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Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Hemolytic–Uremic Syndrome, and HELLP
breakdown of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) produced by
the posterior pituitary gland, and “ resistance to vasopressin ”
[164,167] . The small subset of patients with progressive deterio-
ration of renal function after delivery may require either tempo-
rary or permanent hemodialysis.
Fetal morbidity and mortality, once estimated to be anywhere
from 5 to 100%, has now decreased to between 9 and 24% [140] .
Fetal complications are usually due to prematurity, placental
abruption, and intrauterine hypoxia or asphyxia. Some infants
(39%) of HELLP syndrome mothers have intrauterine growth
restriction (IUGR), and about one - third have thrombocytopenia.
Intraventricular hemorrhage occurs in 4% of infants with severe
thrombocytopenia [168] .
HELLP syndrome itself has been reported to recur in up to
27% of women during subsequent pregnancies [139] and the
incidence of any hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (eclampsia,
pre - eclampsia, or gestational hypertension) is of the order of 30%
in women with previous preterm HELLP syndrome who have
another pregnancy [169] .
Differential d iagnosis
Complications of pregnancy that may be confused with HELLP
include TTP, HUS, DIC, sepsis, connective tissue disorders,
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and acute fatty liver of
pregnancy. This latter entity is also seen in the last trimester or
postpartum, and presents with thrombocytopenia and right
upper quadrant pain; however, the serum levels of AST and ALT
increase more modestly (up to about fi vefold) and the PT and
APTT are both consistently prolonged. Liver biopsy samples
reveal infl ammation and patchy hepatocellular necrosis, and spe-

cifi c staining demonstrates fat in the cytoplasm of centrilobular
Because it can cause right upper quadrant pain and nausea,
HELLP has been misdiagnosed as viral hepatitis, biliary colic,
esophageal refl ux, cholecystitis, and gastric ulcer. Conversely,
other conditions misdiagnosed as HELLP syndrome have
included cardiomyopathy, dissecting aortic aneurysm, acute
cocaine intoxication, essential hypertension with renal disease,
and alcoholic liver dysfunction [143] .
1 Moschcowitz E . Hyaline thrombosis of the terminal arterioles and
capillaries: a hitherto undescribed disease . Proc NY Pathol Soc 1924 ;
24 : 21 – 24 .
2 Moschcowitz E . An acute febrile pleiochromic anamia with hyaline
thrombosis of the terminal arterioles and capillaries . Arch Intern
Med 1925 ; 36 : 89 – 93 .
3 Burns ER , Lou Y , Pathak A . Morphologic diagnosis of thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura . Am J Hematol 2004 ; 75 : 18 – 21 .
4 James T , Monto R . Pathology of the cardiac conduction system in
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura . Ann Intern Med 1966 ; 65 :
37 – 43 .
CI − 7.13 to − 1.87), mean interval (hours) to delivery (41 ± 15)
versus (15 ± 4.5) (p = 0.0068) in favor of women randomised to
There were no signifi cant differences in perinatal mortality or
morbidity due to respiratory distress syndrome, need for ventila-
tory support, intracerebral hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis
and a 5 - min Apgar less than 7. The mean birthweight was signifi -
cantly greater in the group allocated to dexamethasone (WMD
247.00; 95% CI 65.41 – 428.59). These authors concluded that

based on these fi ve studies there was insuffi cient evidence to
determine whether adjunctive steroid use in HELLP syndrome
decreases maternal and perinatal mortality, or major maternal
and perinatal morbidity.
Antepartum plasma exchanges do not arrest or reverse HELLP
syndrome; however, peripartum exchanges may minimize hem-
orrhage and morbidity. Plasma exchanges should probably be
employed in women who fail to improve within 72 – 96 hours after
delivery. This is a subgroup of about 5% of HELLP patients who
are usually either nulliparous or younger than 20 years of age
[142,143] . Liver transplantation may eventually be necessary in
cases complicated by large destructive hematomas or total hepatic
necrosis [163]
Although the condition of most HELLP patients stabilizes
within 24 – 48 hours following delivery, death occurs in 3 – 5%.
Maternal mortality rates as high as 25% were reported prior to
1980, usually because of cerebral hemorrhage, cardiopulmonary
arrest, DIC, adult respiratory distress syndrome, or hypoxic isch-
emic encephalopathy [139] . Other complications can include
infection, abruptio placentae, postpartum hemorrhage, intra -
abdominal bleeding, pulmonary edema, retinal detachment,
postictal cortical blindness, hypoglycemic coma, and subcapsu-
lar liver hematoma with subsequent rupture (mortality about
50%) [140,164] . Patients with the latter complication may com-
plain of right - sided shoulder pain, and may develop shock with
ascites and/or pleural effusions. Hepatic hematomas are usually
in the anterior superior right lobe. Deep and repeated abdomi-
nal palpation, seizures, or vomiting makes rupture and cata-
strophic hemorrhage more likely. The safest therapy for hepatic
rupture in HELLP syndrome is to pack the liver and abdomen,

