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Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
Present Simple; Past Simple ; Future Simple & Near future.
I. Present Simple:
1. Form:
a. To Be: - is : He/ She/ It/ Mai Ex: I am a student
- are: They/ You/ We/ Mai and Lan Ex: He is a teacher
- Am: I Ex: They are students
(+) & (-) you, we, they ( N- nhiêu )+ are (n’t) + O
She, he, It ( N -ít ) + is (n’t) + O
I + am (not) + O
(?) Are + you/we/ they (N-nhiêu) + O?
Is + she/he/it/N-it + O ?
Am + I + O ?
b. Verb:
(+) I, you, we, they ( N- nhiêu ) + V + O
She, he, It ( N -ít ) + Vs/ Ves + O
(-) I, you, we, they( Nnhieu ) + don’t + V + O
She, he, It ( N it ) + doesn’t + V + O
(?) Do + you (I/ we ), they (Nnhieu) + V + O ?
Does + She, he, It ( N it ) + V + O ?
2. Usage:
Diễn tả một hành động: - thường xuyên xảy ra
- hành động lặp đi lặp lại
- một sự thật hiển nhiên.
3. Dấu hiệu:
- Always, usually, often, sometimes…
- Everyday, every week/month/year , on Mondays, Tuesdays, Sundays.
- Once/twice / three times a week/month/year
4. Lưu ý:

* Quy tắc chia động từ ngôi 3 số ít :
- Tất cả các động từ đều thêm “s” ở thể (+), trừ những động từ sau thêm “ES”:
+ Động từ tận cùng – O; - SS; -SH; -CH; -X; -Z; - PA + Y ( try- tries)
 Cách phát âm: Với các ngôi thứ ba (3) số ít, đuôi "S" được đọc như sau:
Cách đọc Các động từ có kết thúc với đuôi
F, K, P, T
S, X, Z, CH, SH, CE, GE + ES
Không thuộc hai loại trên
II. Past Simple:
1. Form:
a. To Be: - Was : I/ He/ She/ It/ Mai
- Were: They/ You/ We/ Mai and Lan
(+) & (-) you, we, they ( N- nhiêu )+ were (n’t) + O
I, She, he, It ( N -ít ) + was (n’t) + O

(?) Were + you/we/ they (N-nhiêu) + O?
Was + I / she/he/it/N-it + O ?
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trng THPT Vn Chõn Giao an ễn thi vao lp 10
b. Verb:
(+) S + Ved /V2 + O
(-) S + didnt + V + O
(?) Did + S + V + O ?
2. Usage:
Diờn ta mụt hanh ụng a xay ra trong qua kh
3. Dõu hiờu:

- Yesterday, last week/month/year, ago
- In the past, fromto, in+ (nm ó qua)
4. Cỏch dựng " Used to" trong thi QKT:
c dựng trong thi QKT (ngha l: "ó tng") ch hnh ng/thúi quen trong quỏ kh, v ó
chm dt trong quỏ kh.( Dung nh ụng t thng).
+ Used to + V
+ ( Be)= get Used to + V-ing
Cỏch phỏt õm ED:
III. Future Simple:
1. Form:
Khng nh S + will + V + (O)
Ph nh S + will not/won't + V + (O)
Nghi vn Will + S + V + (O)?
2. Usage:
Diờn ta mụt hanh ụng se xay ra tng lai
3. Dõu hiờu:
- Tomorrow, soon, next week/month/year, next Monday, Tuesday, , Sunday,
- Next June, July, , next December, next weekend
IV. Near Future:
1. Form:
Mụn Tiờng Anh Giao viờn: Phung Thi Mai Hng
Từ tận cùng là Thờng phát âm là Thêm _ED đọc là Ví dụ
-t, -te
Wanted, caked
-k, -ke

-gh, -ph
/ /
/ /
Looked, caked
Mixed, missed
Trờng hợp còn lại
Used, cleaned
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
Khẳng định S + (be) going to + V + (O)
Phủ định
S + (ín’t/aren’t/am not) going to + V + (O)
Nghi vấn Are/ Is/ Am + S + going to V + (O)?
2. Usage:
Diễn đạt hành động, sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai mà có kế hoạch từ trước.
3. Dấu hiệu:

- Tomorrow, soon, next week/month/year, next Monday, Tuesday, , Sunday,
- Next June, July, , next December, next weekend
1. Exercise 1: Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc ë th× HTT hoÆc QKT.
1. Mr Green always .(go) to work by bus ………
2. It .(not rain) in the dry season.……………
3. My wife and I …………………( travel )to Mexico by air last summer.
4. I ……………( have ) a little trouble with my car last week.
5. My little sister (drink) milk everyday.………………
6. The doctor sometimes .(return) home late…………
7. What ………… (you,do) yesterday?
8. The earth ………….(circle) the sun once every 365 days.
9. They ………… (be) at work yesterday ?
10. She …………(not invite) her to the party last week.
11. My father …………(work) 38 hour a week.
12. The weather usually ………….(get) quite hot in July and August.
13. My mother ……… (leave) this city 2 years ago.
14. Pasteus ………….(die) in 1995.
15. The train ……….(leave) Paris at 11.30 and ………… (arrive) in London at 14.45
16. We ……… (meet) David 3 years ago.
17. Mr Wilson ………… (go) to the dentist every 6 months.
18. He ……………(live) in HN in 2 years & then in 1995 he (move) to LD.
19. The Browns …………(live) in LD from 1970 to 1995.
20. Kate …………(often, not go ) swimming.
21. My sister has taught E in this school since she (graduate) ……… from university.
2. Exercise 2: Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc ë th× TL đơn hoÆc TL gần:
1. A: What do you want to do when you leave school?
B: I ( be) a dancer.……………………………
2. A: I think the house is on fire! B: I (phone) the fire brigade.……………
3. A: I’ll get the sugar from the cupboard.

B: Watch out! You (hit) your head on the door.………………………………
4.Sorry to keep you waiting. I (not be) long.………
5. According to the weather forecast, it (snow) tomorrow.I’m sorry I can’t meet ……………
you tonight. I (go out) with my parents.…………
6. Careful! You (knock) that jug off the table !………………
7. Our teacher (give) us a test tomorrow.…………
8. I (go) to Manchester at the end of next week.……………
9. Look out! You .(hit) that tree!……………
10. I think our team (probably win).…………
3. Exercise 3: Đặt động từ ở dạng đúng:
1. They used to (go) …………… swimming in the afternoon.
2. Is Lan used to ( write) ……………. to Mary?
3. He used to ( go) ………. To the cinema on the weekends.
4. When I was a child. I used to ( dream) ……… of being an astronaus.
5. You’ll have to get used to (eat) ……… less if you want to lose weight.
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
6. They ( are used to/ used to) go to Dalat in summer.
7. I (am used to/ used to) getting up early.
8. (Did they used to/ Are they used to ) watching TV?
9. My father (is used to/ used to) come home late.
10. She (is used to/ used to) go swimming in the afternoon.
Present & Past Continuous; Present & Past Perfect
I. Present Continuous:
1. Form:
Khẳng định
S + is,am,are + V-ing + (O)

