Bài 5 - Acronyms, jargon & domain
names in email (Từ viết tắt, biệt ngữ
và tên miền trong email)-phần 3
ếu ph
ù h
ợp, các bạn h
ãy th
ể hiện l
òng m
khách của mình hoặc đưa ra mong muốn liên
lạc xa hơn:
Maybe we can visit further when you have the
Would you call me when you get caught up from
your travels?
Please feel free to drop in on me whenever you’re
here in the area.
Let me know when you have time to chat about
your own situation.
Perhaps we can get together before too long. I’ll be
in touch.
Give me a call when you have the time to sit down
for a long visit.
I welcome any further ideas from you on the
subject: your insights have been invaluable to me
in the past.
Ví dụ:
Dear Mr. Tan Cuong,
Thank you for the kind comments in your recent
letter about my new responsibilities at Sitco, Inc.
There have always been giants in the industry
such as you who have led the way for the inroads
the rest of us are now making.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness in writing.
Perhaps you’ll let me call on you again for advice
in this new position.
Dinh Viet.
Dear Quynh Dung:
How nice of you to take the time to write about
seeing the Futura
article on our company. We just
hope that report is a prophet. Best wishes to you
and your staff also, and keep me posted on how
the Middle East project shapes up.
Le Kien Ninh.
Dear Huong Giang:
Thank you so much for your nice note about the
Draper Award. The recognition takes on another
special meaning when colleagues like you are so
complimentary and supportive. I’d love to renew
our acquaintance with a luncheon date when
you’re in town again.
Tran Le Quynh.