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Let''''s learn 3 - Theme 3

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Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Week: 17
Period: 33
Time allotted: 35m
Date: December 25
, 2009.
Unit seven 7: MY HEALTH
Sestion A (1,2,3)
I. Aims
- To help Ss how to learn some new words
- By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer about one’s health.
II. Content
1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Vocab: a headache, a sore throat, a cough, a toothache, a fever
- Structures
What’s the matter with you?
I have .
b. Language skills
- reading, speaking
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Pre teach

Check memory
- asks Ss to sing a song
- elicits new words and reads
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some
Ss to read loudly
- checks the meaning and the
- writes the new words on the b.b
1. a headache
2. a sore throat
3. a cough
4. a toothache
5. a fever
What and where
- sets the scene and gives
- sing loudly
- listen
- repeat in chorus and in individual
- check
- copy in the notebooks
- play the game
- guess the situation of the picture
Ho Thu Huong 46 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Picture cue

the dialouge
- practices the diaouge: T ↔ Ss,
Ss↔ Ss, S1↔S2
- asks Ss to give the model
sentences and to elicit the form
What’s the matter with you?
I have a fever.
What’s the matter with you?
I have .
Use: Cách hỏi đáp về sức khỏe của
- shows the pictures and runs
through the words
- the 1st part of exchange → the
last part of exchange
- calls Ss to practice the form
- checks
- asks Ss to talk with each other
- checks
- practice the dialouge
- elicit the form
- copy the form
- T ↔ Ss, Ss ↔ T
- closed pairs, opened pairs
- work in pairs
- What’s the matter with you?
- I have a headache.
- What’s the matter with you?

- I have a sore throat.
- What’s the matter with you?
- I have a cough.
- What’s the matter with you?
- I have a toothache.
- check
- work in pairs
A: What’s the matter with you?
B: I have a cough.
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the new words and to copy each word 3 lines
Ho Thu Huong 47 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Week: 17
Period: 34
Time allotted: 35m
Date: December 25
, 2009.
Unit seven 7: MY HEALTH
Sestion A (4, 5,6,7)
I. Aims
- To help Ss to practice pronunciation and writing
II. Content

1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Exercises 4,5,6,7
b. Language skills
- Speaking and writing
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up:
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
- asks Ss to talk with each other
- checks
<don't have the tape>
Say it right
matter headache fever
hand toothache better
- reads for the model and asks Ss to
- calls some Ss to read and corrects
- checks
- asks Ss to copy into the notebooks
Let's write

A: What’s the matter with you?
B: I have .
- writes for the model and asks Ss to
- talk in English
- What’s the matter with you?
- I have a sore throat.
- check
- repeat in chorus

- read loudly
- check
- copy
- write in individual
Ho Thu Huong 48 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
write in the notebooks
- calls some Ss to write on the b.b
- checks
A: What’s the matter with
B: I have a toothache.
- write
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to do the exercise 7 on page 69.

Week: 18
Period: 35
Time allotted: 35m
Date: December 27
, 2009.
Unit seven 7: MY HEALTH
Sestion B (1,2,3)
I. Aims
- To help Ss how to learn some new words
- By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to give some advise
II. Content
1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Vocab: see a doctor, not go to school, take some aspirins, not go out
- Structures
I have .
You should .
b. Language skills
- reading, speaking
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Ho Thu Huong 49 Giolinh Primary

Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Check up
Pre teach
Check memory
Picture cue
- asks Ss to translate some
sentences into English
a. Cậu sao vậy?
b. Tớ bị sốt.
- asks Ss to give feedback
- elicits new words and reads
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some
Ss to read loudly
- checks the meaning and the
- writes the new words on the b.b
1. see a doctor
2. not go to school
3. take some aspirins
4. not go out
- sets the scene and gives
the dialouge
- practices the diaouge: T ↔ Ss,
Ss↔ Ss, S1↔S2
- asks Ss to give the model

sentences and to elicit the form
I have a headache.
You should take some aspirins.
I have .
You should
Use: Cách đưa ra lời khuyên khi
bạn bị ốm.
- shows the pictures and runs
through the words
- the 1st part of exchange → the
last part of exchange
- calls Ss to practice the form
- translate
a. What’s the matter with you?
b. I have a fever.
- check
- listen
- repeat in chorus and in
- check
- copy in the notebooks
- play the game
- guess the situation of the picture
- practice the dialouge
- elicit the form
- copy the form
- T ↔ Ss, Ss ↔ T
- closed pairs, opened pairs