Phủ định
S + is /am/are + not V-ing + (O)
Nghi vấn
Is/am/are + S + V-ing + (O)?
2. Usage:
Diễn tả sự việc đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói
3. Dấu hiệu:
 Các trạng từ dùng trong thời HTTD
- now, at present, right now
- at the / this moment, at once
Sau c©u mÖnh lÖnh:
- Keep silent! Look at!, Be quite!, Be careful!, Don’t make noise.
Chú ý: Không dùng thì tiếp diễn với các động từ chỉ tri giác ,nhận thức, sở hữu như.( relise,feel, taste,
seem,remember, think, love, mean, understand, hear, smell, hate, to be, know, want, need, die,
II. Past Continuous:
1. Form:
Khẳng định
S + was/were + V-ing + (O)
Phủ định
S + was/ were + not V-ing + (O)
Nghi vấn
Was/ Were + S + V-ing + (O)?
2. Usage:
- Diễn tả sự việc đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thời gian xác định cụ thể
- Hai hay nhiều hành đọng cùng xảy ra trong quá khứ
- Hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào.
3. Dấu hiệu: While, as, when, by the time (ngay khi)
- Th«ng thêng chóng ta cã thÓ sö dông cÊu tróc sau:
While ( QKTD); QK§ When (QK§); QKTD

Ex: I was doing my homework at 6 p.m last Sunday.
I was cooking while my sister was washing the dishes.
III. Present Perfect:
1. Form:
Khẳng định
S + have/has + V3/-ed + (O)
Phủ định
S + have/has not + V3/-ed + (O)
Nghi vấn
Have/has + S + V3/-ed + (O)?
(Have dùng cho các ngôi trừ các Ngôi thứ 3 số ít; Has dùng cho các
ngôi thứ 3 số ít)
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
2. Usage:
- Diễn tả hành động vừa mới xảy ra.
- Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ mà không rõ thời gian
Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và còn liên quan đến hiện tại
3. Dấu hiệu: Các trạng từ dùng trong thời HTHT:
- Since :Since + thời điểm (since 1990, since last week/month/year; since I last saw him )
- For :For + khoảng thời gian (for two days…)
- Yet: dùng trong câu (-) và (?) thường đứng ở cuối câu.
- Already (+), just, up to now, recently, lately, ever, never
IV. Present Perfect:
1. Form:
Khẳng định
S + had + V3/-ed + (O)
Phủ định
S + had not + V3/-ed + (O)

Nghi vấn
Had + S + V3/-ed + (O)?
2. Usage:
- Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và đã hoàn thành trong quá khứ.
( Trong câu có 2 hành động thì hành động xảy ra trước dùng QKHT còn hành động sau dùng
3. Dấu hiệu:
- Before( QK), after ( QKHT)…, when
Ex: We had lived in hue before 1975.
After the children had finished their homework, they went to bed
1. Exercise 1: Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoặc ở các thì HTTD, QKTD.

1 I’m (take) as many photos as possible on this
2. “ Where’s Mary ?” “ She’s still (swim) in the
3. I can’t hear. What’s that man (say) ?
4. At 9 o’clocked yesterday Lan (not watch) TV.
5. Be quiet ! The baby (sleep).
6. It ( rain) now.
7. The population (rise) very fast.
8.You (make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit
9.The birds (sing) and it was a lovely day.
10 They (cook) some food in the kitchen at
11. They (have) breakfast when the police arrived.
Look ! The bus (come).
13. Look! The fire engine (arrive) !

15. What (you,do) at 7 o’clock last night?
16. Don’t speak while I (talk)!
17. I (use) this pencil at the moment.
18. While he (speak) to the girl, I watched him
19. The sun (shine) as we started our jouney.
20. “ Where is Lan ?” “ She (sunbath) in the
21. Lan’s (cut) up the vegetables for me to
cook. 22 The roses in the garden are (die) now.
23. See you in the morning. I (leave) now.
24. They (watch) TV while their mother was
cooking dinner.
25. Lan (drive) to work when suddenly her
mobile phone rang.
14. They (plan) their next holiday at the
2. Exercise 2: Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoặc ở các thì HTHT, QKHT.
1. They ( not speak) to each other since they …
2. My father (work) in this factory for many
3. I (just ,buy) a new bike.…
4. I think Mr Brown (have) his lunch.………
5. Margaret and Jane (have) . a lot of practice in …
11. The train (start) before we arrived at the
12. The film ( already begin) when we got to
the cinema.
13. When we (go) to the cinema, the film

(just start).
14. Yesterday, Lisa (enter) the room before
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
6. Mr Smith ( not travel ) . to VN yet.………
7. I (never, meet ) .Nancy’s parents.………
8. Bob can go to bed now. He (finish) . his ……
9. He (go) . to the P.O yet ?……
10. We ( just, finish) . the work………
the children came
15. Helen wnet home after she (finish) her
16. When he arrived the director (leave).
17.My sister (teach) E in this school since
she graduated from university

Chia ®éng tõ
1-Choose the best options to complete the sentences below
1. They are pen pals They (are writing/ write/ has written/ wrote) each other twice a month.
2. I was very (impressed/ corresponded/ comprised/ interested) by the efficiency of the staff.
3. We must learn English at school. It is a/an (primary/ compulsory/ national/ optional)
4. I wish you (were / are / would be/ will be) here with us now.
2-Choose the best word/words in brackets
1. My friend to the museum last weekend. (goes, went, had gone)
2. My grandfather many years ago. (dies, died, has died, was dying)

3. I my son the money for that last week. (gave, given, have given, was given)
4. The earth around the sun. (go, went, has gone, goes)
5. He her walk through the park two hours ago. (sees, saw / has seen)
3-Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets
1. She usually dinner for the family. (cook)
2. They their mother with the housework everyday. (help)
3. Mr. Brown in Birmingham ten years ago. (live)
4. There a traffic jam in the center of the city almost last year. (be)
5. The students the final test everymonth. (have)
6. They those interesting books yeterday. (read)
7. Lan some flowers for her teacher last Sunday. (buy)
8. The Pikes dinner last night. (have)
9. he this book for children last year. (write)
10. She Bangkok two years ago. (visit)
4-Choose the best options to complete the sentences below:
1. Are you (enjoying– waiting– looking– pleasing) your staying in Vietnam?
2. She wishes (can– can’t – could – couldn’t) swim well.
3. Vietnamese people are (friend – friends – friendship – friendly).
5-Choose the best word/words in brackets
1. My friend to the museum now. (goes, went, is going)
2. My grandfather TV at the moment. (watches/ is watching/ was watching)
3. Tom was taking a photograph of me while I (don’t look/ isn’t looking/ wasn’t
4. I soccer at that time. (am playing/ was playing/play)
5. Look! It’s (is snowing/ was snowing / snows).
6-Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets:
6. He (paint) the ceiling at the moment.
7. Last night I read in bed when suddenly I heard a scream.
8. (You/watch) television when I phoned you?
9. Ann (wait) for me when I arrived.

10. I (not/drive) very fast when the accident happened.
11. What (you/do) at this time yesterday?
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
12. I saw Carol at the party. She (wear) a really beautiful dress.
13. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games.
14. Excuse me, I (look) for a phone book.Is there one near here?
Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They (shout) at each other again
7-Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets:
1. My brother (join) ……………………………the army when he (be) …………………………young.
2. Tom (study) …………………………………………chemistry for three years and then he gave it up.
3. Miss Lee often (write) …………………………………………when she was on holiday.
4. He (leave) …………………………………………home two weeks ago.
5. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) …………………………………………games.
6. Columbus (discover) …………………………………………America more then 400 years ago.
7. I last (see) …………………………………………him since last Sunday.
8. She (play) ………………………………the piano when our guest (arrive) …………………………last night.
9. The light (go) …………………………………out when we (have) ……………………………………dinner.
10. What …………………………………………you (do) …………………………………………at 7 PM last night?
11. The children basketball now. (play)
12. They their mother with the housework everyday. (help)
13. Lan some flowers for her teacher last Sunday. (buy)
14. The Pikes dinner at 7 o’clock last night. (have)
8. Exercise 3: Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoặc ở các thì đã học.
1.It (be) always hot in summer in Hue.
2.We (not go) to the cinema last night .
3.Smoking (be) bad for your health.
4.Hoang (practise) speaking English every day.
5.Lan (not have) a health examination last month.

