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Ôn Tập 11 CB (Unit 4 - 2 Tests)

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I. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1. A. disg
se B. br
se C. cr
se D. s
2. A.
onorable B.
onesty C.
istoric D.
3. A. cr
ture B. cr
tive C. cr
my D. cr

4. A. pol
ce B. s
ze C. machine D. v
5. A.
air B.
eap C.
emist D.
II. Pick out the word that has the stress different from that of the other words.
6. A. delicate B. promotion C. volcanic D. resources
7. A. disease B. design C. moustache D. aspect
8. A. material B. apologize C. disappointed D. informative
9. A. attractive B. laboratory C. investigate D. knowledgeable
10. A. capacity B. language C. dangerous D. courage
I. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.
11. She was deeply of her behavior at the party.
A. shameful B. shame C. ashamed D. shamed
12. I'm ashamed to say that I lied her.
A. to B. with C. about D. at
13. Many local people object the building of the new airport.

A. at B. to C. by D. with
14. The villages had been
A. desert B. deserting C. deserted D. emptiness
15. The job was more difficult than I expected it to be.
A. would B. had C. have D. might
16 their work, they went home.
A. Finishing B. Having finished C. Had finished D. Finished
17. The girl behind you is naughty.
A. stands B. stood C. is standing D. standing
18 their farm work, the farmers returned home.
A. Finishing B. Finish C. Having finished D. Being finished
19 by the visitor, the clavichord would not be used.
A. Broken B. Break C. Breaking D. Broke
20. After dinner, I watched television.
A. eat B. eating C. eaten D. ate
21. When in international trade, letters of credit are very convenient.
A. used B. are used C. using D. they used
22. She swam to the shore the night in the water.
A. having spent B. having spending C. when spending D. had spent
23. I believe there is someone on the door.
A. to knock B. knock C. knocked D. knocking
24. The lady in blue is her aunt.
A. dressed B. dressing C. is dressing D. in dress
25 from what you say, you are innocent.
A. To judge B. Judging C. Judge D. To be judged
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or B that needs correcting.
26. Three old trees will have to be fallen because they are diseased and dangerous.
27. Neither his parents realized what was happening.

28. Excuse me. Where's the closest telephone box?
29. I want to live for hundred years.
30. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn't it?
III. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
So far we have completed fewer than half of the twenty lessons in the same reading book that their class has almost
A. We have done ten lessons of the book.
ÔN TẬP 11 CƠ BẢN (3) ~ 1
B. The book has about ten lessons in it.
C. The other class has done more than half.
D. Fewer than of the lessons are the same.
There's no point in persuading him to do this.
A. He is able to do this although he does not want to.
B. It would be useful to persuade him.
C. I enjoy persuading him to do this.
D. It is useless to persuade him to do this.
Not taking a difficult exam is worse than failing it.
A. If one is going to fail a difficult exam, it is better not to take it.
B. To fail a difficult exam is worse than not to take it.
C. Because the exam is difficult, it is better not to take it.
D. It is better to fail a difficult exam than not to take it at all.
Henry should have done his homework last night, but he watched TV instead.
A. Henry did not do his homework last night because he was busy fixing the TV set.

B. Henry watched TV last night instead of doing his homework.
C. Henry did not watch TV last night because he had to do his homework.
D. Henry did his homework while watching TV.
Shall we go for a walk?
A. We are going to go for a walk. B. What about going for a walk?
C. We shall walk together. D. Why didn't we go for a walk?
I. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
I was with Overseas'Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to an isolated village in Chad,
about 500 km from the capital N'Djamena. Coming from a (36) country, I got quite a -hock, as conditions were
much harder than 1 had (37) But after a f sw days I soon got used to (38) there. The people were always
veiy friendly and htipful, and soon 1 began to appreciate how beautiful the countryside was. One of my jobs was to
supply the village with water. The well was a long walk away. And the women used to (39) a long time every day
(40) heavy pots backwards and forwards. So I contacted organization and arranged to have sorre pipes delivered.
We built a simple pipeline and a pump, and it worked firs time. It wasn't perfect - there were a few leaks but it made a
great difference n the villagers, (41) had never had running water before. And not (42) did we have running
water, but in the evening it was hot, becaase the pipe had been 'ying in the sun all day. All in all, I think my time with OV
was a good experience. Although it was not well-paid, it was well (43) doing, and I would recommend it to anyone
who was (44) working for a charity. Finally, there's one more reason why I'll never (45) working for OV. A
few months before I left, I met and fell in love with another volunteer, and we got married when we returned to England.
36. A. rich B. comfortable C. well-paid D. luxurious
37. A. felt B. planned C. found D. expected
38. A. live B. lived C. living D. lives
39. A. spend B. spent C.spends D. spending
40. A. fetching B. wearing C. carrying D. holding
41. A. which B. that C. they D. who
42. A. hardly B. scarcely C. only D. also
43. A. worth B. value C. cost D. price

