconsistency in single container, 306
exercise avoiding inconsistency over multiple container,
exercise creating e-mail campaign. See contacts email
exercise deleting data month by month from archives. See data
deletion exercise
Foreach Loop, 111–113, 119–120
For Loop, 123–126
packages, 110–111
Sequence, 131–132
summary, 133
Task Host, 132
types of, 110
control flow engine
comparing with data flow engine, 482–483
engines for managing workflows in SSIS, 3–4
separation from data flow engine, 334–335
in SSIS architecture, 20
working programmatically and, 483
Control Flow tab, BIDS SSIS Designer, 33, 111
control flow tasks
analysis services, 139
Back Up Database task, 212–213
backward compatibility and, 141
Bulk Insert task, 169
Check Database Integrity task, 213–214
custom, 141–142
data flow, 137
data preparation, 137
Execute Package task, 187–188
Execute Process task, 148
Execute SQL Server Agent Job task, 214–215
Execute SQL task, 165–168
Execute T-SQL Statement task, 215–216
exercise archiving downloaded files, 156–160
exercise consolidating workflow packages, 188–195
exercise downloading zipped files from FTP server, 144–148
exercise expanding zipped files, 149–154
exercise importing expanded files. See importing
expanded zip files
exercise reading application log, 197–200
File System task, 155–156
FTP task, 142–143
History Cleanup task, 216–217
maintaining, 140–141
Maintenance Cleanup task, 217–218
managing from Control Flow pane, 482
Message Queue task, 169–173
Notify Operator task, 218–219
overview, 136
Rebuild Index task, 220–221
Reorganize Index task, 221–222
scripting, 139
Send Mail task, 195
Shrink Database task, 222–223
SQL Server, 138
summary, 223–224
tasks as smallest unit for restarting packages, 312
transfer, 139–140
Transfer Database task, 202–203
Transfer Error Messages task, 203–205
Transfer Jobs task, 205–206
Transfer Logins task, 206–208
Transfer Master Stored Procedures task, 208–209
Transfer SQL Server Objects task, 210–211
Update Statistics task, 223–224
Web Service task, 160–161
WMI Data Reader task, 196–197
WMI Event Watcher task, 200–202
workflow, 138
XML task, 161–165
Index 681
Copy Column, as row transformation, 378–379
COPY command, dtutil utility, 238–239
Copy SQL Server Objects task, mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
Corporate Information Factory (CIF), 538
COUNT, as Aggregate transformation, 429–430
as Aggregate transformation, 429–430
exercise aggregating sales orders, 433
32-bit vs. 64-bit systems, 17, 641–643
parallel processing. See parallel processing
CreateDeploymentUtility property, deployment utility, 588
CRM (customer support systems)
contact management and, 113
data management and, 2
cryptography. See encryption
CSV (comma-separated value)
exercise writing synchronous output to, 526–528
text file log provider writing information into, 293
CUBE operators, GROUP BY supporting, 561
custom deployment, 592–594
customer support systems (CRM)
contact management and, 113
data management and, 2
customization. See programming SSIS
analyzing data quality with Data Profiling Task, 63–64
consolidation features, 7
converting raw data into meaningful information, 7
Data Flow pane managing movement of, 482
preparing for control flow tasks, 137
segmentation using Percentage Sampling transformation,
standardization features in SSIS, 6
timestamps, 436
data cleansing
business intelligence operations, 352
Fuzzy Grouping transformation and, 460
Data Conversion transformation
converting data formats or locales, 7
exercise converting Excel data and combining with flat files,
as row transformation, 381–382
standardization of data, 6
data deletion exercise
adding Execute SQL task for deleting monthly records,
adding For Loop Container for, 125–126
method, 124–125
review, 130
Data Driven Query task, mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
data flow
ADO.NET as destination, 357
ADO.NET as source, 343–345
architecture of, 644–645
auditing transformations and, 355
bringing data into, 337–341
business intelligence transformations and, 352–353
component interfaces, 335–336
control flow and, 137, 334–335
data mining model training destination, 357–358
DataReader destination, 358
destinations. See destinations, data flow
dimension processing destination, 358–360
error output interface, 337
Excel as destination, 360
Excel as source, 345–346
exercise adding OLE DB source and Flat File destination, 370–372
exercise configuring data flow path and executing package,
exercise configuring OLE DB Connection Manager and adding
data flow path, 369
exercise executing package, 412–413
external metadata interface, 336
flat files as destination, 360–361
flat files as source, 346–348
input interface, 336–337
multiple data flows with parallel processing, 670
OLE DB as destination, 361–363
OLE DB as source, 348–349
output interface, 337
overview of, 334
partition processing destination, 363
paths. See paths, data flow
raw files as destination, 364–365
raw files as source, 349–350
recordset destination, 365