6.We (not have) classes tomorrow.
7.Look! The children (not do) their homework.
They (sleep)
8.Kim usually (go) to school by bike. But today
she (walk) to school.
9.Next month, my English teacher (go) to
Tom (watch) ……TV every night. Yesterday he
(watch) ………it in the afternoon
10. We (not have) classes tomorrow.
11. Would you like (see) a movie?
12. She (not watch) television every night.
13. John (go) to the store before he (go)
14. Jeannette (wash) the pipettes after she
(complete) the experiment.
15. My mother (plant) …………… flowers
in the garden at the moment.
16. Minh (go) ……….to the dentist
tomorrow morning.
17. My friend (go).to the museum now.
18. My grandfather (watch).TV at the
19. Tom was taking a photograph of me
while I (look).
20. What you (do) last weekend?
Active [ chủ động] S + aux + V ( động từ chính) + O

Pasive [ bị động ] S + aux + BE + V3/ed + (by
agent )
Bước 1: Xác định động từ chính trong câu Ví dụ: Ann repaired the
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
Bước 2: Lấy tân ngữ sau động từ chính lên làm chủ ngữ ở câu bị động Ví dụ: The roof
Bước 3: Xác định thì từ động từ chính ( thì nào thì chuyển To Be ở dạng ấy và chuyển động từ
chính về V3)
Ví dụ: Ann repaired …  The roof was repaired ……
Bước 4: Đặt BY + Agent [ tác nhân ] (Nếu sau by là một đại từ vô nhân xưng mang nghĩa
người ta: by people, by sb hoÆc lµ c¸c ®¹i tõ nh©n xng , ®¹i tõ bÊt ®Þnh thì không cần)
Ví dụ: Ann repaired the roof  The roof was repaired by Ann
Lưu ý: Nếu trong câu có cụm chỉ nơi chốn thì đặt trước BY+ agent nếu có cụm từ chỉ thời gian
thì đặt sau By + agent
Simple Present Ann repairs the roof The roof is repaired by Ann
Simple Past Ann repaired the roof The roof was repaired by Ann
Ann is repairing the roof The roof is being repaired by Ann
Ann was repairing the roof The roof was being repaired by Ann
P Present Perfect Ann has repaired the roof The roof has been repaired by Ann

Past Perfect Ann had repaired the roof The roof had been repaired by Ann
Simple Future Ann will repair the roof The roof will be repaired by Ann
T The near future Ann is going to repair the roof The roof is going to be repaired by
Modal verbs Ann can (could…) repair the roof The roof can ( could…)be repaired
by Ann
1. Mary does some exercises everyday.
2. My aunt makes a good cake.
3. Workers repair the roof of my school.
4. The new teacher teaches English.
5. Sleepy drivers often cause accidents.
6. English people like football.
7. Alice visits her grandparents every week.
8. Bill feeds the chickens every morning.
9. Does Tom break that window?
10. A violent storm destroyed the fishing village.
11. The lawyer made the decision.
12. Her husband didn’t love her.
13. They invited a lot of people to their party last
14. Christopher discovered America in 1492.
15. Last night, our grandmother told us a very
interesting story.
16. A policeman took him to the police- station.
17. Peter has sung this song.
18.They have paid doctors a lot of money.
19. She has eaten all the eggs.
20. The news has surprised me.
21. John has broken my watch.

27. They make Honda cars in Japan.
28. You must keep your dogs in the garden.
29. Passengers shouldn’t throw away their tickets.
30. A machine could do this much more easily.
31. His family will see him off at the airport.
32. Thuy has to finish her homework tonight.
33 The fire destroyed many houses in my
34. Tom will return those books to the library
35. Bad weather has delayed Flight 202 from
36. People use milk to make butter.
37. you must keep your room tidy.
38. Nobody saw her at the party last night.
39. She didn’t introduced me to her parents.
40. You have to do these exercises right away.
41. Has someone posted my parcel ?
42. Who broke this window ?
43. Someone will translate this letter into
44. He turned off the lights when he went out.
45. They made the instrument long ago.
46. The teacher explains the lesson.
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
22. Nobody has seen Tim since he left school in
23. People play soccer all over the world.

24. My sister is writing that note in her notebook.
25. They gave my little sister a ticket.
26. They have invited all the members to the party
47. These boys made that noise.
48. He gave him back the money last Sunday.
49. Mrs Green is cooking the food in the
50.We are going to grow flowers in the front
I. Conditional Sentences:
IF CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề IF) MAIN CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề
 S + V(s/es) + O
IF Is/am/are(n’t)
 S + don’t/ doesn’t +V+O
 S + can(n’t) + V + O
S + will( can) + V + O
S + will not + V + O
Will + S + V…?
- Diễn tả một điều

kiện có thể xảy ra ở
hiện tại hoặc tương

S+ V(2/ed) + O
IF were(n’t)
S + didn’t + V+ O
S + could/would(n’t) +V+ O
S+ would( could) + V + O
S+ would/could/should(n’t)
Would/Could + S + V…?
- Diễn tả một điều
kiện không thể xảy
ra ở hiện tại hoặc
tương lai.
Chú ý: Unless = If … not (Sau Unless không được dùng dạng phủ định( Ví dụ: không
được viết Unless you don’t write)
EX: unless you study hard, you will fail the exam = If you don’t study hard, you will fail the
II. Wish Sentences:
1. Form:
WISH : a. Ở HIỆN TẠI : dùng

2. Usage:
- Diễn tả những điều mong ước mà hiện tại chúng ta không thực hiện được hoặc những điều
hoàn toàn trái ngược với thực tế và những mong muốn trong tương lai hầu như không thể thực
hiện được.
EX: * I wish I were on the beach now.
* I wish I had got good marks last year.
* I wish I would speak E well next year.
III. Tag- questions:
- Là cách thêm phần hỏi vào sau 1 câu (+) để nó trở thành 1câu (?)để khẳng định sự đồng tình về
vấn đề nào đó.
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
S + Ved/V2
S + could + V
HAD + V3
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
• Usage: + Chủ ngữ luôn là đại từ, thể (-) luôn dùng dạng rút gọn. Nếu là động từ đặc biệt
thì được lặp lại động từ đó
+ Câu (+) sẽ có phần đuôi là (-) và ngược lại.
+ Phần đuôi không lặp lại động từ chính mà chỉ lặp lại trợ động từ.
Phần câu Phần đuôi
let’s + (not) + V Shall we?
Do/ don’t + V Will you?
Câu mệnh lệnh:
Keep your throat warm
Don’t forget to do homework
Won’t you
I am
Is / are / was / were

Aren’t I
Isn’t / aren’t / wasn’t / weren’t
never, seldom, rarely,hardly, nobody, none = no one,
nothing, no, neither
khẳng định
everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, anyone,
anybody, no one, nobody, none, neither
nothing, something, every thing, this, that it
Nếu tân ngữ là các đại từ tân ngữ phủ định: nothing,
nobody, no one, none of them
khẳng định.
tính từ phủ định : few, little khẳng định.
Deny + Ving: trối cãi, Refuse to + V Từ chối, fail to + V khẳng định.
There be… there?
One + V …… ….one?
This /that is …. Isn’t it?
It is a pity that clause, It is time for SB to do st
It is time sb did st
Isn’t it?
S + ought to + V Shouldn’t + S?
What a stupid man Isn’t he?
What a beautiful cat Isn’t it?
You think you will be able to do it well Don’t you?
She said that she was good at English Didn’t she?
1. Exercise 1: Complete these sentences:
1. I wish I (can) speak English perfectly. I wish……… ………… ………… ….……………………………
2. I wish I (know) how to swim.  I wish……… ………….… ……… …………………………
3. I wish you (like) my painting.  I wish……… ………… ………… ….…………………………

