Intructor: Dang Viet Thao – Ha Noi University
Nội Dung
Một Số Cấu Trúc Thường Gặp
Lưu ý khi Viết lại câu
Các Trường Hợp Viết lại Câu
Bài tập
Viết Lại Câu
Việc viết lại câu dựa vào câu đã cho nhằm
tạo ra 1 câu mới sao cho nghĩa không thay
đổi so với câu đã cho.
Từ đó tạo ra 1 câu mới nhằm mục đích hiểu
thêm cấu trúc và làm đa dạng văn phong
tiếng anh của bạn.
Các Trường Hợp Viết Lại Câu
Dùng 1 cấu trúc nào đó trong tiếng anh
Dùng dạng khác của từ
Chuyển từ chủ động sang bị động
Chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sng gián tiếp
Các trường hợp về đảo ngữ
Chú ý khi viết lại câu
Chú ý về thì: câu đượ c viết lại phải cùng
thì vớ i cau đã cho.
Chú ý về ngữ pháp : câu đượ c viết lại
phải đúng về ngữ pháp.
Chú ý về nghĩa của câu s au khi viết phải
không đổi s o vớ i câu ban đầu
Phương pháp học dạng bài này
Phương pháp
Phương pháp : sưu tập và làm
càng nhiều mẫu câu càng tốt,
sau đó đọc đi đọc lại nhiều lần
cho thuộc lòng
Một số dạng bài cơ bản
1.It takes s b khoảng thờ i gian to do s th
= s b s pend khoảng thờ i gian doing s th
VD: it took her 3 hours to get to the city centre.
= s he s pent 3 hours getting to the city centre.
2. Unders tand = tobe aware of
VD: do you unde rs tand the gram mar s tructure?
= are you aware of the gramm ar s tructure?
3. Like = tobe interes ted in = e njoy = keen on
VD: s he likes politics = s he is interes ted in politics
4.Becaus e + claus e = becaus e of + N
VD: he can’t move becaus e his leg was b roken
= he can’t m ove becaus e of his broken leg
Một số dạng bài cơ bản
5. Altho ug h + c laus e = d es pite + N = in s pite of + N
VD: although s he is old , s he c an c om pute ve ry fas t
= Des pite / In s p ite of her old age, s he can compute v ery fas t
6.Suc ce ed in doing s th = manage to d o s th
VD: we s uccee de d in digging the Panama canne l
= we manage d to dig the Panam a cannel
Các mẫu câu thường gặp
7. Cấu trúc : … too + adj (for s b) to do s th : quá
để làm gì
VD: my father is too old to drive
s o + adj + that Claus e = it is s uch a/ an N that:
quá đến nỗi mà
VD: s he is s o beautiful that everybody loves her.
= it is s uch a beautiful girl that eve ry body love s
Adj/ Adv + enough (for s b) to do s th: đủ để làm gì
VD: This car is enough s afe for him to drive
VD: The policeman ran quickly e nough to catch the
Một số dạng bài cơ bản
8.Cấu trúc : prefe r s b to do s th = would rathe r s b
Vpas t s th: thích, muốn ai làm gì
VD: I’prefer y ou (not) to s moke here
I’d rather you (not) s moked here
9.Prefer doing s th to doing s th : thích làm gì hơ n
làm gì
Would rather do s th than do s th
VD: She prefe rs s taying at home to going out
She’d rather s tay at home than go out
10. Can = tobe able to = tobe possible
VD: he can’t walk on his foot
He isn’t able to walk on his foot
He is unable to walk on his foot
He is impossible to walk on his foot
11. Harly + had +S + Vpp when S + Vpast: ngay sau khi thi…
No sooner + had +S + Vpp than S + Vpast
VD: As soon as I left the house, he appeared
Harly had I left the house when he appeared
No sooner had I left the house than he appeared
12.Not……… any more : không còn nữa
No longer + dạng đảo ngữ
S no more V
VD: I don’t live in the courtryside anymore
No longer do I live in the coutryside
I no more live in the coutryside
13. At no time + dạng đảo ngữ : không khi nào, chẳng khi nào
VD: I don’t think she loves me
At no time do I think she loves me
14. Tobe not worth = there is no point in doing sth : không đáng làm
Các dạng thường gặp
14. Tobe not worth doing sth = there is no point in doing
sth : không đáng, vô ích làm gì
VD:It’s not worth making him get up early
There is no point in making him getting early
15. It seems that = it appears that = it is likely that =it look
as if/ as though: dường như rằng
VD: It seems that he will come late
= it appears that / it is likely he will come late
= he is likely to come late.