place a large - bore drain to monitor continued bleeding, close
the abdomen and continue supportive therapy with blood and
blood product (including activated factor VIIa) transfusion
[165,166] . Emergent hepatic artery embolization or ligation, and
lobectomy, have been attempted but are associated with signifi -
cantly worse outcome than the “ pack and support ” approach. In
some cases where total liver shutdown has occurred following
massive necrosis, liver transplantation may be necessary
[139,143] .
Renal complications of HELLP may include transient elevation
of serum creatinine, hyponatremia, nephrogenic diabetes insipi-
dus, or acute renal failure. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus may
result in HELLP syndrome from the impaired hepatic metabo-
lism of placental - produced vasopressinase. This inadequately
metabolized vasopressinase is postulated to cause excessive
Chapter 32
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25 Sadler JE , Moake JL , Miyata T , George JN . Recent advances in
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26 Vesely SK , Li X , McMinn JR , Terrell DR , George JN . Pregnancy
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Critical Care Obstetrics, 5th edition. Edited by M. Belfort, G. Saade,
M. Foley, J. Phelan and G. Dildy. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Endocrine Emergencies
Carey Winkler & Fred Coleman
Legacy Health Systems, Maternal - Fetal Medicine, Portland, OR, USA
Disorders of the endocrine system are not uncommon in women
of childbearing age and therefore, are not uncommon during
pregnancy. Signifi cant disturbances of many of the endocrine
organs can result in dramatic alterations in maternal physiology
which in turn, may affect the maternal – placental – fetal unit. Early
recognition and rapid correction of these abnormalities will result
in improved maternal and fetal outcomes. This chapter reviews
the management of the more common (and severe) endocrine
emergencies seen in obstetrics: diabetic ketoacidosis, thyroid dis-
orders, pheochromocytoma, adrenal crisis, and altered parathy-
roid states.
Diabetic k etoacidosis
In recent years, diabetes has accounted for approximately 3 – 5%
of all maternal mortality. Of these, 15% were secondary to dia-
betic ketoacidosis (DKA) [1] . Because of improvements in care
provided to critically ill patients, along with prompt recognition
and treatment, the risk of maternal death from an episode of DKA
is now 1% or less [2] . Unfortunately, the fetal death rate has not
fallen to that level. Despite aggressive treatment of the mother
and improvements in perinatal and neonatal care, studies suggest
a 10 – 25% fetal loss rate for a single episode of DKA [3,4] .
Factors that predispose pregnant patients to DKA include

accelerated starvation, dehydration, decreased caloric intake sec-
ondary to pregnancy - related nausea, decreased buffering capacity
(compensated respiratory alkalosis), stress, and increased insulin
antagonists such as human placental lactogen, prolactin, and
cortisol [5] . The most common precipitating events in DKA are
infection related (viral or bacterial 30%) and inadequate insulin
treatment usually from patient non - compliance (30%). Other
less common reasons include insulin pump failure and medica-
tions (glucocorticoids with/without β - adrenergic agents) for
preterm labor [6 – 8] . In one series, 7 of 11 patients decreased their
insulin dosage because of decreased food intake and lower glucose
levels [9] . In addition, Montoro et al. [4] noted that 6 of 20
patients who presented with DKA were newly diagnosed with
In a retrospective study by Cullen and associates [9] , 11 preg-
nant patients presented in diabetic ketoacidosis over a 10 - year
period. Of these 11 patients, four had an initial blood glucose
< 200 mg/dL. The precipitating event for ketoacidosis in these four
cases was maternal nausea and vomiting due to an underlying
gastrointestinal disorder such as hyperemesis gravidarum or a
viral gastroenteritis. In response to the persistent nausea and
vomiting, these patients reduced not only their caloric intake but
also their insulin dose. Thus, it is important to remember that
when an insulin - dependent diabetic presents with a history of
persistent nausea and vomiting, a blood glucose < 200 mg/dL does
not necessarily eliminate the potential for ketoacidosis. Under
these circumstances, an evaluation for the potential of diabetic
ketoacidosis should be undertaken.
The underlying cause of DKA is an absolute, or more com-
monly during pregnancy, a relative defi ciency in circulating