4. I wish you (not come) here late.  I wish……… ………… ………… ….…………………………
5. I wish I (will be) there soon.  I wish……… ………… ………… ….………………………
6. I don’t know anyone in this class.  I wish……… ………… ………… ….…………………
7. The dictionary is very expensive.  I wish……… ………… ………… ….……………
8. She isn’t here.  She wishes ……… ………… ………… ….………
9. The students never go abroad.  The students wish ……… ………… ………… ….………
10. They cannot eat seafood.  They wish……… ………… ………… ……………
11. Their team don’t play very well.  They wish……… ………… ………… ……………
12. It’s very cold in the winter here.  I wish……… ………… ………… ….………………
2. Exercise 2: Đặt động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng thì ở câu điều kiện loại 1
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
1. Ìf I see him I ( give) him a lift
2. If he ( eat) all that he will be ill.
3. The police (arrest) him if they catch him.
4. If he ( read) in bad light he will ruin his
5. Someone ( steal ) your car if you leave it
6. If he (wash) my car I’ll give him $10.
7. Unless he ( sell) more he won’t get much
8. Unless you are more careful you (have) an
9. Ice (turn) to water if you heat it.
10. If he ( like) the house will he buy it?
3. Exercise 3:Viết lại những câu sau sử dụng IF hoặc UNLESS
1. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone.(unless)
2. In the snowy weather we don’t go to school.( If)

3. If he fails the final exam, he won’t be able to graduate.( unless).
4. Unless it rains soon, all the plants are going to die ( IF).
5. If she work hard , she will pass the exam (Unless).
6. If she does not hurry, she will be late. ( unless)
7. Unless you are careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.( If)
8. If you do not like this one, I’ll bring you another. ( Unless).
9. I’ll not be able to do any work if I do not have aquiet room (unless)
10. If you press this button, the machine will stop. ( unless)
4.Exercise 4: Đặt động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng thì ở câu điều kiện loại 2
1. If I (know)………… his address I’d give it to you.
2. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be)……………. you.
2. If I had a typewriter I (type)…………… it myself.
3. If he worked more slowly he ( not make)………. so many mistakes.
4. If he knew that it was dangerous he ( not come)…………
5. I could get a job easily if I ( have )……………… a degree.
6. If I were sent to prison ,you (visit)………… me?
7. If you were really ill, you (stay)………… in bed in a few days.
8. If we (have)……… a lot of money, we could buy the house of our dreams.
8. If the weather weren’t so awful, we (go )……… swimming in the sea.
9. If I (stay)……………. in Britain for a year, my E would improve.
10. If I had more time, I (read)…………… more books.
5.Exercise 5: Điền vào chỗ trống với một câu hỏi đuôi.
1. Mr. White is a tailor, ……….…?
2. It isn’t ready yet, ……… ?
3. I am clever, ………… ?
4. We must hurry, ……………… ….?
5. They won’t stop long, …………….?
6. You asked for mustard, ………… ?
7. She speaks too quickly, ………… ?
8. He will arrive soon, ……………….?

9. Tom doesn’t like ham, …………… ?
10. They told me a lie, ………………?
11. It can’t be so bad, …………… …?
12. It was a pity,…………………?
13. Jack is joining the club, ………….?
14. They have sold the house, …………?
15. You are leaving here tomorrow, …?
16. You can’t come next week, ……….?
17. He should have come home earlier,
18. He shouldn’t put so much salt in it, …?
19. Nobody understands what the lady over there
says, ………?
20. Nothing makes you bored, ……? You always
look happy.
21. You have read this article on the website, …?
22. You don’t read this article on the website, ……?
23. She never tells the truth, ……………?
24. She doesn’t believe you, ?
25. I haven’t met you before, ?
26. The children weren’t surprised, ?
27. Your sister can speak English well, ?
28. You have a new computer, ?
29. He didn’t wake you up this morning, ?
30. Let’s go for a walk, ?
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trng THPT Vn Chõn Giao an ễn thi vao lp 10

- Cõu trc tiờp la cõu trich nguyờn vn li phat biờu cua ngi nao, dung kem vi dõu
- Cõu gian tiờp la cõu thuõt lai li noi cua ngi nao.
I. Những thay đổi khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp :
1 -Đổi ngôi, đổi thì, từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn theo quy tắc.
-Khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp ta phải lùi 1 thì :
Trực tiếp Gián tiếp
+Hiện tại đơn
+Hiện tại tiếp diễn
+Quá khứ đơn
+Hiện tại hoàn thành
+Quá khứ tiếp diễn
+Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.
+Tơng lai thờng: Will/ shall
+Tơng lai hoàn thành
+Qúa khứ hoàn thành
+Các câu điều kiện
>Quá khứ đơn
>Quá khứ tiếp diễn
>Quá khứ hoàn thành
>Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
>Tơng lai trong quá khứ : Would/ should
>would/ could + have + V-pII
> không đổi
> không đổi
2. Đổi từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn:
Trực tiếp Gián tiếp

Last night/ week/ month/ year
Next week/ month/ year
Then/ at one/ immediately.
That day
That night
The next/ following day.
The day before/ the previous day
The night/ week/ month/ year before hoặc the
previous night
The following week/ month/ year.
3.Thay i i t
Cỏc i t nhõn xng v i s hu khi chuyn t li núitr c tip sang li núi giỏn tip thay i
nh bng sau:
i t
nhõn xng
Ch ng I he, she
we they
you they
Tõn ng me him, her

us them
you them
i t
s hu
Phm nh my his, her
Mụn Tiờng Anh Giao viờn: Phung Thi Mai Hng
Trng THPT Vn Chõn Giao an ễn thi vao lp 10
our their
your their
nh danh mine his, her
ours theirs
yours theirs
II. *Các dạng câu trực tiếp chuyển sang câu gián tiếp:
1-Dạng câu trực tiếp là câu phát biểu:
*Cách chuyển:
-Lặp lại từ said/ say.
-Bỏ ngoặc kép, bỏ dấu phẩy thay bằng that.
-Thay đổi thì, từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn, ngôi cho phù hợp với nghĩa của câu (nếu có)
*Công thức:
Trực tiếp: S + said, S +V
>Gián tiếp: S + said + (that) S + V(lùi thì)
VD: Lan said: I am a student.
>Lan said (that) she was a student.
2-Dạng câu trực tiếp là câu cầu khiến, câu mệnh lệnh:
*Cách chuyển:
-Đổi động từ say >tell, said >told, sau đó thêm tân ngữ vào sau nó.
-Bỏ dấu phẩy, dấu ngoặc kép, dấu chấm than, từ please (nếu có).
-Đổi đại từ nhân xng, tính từ sở hữu, trạng từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn (nếu cần thiết)
*Công thức:

+Khẳng định: Trực tiếp: S + say/ said, V
>Gián tiếp: S + tell/ told + O + to + V .
VD: She said, Close the books, please!
>She told the students to close the books.
+Phủ định: Trực tiếp: S + say/ said, Don t + V
>Gián tiếp: S + tell/ told + O + not + to + V .
VD: She said, Dont sit down!
>She told me not to sit down
3-Dạng câu trực tiếp là câu hỏi đảo (Yes/ No- questions)
*Cách chuyển:
-Đổi said >asked (hoặc wanted to know/ wondered) sau đó thêm tân ngữ (nếu cần thiết).
-Bỏ dấu ngoặc kép, dấu phẩy và dấu hỏi.
-Đặt If/ whether lên trớc chủ ngữ của câu gián tiếp +động từ lùi thì.
-Đổi ngôi, đổi từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn(nếu cần thiết).
*Công thức: Trực tiếp: Do/ Does/ Did + S + V-nd .?
>Gián tiếp: S + asked + O + if/ whether + S + V-lùi thì
VD: Do you go to school? he said.
>He asked me whether/ if I went to school.
4-Dạng câu trực tiếp là câu hỏi có từ để hỏi: (Wh-questions)
*Cách chuyển:
-Đổi said >asked (hoặc wanted to know/ wondered) sau đó thêm tân ngữ (nếu cần thiết).
-Bỏ dấu ngoặc kép, dấu phẩy và dấu hỏi.
-Đặt từ hỏi wh lên trớc chủ ngữ của câu gián tiếp +động từ lùi thì.
-Đổi ngôi, đổi từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn(nếu cần thiết).
Mụn Tiờng Anh Giao viờn: Phung Thi Mai Hng
Trng THPT Vn Chõn Giao an ễn thi vao lp 10
*Công thức: Trực tiếp: Từ hỏi + do/ does/ did + S + V-nd .?
>Gián tiếp: S + asked + O + từ hỏi + S + V-lùi thì

VD: Where do you live? he said.
>He asked me where I lived.
Note:Nếu câu hỏi với will/ shall diễn tả yêu cầu, lời mời, đề nghị có thể chuyển sang câu gián
tiếp dạng câu hỏi hoặc câu cầu khiến.
VD: He said, Will you open the door?
>He asked me to open the door. (He asked me If I would open the door)
i- reported statements:
1. Ill see you tomorrow She said
2. I saw her today She said
3. I dont like this film

She said
4. Peter and Sue are getting married tomorrow

He said
5. I really like this furniture

She said
6. Im meeting them at four oclock today

He said
7. I live here with my parents

He said
8. Our new house is beautiful

He said
9. I cant speak chinese

She said
10. I must come to the meeting tomorrow

He said
11. These roses are for you

She told me
12. It is so foggy today

She said
13. I have to clean the floor today

She said
II- reported yes no questions.
1. Do you play any musical instruments?=> Lan asked me
2. Will you have time to play regularly? => Bill asked me.
3. Can you speak any other languages?

He asked me
4. Are you interested in learning English? => Lan asked me
5. Is there a phone? => Lan asked me
6. Do you have many friends?

He asked me
7.Are you working as well as studying?

He asked me
8.Have you seen my car keys? => Lan asked me
9.Are you hungry? => Lan asked me
10.Does your brother live in London? => Lan asked me

11.Have you finished your exam?

He asked me
12.Do you live near your family? => Lan asked me
III- Wh-questions :
1. Why do you have to do this work?

He asked me
2. What are you doing? => He asked Lan
3. What will you do when you leave school? => Lan asked me
4. How did you know my name? => He asked Lan.
5. Why didnt you phone me? => He asked Lan.
6. When can I see the doctor? => Lan asked me
7. How long are you staying here? => Lan asked me
8. Whats the name of the college? => He asked Lan.
9. How many students are there in the college? => He asked Lan.
10 Who is the headmaster? => Lan asked me
11. What country do you come from? => He asked Lan.
12. How long do you stay here? => Lan asked me
13. How will you use English in the future? => He asked Lan.
Mụn Tiờng Anh Giao viờn: Phung Thi Mai Hng
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
14. “How far is it to the school?” => Lan asked me…………
15. “Why are you so late?” => He asked Lan…….
IV-reported commands , requests :
1. “Sit down, Mary’’ the teacher told. “Don’t go near the sea , children’’
2. “Don’t be late ,Jim’’, Jim’s father told. “Be quiet, children’’ the teacher told.
3. “Open the door ,please’’ the teacher told. “Hurry up,’’He told me.
4. “Do this test again, please’’ the teacher told. “Don’t make noise in class’’ the teacher told.

5. “Leave your keys on the desk,please’’ “Don’t use the telephone after seven o’clock’’
LESSON 7 & 8
Vị trí của các quan hệ từ:
+ Đứng sau từ mà nó thay thế
+ Đứng đầu mệnh đề quan hệ
Phía trước Đại từ quan hệ Phía sau Ví dụ
Danh từ chỉ người WHO
( = she, he, they, N,
Động từ The man who( that) is sitting
there is myfather
Danh từ chỉ người [ giới từ] +WHOM
( =
Danh từ/
Chủ từ
The man whom( that) you saw
yesterday is my father
Danh từ chỉ người WHOSE
( her,his,their,N’s,of
Danh từ
[chỉ sự
sở hữu]
The pupil whose mother is a
doctor is Kelly

Danh từ chỉ vật
( Hoặc cả mệnh đề)
[ giới từ] +WHICH
( = they,it, them, N,
Động từ/
Danh từ,
chủ từ
The book which( that) is red is
mine. The book which( that)
you saw yesterday is mine
Jones passed her driving test
THAT surprised everybody
Danh từ chỉ nơi chốn WHERE= in which
(= place, in/on/at…
Mệnh đề
( câu)
This is the village where I was
= This is the village in which I
was born
= This is the village which I
was born in
Danh từ chỉ người/
vật( Bắt buộc dùng sau :
+ so sánh nhất,
+ It is/was…THAT…

+ các từ để hỏi WHO,
THAT= Who, whom,
( dùng
mệnh đề
quan hệ
không có
-The man who is sitting there is
= The man that is sitting there
is myfather
- She reads all books That she
can borrow.
Ngày IN giờ AT tháng năm ON
Above, over
to from
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
into out of
Below, under

1. Giới từ chỉ thời gian: at, on , in , from … to, for, by, after, between, till, until ….
a. At + một thời điểm cụ thể. VD: at night/ three o’clock in the afternoon
b. In + tháng / năm / mùa / buổi trng ngày VD: In 1978 / June / summer
c. On + ngày trong tuần / ngày tháng năm./thứ VD : on Monday / January 4
, 2007
d. From … to : từ … đến … VD: We have classes from 7 o’clock to 11.15.
e. For + khoảng thời gian: VD: for two hours , a week …
f. By + một điểm thời gian: trước VD: by five o’clock
g. After + time: VD: after breakfast / lunch / dinnet…
2. Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn:
a. On: * ở trên VD: On the wall / grass / table.
b. At + địa chỉ : VD: at 10 Ngo Quyen Street.
c. In + tên nước, tỉnh, thành phố. VD: in viet Nam, in Ho Chi Minh city.
d. Một số giới từ chỉ vị trí khác:
above ( bên trên), around ( xung quanh), behind (đằng sau), below ( bên dưới), beside (bên
cạnh), between (ở giữa), far from (ở xa), in front of (trước mặt), in the middle of ( ở giữa), inside
(bên trong), near (gần), next to (bên cạnh), on the top of (trên đỉnh), outside (bên ngoài), under
(bên dưới).
Hình thức V-ing theo sau V( not to) theo sau To V
- ẹnjoy - look forward to
- mind - can’t stand/ help
- hate - finish
- be/get used to - avoid
- consider - practise
- suggest - finish/ spend
- like/ love/ … - miss/prefer
- make/ let + O + V
- had better + V

- would rather + V
- Modal verbs
- decide
- advise +O + to v
- ask + O
- want / used to
- hope
- refuse
- would like
1.A. Stop + to V: dừng lại để làm gì B, stop + V-ing: chấm dứt một việc gì
2 .a, remember to v: nhớ làm gì b, remember + Ving : nhớ đã làm gì.
3, try + to V: cố gắng làm gì b, try + V-ing: thử làm gì
4.a. forget + to V: quên làm điều gì b. forget + V-ing: quên đã làm điều gì
5. a.Regret + to V: tiếc phải làm gì b.Regret + V-ing: tiếc đã làm gì
§¹i tõ quan hÖ
Exercise1: Combine these pairs of sentences using who, which, whose, where
1.The book is interesting. You gave it to me
2.She is the girl. She speaks English well.
3.We saw some people. Their car was broken.
4.Do you know the man? He is talking to lan.
5.That is the picture. I took it when I was in Da
6. He is a man. My brother bought him a new
19.Lan is my classmate. She lives near my
grandparents’ house.
20.The young man is talking to our teacher .
He is