- work in pairs
1. I have a fever.
- You should see a doctor.
2. I have a cough.
- You should not go to school.
Ho Thu Huong 50 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
- checks
- asks Ss to talk with each other
- checks
3. I have a headache.
- You should take some aspirins.
4. I have a cold.
- You should not go out.
- check
- work in pairs
A: I have a toothache.
B: You should go to the dentist.
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the new words and to copy each word 3 lines
Week: 18
Period: 36

Time allotted: 35m
Date: December 27
, 2009.
Unit seven 7: MY HEALTH
Sestion B (4, 5, 6,7)
I. Aims
- To help Ss to practice reading comprehension and writing letter
II. Content
1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Exercises 4,5,6,7
b. Language skills
- Speaking and writing
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up: -asks Ss to read the sentences in B3- - read in English
Ho Thu Huong 51 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
1. Linda can’t go to school today.

2. She has a toothache.
3. She should go to the dentist.
4. She shouln’t go out.
- checks
- gives some new words
1. candies
2. examined
3. after meals
- introduces the text and reads loudly
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some Ss
to read
- asks Ss to anwser the questions
- asks Ss to give feedback
- asks Ss to write about what they
should or should not do to have good
- asks Ss to give feedback
- check
- copy
- listen carefully
- read in chorus and in
- work in groups
1. He likes candies very much.
2. He had a toothache.
3. He should brush his teeth
after meals.
4. He shouldn’t eat too many

- check
- write in individual
I should take some aspirins
when I have a headache.
I should not go out when I have
a cold.
- write on the b.b
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to do the exercise 6 – P.73.
Ho Thu Huong 52 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Week: 19
Period: 37
Time allotted: 35m
Date: January 4
, 2010.
Sestion A (1,2,3)
I. Aims
- To help Ss how to learn some new words
- By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to talk about what he/she did
II. Content
1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas

- Vocab: went to the cinema, wrote a letter, listened to music, played football
- Structures
What did you do last weekend? I .
b. Language skills
- reading, speaking
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up
Pre teach
Check memory
- asks Ss to read the text 4-P.72
- checks
- elicits new words and reads loudly
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some Ss
to read loudly
- checks the meaning and the
- writes the new words on the b.b
1. went to the cinema
2. wrote a letter
3.listened to music
4. played football
What and where
- sets the scene and gives

the dialouge
- practices the diaouge: T ↔ Ss,
- read loudly
- check
- listen
- repeat in chorus and in
- check
- copy in the notebooks
- play the game
- guess the situation of the picture
- practice the dialouge
Ho Thu Huong 53 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Picture cue
Ss↔ Ss, S1↔S2
- asks Ss to give the model sentences
and to elicit the form
What did you do?
I read Harry Potter.
What did you do last weekend?
I .
Use: Cách hỏi đáp xem bạn đã làm
gì vào cuối tuần trước.
- shows the pictures and runs

through the words
- the 1st part of exchange → the last
part of exchange
- calls Ss to practice the form
- checks
- asks Ss to talk with each other
- checks
- elicit the form
- copy the form
- T ↔ Ss, Ss ↔ T
- closed pairs, opened pairs
- work in pairs
1. What did you do last weekend?
- I went to the cinema.
2. What did you do last weekend?
- I wrote a letter.
3. What did you do last weekend?
- I listened to music.
4. What did you last weekend?
- I played football.
- check
- work in pairs
A: What did you do last weekend?
B: I wrote a letter to my friend.
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the new words and to copy each word 3 lines

