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Basic Wrap
place item in the center of Furoshiki
bring corner b up and over, covering
the item and tuck underneath,bring
corner d up and over covering the
pull corners a and c together
tie corners a and c into a sqaure knot,
tuck corner of d underneath
Box Wrap
place box in center of Furoshiki
bring corner d up and over,
covering the box, tuck corner
underneath box
bring corner a and corner c together
and tie a knot
place corner b over the knot,twist
both a and c corners upwards and
tying a square knot when both
corners meet,
Flat Object Wrap
place object on Furoshiki
bring corner b up and over,covering the object
fold corner c from right side to left, covering
the object and tuck inside
fold corner a from left side to right, covering
the object and tuck inside take corner d and
wrap around object
bring corner d up and over,tuck corner
underneath object

Four Ties Wrap
place item in the center of the Furoshiki
bring corners b and d together and square knot
bring corners a and c together and square knot
Hidden Knot Wrap
place item in center of Furoshiki
bring corner b up and over, covering object,
tuck corner underneath the object
take corners a and c together, tying a square
knot at the center of the object
bring corner d up and over the knot and tucking
the corner underneath the object
Large Object Wrap 1
Place large object in center of Furoshiki
Bring corners d and b together
Take corners a and c to the front and tie a
square knot. Take corners d and b to tie a
square knot.
Large Object Wrap 2
Place object in center of Furoshiki
Bring corners b and d together and tie a
Bring corners a and c to the front and tie
square knot.Twist both b and d and tie a
square knot
Large Object Wrap 3
Place two Furoshikis, one overlapping the
other, creating eight corners. Place object in the
center, parallel to the edge of the Furoshiki on
the bottom.

Bring corners d and b together, tying square
Turn object around, where the knot is facing the
Bring corners h and f together, tying a square
Take corners e and a, tying a square knot. Take
corners g and c, tying a square knot
Long Package Wrap 1
place package on Furoshiki, closer to corner b
take corner b and place over the package,
Long Package Wrap 2
Long Package Wrap 3
place package between corners a and b, but
closer to corner b
bring corner b up and over the package, and roll
the package up towards corner d
take corner c and twist to appear like a rope
bring corner c to corner a and square knot
Long Package Wrap 4
Two Furoshiki will be needed. Fold
corners a and c to touch in the center.
Fold a and c edges into center. Fold in
Place package on the center of Furoshiki,
but parallel to the edges.
Bring corners d and c up and over the
package and tie a square knot.
Bring corners a and b up and over the

package and tie a square knot.
Take Furoshiki from step one and loop
underneath both square knots. Take
corners d and b and tie square knot
Padding Carry Wrap
place item on Furoshiki, closer to corner b
fold corner b over the item, take corner d up
and over, tuck underneath item
bring corners a and c together
intertwine corners a and c
turn item over and tie a square knot with
corners a anc c
Roll Wrap 1
place roll on Furoshiki, closer to corner b
take corner b and place over the roll and continue to
roll the item towards corner b
bring corners a and c together
intertwine both corners
turn roll around, and tie a square knot with corners a
and c
Roll Wrap 2
place roll in center of Furoshiki
gather corner b and d and intertwine
take corner b and intertwine with corner c, turn
roll around and tie a square knot
turn roll back, take corner d to intertwine with
corner a, intertwine, turn roll around and tie
single knot
twist corner a and d until it forms a cirle and tie
a square knot

Slender Package Wrap
place package on Furoshiki
take corners a and b together and tie a
square knot
bring corner d up and over the package
gather corner d with corner c to tie a square
Two Books Wrap 1
Place books in center of Furoshiki, this is where
your books should end up in step 3
Cover first book with corner a and tucking it
underneath book. Cover second book with corner
c and tucking it underneath book.
Fold corners a and c with book into the center
Bring corners b and d together, intertwine them.
Flip books around tie a square knot with corners
b and d
Two Books Wrap 2
Place both books in the center of Furoshiki
and parallel to the edges
Bring corners a and b to cover the book. Do
the same to corners c and d
Gather a and d together and twist, do the
same to b and c
Bring each corner up, placing books to stand
upright, square knot both ends
apple Wrap
Place apple in center of Furoshiki
Tie a square knot with corners a and

Place corners c and d through the
hole created by the square knot
Twist corners d and c, square knot at
top of circle
Bird Wrap
Place item in center of Furoshiki
Fold corner b into the center and pleat.
Wrap corner c clockwise around the
pleat and tie a single knot.
Wrap corner d counterclockwise
Take corner d and tie a single knot
Card Wrap Left
Place card in the center of Furoshiki
Bring corner c over the card, facing corner a
Bring corner d over the card, facing corner b
Bring corner b over the card,
Tuck corner b inside
Bring corner a over the card
Tuck underneath
Card Wrap Right
Place card in the center of Furoshiki
Bring corner a over the card, facing corner c
Bring corner b over the card, facing corner d
Bring corner d over the card
Tuck corner d inside
Bring corner c over the card
Tuck underneath
Flower Wrap
Gift Wrap 1
Place item in the center of Furoshiki

Bring corner d over the item. Fold corner b over
the item.
Gather both corners a and c. Take corner a, loop
counterclockwise around corner c
Take corner a underneath an up through the
hole created by the loop
Gift Wrap 2
Place item in the center of the Furoshiki and
turn item once over toward corner d
Bring corner d over the item
Bring corner a over the item, towards corner c
Take item and turn once over towards corner b
Gather up corners b anc c, tie a square knot
Gift Wrap 3
Place item in center of Furoshiki
Pull corners b and d upwards
Wrap corner c clockwise and corner a
counterclockwise around and tie a square
Tuck corners b and d inside, creating a bow
Gift Wrap 4
Place two Furoshikis, one overlapping the
other, creating eight corners, place item in
Take corners a and c over the item and tie a
single knot
Repeat for corners b and d
Bring corner h up and wrap around two
corners. Repeat for corner f
Wrap corner g up and clockwise, wrap

corner e up and counterclockwise and square
Gift Wrap 5
Place item in center of Furoshiki
Pull corners b and d upward
Wrap corner c clockwise around the item, wrap
corner a counterclockwise around the item, tie a
square knot with both corners
