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Self Improvement Guide 8 ppt

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Personal Mission Development
Do you know what a personal mission development is about? If
you don't know what personal mission development is about then
read on and I will tell you a little bit about personal mission

First thing that we need to do when learning about personal
mission development is to try and unravel these words so that they
make some sense? Some sort of definition would be a good way
to do this? Personal mission development is a set of goals that are
being achieved on the way to a dream or any given task. Basically
it is the little bits and pieces or the development of the
accomplishments that are what is deemed to be the true meaning
of personal mission development.

So how can you or me develop or use personal mission
development? It's not actually that hard, just keep on reading and
you will see how you can use personal development.

Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down the name of a
main goal that you want to achieve. Now that you have done that,
write other small goals underneath the main goal and also write
down how you can achieve these small goals. You are well on
your way to personal mission development now. After each small
goal has been achieved, write a comment next to that goal about
how hard or easy the goal was. Just a small comment will do, it's
just a foot note about your achievement and how you got there.
After writing down your comments next to the goal, go to the next
one and d the same, this way you are keeping a track of things as
well. This is what we call personal mission development. This kind
of personal mission development can be used in all facets of your

life. Just follow the methods that I have just told you about and
your well on your way.

Some personal mission developments may take a turn for the
worst as well, like as in that one of the goals you set to achieve
has become harder because someone or something has got in the
way of you achieving this goal. A good way to over come this
problem is to sit down and brain storm it. Write down what the
problem is and then write down all the possibilities there are to
solving this problem and beside each problem solving answer that
you have, write down the steps that you need to follow in order to
solve the problem and then eliminate all the answers that are just
not possible. Its good to do this sort of brain storming in a group
environment because then you have more than your own opinion.

Another way that we can look at personal mission development is
to take a look at ourselves and write down all the things that we
want to achieve, even things that we think are not possible at all,
write them down. Some of these things may take a long time to
achieve, but using the personal mission development method, you
will achieve and strengthen those thoughts of achievement by
crossing off those little goals on the way and don't forget to also
leave the comments on your achievement as well.

Well I hope that has helped you extend your knowledge on the
subject of personal mission development. Give it a go, it's an
awesome feeling once you have it all mapped out and ready for
the attack. Just take your time in your goals though, there is no
hurry, and with a gradual speed you can see a clearer picture of
what is happening in front of you.

Self Improvement Article
What is a self improvement article and what is the purpose of one?
If you don't know the answer to what a self improvement article is
and what the purpose of one is then read on and I will give you a
brief run down on what one is and how it works.

We will take a look at what a self improvement article is and then
we will take a look what a self improvement book is.

First of all a self improvement article is about a some one who has
accomplished or is on there way to accomplishing something that
they maybe never thought was possible. A self improvement article
is usually red in a magazine or book. A self improvement article
outlines the amount of time and effort that was put into such tasks
that have helped a person to gain some confidence and
improvement in what ever the discipline was.

Most self improvement articles are written to inspire other people
and let them know that even though some things in life may seem
hard, there is a way that we can over come it and by achieving
something we didn't think was at all possible, helps us gain self
improvement and confidence within ourselves.

If you were going to write your own self improvement article, you
could it on a subject of achievement as well. Out line all the
negatives that you faced along the way and be sure to say how
you overcame those obstacles as well. Also make sure that you
have all the people that influenced you to succeed in your self

improvement article as well. And hopefully your article will inspire
others to succeed to, this is the sole purpose of a self improvement
article, inspiration.

Now that you know what a self improvement article is, what is a
self improvement book? There are a couple of answers for this
question of what a self improvement book is and the first is that a
self improvement book can be about methods or lessons on how
things can be improved in your own lifestyle or a biography on
ones own self improvement too.

Let's take a look at the self improvement book that tells us how to
improve our own lives. A self improvement book for ones own
improvements should have in it things like easy to follow quotes,
How to use the mind correctly to succeed, even if you fail you can
succeed too. Also a self improvement book for ones self should
have some real life examples of the lessons or methods that have
been successfully taught to others that have red the book or used
the author's philosophies. Whatever the book has in it, the book is
there for your own use.

The next example of a self improvement book is one where the
author is talking about one person's life which is known as a
biography. The purpose of a self improvement book like this is to
influence others to use the same philosophies as the person that
they are talking about in the book. An example may be that the
person is a sprinter and they needed to change there attitude and
also there sprinting technique to become a world champion. This is
called self improvement.

Well I hope that this gives you a little more insight into the world of
self improvement. Also if you decide to write your own self
improvement article, all the best. And the same goes if you want to
write your own self improvement book too, although that may take
a little bit longer then writing out a self improvement article.

How To Build Confidence
Do you know how to gain confidence? Well the first thing that you
have to do when you want to gain confidence is to build confidence
first. So lets take a look at learning how to build confidence and
then we will take a look at how to gain confidence as well.

First of all if you are not a very confident person, you need to learn
how to build confidence. It takes practice like other things to learn
how to build self confidence, but just take it easy and slowly ease
your way into learning how to build self confidence.

What we need to do to build self confidence is take an example
and follow the same principals that I am going to point out to you
when learning how to build self confidence. Let's take this
example, imagine there is a girl or guy that you like and you want
to ask them out, but you don't have the self confidence to do so.
Here is a plan that you can follow to build some self confidence.
Write out what you are going to say to the person that you are
going to ask out and then write down the main answers which will
be yes or no and then beside those answers write all the things
that you can do to eliminate the possibly of total humiliation.

I mean if the person reply is no, then write down things like, take

frustration out on the gym or I have gained a new friend in the
person I asked out anyway. This is called the process of
elimination and when learning how to build self confidence, you
are eliminating every avenue of every answer so that you come
back to a normal mind set. Try it, it does take a bit of practice to
perfect, but it will surely help with learning how to build self

If we know how to build self confidence now, how do we gain self
confidence? Well as I said in learning how to build self confidence,
it takes practice. Also another way to gain self confidence is
support from friends and family telling you that you can do it, no
matter what the task is. An example of learning how to gain self
confidence is to look at a footballer, he has so much self
confidence because he is the best in his position and people like
coaches and the media and friends and family have supported that
footballer through his life and given him the belief that he can do it.
This is how he is gaining self confidence. You can use this same

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