Ho Thu Huong 54 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Week: 19
Period: 38
Time allotted: 35m
Date: January 4
, 2010.
Sestion A (4, 5,6,7)
I. Aims
- To help Ss to practice pronunciation and writing
II. Content
1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Exercises 4,5,6,7
b. Language skills
- Speaking and writing
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up:

Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
- asks Ss to write some vocab on the
Ex: đã đi xem phim, đã viết thư, đã
nghe nhạc, đã chơi bong đá
- checks
<don't have the tape>
Say it right
1. Last Sunday we had great fun with
lunch in the sun.
2. My father played the guitar in the
- reads for the model and asks Ss to
- calls some Ss to read and corrects
- checks
- asks Ss to copy into the notebooks
Let's write
- write on the b.b
Key: went to the cinema,
wrote a letter, listened to
music, played football
- check
- repeat in chorus

- read loudly
- check

- copy
Ho Thu Huong 55 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
A: What did you do ?
B: I .
- writes for the model and asks Ss to
write in the notebooks
- calls some Ss to write on the b.b
- checks
- write in individual
A: What did you do last
B: I played football.
- write
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to do the exercise 7
Week: 20
Period: 39
Time allotted: 35m
Date: January 10
, 2010.
Sestion B (1,2,3)

I. Aims
- To help Ss how to learn some new words
- By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use Yes/No questions
II. Content
1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Vocab: clean the floor, watch TV, cook dinner, listen to music
- Structures
Did you yesterday ? Yes, I did .
b. Language skills
- reading, speaking
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Ho Thu Huong 56 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up
Pre teach
Check memory
Word cue drill
- asks Ss to translate some
sentences into English

1. Cậu làm gì vào cuối tuần trước?
2. Tớ đã đi xem phim.
- checks
- elicits new words and reads
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some
Ss to read loudly
- checks the meaning and the
- writes the new words on the b.b
1. clean the floor
2. watch TV
3. cook dinner
4. listen to music
- sets the scene and gives
the dialouge
- practices the diaouge: T ↔ Ss,
Ss↔ Ss, S1↔S2
- asks Ss to give the model
sentences and to elicit the form
Did you visit Tuan Chau Island?
Yes, I did.
Did you yesterday ?
Yes, I did .
Use: Cách dùng câu hỏi phỏng
đoán ở thì quá khứ đơn.
- shows the pictures and runs
through the words

- the 1st part of exchange → the
last part of exchange
- calls Ss to practice the form
- translate
1. What did you do last weekend?
2. I went to the cinema.
- check
- listen
- repeat in chorus and in
- check
- copy in the notebooks
- play the game
- guess the situation of the picture
- practice the dialouge
- elicit the form
- copy the form
- T ↔ Ss, Ss ↔ T
- closed pairs, opened pairs
- work in pairs
1. Did you clean the floor
yesterday? Yes, I did.
Ho Thu Huong 57 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
- checks
- asks Ss to talk with each other

- checks
2. Did you watch TV yesterday?
Yes, I did.
3. Did you cook dinner yesterday?
Yes, I did.
4. Did you listen to music
yesterday? Yes, I did.
- check
- work in pairs
A: Did you go to the cinema
B: Yes, I did.
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the new words and to copy each word 3 lines
Week: 20
Period: 40
Time allotted: 35m
Date: January 10
, 2010.
Sestion B (4, 5, 6,7)
I. Aims
- To help Ss to practice reading comprehension and writing
II. Content

1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Exercises 4,5,6,7
b. Language skills
- Speaking and writing
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Ho Thu Huong 58 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up:
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
-asks Ss to talk with each other
- checks
- gives some new words
1. sat in the sun
2. souvenir shops
3. colourful T-shirts
4. took a lot of photos
- introduces the text and reads loudly
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some Ss
to read
- asks Ss to anwser the questions