row transformations, 353
rowset transformations, 354
Script components as destination, 365
Script components as source, 350
sources, 342–343
split and join transformations, 354–355
SQLServer Compact destination, 365–366
SQLServer destination, 366–367
summary, 375
transformations. See transformations, data flow
types of objects in SSIS packages, 70
XML files as source, 351
data flow engine
comparing with control flow engine, 482–483
engines for managing workflows in SSIS, 3–4
managing pipeline activities with, 57–58
overview of, 334
separation from control flow engine, 334–335
in SSIS architecture, 20
working programmatically and, 483
Data Flow tab, BIDS SSIS Designer, 33, 111
682 Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services
Data Flow task
checkpoints and, 312–313
creating multiple data flows with parallel processing, 670
exercise adding, 431, 444
exercise configuring, 421–424
exercise enabling logging on, 663–665
extracting data from disparate data sources, 5
overview of, 335
performance and, 644–645
source and destination adapters, 335
data integrity
exercise avoiding inconsistency in single container, 306
exercise avoiding inconsistency over multiple container, 306–310
exercise creating simulation package for data consistency issues,
maintaining with transactions, 301–302
data marts. See also data warehouses
bottom-up design, 539
centralized EDW with dependent data marts, 539–540
dimension types and, 544
distributed independent data marts, 540–541
hub-and-spoke architecture and, 556–557
integrating with parallel data warehouses, 552
star schema and, 547
top-down design, 538
data mining model training, 357–358
Data Mining Prediction task, mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
Data Mining Query
as Analysis Services task, 139
as business intelligence transformations, 455–456
data model schemas
building star schema, 549–550
overview of, 547
snowflake model, 548–549
star schema, 547–548
data models
dimension types, 544–545
dimensional modeling, 542–544
ER modeling, 541–542
loading dimensions using SCD, 545–546
overview of, 541
data parsing, converting source data to SSIS data types, 338–339
Data Profile Viewer
overview of, 12
review statistics generated by Data Profiling Task, 66–67
reviewing data in XML format, 42
Data Profiling task
analyzing data quality with, 63–64
as data preparation task, 137
exercise profiling imported data, 66–68
function of, 42
multiple-column profiles, 65
overview of, 5
single-column profiles, 64
what’s new, 12
Data Protection API (DPAPI), 272
data source views, 85–86
data sources
ADO.NET, 343–345
configuring Script component as, 507–514
as data flow component, 335–336
design-time connections to, 84–85
enabling SSIS as, 328–329
Excel, 345–346
exercise addings, 370–372, 401–403, 444
flat files, 346–348
Import and Export Wizard data source options, 43–44
OLE DB, 348–349
overview of, 342–343
raw files, 349–350
Script components, 350
SSIS as data source for Reporting Services, 328
SSIS packages as, 8, 330–331
XML files, 351
data storage systems, 2
data streams, exercise combining two, 403–405
data types
converting source data to SSIS data types, 338–339, 381–382
exercise converting Excel data and combining with flat files,
new date and time data types, 14
user-defined variables and, 95
data viewers
as debugging tool, 640
exercises adding, 412, 424–426
data warehouses
architecture, 539
backup compression in SQL Server 2008 R2, 557–558
bottom-up design, 539
building star schema, 549–550
centralized EDW with dependent data marts, 539–540
change data capture, 562–564
data model schemas, 547
data models for, 541
dimension types, 544–545
dimensional modeling, 542–544
distributed independent data marts, 540–541
ER modeling, 541–542
Fast Track Data Warehouse solution, 553–554
GROUP BY extensions, 561
loading data into, 5–6
loading dimension using SCD, 545–546
managing data attributes. See SCD (Slowly Changing
Dimension) transformation
MERGE statement, 559–561
need for, 536–538
overview of, 536
Parallel Data Warehouse solution, 554–557
partitioned table parallelism, 564–565
snowflake model, 548–549
Index 683
SQL Server 2008 R2 editions, 551–552
SQL Server 2008 R2 enhancements, 557
SQL Server 2008 R2 solutions, 552
star join query processing, 562
star schema, 547–548
summary, 566
top-down design, 538
database-level roles
applying access control with user-defined roles, 283
exercise using roles for granular access control, 287
exercise using to assign execute permissions to packages,
permissions and, 282–283
server storage and, 50
attaching Campaign database (for exercises in this book) to
SQL Server 2008, 674
backing up. See Back Up Database task
checking integrity of. See Check Database Integrity task
cleaning up backup or maintenance report files. See
Maintenance Cleanup task
normalization of data, 419–420
Pivot transformation, 421–424
running T-SQL statements against. See Execute T-SQL
Statement task
shrinking. See Shrink Database task
transferring from source SQL Server to destination SQL Server.
