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Bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao tiếng anh unit 2 pps

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I. Where do they work? Match each person with the place where she/he works. Use
each item once only
1. artist a. bakery 9. keeper i. observatory
2. astronomer b. circus 10. librarian j. racecourse
3. baker c. embassy 11. mechanic k. restaurant
4. clown d. exchange 12. professor l. school
5. dentist e. flower shop 13. referee m. studio
6. diplomat f. football pitch 14. teacher n. surgery
7. florist g. garage 15. telephone operator o. university
8. jockey h. library 16. waiter/ waitress p. zoo
II. Form the word for the person by putting an ending to the word in brackets,
1. That … speaks too quickly (announce)
2. Mike Tyson is a good …. He wins almost his fights (box)
3. The police are looking for a dangerous … (crime)
4. I try to speak clearly when I meet a … (foreign)
5. Can I have a … at my party? (magic)
6. He talks so much because he is a … (politics)
7. Do you think that man with a gun is a …? (rob)
8. If you are a …, you have to work hard. (science)
III.Which job is it? Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Look up any words
you don’t know
1. Ask the shop … where the washing powder is
A. nurse B. assistant C. barber D. conductor
2. That … sells very good meat
A. baker B. dentist C. architect D. butcher
3. If my tooth doesn’t stop hurting, I’ll go and see my …
A. actor B. dentist C. writer D. jockey
4. Not many buses have a … You usually pay the driver
A. manager B. farmer C. conductor D. porter
5. Look! The … is feeding the lions

A. keeper B. pianist C. postman D. engineer
6. After your eyes test, the … will tell you if you need glasses
A. dentist B. doctor C. surgeon D. optician
7. The … wanted to write an article about me in the paper
A. agent B. musician C. journalist D. announcer
8. I hope the … can repair our car quickly
A. mechanic B. reporter C. surgeon D. engineer
IV. Insert “many, much, little or few, fewer, less”
1. … was said but … was done
2. Say … and do …
3. Very … people knew about it
4. He knows … but the … knows very well
5. He is a man of … words
6. …. Heard about the book, but … read it.
7. … was spoken about it, but … believe it.
8. “Do you know English?” “Just …”
9. She has very … knowledge of the matter
10. The forces were unequal, they were … we were…
11. We have imported … computers this year than last year
12. There has been … demand for computers this year than last year
V. Choose the best answer
1. Wealthy means …
A. rich B. strong C. clever
2. Another word for damage is …
A. wound B. injury C. destruction
3. To employ means to …
A. borrow B. buy C. hire
4. Another word for entire is …
A. whole B. part C. strong
5. To make up means to …

A. understand B. produce C. invent
6. A person who speaks on the radio is a…
A. broadcaster B. newsman C. radiator
7. The opposite of wild is …
A. timid B. tame C. big
8. “I’d rather wait” means that I …
A. like to wait B. wait C. prefer to wait
9. The employees are on … to get better pay
A. protest B. strike C. split
10. Our school … for summer holidays on July 10th
A. breaks down B. breaks up C. breaks
VI. Translate this passage into Vietnamese
All men should study, we have to study to widen our knowledge and develop our
An educated man can only utilize his bodily strength to work and live. An educated
man, besides this strength, still has the faculty of his intelligence brain and good
reflection. This intelligence and thought enable him to help his physical strength to act
more quickly and cleverly
In a same profession or work, the educated man differs from the uneducated
considerably. Therefore, intellectual workers have to study, this is a matter of course but
manual workers must also again an education
In civilized countries compulsory education has been applied. Everyone must spend
seven or eight years to study. From ploughmen to laborers in these nations, no one is
unable to read a book or a paper fluently.
VII. Read the following text carefully
Work is a very important part of life in the United States. Work is not only important
for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling
of doing something for the good of society. Americans spend most of their lives working,
being productive. For most Americans, their work defines them: They are what they do.