insulin levels in relationship to an excess of insulin counter - reg-
ulatory hormones, specifi cally catecholamines, glucagon, cortisol,
and growth hormone. The sequence of events has been reviewed
by Kitabchi et al. [8] . The levels of catecholamines (700 – 800%),
glucagon (400 – 500%), cortisol (400 – 500%), and growth hormone
(200 – 300%) are all increased during DKA when compared to
baseline levels. The net result is an increase in glucose levels and
hyperglycemia. Glucagon increases production of hepatic ketone
bodies from fatty acids. Because insulin is also needed for the
effective degradation of ketone bodies, the excessive degree of
ketonemia is due to both overproduction as well as continued
The main ketone bodies are β - hydroxybutyric acid, acetic acid,
and acetone. These are moderately strong acids and when released
Chapter 33
conversion to acetoacetate. Paradoxically, the nitroprusside reac-
tion may worsen as the condition of the patient improves.
However, there should be an improvement in the patient ’ s pH, a
decrease in the anion gap, and an overall improvement in the
patient ’ s clinical condition.
In order to optimize maternal/fetal outcome, the diagnosis
needs to be made quickly with immediate initiation of treatment
[4] . Therapy should consist of rapidly correcting the volume
defi cits, initiation of insulin, treatment of infection if present, and
careful monitoring to aid in correction of the metabolic and
electrolyte abnormalities. A transurethral catheter should be
placed and urine sent for culture and sensitivity. The initial intra-
venous solution replacement consists of isotonic saline (0.9%
NaCl) solution at 1000mL/h for at least 2 hours. Using a hypo-

tonic intravenous solution such as half - normal saline (0.45%
NaCl) solution can lead to rapid decline in serum osmolarity. If
this occurs too quickly for intracellular equilibrium to take place,
rarely, cellular swelling can occur, leading to cerebral edema [10] .
After 2 L of an isotonic solution over 2 hours, the solution should
be changed to one more similar to electrolyte losses during
osmotic diuresis (0.45% NaCl) given at 250 mL/h, until serum
glucose is between 200 and 250 mg/dL. Continuing the use of an
isotonic saline solution can result in excessive chloride and meta-
bolic acidosis during the resolution phase. Once glucose levels
reach 250 mg/dL, intravenous fl uids should be changed to 0.45%
NaCl with 5% dextrose to prevent an excessively rapid drop in
serum glucose. Approximately 75% of the total fl uid replacement
should occur during the fi rst 24 hours and the remaining 25%
over the next 24 – 48 hours. Unless there are signs of severe dehy-
dration and cardiovascular collapse, a good estimate of the total
fl uid loss is 100 mL/kg actual body weight.
Since DKA is precipitated by an absolute or relative defi ciency
in insulin, it is critical that insulin therapy is started in order to
correct the many metabolic abnormalities that have occurred.
Treatment should be an initial intravenous bolus followed by
continuous infusion. Intramuscular or subcutaneous therapy
should be avoided as decreased perfusion may result in inade-
quate absorption [8] . The initial bolus should be in the neighbor-
hood of 10 units of regular insulin (0.1 units/kg) followed by a
continuous infusion of 0.1 units/kg/h. Serum glucose levels
should be determined every hour. The decrease in serum glucose
levels should be gradual to prevent excessive movement of water
into the cells from a rapid drop in serum osmolarity. A reasonable
target is a decrease of 50 – 75 mg/dL every hour. If serum glucose