See Transfer Database task
Unpivot transformation, 427–428
Datacenter Edition, SQL Server 2008 editions, 17
DataReader destination
data flow and, 358
using SSIS package as data source, 8
date data types, 14
date/time functions
in Expression Builder, 104
performing derivations on input column data, 383
DBCC CHECKDB, T-SQL statement, 213–214
db_ssisadmin role, 282–283
db_ssisltduser role, 282
db_ssisoperator role
exercise assigning execute permissions to packages, 285–287
overview of, 282
DCOM (Distributed COM)
Message Queuing DCOM Proxy, 172
permissions for accessing packages on remote servers, 229
debugging. See also troubleshooting packages
configurable debugging features, 634
default debugging features, 632–633
enhancements to, 14
package configurations, 575–576
Script component, 530–533
Script task, 501–503
decision support system (DSS), 537
default debugging features, 632–633
default settings, package management, 227
degenerate dimensions, in dimensional modeling, 545
DEL, deleting packages with dtutil utility, 240
delimited file formats. See also CSV (comma-separated value), 73
deploying packages
custom deployment, 592–594
direct and indirect configurations, 577–578
exercise assigning values to and debugging package
configurations, 575–576
exercise building projects, 591
exercise configuring project properties, 590
exercise creating computer-specific package configuration,
exercise creating indirect package configuration, 583–585
exercise deploying and executing the package, 586
exercise enabling and adding package configurations,
exercise installing and running project package, 591–592
exercise setting up environment variable as pointer to
configuration file, 582
exercise using property expressions to update exported
properties, 582–583
overview of, 10, 568
package configurations and, 568–570
Parent Package Variable configuration type, 571
project deployment, 589
Registry Entry configuration type, 571
setting up deployment utility, 587–588
SQLServer configuration type, 571–572
steps in creating indirect configurations, 578–579
summary, 592–594
XML Configuration File, 570–571
deployment utility
overview of, 587–588
properties for controlling project deployment, 588
DeploymentOutputPath property, deployment utility, 588
Derived Column transformation
exercise using, 406–407
as row transformation, 382–385
for standardization of data, 6
design, data warehouses
bottom-up, 539
top-down, 538
designer, SSIS. See SSIS Designer
destinations, data flow
ADO.NET destination, 357
bringing data into data flows and, 340–341
configuring Script component as, 525–526
as data flow component, 335–336
data mining model training destination, 357–358
DataReader destination, 358
dimension processing destination, 358–360
Excel destination, 360
exercise adding flat files as, 370–372
684 Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services
destinations, data flow (cont.)