44. A. considering B. thinking C. going D. planning
45. A. regret B. feel sorry C. miss D. lose
II. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
Many organizations are trying to find a solution to the problem of world hunger. Two of them are CARE and Oxfam.
They both provide Wd to hungry people. However, they both believe that it is more important tq help people produce
their own food. Because of this belief, both organizations have programs to help people improve their lives.
CARE was organized in 1945 to help people after World War II. It distributed over 100 million food packages.
Meanwhile, it was starting self-help program:. Today it has development programs in 37countries.
CARE gives equipment and teaches people how to build water systems, roads, schools, houses, and health centers. It
also teaches people how to increase production on their farms, how to reforest areas, and how to start small village
Doctors and nurses volunteer to go to villages. They provide health care for the people. They also teach people how to
improve their health. They train people to provide simple medical care.
CARE also provides food for about 30 million people each year, most of them are children. It gives special help when
there is a flood, an earthquake, a drought, or a war.
During World War II, a group of people in Oxford, England, organized Oxfam to send money to Greece. When the war
was over, they continued to give money, food, and clothing to other countries in Europe.
ÔN TẬP 11 CƠ BẢN (3) ~ 2
In the 1960s, Oxfam started working on long-term development in many countries. It wanted to attack the causes of
hunger, poverty, and diseases. It wanted to prevent problems instead of trying to solve them after they start. However, it
continues to provide food to the hungry, sick, and homeless.
Oxfam believes that all humans share one world with limited resources. Rich and poor countries depend on each other.
When do Oxfam and CARE get their money? Ordinary people in development countries give money. Oxfam also has small
stores. They sell beautiful things that villagers in developing countries make. Oxfam and CARE receive millions of dollars
every year.
Both organizations are international. They help people of any race, color, or religion. They meet with the people to
decide on program together. Oxfam and CARE help provide the necessities of life to less developed countries.

Oxfam and CARE both believe that
A. people should learn how to improve their lives.
B. it is important to train people to produce their own food.
C. people should help decide about their own programs.
All are correct
CARE teaches people in less developed countries how to
A. plant trees in places where they cut them all down. B. build large factories.
C. made expensive medicine. D. get money from developed countries.
48. Doctors and nurses go to villages because
A. they must go. B. they earn a lot of money. C. they want to go. D. they cannot get jobs in other places.
Oxfam and CARE get their money from
A. the government. B. other organizations. C. poor countries. D. ordinary people.
Both organizations
A. decide what is best for the people they help.
B. send specialists to help people what to do.
C. help specialists and village people decide things together.
D. tell Europeans how to improve life in poor countries.
The End
I. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1. A. b
sh B. r

sh C. p
ll D. l
2. A. ch
r B. ch
ce C. n
se D. t
3. A. beloved B. help
C. wick
D. nak
4. A. easy B. please C. pl
sure D. t
5. A. dep
B. wi

C. smoo
D. brea
II. Pick out the word that has the stress different from that of the other words.
6. A. accident B. direction C. factory D. hospital
7. A. beginner B. encounter C. disappear D. remember
8. A. ambulance B. another C. government D. institute
9. A. community B. peninsula C. participant D. concentration
10. A. accuracy B. individual C. recreation D. independence
I. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.
11. Clear all those papers the desk.
A. out B. off C. away D. out of
12. She was presented with the gift in for her long service.
A. attitude B. latitude C. attribute D. gratitude
13. I owe you a great of gratitude.
A. debt B. bearing C. earning D. carrying
14. He was badly in the war and still bears the scars.
A. hurt B. injured C. wounded D. fallen
15. She overcame to win the Olympic gold medal.
A. injured B. injuring C. uninjured D. injury
16. A is an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot
of damage.
A. misfortune B. disaster C. risk D. bad luck
17 you to the job, he felt calm.
A. Appointed B. Appoint C. Having appointed D. To appoint
18 so much, the doll is still on the shelf
A. Cost B. Costs C. To cost D. Costing
19 at by everyone, he was disappointed.

A. Laughed B. Laugh C. Laughing D. In laugh
ÔN TẬP 11 CƠ BẢN (3) ~ 3
20 anxious to please us, they told us al! we wanted to know.
A. Be B. To be C. Being D. In being
21. Weather , we will start tomorrow.
A. permits B. will permit C. is permitting D. permitting
22. Dinner over, they returned home.
A. being B. be C. is D. was
23. Since his new business, Bob has been working 16 hours a day.
A. open B. opening C. opened D. of opening
24. After the fight, the police arrested two men and a woman.
A. stopping B. stop C. to stop D. stopped
25. dne hand on the steering wheel, Anna opened a can of soda pop with her free hand.
A. To keep B. Keep C. In keeping D. Keeping
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
26. If you had sat the plant in a cooler location, the leaves would not have burned.
27. Some dentists support the use of salt for brushing teeth rather than buying commercial teeth powder or paste.
28. The "Great Plains" states of America are greatest producers of wheat in the world.
29. The Siberian tiger can reach a length of almostly twenty feet.
30. One of the greatest engineer achievements of the 20
century is the building of the Panama Canal.
III. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
If George keeps studying as he has been, he'll have no trouble in passing his exams.