levels fail to decrease by at least 50 mg/dL in the fi rst 2 hours, the
rate of insulin infusion should be doubled [8] . The insulin infu-
sion should be maintained until most of the metabolic abnor-
malities have corrected and the patient is feeling well enough to
eat. At that time, subcutaneous insulin can be initiated and the
insulin infusion discontinued. A thorough search for and treat-
ment of the precipitating event and continuation of insulin is
necessary to limit recurrence.
In DKA, there is a signifi cant loss in total body sodium and
potassium. The total body loss of potassium can approach over
into the maternal circulation, exceed the maternal buffering
capacity of the serum bicarbonate, resulting in the metabolic
acidosis component of DKA. As hydrogen ions move into the
intracellular space from the extracellular compartment, potas-
sium ions shift in the opposite direction. As a result, there is a
depletion of intracellular potassium stores that may be greater
than indicated by plasma levels. Maternal respiratory changes to
excrete carbon dioxide include an increase in the rate and depth
of inspirations, also known as Kussmaul respirations. This results
in a compensatory respiratory alkalosis. As the degree of hyper-
glycemia and ketonemia increases, there is a rise in serum osmo-
larity. In addition, the hyperglycemia and ketonuria result in a
profound osmotic diuresis and severe dehydration. Hypovolemia
and hypotension soon follow, resulting in decreased peripheral
perfusion, increased production of lactic acid, and a further
decrease in serum pH. This sequence of events sets up a vicious
cycle of worsening dehydration, increasing serum osmolarity,
increasing release of insulin counter - regulatory hormones from
stress and cellular dysfunction, and worsening acidosis.
The loss of free water from osmotic diuresis can be extensive:

up to 150 mL/kg body weight. In a typical pregnant patient, this
equates to 7 – 10 L of free water. Along with the loss of urinary
water, there is the depletion of many electrolytes, specifi cally
sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. The hypovolemia and
hypotension may result in emesis, which can exacerbate dehydra-
tion and electrolyte losses. Finally, the increased respiratory rate
can cause additional water loss and dehydration.
Usually, the diagnosis is quite obvious from a clinical perspec-
tive. The patient will present with feelings of malaise, emesis,
weakness/lethargy, polyuria, polydipsia, tachypnea, and signs of
dehydration (decreased skin turgor, dry mucous membranes,
tachycardia, hypotension). The patient may complain of fever,
suggesting infection as a precipitating event. Because of the
decreased peripheral perfusion and resultant ischemia, patients
may have abdominal pain of such severity that it may mimic an
intra - abdominal process such as appendicitis. Acetone is highly
volatile and is excreted in the patient ’ s breath, producing a classic
fruity smell.
Laboratory evaluation should include serum electrolytes,
osmolality, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, urine leukocyte ester-
ase, and arterial blood gases. Classically, the serum glucose will
be elevated to 300 mg/dL or more. An arterial blood gas will
confi rm an acidotic pH ( < 7.30) along with a decreased serum
bicarbonate level. The anion gap will be increased ( > 12) suggest-
ing the presence of non - volatile acids. Finally, the serum will test
strongly for acetone (1 : 2 dilution or greater). The predominant
ketone produced in DKA is β - hydroxybutyric acid. A commonly
used test for evaluating the presence of ketones is the nitroprus-
side reactions. Neither β - hydroxybutyric acid nor acetone reacts
as strongly with nitroprusside as acetoacetate. Therefore, the

severity of the ketonemia may be severely underestimated by this
test. If possible, direct measurement of plasma β - hydroxybutyric
acid should be performed. As insulin therapy is begun, there is a
preferential fall in the level of β - hydroxybutyric acid and increased
Endocrine Emergencies
in fact, is becoming discouraged. Sodium bicarbonate treatment
has failed to show a difference in outcome in DKA with a pH in
the range of 6.8 – 7.1 [8,11] . However, due to the paucity of
patients with a pH 6.9 – 7.0, it is diffi cult to state whether bicar-
bonate replacement was helpful in this subset of cases. Therefore,
if the patient has a pH less than 7.0 or the serum bicarbonate
levels is < 5 mEq/L, administration of one ampule (44 mEq) is
prudent. Otherwise, the treatment of choice is correction of the
underlying problem with hydration, insulin, and potassium.
Rapid administration of sodium bicarbonate has the potential to
cause paradoxical central nervous system acidosis, as the blood –
brain barrier is freely permeable to carbon dioxide but not bicar-
bonate. For overall management options, see Figure 33.1 .
One fi nal point is evaluation and care of the fetus. Fetal distress
may occur due to several mechanisms. Uterine blood fl ow may
decrease due to catecholamine - induced vasoconstriction or
dehydration. Secondly, fetal β - hydroxybutyric acid and glucose
concentrations parallel maternal levels [12] and fetal hyperglyce-
mia may in itself lead to an osmotic diuresis, fetal intravascular
volume depletion, and decreased placental perfusion. Finally, a
leftward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve with a decreased
2,3 - diphosphoglycerate increases hemoglobin affi nity for oxygen
and reduces tissue oxygen delivery. In any case, uterine blood
300 mEq. As the acidosis is corrected, potassium ions shift intra-