exercise writing asynchronous output to nonstandard text file,
exercise writing synchronous output to CSV file, 526–528
Flat File destination, 360–361
OLE DB destination, 361–363
overview of, 355–357
partition processing destination, 363
raw file destination, 364–365
recordset destination, 365
Script component destination, 365
SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, 46–49
SQLServer Compact destination, 365–366
SQLServer destination, 366–367
Developer Edition, SQL Server 2008 editions, 17
Diff operations, comparing XML documents, 164–165
digital certificates
digitally signing packages, 270–271
package security features, 7–8
dimension hierarchies, in dimensional modeling, 543–544
dimension members, in dimensional modeling, 543
Dimension Processing destination
data flow and, 358–360
data warehousing and, 5
dimension tables, in dimensional modeling, 439
dimensional modeling
dimension tables, 439
dimension types, 544–545
dimensions, 543–544
fact tables, 439, 542–543
loading dimensions using SCD, 545–546
measures, 543
overview of, 542
in dimensional modeling, 543–544
loading using SCD, 545–546
types of, 544–545
direct package configurations, 577–578
Active Directory, 172
exercise creating, 95–99
performing operations on using File System tasks, 155
Directory Service Integration, 172
Distributed COM (DCOM)
Message Queuing DCOM Proxy, 172
permissions for accessing packages on remote servers, 229
distributed independent data marts, 540–541
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), 196
DML operations, 559
DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force), 196
DMX prediction queries
business intelligence operations, 352
Data Mining Query transformation, 455–456
Document Type Definition (DTD), 163
DPAPI (Data Protection API), 272
DSS (decision support system), 537
DTD (Document Type Definition), 163
DTExec utility
command sourcing phase, 251
configuration phase, 252–255
overview of, 250–251
package load phase, 251–252
validation and execution phase, 256
DTExecUI (Execute Package Utility)
exercise running package with, 246–249
overview, 245
review, 249–250
DTS 2000 package migration
embedding DTS 2000 packages in SSIS packages, 609–610
Execute DTS 2000 Package task, 610
exercise configuring Execute DTS 2000 Package task, 610–614
exercise editing and executing DTS 2000 package, 607–609
exercise enumerating and importing DTS 2000 package,
exercise executing migrated package, 621–622
exercise using Package Migration Wizard, 618–621
exercise using Upgrade Advisor for analyzing, 597–599
installing Dts support components, 601–604
mapping DTS services to SSIS, 615–617
options for, 600–601
Package Migration Wizard and, 614, 617
running DTS 2000 packages as-is with run-time
support, 604
Dts (Data Transformation Services)
ActiveX Script task for extending, 484, 486–487
comparing SSIS to, 270
connecting to SSIS and managing Dts packages, 37–39
legacy support, 10
limitations in package deployment, 568
run time, 602
SQL Server 2008 and, 14–15
upgrading from, 27
Dts Designer Components, 602, 607–608
Dts object, properties and methods of, 495–496
Dts Package Migration Wizard, 601
DtsDebugHost, 245
DTSInstall.exe, installing packages with, 591–592
DTSWizard.exe, starting SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, 43
dtutil utility
copying packages, 238–239
creating folders, 242
deleting folders, 243–244
deleting packages, 240
/Dump option, 14
encrypting packages, 241
importing and exporting packages, 233
listing folder contents, 242
moving packages, 239
overview, 235–236
renaming folders, 243
Index 685
signing packages, 240–241
verifying existence of packages, 237–238
Dump errorcode option, DTExec utility, 256
Dump option, dtutil utility, 14
DumpOnError option, DTExec utility, 256
Dynamic Properties task, mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
editions, SQL Server 2008, 15–17
EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse), 539–540
embedding DTS 2000 packages, in SSIS packages, 609–610
with dtutil utility, 241
exercise encrypting all information with package password,
exercise encrypting sensitive information with package
password, 277–279
exercises encrypting all information with user key, 279–280
exercises encrypting sensitive information with user key, 275–276
package security features, 7–8
ProtectionLevel property options, 272–273
of sensitive data, 49–50
Engine Threads property, parallel processing, 670
Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), 539–540
Enterprise Edition, SQL Server 2008 editions, 17
entities, in ER modeling, 541
enumerators, Foreach Loops, 112–113
environment variable
exercise setting up as pointer to package configuration file, 582