21. We visited the museum. It was built a
hundred years ago.
22. Mr Phong is our geography teacher. He has
been teaching in our school for ten years.
23. Nam is very intelligent. He learns in our
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
7. Ba is my friend. He has won the first prize.
8. That is Nam. His father is a teacher.
9. I’ve just listened a song. Ngoc Chau sang it.
10. The boy is my brother. He can cook very
11.He often tells me about his village. He was
born there.
12.The city is very beautiful. We spent our
vacation in that city.
13.I’m looking for a book. The book tells us
about life on other planets.
14.My father works for a company. The
company makes cars.
15.The train broke down twice on the way. It
arrived two hours late.
16.I stopped in a small town. My sister was
working there.
17.The book was rather difficult. I gave him
that book.
18.The picture has been stolen. You were
talking about it.

24. Minh is one of my best friends. I have
known her since we were at school.
25. The new stadium will be opened next week.
It can hold 120.000 people.
26. My mother works as an engineer. She is an
excellent cook.
27 His book became the best seller. It was
published last year.
28. Neil Armstrong lived in the USA. He
walked on the moon.
29. Quang plays the piano very well. He lives
next door.
30 Ha Long has grown into a big city over the
past few years. I visited the city last week.
31. He is a person. He is trusted by all his
32.Yoko is a student. He has taken the driving
test three times.
33.Bod is a kind of a person. He is very good at
learning foreign languages.
34. “Happy new year” is a song. “Happy new
year” is always sung on the New Year Day.
Exercise 2: Fill in each blank with a suitable relative pronoun (Who, that, which, where,
a.Last week, I went to Hue_____is the ancient capital of Vietnam.
b.The woman______lives next to us is a weathercaster on a local TV station.
c.The shoes_______ I bought were made in Italy.
d.What’s the name of the lady_______ was wearing the gold dress?
e.Halong Bay,______ consists of hundreds of beautiful islands, is the world’s heritage.
f.The cat________tail is long doesn’t belong to me.

g.Show me the place_______ the ship sank.
h.Jack London________ wrote “The call of the wild”, is a famous American writer.
i.This is the house_______he used to live.
J.Next summer holiday, our family will go to Dalat _________my sister is living.
k.We will soon gather at the village ______ the festival is taking place.
l.Do you know the name of the tourist_______came and talked about New year in Canada?
m. I’m looking for a book_____ tells about traditional festivals of Asian people.
n.I couldn’t go to the show_______was held in Hoi An last summer.
o.My brother has told me about the festival_______is held in Hue city every two years.
Exercise 3: Fill in each blank with a suitable relative pronoun (Who, that, which, where,
1.I recently visited the school_______ I used to study five years ago.
2.I can’t understand the dance ________I saw at the festival last spring.
3.I’m really interested in the present______you gave me on my birthday.
4.Have you seen the photos________ I took at the camp last week?
5.The man ________ visited our school yesterday is a famous artist.
6.The girl _________ is standing over there is my younger sister.
7.Mary works for a company______makes toys for children.
8.The supermarket ________ was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.
9.The bus ________ runs every twenty minutes goes to Tan Son Nhat airport.
10.An Architect is someone________ designs buildings.
11.I don’t like people _______often tell lies.
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
12.Alexander Bell was the man _______invented the telephone.
13.The sun________ is one of million of stars in the universe provides us with heat and light.
14.The book _______ you borrow yesterday is a present from my uncle on my 15

Exercise 4: Fill in each blank with a suitable relative pronoun (Who, that, which, where,
a.She is the girl________ sits next to me in class.
b.That is the man________ daughter won the first prize in the contest.
c.We use the map________ my sister drew for us.
d.That is the place ________ the accident occurred.
e.people _____ fear flying avoid traveling by plane.
f.We couldn’t find the man_______ car was blocking our driveway.
g.Show me the place_______ the ship sank.
h.Jack London________ wrote “The call of the wild”, is a famous American writer.
i.This is the house_______he used to live.
J.Next summer holiday, our family will go to Dalat _________my sister is living.
k.We will soon gather at the village ______ the festival is taking place.
l.Do you know the name of the tourist_______came and talked about New year in Canada?
m. I’m looking for a book_____ tells about traditional festivals of Asian people.
n.I couldn’t go to the show_______was held in Hoi An last summer.
I. Choose the suitable prepositions in brackets
1. The students will visit the capital the summer. (on, in, at, of)
2. They heard a very strange noise midnight. (on, in, at, out)
3. They have learned English many years. (since, for, in, from)
4. The boys often go skiing the winter. (in, at, on, for)
5. I’ve studied French 3 months. (for, since, in)
6. I arrived the bus stop at 4 in the afternoon. (in, at, on, to)
7.She has been here yesterday. (in, since, for, on)
8.We have lived in Hanoi 4 years. (in, since, for, at)
9.She was born 16
January. (in, of, at, on)
II. Fill in the gaps with one of the words from the box. Sometimes no word is necessary

1. I was born in Africa…………………………………1970
2. My parents moved back to England…………………… I was five
3. We lived in Bristol …………………….three years
4. I went to college two years……………………
5. I found a flat on my own……………………………last year.
6. I usually go home………………… the weekend.
7. I didn’t go home……………………….weekend because some friends came to stay
III. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. _____Sunday morning
2. _______Tuesday afternoon
3. ____ the morning
4. ________ 2006
5. _________ 11 o’clock
6. _______ 22 September
7. ______ half past six
8. ________ Saturday night
9. ____________ 28 March
11. _______- 10.30 am
12. _______ Christmas
13. _______ the weekend
14. _______ the evening
15. ________ Wenesday
16. _________ night
17. _______ Christmas day
18. _________ winter
19. _________ September
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Ago last in on for at when

Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
10. ______Friday 20. _______ the end of my holiday.
V-ing vµ V to v
1-Complete the sentences, using gerund of the verbs in the box
1. I really don’t mind ( do)_________the housework.
2. I didn’t like (go)_________out last night.
3. Would you mind (make)________so much noise ?
4. I normally try to avoid (borrow)________money.
5. Since she moved from London, she misses(be) ________able to see all her friends there.
2-Put the verb in parentheses in the correct form (gerund or to- infinitive)
1. I like ( have) my eyes tested regularly.
2. When do you leave the room, don’t forget ( switch off) all the lights.
3.Would you like ( come) to a disco this evening?
4. Stop ( make) so much noise. People are trying ( sleep)
5. I remember (lock)________ the door when I left.
3-Complete the sentences with one of these verbs in the correct form
1.Do you mind (buy)________ me a newspaper on the way home?
2.I enjoy (listen)_________ to Michael Jackson’s songs.
3.When the teacher came in, everybody stopped ( talk)___________
4.My brother loves(read) _______magazines.
5.Our English teacher enjoys (tell) __________jokes.
6.Everybody hates (watch)___________ this advertisement.
7.Most of us are interested in (chat)__________ the Internet.
8.I hope ( find) ……. a job 9.Please let me (know) . …….your decision
10.I used ( smoke ) ………………. 40 cigarettes a day.
11.I’d like ( have) ……. a look at your new car. 12.I’m looking forward to (see) …. You
13.You’ll be able (do) ……………….it yourself when you are older.
14.I prefer (drive) ….to (ride) ……. 15.Sad movies always make me (cry) ……….
16.The teacher decided (accept) ….the paper.
17.Donna is interested in(open) ……….a bar.