- asks Ss to give feedback
- asks Ss to Write about your last

- asks Ss to give feedback
- talk in English
1. Did you watch TV
- Yes, I did.
2. Did you listen to music
- No, I didn’t.
- check
- copy
- listen carefully
- read in chorus and in
- work in groups
1. He went to Sam Son with his
2. They sat in the sun and
3. He went swimming.
4. She went to some souvenir
- check
- write

Last weekend I went to Hue
with my friends. It was rainy so
very cold. Minh went to Linh
Mu Pagoda. San bought many
gifts in Dong Ba Market. And I
went to Truong Tien Bridge to
take a lot of photos. We were
very happy because the trip was
- write on the b.b
Ho Thu Huong 59 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to do the exercise 6 – P.81.
Week: 21
Period: 42
Time allotted: 35m
Date: January 18
, 2010.
Sestion A (1,2,3)
I. Aims
- To help Ss how to learn some new words
- By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to talk about their plan in the future
II. Content

1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Vocab: play badminton, play chess, read Harry Potter, have a picnic,
- Structures
What are you going to do tomorrow?
I’m going to .
b. Language skills
- reading, speaking
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up - asks Ss to translate the text B4-P.80
into Vietnamese
- translate
Cuối tuần vừa qua Nam đã đến
Sầm Sơn cùng cả nhà. Trời nắng
nhưng không nóng lắm. Bố mẹ
của cậu ấy cùng sưởi nắng và nói
chuyện. Nam thì đi bơi. Chị cậu
ấy đến các quầy hang lưu niệm để
mua vài cái áo thun nhiều màu sắc
Ho Thu Huong 60 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3

Pre teach
Check memory
Word cue drill
- asks Ss to give feedback
- elicits new words and reads loudly
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some Ss to
read loudly
- checks the meaning and the
- writes the new words on the b.b
1. play badminton
2. play chess
3. read Harry Potter
4. have a picnic
5. tomorrow
Hang man
- sets the scene and gives
the dialouge
- practices the diaouge: T ↔ Ss, Ss↔
Ss, S1↔S2
- asks Ss to give the model sentences
and to elicit the form
What are you going to do tomorrow?
I’m going to play football.
What are you going to do tomorrow?
I’m going to .
Use: Hỏi đáp về dự định trong tương

lai của bạn.
- shows the pictures and runs through
the words
- the 1st part of exchange → the last
part of exchange
- calls Ss to practice the form
tặng bạn của chị ấy. Họ chụp rất
nhiều ảnh. Chuyến đi của họ rất
tuyệt vời.
- check
- listen
- repeat in chorus and in
- check
- copy in the notebooks
- play the game
- guess the situation of the picture
- practice the dialouge
- elicit the form
- copy the form
- T ↔ Ss, Ss ↔ T
- closed pairs, opened pairs
- work in pairs
1. What are you going to do
- I’m going to play badminton.
2. What are you going to do
Ho Thu Huong 61 Giolinh Primary

Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
- checks
- asks Ss to talk with each other
- checks
- I’m going to play chess.
3. What are you going to do
- I’m going to read Harry Potter.
4. What are you going to do
- I’m going to have a picnic.
- check
- work in pairs
A: What are you going to do
B: I’m going to watch TV.
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the new words and to copy each word 3 lines
Week: 22
Period: 43
Time allotted: 35m
Date: January 18

, 2010.
Sestion A (4, 5,6,7)
I. Aims
- To help Ss to practice pronunciation and writing
II. Content
1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Exercises 4,5,6,7
b. Language skills
- Speaking and writing
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
Ho Thu Huong 62 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up:
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
- asks Ss to translate some sentences
into English
1. Hôm qua cậu có nấu bữa ăn tối
không? Có.

