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Anh Lê Hồng Phong-Nam Định 2003-2004.doc

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Sở giáo dục-đào tạo
Nam Định
Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10
Trờng THPT chuyên Lê Hồng Phong
Năm học 2003-2004
Môn: Tiếng Anh (Đề chuyên)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
(không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi gồm 3 trang)
Question 1: Read the following passage quickly then answer these questions.
Many people love gardening because of the benefits they get out of it. They plant all sorts
of trees, srubs, flowers and vegetables. The physical activities of digging fertilizing,
weeding and watering are fun ways of exercising the whole body. Most people spend
their working hours in doors and, therefore, find it very relaxing to go outdoors in their
free time. The resulting colourful flowers and green plants make the surroundings
beautiful. Furthermore, they get to enjoy fresh vegetables and delicious fruits. It is a well-
known fact to that trees can improve air quality and provide shade. It is not surprising
than that to many people choose gardening as a part-time activity.
1. What physical activities does gardening involve?
2. What can beautify ones surroundings?
3. Why do many people love gardening?
4. What are the benefits of gardening?
Question 2. Choose the best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit each blank.
You can make life more difficult for thieves by_(1)_your wallet in an inside pocket
instead of a back pocket. But make sure that you still have it if someone bumps into you
in a _(2)_. Most pickpockets are very skillful. Never let your handbag out of your _(3)_.
On public transport, _(4)_ hold of it. You are also_(5)_ to take travellers cheques rather
than cash when you are abroad and to use cash dispensers which are on _(6)_ streets, or
are well-lit at night. A quarter of crimes are car thefts or thefts of things from cars, like
radios and cassete players. If your car is_(7)_, you may not get it back. One in four are
never found, and even it is, it may be badly _(8)_. Always lock all the doors and

windows, and think about fitting a car alarm too. If you are buying a new radio or cassete
player, it is _(9)_ choosing one that is security-coded or removable by driver. These
precautions will help to _(10)_ thieves.
1 A.taking B. holding C.carrying D. bringing
2. A. mass B. band C. crowd D. group
3. A. view B. sight C. visibility D. vision
4. A. keep B. catch C. informed D. advised
5. A. suggested B. told C. informed D. advised
6. A. main B. important C.principal D. major
7. A. robbed B. burgled C. stolen D. hijacked
8. A. hurt B. damaged C.spoilt D. injured
9. A. benificial B. practical C. worthwhile D. sensible
10. A. put off B. put down C. put out D. put back
Question 3: Read the following passage carefully and fill in each blank with a suitable word. Use
only one word for each blank.
Louisa May Alcott was a famous (1)________born in Philadelphia, United State in 1832. Her father
was an honest and kind man (2) ________he was not very good at making money. As a result, the
Alcotts were often very(3) ________
Louisa’s father taught Louisa and her three sisters to read and (4) ________.When Louisa was young,
she wrote plays and stories (5) ________her sister to act out.
Although Louisa’s first story was (6) ________when she was sixteen, she did not get much money (7)
________of writing until her book, Hospital Sketches, became successful.
Her most famous book, however, is “ Little women”. (8) ________Most people do not know is that the
fuor girls in the (9) ________Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy- are actually the four Alcott sisters.
Several of her stories were actually based (10) ________her own family life and experience.
B. Grammar & use of English
Question 1: Read the following passage carefully. Fill each blank with the correct
form of the verb in bracket.
Singaporeans love (drink)1________. This generation of Singaporeans (enjoy)2________a wide range
of tea than the generation before (do)3 ________