18.We are looking forward (see)_____ you again soon.
19.I remember (buy) _____ him a book but he said I did not.
20.Remember (send)_____ John a present . Today is his birthday.
21.I suggest (do)_____ some more mathematical puzzles.
22.Would you mind (open)_____ the door?
23.You should give up(smoke) _____ or you will die of cancer.
24.The driver stopped (have)_____ a coffee because he felt sleepy.
A. have B. to have C. having D. had
25.That old man tried to stop(smoke) _____ because of his bad health.
26.Do you want (come)______ with you or do you want to go alone?
27. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember (lock) _____ it.
28.I enjoy (listen)______ to music.
29. She hates (do) ……………… housework at weekends.
30 I had a headache, and the doctor asked me(take) …………… some aspirin.
31. Would you like the doctor (come)……………… ?
32. My husband wants me (post)…………………. This letter before afternoon.
. Cấu trúc 1:
So + adv/adj + that
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
Such + (a/an…+ N) + that
Ví dụ: The weather was so bad that we decide to stay at home.
It was such a beautiful day that we decide to go to the beach.
. Cấu trúc 2:
Too + adv/adj (for O) + To V

Cấu trúc 3:
Adv/adj + enough + [ for O ] + to V
( enough + N)
Ví dụ: He is tall enough to play volleyball.
. Cấu trúc 4:
Because of + (N/V-ing) = Because + (mệnh đề)
Despite/ In spite of + (N/V-ing)= (Al)though/ Eventhough + (mệnh đề)
Ví dụ: I couldn’t come to class yesterday becausse I was ill.(= because of his illness)
They came to the concert though it rained heavily. (= in spite of the heavy rain)
C¸c lo¹i tõ nèi
1-Put the correct connectors: and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however into following
a.Yesterday, Lan went to the stationer’s to buy some notebooks, a pen ________ a compass.
b.I’d like to go to the circus with you _______ I have to finish all the homework.
c.Oanh failed the exam _______ he was very lazy.
d.What would you like to eat, noodles ______ sticky rice?
e.He didn’t take a raincoat along with him, ____ he got wet.
f.Hoa’s eyes are weak._______ , she has to wear glasses.
g.Mary eats green vegetables, _______ she can get enough vitamins.
i.Cars cause pollution. ________, people still want them.
2. Use AND, SO , BUT, OR, to complete the sentences.
a. They are pretty _________ intelligent.
b. Do you live in the city _____ in the country?
c. She was poor _______ she was honest
d. There are people without homes, jobs ________ family
3. Use AND, SO, ALTHOUGH, BUT, BECAUSE or HOWEVER to join the following
a. She isn’t English…………………., she speak English fluently.

b. She went home ……………… she was tired.
c. She can speak French ………………….she can’t write it.
d. He work hard………………… he passed all his exam.
e. She can speak English ………… she can’t write it
f. I’m learning Japanese……………….I like it
g. We haven’t got a dishwasher……………. We haven’t got a microwave oven
h. I haven’t got a car……………….I’ve got a motorbike
4. Điền although, in spite of/despite
1. _______ the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip. 2. The children slept well ________ the noise.
3. _______ earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents. 4. Julie failed the exam ____ of
working very hard. 5._______ it was cold, she didn't put on her coat.
6. Tom went to work ________ not feeling very well.
7. Anna never learned the language ______ she lived there for two year
8 ____ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.
9 I couldn't eat ______ I was very hungry. 11. _______ he is very rich, he isn’t happy
10. _______ he has difficulties, he tries to study hard.
12. ________the bad weather, we went to school on time. 13. ______ not having finished the wor
5. Chọn từ đúng cho những câu sau.
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
1.I don’t have ( time enough/ enough time) to go to the park. I’m too short ( to touch/ to touching) the
2.I was ( so/ such/ enough) tired that I went to bed at 7. This is (too/ so/ such) hot to drink.
3.I don’t feel well (enough/ too/ so) to eat anything. Susan is ( to/ such/ too) young to stay home by herself
4.She worked (such/ so/too) hard that she made herself ill.
5.It was ( so/ too/ such) a good book that I couldn’t put it down
6.I didn’t realize it was ( so/ such/ enough) an old house. The sun is ( so/ such/ too) bright to look at directly
7.My son isn’t old (enough/ too) to go out alone. I’m ( enough/ too/ so) busy to go to the park
8.The weather was ( such/so/ too) warm that I didn’t need a coat I’m (enough/ too/ so) full to eat

9.Let’s get a taxi. It’s (too/so/such) far to walk
10. There weren’t ( enough/so/too) chairs for everyone to sit down.
11. He spoke (too/so/enough) quickly for us to understand.
The food was ( so/ such/ too) hot that we couldn’t eat it
12. That picture is ( too/ so/such) heavy to hang on the wall
6. Kết hợp 2 câu sau sử dụng “ so… that “ hoặc “ such … that”
1. This coffee is strong. I can’t drink it. This is a good film. I want to see it again
and again.
2. The sun shone brightly. Maria had to put on her sungglasses. The house was beautiful. I took a
picture of it.
3. John is still very weak. He can’t walk without a stick. Mr Green drank too much wine . he
got sick
4. Lan was very busy . she couldn’t go to movies with us. She is quite poor . she can’t buy
7. Viết lại những câu sau sử dụng (enough …to” hoặc “too…to”)
1. The house is large. My family can live in it. It was very late. They didn’t go to the party.
2. These oranges are ripe. You can eat them. He is strong. He can carry this table.
3. The dress is so dirty. She can’t wear it. She is tall. She can reach the top shelf.
4. Mr Brown isn’t rich. He can’t buy car. The film is very good. The children won’t miss it.
1.Adjectives: Các tính từ thường có đuôi là: -ful, (N)-y, (N)-ly, (N)-al, -ous, -ive, -ic, -able…
2.Adverbs: Các trạng từ thường có đuôi là: ADJ + LY = ADV: careful- carefully
- Một số trường hợp bất quy tắc như: well, soon, hard, late…
3. Các trường hợp bất quy tắc
+ Fast, hard, late, early, daily, weekly, monthly, vừa là tình từ vừa là trạng từ:Tom was late;
Tom came late

+Hardly, lately có nghĩa khác hard & late:Hardly = almost not; lately = recently
+Well (adv): tốt; Well (adj): khỏe
+.Friendly, lively, lonely, lovely, ugly, likely, silly, tận cùng = LY nhưng là tính từ
4.Vị trí của chúng trong câu.
Nhìn ra sau chỗ trống cần điền nếu là danh từ thì điền tính từ.
Ex: I have a … beautiful …. book .(beautiful/ beautifully)
- ……………………………………….động từ thì điền trạng từ
Ex: It was …… carefully … done. (careful/ carefully)
- Nếu không có 2 trường hợp trên thì nhìn từ từ ra phía trước:
+ Nếu gặp động từ thì chọn trạng từ
+ Nếu gặp Be, look, seem, feel, become, sound, get, taste, smell… thì chọn tính
từ. ( nếu look có at thì chọn adv)
- Nhớ sau to be trước tính từ = adv: His song is …extremely…… bad.
5. Tính từ tận cùng = ed/ing (interested/ interesting)
* Tính từ có đuôi - ing mang nghĩa chủ động và –ed mang nghĩa bị động.
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
Ex: He is tired ( he is amusing- ông vui vẻ lắm, hay nói chuyện vui – Khi nói đến bản chất
của con người)
Ex: It’s boring film.
* Cách sử dụng tính từ có đuôi –ed và –ing.
- Ing + N
- S (người ) + Be/get… - + -ED
- S (vật) + -ING
ADV/ADJ Comparative Superlative
rt Small (adj)
Hard (adv)

