Coatings Technology Handbook, Third Edition
112.3 Types of Coating
There are two main types of tablet coating done today: sugar coating and film coating; film coating is
the more popular. Coated tablets fall into three main subcategories depending on how the drug is released:
immediate release, enteric release, and sustained release:
Immediate-release coating systems, as the name implies, allow immediate release of the drug com-
pound to the body.
Enteric coatings are soluble only at a pH greater than 5 or 6. Thus, the drug is not released in the
stomach but in the small intestine. Enteric coatings are by far the most unreliable because of the
wide and unpredictable variance in gastric pH profiles. Gastric pH varies considerably based on
stomach content, age of the patient, and disease state.
Sustained-release coatings permit drug to dissolve slowly over a period of time. This helps to reduce
dosing intervals and improves therapeutic reliability.
Film coating can be carried out using either an organic solvent system, such as ethanol or methylene
chloride, or by using water as a solvent. The solvent film coating systems are fast disappearing because of
cost, environmental, and safety concerns. Most film coating carried out today is done with aqueous systems.
112.3.1 The Sugar-Coated Tablet
The sugar-coated tablet is the most elegant solid dosage form produced today. Its glossy appearance,
slippery feel, and sweet taste are unmatched by any other coated tablet. The sugar-coated tablet is also
the most difficult and time-consuming to produce. The tablet consists of a core upon which layer after
layer of coating material is slowly and carefully built up. In some cases this is done by hand and in other
cases automatically. In any event, there is still an art to sugar coating.
To successfully accept a sugar coating, the tablet cores must be robust. They are subjected to wetting
and rolling in a coating pan with 50 kg or more of other cores. Generally the coating pan is spherical
and has a solid exterior surface. Temperature-controlled air is introduced and removed from the pan via
external ducts. The following procedure is used for the manual sugar coating of tablets.
The first step is to slightly waterproof the tablets by applying a coat of pharmaceutical-grade shellac.
This prevents the cores from dissolving prematurely in the presence of the other coating liquids
that are to be applied.
The second step is subcoating: a solution composed of acacia, gelatin, and sugar is applied to the
tablets. The wetted cores are then dusted with dicalcium phosphate or calcium sulfate and allowed
to dry. This step is repeated many times until a smooth rounded tablet form has been achieved.
The third step is the grossing coat. The cores are wetted with a sugar solution and dusted with titanium
dioxide powder. This creates a very white base coat on which color may be applied.
The fourth step is the color coat. In this instance an insoluble opaque color solid is suspended in sugar
syrup and applied to the tablet. No dusting of the cores takes place. The tablets are simply air dried.
The fifth step is the shutdown coat. In this step diluted sugar syrup is applied to the tablet and allowed
to dry. This produces a very smooth finish in preparation for the last step.
The last step is polishing of the tablets. The tablets are placed in a canvas-lined drum. Beeswax or
carnauba wax is dissolved in methylene chloride, and the solution is applied to the tablets, which
are tumbled until the solvent evaporates and tablets achieve a very high shine.
In all, 40 or more separate layers are applied during the manual sugar coating process. The process
takes between five and eight 8-hour shifts to complete.
Automated sugar coating is generally faster. For example, the various syrups used in the coating process
have the dusting powders suspended in them. The syrups are applied by spray. This process can be
automated to reduce the number of operators required. Perforated coating pans, which greatly enhance
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Pharmaceutical Tablet Coating
air throughput, are used almost exclusively. With greater air throughput, water evaporates more quickly,
thus speeding the process. Using automated techniques, tablets can be sugar coated in about 16 hours.
112.3.2 The Film-Coated Tablet
The film-coated tablet consists of a core around which a thin, colored polymer film is deposited. Thus,
a film-coated tablet gains about 3% of total tablet weight upon coating. The sugar-coated tablet undergoes
a 100% weight gain. Overall, film coating is a much faster procedure, and much less prone to error.
The basic film coating formula consists of a film former, a pigment dispersion, a plasticizer, and a
solvent. A variety of polymeric film formers can be used to coat tablets. By selecting the solubility
properties of the polymer, one can produce an immediate-release, an enteric-release, or a sustained-
release tablet.
The most popular immediate-release film formers are the water-soluble cellulose ether polymers. The
two most common are hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) and hydroxypropylmethycellulose (HPMC). The
low viscosity grades of these polymers are employed in the coating formula to maximize polymer solids
concentration. Both these polymers are water soluble.