What happens, then, when a person can no longer work?
Most Americans stop working at age sixty-five or seventy and entire. Because work is
uch an important part of life in this culture, retirement can be very difficult. Retirees
often feel that they are useless and unproductive. Of course, some people are happy to
retire; but leaving one’s job, whatever it is, is a difficult change, even for those who look
forward to retiring. Many retirees do not know how to use their time or they feel lost
without their jobs.
Retirement can also bring financial problems. Many people rely on Social Security
checks every month. During their working years, employees contribute a certain
percentage to the government. Each employer also gives a certain percentage to the
government. When people retire, they receive this money as income. These checks do
not provide enough money to live on, however, because prices are increasing very
rapidly. Senior citizens, those over sixty-five, have to have savings in the bank or other
retirement plans to make ends meet. The rate of inflations is forcing prices higher each
year: Social Security checks alone can not cover these growing expenses. The
government offers some assistance, medicate and Welfare, but many senior citizens have
to change their lifestyles after retirement. They have to spend carefully to be sure that
they can afford to buy food, fuel, and other necessities.
Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement. They have time to spend
with their families or to enjoy their hobbies. Some continue to work part time: others do
volunteer work. Some, like those in the Retired Business Executives Association, even
help young people get started in new business. Many retired citizens also belong to
“Golden Age” group. These organizations plan trips and social events. These are many
opportunities for retirees.
American society is only beginning to be concerned about the special physical and
emotional needs of its senior citizens. The government is taking steps to ease the problem
of limited income. They are building new housing, offering discounts in stores and
museums and on buses, and providing other services, such as free courses, food service,
and help with housework. Retired citizens are rapidly growing percentage of the
population. This part of the population is very important and we must respond to their

needs. After all, every citizen will be a senior citizen someday.
A. Look at these topics. There is one topic for each paragraph. Look quickly at the
reading to find these topics. Do not read every word at this point. Write the
number of the paragraph next to the topic of that paragraph
1. The financial problems of retirement
2. The value of work in America
3. Answers to some problems
4. The positive side of retirement
5. Explanation of retirement
B. Find a word in the reading which has a meaning similar to the following
1. pay 6. useful
2. unimportant 7. depend on
3. part 8. answer
4. needed things 9. older
5. worried 10. reduced price
C. Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentences
1. The author believes that work first became important to Americans because of …
A. economic B. religious C. family
2. Senior citizens have to have other savings because Social Security checks…
A. come monthly B. are not enough C. cover growing-expenses
3. Many people who retire feel unproductive because their work …
A. defined their lives B. was unimportant C. was difficult
4. The last sentence of the reading means that each person …
A. in important B. is a citizen C. will grow old
5. According to the author, … Americans stop work at age sixty-five or seventy
A. some B. few C. most
6. The author mentions … examples of discounts
A. two B. three C. four
7. When Americans stop work, it is difficult for them to …

A. feel productive B. happy C. get Social Checks
8. A salary is a … benefit
A. social B. financial C. psychological
9. Many retirees feel useless because they …
A. do volunteer work B. have limited incomes C. aren’t working
10. Clothing is an example of a(n)…
A. assistance B. necessity C. concern
VIII. Read the test and tick the correct statements or answer the question below
Stress is a disease of the twentieth century. Life has never been faster and jobs have
never been more stressful than they today. People have to perform more and more work
under more difficult and more stressful conditions. Many people suffer from stress and
the illness it can cause. But as this situation is becoming recognized, people shouldn’t
have to fear comments such as, “he’s had a nervous breakdown. Can’t take the pressure.
You know.” This is because more people are recognizing that stress is a natural
reaction, it is a reaction of a person’s body to pressure, either from the outside world or
form the inner world of emotions or physical organs. We can’t avoid stress. And we can’t
help ourselves, or others, until we know more about it. Not all stress is bad but perhaps if
we understood it better we could make the most of it.
The way our jobs affect the way we live and how we feel is very important. Most of
us send more of our walking hours at work than we do even with our families. In fact, we
may spend over 100,000 hours at work in a lifetime. People do many different jobs, and
are satisfied for different reasons. They also suffer from many different problems and
Tick the correct statement
1. Stress is more common in this century than in previous centuries
2. Stress can cause illness and illness can cause stress
3. Some people still think that stress is unnatural
4. We should stop feeling stress
Answer the questions
5. Why is stress a disease of the twentieth century?