Among Singapore’s early immigrants, the Chinese ( bring)4________with them from China, their
habit of tea-dringking.
Popular with the older Singaporeans would be The tarik which (mean)5________“pull tea”. This is the
practice of “pour”6________hot tea from one metal container to another in quick movements, thus
(give) 7________it its charateristic froth.
The tarik (use)8 ________to be commonly (9) ________at roadside Indian stalls up to the early
seventies. It (be) 10________now available at many coffe shops.
Question 2: Read the following passage carefully. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the
word in brackets.
1. “I have no________(object) to Roger’s idea of going to a concert” said Jaine.
2. The ________(discover) of penicillin by Sir alexxander Fleming, helped to save many lives.
3. “ I don’t think girls who smoke are all ________ (attract)”, said Ben.
4. Mrs Black’s________(annoy) with the persistent salesman did not perturb him.
5. After listening to Peter’s (explai) of his failure, his father was, no longer, angry.
6. John is a very (study) ________boy. He is sure to do well in his examination.
7. “ What will you give us in exchange for you________(free)? He asked the King.
8 This lotion gives you________(protect) against the harmful rays of the sun.
9. Many mountainers believe in the ________( exist) of the yeti.
10. The (appear) of the huge ship was a mystery.
Question 3: There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find out & correct them.
Jack had never wanted to be a politics. First of all, he suffered from terrible shy and
blushed violently when he had to make a speech. He also sympathy with people who
refused to vote. After all, what difference did itmake? As a speaker, he was slow and
organise and never know what to say. He began his career as a last-minute place for a
speaker who failed to turn up Later he turned to straight his tie, give abig smile, and read
the speech which had been prepared by his person speech-writer. People liked him. “ He
has a kind of innocent” they said. They did not mind that he had no imagine, and seemed
quite interest in what he was saying. They applauded him and then made him Prime
Question 4: Complete the passage with the suitable preposition.

It took us hours to drive (1)_______the town. It was a small, isolated town(2) _______the
middle of the desert. There was a petrol station and small shop. There were a lot(3)
_______getting petrol(4) _______continuing their journey. It took us another two hours
to cross the border(5) _______the next African state. The police were very friendly and
they asked us a lot(6) _______questions(7) _______where we lived. They looked
(8) _______our passports and visas and wrote our names and addreses(9) _______a big
book. We drove(10) _______another four hours before we reached the next town.
Question 5: Complete the passage with a-an-the or x (no article) correctly.
Autumn is my faforite season. (1) ____leaves on the trees change colour and
(2) ____weather get cooler but it is still quite mild. It’s(3) ____best time to go on long
walks in(4) ____country.
I don’t like winter at all. The days are too short and it’s freezing cold most of(5) ___time.
If you like skiing, it’s all right because there is always a lot of(6) ____snow everywhere.
Spring is usually quite late because we are in (7) ____mountains. We get a lot of rain in
April and May so the vegetation grows very quickly. The weather is quite changeable so
it is(8) ____good idea to carry(9) ____umbrella when you go out.
I like Summer because it’s hot. But in August we get a lot of thunderstorms. They can be
quite violent and(10) ____lightening sometimes causes accidents.
Question1: Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
1. The ship was not surrendered until it was half burnt.Before
2. Although I pay him much, this man’s never satisfied However
3. These mangoes are so cheap that they can not be good.Since
4. John always spoke to his lawyer before signing the contract.John didn’t
5. Jane is the tallest girl in her class.Nobody
6. It is said that he escaped to a neutral country.He
Question 2: Using suggested words to rewrite these sentences
1. Your car was cheaper than mine. (COST)
2. This year’s exam and last year exam are equally difficult. (JUST)
3. Tom is supposed to be here now.(BEEN)

