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Events and Birthdays
[ 272 ]
// days
$calendarNext->getDaysInOrder(),'cal_2_day_' );
// dates
$calendarNext->getDates(),'cal_2_dates_' );
// styles
$calendarNext->getDateStyles(),'cal_2_dates_style_' );
// data
$calendarNext->getDateData(),'cal_2_dates_data_' );
With events
To display event information alongside dates in the calendar, we simply need to pass
an array of data to our calendar library, indicating which days have events, and we
can also pass the data itself for inclusion in the calendar:
// pass data to the calendar for inclusion
$calendar->setData( $data );
// tell the calendar which days should be highlighted
We simply pass an array of dates that have events, and an array of event data.
Both arrays use the day of the month as the key.
Birthdays should be a fairly straightforward feature for us to implement. We need to:
• Add an additional prole eld for the user's birthday
• Look up the date of birth of our user's contacts
• Calculate their age
• Send the data to the calendar

• Generate the calendar view
• Display a list of upcoming birthdays to our users
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Chapter 9
[ 273 ]
Getting relationship IDs
For us to quickly look up the birthdays of a user's connections, we need to quickly
gain access to the IDs of users another user is connected to. We have some similar
functionality in our relationships model (models/relationships.php); however,
the following method will give us a query returning IDs. We can then use this as a
sub query in our birthdays lookup query:
* Get IDs of users a user has a relationship with
* @param int $user the user in question
* @param bool $cache - cache the results, or return the query?
* @return String / int
public function getIDsByUser( $user, $cache=false )
$sql = "SELECT u.ID FROM users u, profile p, relationships
r, relationship_types t WHERE t.ID=r.type AND r.accepted=1 AND
(r.usera={$user} OR r.userb={$user}) AND IF( r.usera={$user},u.
ID=r.userb,u.ID=r.usera) AND p.user_id=u.ID";
if( $cache == false )
return $sql;
$cache = $this->registry->getObject('db')-

>cacheQuery( $sql );
return $cache;
Setting up the calendar
As we have done before, we need to set up the calendar (controllers/calendar/
); this simply involves requiring the class, instantiating the object,
and setting the current date and month:
// require the class
require_once( FRAMEWORK_PATH . 'lib/calendar/calendar.class.php' );
// set the default month and year, i.e. the current month and year
$m = date('m');
$y = date('Y');
// check for a different Month / Year (i.e. user has moved to
another month)
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Events and Birthdays
[ 274 ]
if( isset( $_GET['month'] ) )
$m = intval( $_GET['month']);
if( $m > 0 && $m < 13 )

$m = date('m');

if( isset( $_GET['year'] ) )
$y = intval( $_GET['year']);
// Instantiate the calendar object
$calendar = new Calendar( '', $m, $y );
// Get next and previous month / year
$nm = $calendar->getNextMonth()->getMonth();
$ny = $calendar->getNextMonth()->getYear();
$pm = $calendar->getPreviousMonth()->getMonth();
$py = $calendar->getPreviousMonth()->getYear();

// send next / previous month data to the template
>addTag('nm', $nm );
>addTag('pm', $pm );
>addTag('ny', $ny );
>addTag('py', $py );
// send the current month name and year to the template
>addTag('month_name', $calendar->getMonthName() );
>addTag('the_year', $calendar->getYear() );
// Set the start day of the week
$calendar->setStartDay(0); // require the class
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Chapter 9
[ 275 ]
Getting the birthdays
With the calendar setup, and a method in our relationships model for us to get
the IDs of connected users, we can get the birthdays.
First, we need to require the relationships model, instantiate the object, and get
the IDs SQL:
require_once( FRAMEWORK_PATH . 'models/relationships.php');
$relationships = new Relationships( $this->registry );
$idsSQL = $relationships->getIDsByUser( $this->registry-
>getObject('authenticate')->getUser()->getUserID() );
Next, we query the prole table, only selecting proles that are in the result set of
the IDs query. We look for users with birthdays in the currently selected month,
and calculate the age by subtracting the year of birth from the current year:
$sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(pr.user_dob, '%d' ) as profile_dob,
pr.name as profile_name, pr.user_id as profile_id, ( ( YEAR(
CURDATE() ) ) - ( DATE_FORMAT(pr.user_dob, '%Y' ) ) )
as profile_new_age FROM profile pr WHERE pr.user_id IN
(".$idsSQL.") AND pr.user_dob LIKE '%-{$m}-%'";
$this->registry->getObject('db')->executeQuery( $sql );
Passing them to the calendar
We then iterate through our results from the query, building an array of dates
with events, and an array of event data:
$dates = array();
$data = array();
if( $this->registry->getObject('db')->numRows() > 0 )
while( $row = $this->registry->getObject('db')->getRows() )
$dates[] = $row['profile_dob'];