cellularly. The intracellular movement of potassium is accelerated
in the presence of insulin and can lead to a precipitous decrease
in the serum potassium level. As the patient ’ s volume status
improves, potassium levels must be followed closely and imme-
diately corrected when low. It is important to replace potassium
slowly and not cause hyperkalemia. Serum potassium levels
should be determined every 2 – 4 hours depending on the levels.
Two ways to replace potassium are as follows.
1 Add KCl (40 mEq/L) to each liter of replacement fl uids and
run at the usual 150 – 250 mL/h. This will give approximately
5 – 10 mEq/h replacement.
2 Intermittent intravenous infusion boluses: in an additional
intravenous port, give 10 mEq/h infusion for 4 – 6 hours, check the
serum potassium level, and continue the “ piggyback ” infusion as
Because of concerns for toxicity/cardiac arrhythmias, potas-
sium supplements should not be given more quickly than
20 mEq/h. After the patient is stable and eating a regular diet, oral
supplementation can be given for 1 – 2 days to completely replen-
ish the total body stores of potassium.
The use of intravenous bicarbonate to increase pH and improve
organ function has become a minority view and for most patients,
Lateral uterine displacement
Oxygen therapy
Fetal monitoring if viable
Transurethral catheter
Maintain urine output at > 50

Initial IV fluids: NS at 1 lit/hr X 2
After 2
hrs, then convert to 1/2 NS at
250 cc/hr
When serum glucose is 200–250
convert to D5 1/2 NS at 250
Continue for 24–48
Detailed H&P
Oxygen saturation monitoring
Rule out infection
Urine culture
Chest x-ray if indicated
Amniocentesis if contractions
10–15 unit IV bolus
units/kg/hr IV to decrease serum glucose by
If serum glucose does not decrease by 50
mg/dl in first
hour then double the rate of the infusion
When serum glucose is 200 mg/dl, decrease rate to
Maintain serum glucose in 150-200
mg/dl range

Based on initial postassium level and normal renal output (> 50
If serum K+ is < 3.3
mEq/L, then hold insulin infusion
If serum K+ is > 5.3
mEq/L, repeat every 2 hrs until < 5.3 mEq/L
If serum K+ is 3.3 – 5.3
mEq/L, add 20–30 mEq to each liter of
replacement fluids to maintain K
in the range of 4–5 mEq/L
No NaHCO3 if maternal pH > 7.0
If pH is < 7.0, then
100 mmol NaHCO3 in 500 cc 1/2 NS
with 20
mEq of K
over 2 hours
Repeat every 2
hours until pH > 7.0
Once patient is stable and tolerating oral intake, convert to usual subcutaneous dose of insulin
** for patients that meet the criteria for DKA with hyperglycemia and evidence of
significant ketosis
Maternal Assessment
Insulin Therapy (regular)
Potassium Management
Fetal Assessment
Volume Replacement
Bicarbonate Management
Figure 33.1 Management of pregnant patient with DKA.