= it look as if he will come late
Các dạng câu thường gặp
16. Not………until …… : không cho tới khi
> Not until ………. Dạng đảo ngữ : không cho tới khi
> Only when……… dạng đảo ngữ : chỉ khi
VD: He doesn’t believe the truth until he opens the letter
Not until he opens the letter does he believe the truth
Only when he opens the letter does he believe the truth
17. Need to V = tobe necessary (for sb) to V
VD: you don’t need to send her message
It’s not necessary for you to send her message
Bài Tập
1.My kitche n is s maller than yours .
Your kitche n…
2. The y will change the date of the me eting again.
The d ate…
3. The c hildren liked to walk in the rain.
The c hildre n e njoyed…
4.My g randmother is v ery old. She can’t w ork now.
My grandm othe r is too…
5.The q uentio n was s o d ifficult that no one c ould ans wer it.
It was s uch…
6.The y will hold an internatio nal c onfe renc e in Hanoi ne xt m onth.
An international c onfere nc e…
7.He thinks le arning Englis h is eas y.
He thinks it is …
Bài Tập
8.Who do es this bicy cle belong to?
Whos e this bicy cle is it?
9. Hung is talle r than Ba
10.They have jus t s tolen his c ar.
His car
11.The car is too e xs pens ive fo r him to buy.
He has n’t afford to b uy the car.
12.We learned this le s s on after a long time
It took us a lo ng time to learn this les s on
13.It w as s uch a b oring film that w e le ft b efore the e nd .
The film was s o boring
14.I would like you to help me to p ut the c hairs aw ay.
Would y ou mind
Bài Tập
15.They will have to earn money b y m ys elf
16.Someone repaire d his car y es terday.
He had
17. The water w as s o cold that the children c ould not drink it.
The water was no t
18.He ne ver has eno ugh mone y
He is alway s b roke / s ho rt of mone y
19. He is g oing repair the car for us next w eek
We are going
20.Pe ter is too young to s ee the ho rror film.
Peter is no t
21.John c ould not find the right ho us e.
John was
Bài Tập
22.Richard s m oked c igarettes w hen he w as a young man.
Ric hard us ed
23.Unles s he phone s his wife immediately , he won’t get any
24.He re me mbere d, s o d id s he.
He didn’t
25. I rem em ber the m taking m e to a w ell-kno wn theatre in the c ity .
I remember
26.”Try go to bed e arlier” the doc tor s aid to Mrs White
The d oc tor s ugge s ted
27.It is a three – month cours e
The c ours e
28.I’m alw ays nerv ous whe n I trav el by airplane
Bài Tập
29.Although he had a good s alary. He w as unhap py w ith his job .
In s pite
30.That res tautant is s o d irty that no o ne wants to eat there.
It is s uch
31. After fighting the fire for 12 ho urs , the firemen s ucc ee d in putting it
The firem en managed
32.It’s not a habit of mine to s lee p in the afterno on.
I am
33.He s is no t s ay a w ord w hen he left the roo m.
He left
34.Reading s cie ntific b ooks is one o f my inte res ts
I am
35.He is o n the fifteenth page of the re port he ’s typing
So far
Bài Tập
36.As s o on as I left the ho us e, the phone rang in my bedroom
37.I pre fer Vietname s e fo od to eng lis h food.
38.Maila w as ang ry be caus e his s is ter had bro ken his cas s ette playe r.
Maila w as angry with
39.He would p refer yo u to p ay him immediately .
He ’d rather
40.She can’t hav e any more childre n becaus e of her ag e.
She is too
41.Did y ou s le ep w ell las t nig ht?
Did you have a
42.I s p ent an ho ur doing this e xerc is e .
It took