$data[ intval($row['profile_dob']) ] = "<br />".
$row['profile_name']." (". $row['profile_new_age'] .
")<br />";
The data is then passed to the calendar:
$calendar->setData( $data );
// tell the calendar which days should be highlighted
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Events and Birthdays
[ 276 ]
With everything passed to the calendar, we can now build the month and pass
everything to the template:
// days
>dataToTags( $calendar->getDaysInOrder(),'cal_0_day_' );
// dates
>dataToTags( $calendar->getDates(),'cal_0_dates_' );
// styles
>dataToTags( $calendar->getDateStyles(),'cal_0_dates_style_' );
// data
>dataToTags( $calendar->getDateData(),'cal_0_dates_data_' );

'header.tpl.php', 'bd-calendar.tpl.php', 'footer.tpl.php' );

The results
If we now visit our birthdays calendar (calendar/birthdays), we have a calendar
with the birthdays of our contacts shown, along with their age on that date.
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Chapter 9
[ 277 ]
With calendar functionality and birthday lookups in place, adding event
functionality should be straightforward. Let's take a look at what we will need:
• An event model
° To generate data from an event
° To create and edit an event
• Integration with our calendar controller
• An event controller to display the event details, manage the creation of
the event, and manage attendees and RSVPs
Event model
As with all of our models, the rst stage is to dene the variables, which relate to the
registry, the elds for the event in the database, and an array of invitees to the event:
* Event model
class Event{

* The registry
private $registry;


* Event ID
private $ID;

* Creators ID
private $creator;

* Event name
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Events and Birthdays
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private $name;

* Description
private $description;

* Event date
private $event_date;

* start time

private $start_time;

* End time
private $end_time;

* Type
private $type;

* Active
private $active;

* Invitees
private $invitees = array();
Next, we have our constructor, which sets the registry, and if an ID is passed,
looks up the event and populates the model's elds with those from the database:
* Event constructor
* @param Registry $registry the registry
* @param int $ID the event ID
* @return voID
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[ 279 ]
public function __construct( Registry $registry, $ID=0 )
$this->registry = $registry;
if( $ID != 0 )
$this->ID = $ID;
// if an ID is passed, populate based off that
$sql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE ID=" . $this->ID;
$this->registry->getObject('db')->executeQuery( $sql );
if( $this->registry->getObject('db')->numRows() == 1 )
$data = $this->registry->getObject('db')->getRows();
// populate our fields
foreach( $data as $key => $value )
$this->$key = $value;

Next, we have setters for all of our elds, except for the ID:
* Sets the events name
* @param String $name
* @return voID
public function setName( $name )

$this->name = $name;

* Sets the creator
* @param int $creator the creator
* @return voID
public function setCreator( $ID )
$this->creator = $ID;

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public function setInvitees( $invitees )
$this->invitees = $invitees;

* Set the events description
* @param String $description the description
public function setDescription( $description )
$this->description = $description;

Our setDate method takes an additional parameter to check whether the controller
formatted the date, if it didn't then we assume it was passed in a format such as the
default jQuery datepicker format, and format it here:
* Set the event date
* @param String $date the date
* @param boolean $formatted - indicates if the controller has
formatted the date, or if we need to do it here
public function setDate( $date, $formatted=true )
if( $formatted == true )
$this->event_date = $date;
$temp = explode('/', $date );
$this->event_date = $temp[2].'-'.$temp[1].'-'.$temp[0];

* Sets the start time of the event
* @param String $time
* return voID
public function setStartTime( $time )
$this->start_time = $time;

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* Sets the end time of the event
* @param String $time
* return voID
public function setEndTime( $time )
$this->end_time = $time;
The setType method takes an additional parameter to check whether the
controller validated the type or not; if it didn't, then we check it against our
list of allowed types:
* Set the type of the event
* @param String $type the type
* @param boolean $checked - indicates if the controller has
valIDated the type, or if we need to do it
* @return voID
public function setType( $type, $checked=true )
if( $checked == true )
$this->type = $type;

$types = array( 'public', 'private' );
if( in_array( $type, $types ) )
$this->type = $type;

* Sets if the event is active
* @param bool $active
* @return voID
public function setActive( $active )
$this->active = $active;
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