types of package configurations, 571
ER (entity-relationship) modeling, 541–542
error events, scripting, 503
Error List window
BIDS windows, 35
default debugging features, 633
error messages, transferring between SQL Servers. See Transfer Error
Messages task
error output
ADO.NET source, 344
data flow paths and, 639
Excel source, 346
interface for data flow, 337
types of errors and, 339–340
ETL (extracting, transforming, loading) tools
data consolidation with, 42
Data Flow task and, 137
data management and, 2–3
EvalExpression, For Loops and, 124
EvalOp property, constraint options, 100
event handlers
exercise working with, 325–328
handling events at package run time, 323–325
scripting events and, 503
types of objects in SSIS packages, 71
Event Handlers tab, BIDS SSIS Designer, 34, 111, 324
handling at package run time, 323–325
logging, 298
raising with scripts, 503–504, 530–532
data source options for SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, 43
data sources, 345–346
destination in data flow, 360
exercise converting Excel data and combining with flat files,
exercise using Pivot transformation, 421–424
Excel Connection Manager, 76–77, 345
executables, precedence executable, 99–100
Execute DTS 2000 Package task
as backward compatibility task, 141
exercise configuring Execute DTS 2000 Package task, 610–614
overview of, 610
Execute Package task
control flow tasks, 187–188
embedding DTS 2000 packages in SSIS packages, 609–610
mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
transactions and, 301
as workflow task, 138
as wrapper for using packages within packages, 308
Execute Package Utility. See DTExecUI (Execute Package Utility)
Execute Process task
calling batch files with, 152–154
control flow tasks, 148
mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
as workflow task, 138
Execute SQL Server Agent Job task
as control flow task, 214–215
as maintenance task, 140
Execute SQL task
configuring for contacts email campaign, 115–118
for deleting monthly records, 127–130
exercise configuring, 90–92
expressions page, 168
general section, 166–168
mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
overview of, 165–166
parameter mapping page, 168
result set page, 168
as SQL Server task, 138
SQL statements and, 387
Execute T-SQL Statement task
compared with Execute SQL task, 166
control flow tasks, 215–216
as maintenance task, 140
execution trees, as performance monitoring tool, 662–663
ExecutionLog file, 665–668
Export Column transformation, as row transformation,
Express Edition, SQL Server 2008 editions, 15
686 Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services
Expression Builder
building expressions with, 103
functions and operators, 104–105
expression field, constraint options, 101
building, 103–104
evaluating, 104, 106
exercise building property expressions for mailing
opportunities packages, 318–323
exercise using to update exported properties, 582–583
exercise using to update properties at run time, 105–107
functions and operators, 104–105
uses of, 102
variables and, 317–318
external metadata, interface for data flow, 336
extracting, transforming, loading (ETL) tools
data consolidation with, 42
Data Flow task and, 137
data management and, 2–3
fact tables, in dimensional modeling, 439, 542–543
fast parsing
converting source data to SSIS data types, 338–339
Flat File source, 347
Fast Track Data Warehouse solution, in SQL Server 2008 R2, 553–554
FC, creating folders with dtutil utility, 242
FDe, deleting folders with dtutil utility, 243
FDi, showing directory contents in dtutil utility, 242
File Connection Manager, 77–78
File System folder, as root-level folders, 230
File System task
archiving downloaded files, 158–160
configuring with hard-coded values, 105
control flow tasks, 155–156
creating folder using, 96–97
as data preparation task, 137
user-defined variable for passing folder path to, 97–99
File Transfer Protocol task, mapping Dts services to SSIS, 615
files/file system
default settings, 227
delimited file formats, 73
exercise archiving downloaded files, 156–160
exercise downloading zipped files from FTP server, 144–148
exercise expanding zipped files, 149–154
exercise importing expanded files. See importing expanded
zip files
fixed width file formats, 73
performing operations on using File System tasks, 155
ragged right file formats, 74
saving packages to, 290
fixed attribute, attribute change types in SCD Wizard, 441, 546
fixed database-level roles. See database-level roles
fixed width file formats, 73
Flat Buffer Memory, performance counters, 660
Flat Buffers In Use, performance counters, 660
Flat File Connection Manager, 78