Water-insoluble film formers can also be used to prepare immediate-release coatings. These products
fall into two categories: cellulose ethers and acrylate derivatives. The most common cellulose ether is
ethylcellulose. This material is commercially available in two forms: as pure polymer and as an aqueous
dispersion. The pure polymer is generally dissolved in an organic solvent; the dispersion is delivered out
of an aqueous media. In both cases, a certain amount of water-soluble component (up to 50% of the
total polymer solids) is included in the coating formula, to provide immediate drug release.
The ethylcellulose and acrylate compounds are also used to formulate sustained-release products.
Again, a water-soluble component is included in the coating formula. However, the level is very low:
usually about 3% of total polymer solids. When the coated dosage form is exposed to water, the water-
soluble component dissolves. This leaves a porous film surface through which drug diffuses.
The third class of coatings, the enterics, resist the attack of gastric fluids. As a result, drug is released
only in the small intestine. Enteric coatings are prepared by using a polymer with pH-dependent solubility
properties. Cellulose esters, substituted with phthalate groups, are the primary polymers used in this
application, especially cellulose acetate phthalate. Polyvinyl acetate phthalate is also used. Acrylate deriv-
atives are also capable of providing enteric release.
112.3.3 Compression Coating
Compression coating is a technique wherein a large tablet either completely or partially surrounds a
smaller tablet. Essentially, a small tablet is compressed first and is then surrounded by powder, which
undergoes compression. This type of coating technique requires the use of special tableting machinery
and it is used to produce sustained-release tablets.
Florence, A. T., Ed.,
Critical Reports on Applied Chemistry
, Vol. 6,
Materials Used in Pharmaceutical
. London: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1984.
Lachman, L., H. A. Leiberman, and J. L. Kanig, Eds.,
The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1st ed., 1970; 2nd ed., 1976; 3rd ed., 1986.
Osol, Arthur, Ed.,
Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences
. Easton, PA: Mack Publishing Company, 14th ed.,
1970; 15th ed., 1975; 16th ed., 1980; 17th ed., 1985.
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Textiles for Coating
113.1 Yarns
113.2 Fabrics
Woven or knitted fabrics, and various types of nonwoven product, may be used as coating substrates.
The physical–mechanical properties and the end-use performance of the coated fabrics depend signifi-
cantly on the type of coating polymer and the substrate characteristics. Textile structures used for the
backing of coated fabrics are complex three-dimensional constructions. The properties of these textile
structures are determined by particular properties of constituent fibers and the construction of yarns
and fabrics, as well as finishing processes. Knowledge of the characteristics of backing and its mechanical
behavior is essential for predicting and understanding the properties of various coated materials.
113.1 Yarns
Processing of coated fabrics involves a wide range of natural and man-made fibers. Cotton and other
vegetable fibers are the most important natural fibers used for backing. The types of man-made fiber
most widely used for backing are high wet modulus viscose, polyester, polyamide, acrylic, polypropylene,
polyethylene, and aramid fibers. It is well known that fiber properties are determined by the nature of
the chemical composition, by the molecular and fine structure of the constituent polymer, and by the
external structure of fibers. The fibers mentioned are used in the form of staple or yarns for the
manufacture of woven, knitted, or nonwoven structures for backing.
There are two general classes of yarns: spun yarns made from natural and man-made staple fibers or
their blends and continuous filament (multi- and monofilament) yarns.
Spun yarns are an assemblage of partly oriented and twisted staple fibers of relatively short definite
length. The fibers in yarn are held together by twist, which causes the development of high radial forces
and friction between fibers. Because of friction between fibers, the yarn obtains tensile strength and
compactness. The fibers lie at varying angles to the axis of the yarn, with the fiber ends sticking out from
the surface. The hairiness and the bulk of spun yarns play important roles with regard to absorbency
and adhesion properties of backing materials made from these yarns. The amount of twist also determines
the mechanical properties, first of all the breaking force and extension of spun yarns.
Continuous filament yarns are made by extruding the fiber forming polymer (solution or molten
mass) through the holes in a spinneret. Filaments obtained by this way are long continuous fiber strands
of indefinite length. The number of filaments is determined by the number of holes in the spinneret.
Continuous filament yarns are characterized by a smooth, compact surface formed by parallel packing
of straight filaments with minimal air spaces between them. Yarn made from one continuous filament
is called monofilament yarn. Continuous filament yarns may be twisted or intermingled, to obtain
required degrees of compactness and structure.
Algirdas Matukonis
Kaunas Technical University
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Woven Fabrics • Knitted Fabrics • Nonwovens
Textiles for Coating
1 twill is arranged with the twill wale going in the reverse direction. Since the relative amount of interlacing
in the twill weave is less than in a plain weave, yarns can be packed closer, producing a thicker cloth. On
the other side, fewer interlacings diminish the interfiber friction, which contributes to a greater pliability,
softness, and wrinkle recovery of fabrics, but makes for lower strength. For backing manufacturing, a 2/
2 twill is widely used.