Adv/Adj - ER
The + adv/ adj – est
The smallest
The hardest
Chú ý: các tính từ có 2 âm tiết, tận cùng –y, -ow, er, et, le thì xem như tính từ ngắn :
Sunny- sunnier- the sunniest, narrow – er - est
Beautiful (adj)
Quickly (adv)
More + adv/ adj + ( than )
More beautiful
More quickly
The most + adv/ adj
The most beautiful
The most quickly
Bad /Badly
Far (adj)
The best
The worst
The farthest/the furthest
Equality ( so sánh =) S1 + Be/V + as /so + adj /adv + as + S2
………. + the same + (noun) + as ……
Comparative ( so sánh

nhiều hơn)
S1 + Be/V + adj/adv(ngắn) + ER + THAN + S2
S1 + Be/V + MORE + adj/adv(dài ) + THAN + S2
Superlative( so sánh hơn
S + Be /V + adj/adv(ngắn) + EST + ( in/of )….
S + Be /V+ the MOST + adj/adv(dài) + ( in/of )….
1. Viết trạng từ cho những tính từ sau:
2.Chọn từ thích hop trong ngoặc
1.He talked very (interesting / interestingly) about his work.
2.You can try some of the ( local / locally) restaurants. She speaks E (good/ well)
3.I run as (fast/fastly) as I could. Rita plays the violin (good/well).

I always feel (happy/happily) when the sun is shining.
4.We didn’t go out because it was raining (heavy/ heavily).
5.Farm workers have to work very (hard/ hardly) during the harvest.
6.Tom is sometimes a (dangerous/ dangerously) driver.
7.Paul’s old car was (slow/ slowly ) but his new one is very (fast/ fastly)
8.The plane will arrive (soon/ soonly). I sing very ( bad / badly).
9.We have to work ( hard / hardly) for the exam. They make very (good/ well) bread here.
10. The boys speak Spanish (fluent/ fluently).
3.Chọn từ thích hợp (ed/ ing
1.The journey was (tired/ tiring). The book was (interesting/ interested).
2.We are so ( interested / interesting) in other people’s lives.
3.It was a rather ( bored / boring) meeting. I felt very ( excited/ exciting) when he said that.
4.An ( excited/ exciting) new life is waiting for you.
5.I want to talk to him , but he wasn’t ( interested/ interesting)
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương
Trng THPT Vn Chõn Giao an ễn thi vao lp 10
6.It was a terrible play and I was (bored/ boring) from start to finish.
7.Im very (excited/ exciting) because Im going to NY tomorrow.
8.Im reading a very ( interesting/ interested) book at the moment.
1.Vit dng so sỏnh hn va hn nhõt ca cỏc t sau:

2. in vo ch trng vi THAN hoc AS:
1. I can sing better .you 6.Elizabeth is much taller .her brother.
2. Im .old. your brother 7.Germany is bigger Switzerland.
3. Your problems are not .important mine. 8. Are you as tall .your brother?
4. She is not as clever .her sister. 9. I havent got as many cousins .you.
5. Was Janes party better Marias?
3.Dựng dng so sỏnh ca t trong ngoc hon chnh cỏc cõu sau:
1.The restaurant is than a cafộ. ( expensive). Mary is than Betty (old).
2.She works .than Her sister. (hard). John is as his brother (tall).
3.She sings. As she plays. (beautiful). They arrived than we. (soon)
4.This exercise is than that one. (easy). I prepare my lessons Than last week. (carefully).
5. He is not as his sister. (intelligent). John knows her than I do (good).
Its . Here than in London .( hot). They came here as we did (early).
6.Kate got homethan Alice did. (late She becomes than yesterday. (happy).
1. Angela is (young). Person in the class. The bill isnt (expensive) as I thought it would be.
He bought (cheap) petrol he could find. Her teacher speaks (slow). Than ours.
2. They live (far) .from school than I do . Your sons behaviour is (bad) in the whole school.
3. It was (boring) Film I had ever seen. She sings (beautiful)Than anyone else in the class.

4. Jim is very tall. He is one of (tall) persons in our class. I have (many) Books than my
Trờng thPT VN CHN đề thi thử tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 THPT
Năm học 2010 - 2011
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
I. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau. (2 điểm)
1. They used (go) . swimming in the afternoon.
2. He wishes he (be) . a doctor.
3. Is Lan used to (write) . to Maryam?
4. They (not/finish) . their work yet.
5. What (you /do) at 7 p.m yesterday?
- I (watch) T.V.
6. Nam still (sleep) on the armchair when I (come) yesterday.
II. H y chọn một đáp án ã ung A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau. (2 điểm)
1. Nobody was injured in the accident, ?
A. was there B. was he C. were they D. wasnt it
2.I wont go you explain everything to me.
A. unless B. although C. because D. if
3. I wish you . us someday.
A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. would visit
4. Lets . somewhere for a drink.
Mụn Tiờng Anh Giao viờn: Phung Thi Mai Hng
Trng THPT Vn Chõn Giao an ễn thi vao lp 10
A. go B. went C. going D. goes
5. It rains heavily, . I cant go to the movie with you.
A. and B. but C. because D. so
6. My mother . teaching in a small village 12 years ago.
A. starts B. started C. has started D. is starting

7. Lan suggested chess this afternoon.
A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing
8. The man . your mother is talking to is my English teacher.
A. which B. where C. whom D. who
III. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau. (1 điểm)
1. The song performed by Dam Vinh Hung was very interesting. He sang . (beauty).
2. Hoa speaks English . (good).
3. She was really . by the beauty of the city. (impress)
4. In Malaysia, is free. (educate)
IV. Em h y đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau, rồi trả lời các câu hỏi bên dã ới. (2 điểm)
William Shakespeare, the great playwright and poet, was born on April 23, 1564 in the small
town of Stratford-upon-avon about seventy miles from London. When he was small boy, he
when to Stratford Grammar School, where he learnt Latin and Greek.
He lived in Stratford-upon-avon until he was 21. He left for London. He was married and had
three children. In London, he worked as an actor and a playwright.He wrote a lot of famous plays
like Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Twelfth Night and King Lear, etc.
In 1613, Shakespeare left London and returned to his home town of Stratford-upon-avon. Three
years later, on April 23, 1616, he died and was buried there.
1) When and where was William Shakespeare born?
2) How many children did he have?
3) Did he return to his home town of Stratford-upon-avon in 1913?
4) When did he die?
V. H y chọn một từ thích hợp đ cho trong khung điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn ã ã
thành đoạn văn sau. (1 điểm)
Children - is - living - on
A Vietnamese girl named Lan is living with the Smith family in the American state of
Michigan. Mr. Smith (1) a farmer, and Mrs. Smith works part-time at a grocery
store in a nearby town. They have two (2) , Tom and Mary. Lan often does
choresafter school. Sometimes, she also helps Mr. Smith on the farm. The family relaxes

(3) Sunday evenings and they watch Tom play soccer. Lan enjoys
(4) with the Smith very much.
VI Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. (2 điểm)
1) Im not rich, so I cant buy that house
2) He cant pass the examination.
He wishes
3) They are going to build a new bridge in the area.
A new bridge
4) What foreign languages do they teach besides English?
I asked
5) People play soccer all over the world.
Mụn Tiờng Anh Giao viờn: Phung Thi Mai Hng
Trường THPT Văn Chấn Giáo án Ôn thi vào lớp 10
T he e nd
Môn Tiếng Anh Giáo viên: Phùng Thị Mai Hương

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