Flat File source, 44
flat files
data sources, 346–348
destination in data flow, 360–361
exercise adding as data flow destination, 370–372
importing data from flat file into SQL Server, 169
flat files, importing into SQL Server 2008
column and row options, 45–46
data source selection, 43–44
destination options (new database), 46–49
mapping options, 49
report on steps in import process, 50–51
security options, 49–50
folders. See also files/file system
adding root-level folder to stored packages, 232–233
creating with dtutil, 242
deleting with dtutil, 243–244
exercise creating directory folder, 95–99
listing folder contents with dtutil, 242
renaming with dtutil, 243
SSIS service folder structure, 230
For Loops
applying repeating logic to units of work, 7
checkpoints and, 313
container, 123–126
Foreach ADO enumerator, 119–120
Foreach Loops
adding for contacts email campaign, 119–120
applying repeating logic to units of work, 7
archiving downloaded files, 156–158
checkpoints and, 313
enumerating multiple zipped files, 150–152
using Execute Process task inside, 152–154
FR, renaming folders with dtutil utility, 243
FTP Connection Manager
configuring, 145
connecting FTP Task Editor to FTP server, 143
overview of, 78
FTP task
configuring, 143
configuring for downloading zipped files, 144–147
as data preparation task, 137
exercise downloading zipped files from FTP server, 144–148
file transfer operations, 142
full outer joins, T-SQL, 392
functional dependency profile, multiple-column profiles, 65
in Expression Builder, 104–105
performing derivations on input column data, 384
Fuzzy Grouping transformations
Advanced tab, 462–463
Columns tab, 462
Index 687
Connection Manager tab, 461–462
exercise removing duplicates by Fuzzy Grouping, 474–478
overview of, 460–461
Fuzzy Lookup transformations
Advanced tab, 466
Columns tab, 465
considerations before running, 467
exercise removing fuzzy duplicates, 472–474
operations for standardization of data, 6
overview of, 463–464
Reference Table tab, 464–465
GAC (global assembly cache), 485
as Aggregate transformation, 429–430
data warehouse enhancements in SQL Server 2008 R2, 561
exercise aggregating sales orders, 431–433
GUI (graphical user interface)
for package management, 226
for Script task, 489–492
in SQL Server Management Studio, 229
handshake, scripting functionality for in data warehousing scenario,
hardware, Parallel Data Warehouse, 554–556
historical attribute
attribute change types in SCD Wizard, 442, 546
configuring SCD transformation, 451–452
historical data, archiving, 657
History Cleanup task
as control flow task, 216–217
as maintenance task, 140
HTTP Connection Manager, 78, 160
HTTP, Message Queuing service supporting, 172
hub-and-spoke architecture, Parallel Data Warehouse, 556–557
Import Column transformation, as row transformation, 386
importing and exporting packages, 233–235
importing expanded zip files
building expanded files package, 179–186
configuring Archiving Downloaded Files to send filenames,
installing Message Queuing service, 174–175
method, 173–174
overview of, 173
review, 186–187
partition-aligned indexed views, 564–565
rebuilding. See Rebuild Index task
reorganizing. See Reorganize Index task
indirect package configurations
exercise creating, 583–585
overview of, 577–578
steps in creating, 578–579
inferred member updates output
attribute change types in SCD Wizard,
configuring SCD transformation, 450
informational messages, raising with scripts, 530
InitExpression, For Loops and, 123
Inmon, Bill, 538
inner joins, T-SQL, 392
interface for data flow, 336–337
SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, 60–62
Input section, XML task, 162
installing project package, 591–592
installing SSIS
from command prompt, 25–26
overview, 21
side by side install with earlier versions of SSIS
or Dts, 26–27
upgrade installation, 27–28
using installation wizard on clean system, 22–25
interfaces, data flow
error output interface, 337
external metadata interface, 336
input interface, 336–337
output interface, 337
overview of, 335–336
jobs, SQL Server Agent
cleaning up job history. See History Cleanup task
copying jobs. See Transfer Job task
creating and adding package to, 257–258
executing. See Execute SQL Server Agent Job task
review of job automation process, 265–266
scheduling, 258–261
using proxy account to run jobs, 261–264
viewing job history, 264–265
join transformations. See split and join transformations
junk dimensions, in dimensional modeling, 544
Kimball, Ralph, 539
left outer joins, T-SQL, 392
legacy support, 10, 605–607
LOB (line of business) applications, 536
Locals window
BIDS windows, 36
default debugging features, 633