4. What do you think of Roger’s new book? (OPINION)
Question 3: Using suggestions to make sentences
1. Ken/ not/ the only policeman/ who/ have to work/ night
2. It/ be/ serious accident/ happen / London.
3. You/ like/ repair/ things/ house/ yourself?
4. I/ know/ why/ he/not come yet.
5. My brother/ interest/ football.
6. My sister/ enjoy/ play tennis.
7. He/ start/ collect / books/ he/ schoolboy.
8. He/ prefer/ fiction book/ non-fiction.
9. He/ spend/ a lot of money/ book/ years now.
10. He hope/ he/ have/ own library.
The end
Sở giáo dục-đào tạo
Nam Định
Hớng dẫn chấm thi tuyển sinh lớp 10
Trờng THPT chuyên Lê Hồng Phong
Năm học 2003-2004
Môn: Tiếng Anh (Đề chuyên)
A. Reading: 3 điểm
Question 1: 1 điểm (Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,25 điểm)
1. Gardening involves the physical activities of digging, fertilizing, weeding and watering.
2. Colourful flowers and green plants can beautify ones surrounding.
3. Cho học sinh trả lời tự do miễn là đúng ngữ pháp & chính tả & toát đợc ý của bài đọc.
4. The benefits of gardening are that it is a fun way of exercising the whole body, a
chance to relax outdoors, makes the surroundings beautiful, provides fresh vegetables and
delicious fruits, improves air quality and provides shade.
Question 2: 1 điểm (Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,1 điểm)
1C 2C 3C 4A 5D 6A 7A 8C 9C 10A
Question 3: 1 điểm (Mỗi từ đúng cho 0,1 điểm)

1-writer 2-though/although 3-poor 4-write 5-for
6. published 7- out 8-what 9-book/story 10-on
Question 1: 1 điểm (Mỗi từ đúng cho 0,1 điểm)
1-drinking 2-enjoys 3-did 4-brought 5-means
6-pouring 7-giving 8-used 9-found 10-is
Question 2: 1 điểm (Mỗi từ đúng cho 0,1 điểm)
1-objection 2-discovery 3-attractive 4-annoyance 5-explanation
6. studious 7-freedom 8-protection 9.existence 10-disappearance
Question 3: 1 điểm (Mỗi từ đúng cho 0,1 điểm), phần này, học sinh có thể không cần
đúng số thứ tự, chỉ cần đúng từ, vẫn cho điểm tối đa)
1. politicspolitician
2. shyshyness
3. sympathysympathized
4. organize disorganized
5. placereplacement
6. straightstraighten
7. personpersonal
8. innocentinnocence
9. imagineimagination
10. interestuninterested
Question 4: 1 điểm (Mỗi từ đúng cho 0,1 điểm).
1- to 2- in 3- of 4-before 5- into
6- of 7- about 8- at 9- in 10- for
Question 5: 1 điểm (Mỗi từ đúng cho 0,1 điểm),
1- the 2- the 3- the 4- the 5- the 6- x 7- the 8- a 9- an 10- the
C- WRITING: 2 điểm
Question 1: 0,6 điểm. (Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,1 điểm)
1- Before the ship was half-burnt, it had not been surrendered.
2. However much I pay him, this mans never satisfied.

3. Since these mangoes are much cheaper, they havent been good.
4. John didnt sign the contract before talking/speaking to his lawyer.
5. Nobody in Janes class is as tall as he is- or: is taller than he is.
6. He is said to have escaped to a neutral contry.
Question 2: 0,4 điểm. (Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,1 điểm)
1. Your car costs less than mine.
2. This years exam was just as different as last years exam.
3. Tom should have been here by now.
4. What is your opinion of Rogers new book?
Question 3: 1,0 điểm. (Mỗi câu đúng cho 0,1 điểm)
1. Ken is not the only policeman who has to work at night.
2. It was a serious accident that happened in London.
3. Do you like reơairing/to repair things in your house yourself?
4. I dont know why he hasnt come yet?
5. My brother is interested in football.
6. My sister enjoys playing tennis.
7. He started collecting books when he was a school boy.
8. He prefers fiction books to non-fiction books.
9. He has spent a lot of money on books for years now.
10. He hopes hell have his own library.
Phần writing học sinh có thể viết cách khác nhng phải đúng ý, dúng chính tả, đúng ngữ
pháp vẫn cho điểm tối đa.
Ghi chú: Điểm toàn bài làm tròn đến 0,25