2. Chủ nhật trước bạn đã quét nhà à?
- checks
<don't have the tape>
Say it right
A: Are you going to play football?
B: No. I’m going to play volleyball.
- reads for the model and asks Ss to
- calls some Ss to read and corrects
- checks
- asks Ss to copy into the notebooks
Let's write
A: What are you going to do ?
B: I’m going to .
- writes for the model and asks Ss to
write in the notebooks
- calls some Ss to write on the b.b
- checks
- write on the b.b
1. Did you cook dinner
yesterday? Yes, I did.
2. Did you clean the floor last
Sunday? No, I didn’t.
- check
- repeat in chorus

- read loudly

- check
- copy
- write in individual
A: What are you going to do
next Saturday?
B: I’m going to visit Hue.
- write
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to do exercises in the notebook
Ho Thu Huong 63 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Week: 22
Period: 44
Time allotted: 35m
Date: January 18
, 2010.
Sestion B (1,2,3)
I. Aims
- To help Ss how to learn some new words
- By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use Yes/No questions
II. Content
1. Lesson focus

a. Language areas
- Vocab:
- Structures
Are you going to ? Yes, I am.
b. Language skills
- reading, speaking
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method
- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up
Pre teach
- asks Ss to translate some sentences
into English
1. Bạn sẽ làm gì vào Chủ nhật tới?
2. Tớ sẽ chơi cầu lông.
- checks
- elicits new words and reads loudly
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some Ss
to read loudly
- checks the meaning and the
- writes the new words on the b.b
1.cook lunch
2. take photos

3. take along some food
- translate
1. What are you going to do next
2. I’m going to play badminton.
- check
- listen
- repeat in chorus and in
- check
- copy in the notebooks
Ho Thu Huong 64 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Check memory
Word cue drill
4. visit the museum
- sets the scene and gives
the dialouge
- practices the diaouge: T ↔ Ss,
Ss↔ Ss, S1↔S2
- asks Ss to give the model
sentences and to elicit the form
Are you going to take along some
food?Yes, I am.

Are you going to ?
Yes, I am.
Use: Câu hỏi phỏng đoán ở thì
tương lai gần.
- shows the pictures and runs
through the words
- the 1st part of exchange → the last
part of exchange
- calls Ss to practice the form
- checks
- asks Ss to talk with each other
- checks
- play the game
- guess the situation of the
- practice the dialouge
- elicit the form
- copy the form
- T ↔ Ss, Ss ↔ T
- closed pairs, opened pairs
- work in pairs
- Are you going to clean the
floor? Yes, I am.
- Are you going to cook lunch?
Yes, I am.
- Are you going to take photos?
Yes, I am.
- Are you going to ride a bike?
Yes, I am.

- check
- work in pairs
A: Are you going to play chess?
B: Yes, I am.
- check
b. Homework
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the new words and to copy each word 3 lines
Ho Thu Huong 65 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
Week: 23
Period: 45
Time allotted: 35m
Date: January 18
, 2010.
Sestion B (4, 5, 6,7)
I. Aims
- To help Ss to practice reading comprehension and writing
II. Content
1. Lesson focus
a. Language areas
- Exercises 4,5,6,7
b. Language skills
- Speaking and writing
2. Preparation
- Pictures
3. Teaching method

- Communitive approach
4. Procedures
a. New lesson
Sections Teacher's activities Students'activities
Check up:
Exercise 4
-asks Ss to talk with each other
- checks
- gives some new words
1. stay in a hotel
2. the zoo
3. watch a football match
4. have a good time
- introduces the text and reads loudly
- asks Ss to repeat and calls some Ss
to read
- asks Ss to anwser the questions
- talk in English
1. Are you going to take
2. Yes, I am
- check
- copy
- listen carefully
- read in chorus and in
- work in groups

1. She is going to visit Hanoi
with her family.
2. They are going to stay in a
Ho Thu Huong 66 Giolinh Primary
Lesson plan 5 Let’s learn English 3
- asks Ss to give feedback
3. In the morning.
4. They are going to watch a
football match at My Dinh
- check
b. Homework
- T asks to do exercise 5 – P.60.
Ký duyệt
Ho Thu Huong 67 Giolinh Primary

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