A. George is studying hard to pass his exams.
B. George will not pass his exams because he is not studying.
C. George has passed his exams.
D. George has trouble in passing his exams.
Ms Kelly asked the students to hand in their assignments.
A. Ms Kelly asked the students to give their assignments to her.
B. Ms Kelly gave the class an assignment.
C. Ms Kelly gave the students a hand with their assignments.
D. Ms Kelly asked the students to raise their hands if they wanted to ask a question.
Mr. Pike wants his wife to quit her job and stay home with the children.
A. Mr. Pike would like his wife to continue working.
B. Mr. Pike wants to quit his job.
C. Mr. Pike wants to stay at home.
D. Mr. Pike would like his wife to stop working and stay at home.
Studying all night is good for neither your grades nor your health.
A. Studying all night is good for your grades.
B. Studying all night is good for your health.
C. Studying all night is helpful to you.
D. Studying all night does not help at all.
The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
A. The patient didn't recover as fast as. expected.
B. The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected.
C. The patient recovered more slowly than expected.
D. The patient didn't get well as expected.
II. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage:

Nelson Mandela was one of the most admired political (36) of the twentieth century. It is hard to believe that
nearly forty years ago, the South African government considered him (37) In 1964, after being in hiding for several
years, he was (38) and started to serve a prison (39) He was the leader of the African National Congress
(ANC), (40) was the organization fighting for the freedom of the black people of South Africa. The ANC had been
(41) illegal by the white government. Mandela (42) twenty years of his life in prison, and, for much of that
time, he had little (43) with other prisoners or people outside prison. When Mandela was released in February
1990, he continued to lead the fighting (44) freedom. The change to a democratic South Africa was carried out
peacefully. To a large (45) , this was due to the personal leadership of Mandela, who was elected the first black
president of South Africa in 1990.
36. A. leaders B. chiefs C. heads D. champions
37. A. a terror B. terrible C. a terrorist D. terribly
38. A. accused B. arrested C. attacked D. punished
ÔN TẬP 11 CƠ BẢN (3) ~ 4
39. A. punishment B. fine C. sentence D. arrest
40. A. who B. which C. than D. whose
41. A. describe B. done C. announced D. made
42. A. spent B. given C. taken D. missed
43. A. touch B. speaking C. talk D. contact
44. A. in B. for C. with D. against
45. A. way B. mark C. extent D. point
III. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
Each nation has many good people who take care of others. For example, some of high school and college students in
the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or home for the aged. They read books
to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.
Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their
houses, co the shopping or mow their lawns. For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big
Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to
know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.
Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games or learn crafts. Some of these clubs show
movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs

use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of
younger boys and girls.
Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.
What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes?
A. They mow lawns, do shopping, and clean up their houses.
B. They cook, sew, and wash their clothes.
C. They tell them stories and sing and dance for them.
D. They take them to baseball games.
What do they help boys whose fathers do not live with them?
A. To get to know things about their fathers.
B. To get to know things that boys want from their fathers.
C. To learn things that boys usually learn from their fathers.
D. To learn things about their fathers.
Which activity is NOT available for the students at the clubs?
A. playing games B. watching films
C. going to interesting places D. learning photography
Why do they use many high school and college students as volunteers? Because
A. they have a lot of free time.
B. they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls.
C. they know how to do the work.
D. they are good at playing games and learning crafts.
What do volunteers believe?
A. In order to make others happy, they have got to be unhappy.
B. The happiest people in the world are those who make themselves happy.
C. The happiest people in the world are those who are young and healthy.

D. Bringing happiness to others makes them the happiest people in the world.
The End
1. A 11. C 21. A 31. C 41. D
2. C 12. A 22. A 32. D 42. C
3. B 13. B 23. D 33. D 43. A
4. D 14. C 24. A 34. B 44. A
5. C 15. B 25. B 35. B 45. A
6. A 16. B 26. B 36. A 46. D
7. D 17. D 27. A 37. D 47. A
8. C 18. C 28. C 38. C 48. C
9. D 19. A 29. D 39. A 49. D
10. A 20. B 30. IT 40. C 50. C
1. B 11. B 21. D 31. A 41. D
2. A 12. D 22. A 32. A 42. A
3. B 13. A 23. B 33. D 43. D
4. C 14. C 24. A 34. D 44. B
5. A 15. D 25. D 35. B 45. C
6. B 16. B 26. A 36. A 46. A
7. C 17. C 27. D 37. C 47. C
8. B 18. D 28. B 38. B 48. D
9. D 19. A 29. D 39. C 49. B
10. A 20. C 30. D 40. B 50. D
ÔN TẬP 11 CƠ BẢN (3) ~ 5
ÔN TẬP 11 CƠ BẢN (3) ~ 6

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