Unit 2
Find the wrong words or phrases
Câu 1 She died for cancer in 1998 with Paul by her side.
A) died
B) for
C) in
D) with
Đáp án B
Câu 2
A big different in age should not be a problem for a
couple if they are in love.
A) different
B) in age
C) for
D) in love
Đáp án A
Câu 3
They split in because they didn’t understand each
A) split
B) in
C) didn’t
D) each other
Đáp án B
Câu 4
Their marries lasted less than ten months, but Di
Maggio was always there for Marilyn.
A) marries
B) less than
C) was
D) for
Đáp án A
Câu 5
Six years later Jahan died and was buried with his
true love in one at the most romantic buildings in the
A) died
B) buried
C) at
D) most
Đáp án C
Câu 6
Linda was the love with Paul’s life, and in thirty
years they only spent one night apart.
A) was
B) with
C) spent
D) apart
Đáp án B
Câu 7
What are you wearing when you saw one another for
the first time?
A) are
B) wearing
C) saw
D) for
Đáp án A
Câu 8
When Charles met Camilla at a polo match in 1970,
he fell in love to her.
A) met
B) at
C) fell in love
D) to
Đáp án D
Câu 9
After the dead of his father in 1936 Edward VIII
became the King of England.
A) After
B) dead
C) became
D) of
Đáp án B
Câu 10
She opened the door of the balcony and see him in
the street.
A) opened
B) of
C) see
D) in
Đáp án C
Câu 11
I like watching football on television but I don’t like
play it.
A) watching
B) football
C) don’t like
D) play
Đáp án D
Câu 12
She decided to ask Romeo inside because it is
A) decided
B) to ask
C) is
D) raining
Đáp án C
She said that she wasn’t love him for his money but
because he was the first man to treat her like a
A) wasn’t
B) for
C) the first man
D) like
Đáp án A
Câu 14
I’m afraid I don’t have no idea what you’re talking
A) I’m
B) don’t
C) have no idea
D) you’re talking
Đáp án B
Câu 15
They couldn’t got divorced because of their religious
A) couldn’t
B) got divorced
C) because of
D) beliefs
Đáp án A
Câu 16
They stayed of all night watching romantic movies
on TV.
A) stayed
B) of
C) watching
D) romantic
Đáp án B
Câu 17
They went out together for 12 years before get
A) went out
B) for
C) get
D) engaged
Đáp án C
Câu 18
Thank you very much of your present that you sent
A) very
B) much
C) of
D) sent
Đáp án C
Câu 19 She got tired of wait and married somebody else.
A) got
B) tired of
C) wait
D) married
Đáp án C
Margaret Thatcher was the first woman Prime
Minister in Europe. She became Prime Minister in
British in 1979.
A) The first
B) became
C) in
D) British
Đáp án D
Câu 21
I said hello to the children, but they didn’t say
anything because they was watching TV.
A) to
B) didn’t say
C) was
D) watching
Đáp án C
Câu 22
When I arrived at the party, everyone were having a
good time.
A) arrived
B) at
C) were
D) having
Đáp án C
Câu 23
While I was shopping this morning, I lose my
money. I don’t know how.
A) While
B) shopping
C) lose
D) how
Đáp án C
Câu 24 Who did her family wanted her to marry?
A) Who
B) did
C) wanted
D) marry
Đáp án C
Câu 25
What was Bonnie doing while Clyde was tooking
the money?
A) What
B) was
C) while
D) tooking
Đáp án D
Câu 26
Nobody was surprised when Charles and Diana
finally get divorced.
A) was
B) surprised
C) when
D) get divorced
Đáp án D
Câu 27
She was reading the newspaper when she sees a
report about his marriage to Jackie Kennedy.
A) was reading
B) sees
C) about
D) to
Đáp án B
Câu 28 Today I hurry to my English lesson.
A) Today
B) hurry
C) to
D) English lesson
Đáp án B
Câu 29 Yesterday night I fell asleep watching TV.
A) Yesterday
B) fell
C) asleep
D) watching
Đáp án A
Câu 30
How many different ways can people
A) How many
B) different
C) ways
D) communication
Đáp án D