Chapter 33
147 µ g/day, or an increase of 45%. Second, in the acute setting of
thyroid storm, it is logical to use propylthiouracil instead of
methimazole as the former inhibits peripheral conversion of T4
to T3, while the latter does not. Finally, clinical symptomatic
improvement in patients with acute hyperthyroidism treated with
propylthiouracil (measured in days) precedes normalization of
thyroid function tests (which may take 6 – 8 weeks).
Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is rare, complicating less
than 0.2% of all births [27,29] . Early treatment and normaliza-
tion of maternal thyroid function is important because poor
metabolic control increases the risk of preterm delivery, fetal
wastage, and thyroid crisis [27,28] . By far the most common
cause of thyrotoxicosis during pregnancy is Graves ’ disease,
accounting for greater than 90% of cases [30,31] . Less common
causes are listed in Table 33.1 and include thyroid adenomas,
thyroiditis, or secondary hCG - dependent disorders.
Graves ’ disease is an autoimmune disorder where maternal
antibodies (thyrotropin receptor antibodies or TRAb) attach to
the thyroid gland and stimulate the production of thyroid
hormone, similar to TSH. Prior to the use of thionamides, it was
recognized that some 25% of patients undergo long - term remis-
sion without therapy [32] . During pregnancy, the course is vari-
able. As in other autoimmune disorders, some patients appear to
improve during pregnancy and relapse postpartum. Amino et al.
[33] noted in women with Graves ’ disease near remission at the
fl ow may be reduced in poorly controlled diabetics [13] . A sig-
nifi cant reduction in the maternal pH thus will result in a cor-

responding fall in fetal pH. This will often be refl ected in abnormal
fetal heart rate tracings. Unless there are other overriding reasons
for prompt delivery, it is usually prudent to correct the underly-
ing DKA, as the abnormal fetal heart rate tracings and Doppler
studies seen in maternal ketoacidosis improve with diabetic
control [14,15] . In the majority of cases, improving the maternal
condition allows for prolongation of the pregnancy.
Thyroid d ysfunction
Multiple changes occur in the maternal and fetal thyroid gland
during pregnancy. These physiologic changes have been exten-
sively detailed [16,17] . A brief review of changes that affect the
interpretation of thyroid tests or thyroid hormone metabolism in
relationship to clinical management follows.
Changes in thyroid hormone levels during pregnancy occur
both in the maternal circulation and in the developing fetus.
Thyroid - binding globulin (TBG) levels increase during preg-
nancy secondary to an estrogen - stimulated increase in synthesis
and a decrease in clearance that is associated with altered
sialylation of TBG [18] . Because of the increase in TBG, there is
also an increase in the total thyroxine (T4) blood levels in the
maternal circulation. Maternal free T4 and free triiodothyronine
(T3) blood levels remain within the range of normal values but
are minimally decreased in the second and third trimester [16,19] .
Sensitive thyroid - stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 assays
have replaced the free T4 index and have improved the diagnosis
of thyroid disorders during pregnancy. The newer TSH assays are
extremely sensitive for determining early hypothyroidism. The
current upper limits of the normal range is 4.5 mU/L but because
95% of the normal population have a TSH < 2.5 mU/L, there is
growing support to decrease the normal values [20] . However,

currently, there is no compelling evidence that early treatment of
these “ borderline hypothyroid ” pregnant patients compared to
close follow - up improves long - term outcomes [21] . In the non -
pregnant patient, there are accumulating data suggesting treat-
ment of subclinical hypothyroidism decreases morbidity,
especially cardiovascular disease [22 – 24] .
One exception to the interpretation of free T4 and TSH during
pregnancy is the increase in maternal free T4 and decrease in TSH
at 8 – 12 weeks of gestation when human chorionic gondatotropin
(hCG) levels peak [17] . This is thought, in part, to refl ect the weak
thyrotropic activity of hCG. Thus, a mild elevation of free T4 and
suppressed TSH level in the fi rst trimester, in the absence of clini-
cal signs of thyrotoxicosis, is more likely to refl ect a physiologic
adjustment and does not suggest hyperthyroidism.
The clinical consequences of T4 metabolism are threefold. The
fi rst is that thyroid replacement in the hypothyroid patient is
usually initiated at 100 µ g/day [25,26] and often increases during
pregnancy. Mandel et al. [25] found that to normalize TSH levels
in pregnant women, the mean T4 dose increased from 102 to
Table 33.1 Causes of hyperthyroidism.
Graves ’ disease
Hashimoto ’ s disease
Toxic multinodular goiter
Solitary toxic adenoma
Thyroiditis (transient)
Postpartum thyroiditis
Subacute thyroiditis
Painless thyroiditis

Drug induced
Iodide - induced (Jod – Basedow)
Radiocontrast agents
Thyroxine (factitous or dietary supplements containing thyroid hormones)
TSH - secreting tumor
hCG dependent (hyperemesis gravidarum, hydatidiform mole)
Thyroid hormone resistance
Ectopic struma ovarii
Metastatic follicular carcinoma