6. How are attitudes to stress changing?
7. Why should we be concerned about stress?
8. What kind if stress do you think can be good, and when?
IX. Fill in the blank one missing word
John Bradley was surprised to find a letter (1)… for him on his desk when he arrived
at work. Before (2)…… it, he hung up his coat and took out his glasses.
“Dear Mr. Bradley”, he read, “we are sorry to (3)… you that your services are no
longer required”. He couldn’t believe it. After (4)… for the company for thirty years, he
had been made redundant, one Monday morning without (5)… warned in any way at all.
There was no point in (6)… the letter. The ending was obvious. “Thank you for your
loyalty and dedication over the years, and we hope will enjoy (7)… more time to spend”.
The company wanted him to go away quietly and enjoy his premature retirement. He
was fifty-two. How he could manage to find another (8)… at his age? He knew that firms
were not interested in (9)… people over forty-five, let alone over fifty. Could he still
afford to (10)… his daughters to their expensive school? He sat back in his chair and
looked out of the window, (11)… what to do next. He decided to leave the office as soon
as possible. He did not want anyone to see him while he left so (12)…. So he put on his
coat and for the last time closed the office door (13)… him then left the building.
Out in the street, it had begun to rain. He had forgotten to bring his (14)… that
morning, so he turned up his overcoat collar and walked towards the station to (15)… his
train home. He didn’t know what to say to his wife. The thought of (16)… news to her
made him feel sick.
X. Read the following story. Put a circle round the letter of the correct word to use in
each blank
One evening Dr. Peterson was at a party. A woman came up to him and began to talk
about her back.
“It’s very painful (1)… . I’ve worked for a long time in my garden”, the woman said.
“You’ve hurt it (2)… for too long”. Dr. Peterson replied.
He then showed her (3)… to do some exercises.
However, (4)… the woman left, he felt very angry. He went up to a friend of his who

was a lawyer.
He told him all about (5)… the woman and asked him for his advice.
“Do you think I (6)… to send her a bill?”, he asked
The lawyer thought for a moment and nodded.
“How much I should charge (7)… giving her all that advice” Dr. Peterson asked.
“Charge her your usual fee”, the lawyer said
The next day Dr. Peterson sent the woman a bill (8) … a few days later he was
surprised (9)… a letter from the lawyer. (10)… he opened the letter, he saw the following
brief note:
“Please find a bill foe $50 for the advice (11)…”
1. A. because B. for C. by D. as soon as
2. A. to bend B. by bending
C. for bending D. owning to your bend
3. A. what B. why C. when D. how
4. A. when B. because C. if D. for
5. A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. he met
6. A. should B. had better C. ought D. must
7. A. by B. because of C. owning to D. for
8. However B. In addition C. Therefore D. Alternatively
9. A. by receiving B. to receive C. for receiving D. receive
10. A. Because B. when C. until D. for
11. A. gave you B. what I gave you C. which gave you D. I gave you
I. 1m 2i 3a 4b 5n 6c 7e 8j 9p 10h
11g 12o 13f 14l 15d 16k
II. 1. announcer 2. boxer 3. criminal 4. foreigner
5. magician 6. politician 7. robber 8. scientist
III.1B 2D 3B 4C 5A 6D 7C 8A
IV.1. little/ much/ much, little 2. little, much 3. few/ many
4. little 5. few 6. many, few7. much, few 8. little

9. little 10. many, few 11. fewer 12. less
V.1A 2C 3C 4A 5C 6A 7B 8C 9B 10B
VII. A. 1 – 3 2-1 3-5 4-4 5-2
B.1. salary 2. useless 3. percentage4. necessities
5. concerned6. productive7. rely on 8. respond
9. senior 10. discounts
C. 1A2B 3A 4C 5C 6B 7A 8B 9C 10B
VIII. Tick 1, 2 and 4
IX. 1. waiting 2. opening 3. inform/ tell 4. working
5. being 6. finishing 7. having 8. job
9. employing10. send 11. wondering 12. depressed
13. behind 14. umbrella15. catch 16. breaking
X.1A 2B 3D 4A 5B 6C 7D 8A 9B 10B 11D