The satin weaves (Figure 113.3) have long yarn floats (over four yarns minimum) with a progression
of interlacing by definite number (over two yarns minimum). When warp yarns predominate on the face
of the fabric, we have a warp-faced fabric — satin with a higher warp count. If the weft covers the surface,
the fabric is called sateen. The filling count of sateen fabrics is higher than of warp ends. The few
interlacings of satin weave fabrics increase the pliability and wrinkle recovery, but also increase yarn
slippage and raveling tendency. Fabrics of this type have a smooth, lustrous appearance because of the
long floats.
Manufacturing of heavyweight coated materials requires corresponding woven backing with distinct
thickness and mechanical properties. For this application, fabrics of two or more layers are used. The
construction of four-layered fabric based on plain weave is shown in Figure 113.4.
For improving adhesion and absorbency as well as the aesthetic properties, various fabrics can be
napped during finishing on one or both sides, producing a layer of fiber ends on the surface of the cloth.
The weave of fabric used for napping usually must be filling-faced because of the raising ability of the
long weft floats.
The most dense and durable three-dimensional pile cover is produced by means of special techniques.
There are two ways to manufacture woven pile fabrics: using weft-pile and warp-pile technologies. In
the weft-pile fabric (velveteen and corduroy) an additional set of filling, usually staple yarns with floats,
is used. After weaving, the surface floats are cut and brushed, producing a dense, stable pile cover
(Figure 113.5).
In warp-pile fabrics (velvets, plush, furlike fabrics), an extra set of warp staple or multifilament yarns
is used. One very productive approach is the double-cloth method of warp-pile fabric manufacturing.
Two parallel fabrics are woven in the special loom, face to face. The pile-warp interfacing connects both
fabrics. As the pile is cut, two pile cloths are produced (Figure 113.6). In weft-pile fabrics the tufts of
FIGURE 113.3
Satin weave:
yarn arrangement with
the repeat of 5
5 yarns.
FIGURE 113.4
Four-layered fabric (derived from plain
FIGURE 113.5
Weft-pile fabric.
FIGURE 113.6
Warp-pile fabric (double-cloth method).
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Coatings Technology Handbook, Third Edition
pile are interlaced around ground warp yarn, and in the warp-pile fabrics they are interlaced around
ground warp ends.
Some pile fabrics can be made very efficiently by tufting and punching extra yarns into woven base
fabric by a series of needles, each carrying a pile yarn from a creel. The tufting pile can be cut or looped.
The height of the pile depends on the type and end use of fabric. Velvet has a pile 1.5 mm high or shorter,
velveteen not over 3 mm, plush usually 6 mm and longer, and furlike fabric 8 to 15 mm. Very important
specific properties of all pile fabrics are the density of pile cover and resistance to shedding and pulling
out. It must be noted that a coating polymer layer may be formed on the pile side of the fabric.
Other methods of producing pile fabrics, such as electrostatic flocking, using chenille yarn pile, etc.,
are also known.
The main structural characteristics of woven fabrics are linear density and count of constituent yarns,
as mentioned previously, as well as weave, cover factor, and mass per unit area. Cover factor is expressed
as follows:
is yarn diameter (mm), calculated on the base of linear density and apparent density of yarns,
is yarn spacing, and
is yarn count (number of threads per millimeter). Cover factor may be obtained
for warp and weft yarns; it expresses the relative tightness of the fabric concerned. The magnitude of
in fabrics intended for coating varies in the ranges of 50 to 140% and 40 to 130% for warp and wefts,
respectively. The mass per unit area (weight range) of fabrics depends on type and end use and varies
from 40 to 400 g/m
or more.
Among the wide range of mechanical characteristics, there are several determining the field of use of
coated woven fabrics. First, the fabric must have the required tensile strength and elongation. The tensile
strength of fabric as well as of yarns is expressed in terms of tenacity in specific units: centinewtons per
tex (cN/tex). Tenacity is calculated on the basis of the breaking force of a 50 mm wide strip and the
number of linear density of threads in the strained system.
For approximate calculations, it may be assumed that the breaking force of a loaded thread system is
expressed as the sum of the loaded yarn’s breaking force multiplied by a factor 0.8 to 1.2, depending on
the weave, thread count, type of fibers and yarns, finishing processes, and loading direction. In some
cases the conditional value of tenacity is evaluated on the basis of breaking force and the whole mass of
fabric strained (as in the case of nonwoven materials). The conditional values of breaking force and
breaking extension of woven fabrics of various types are represented in Table 113.1. The strength of high-
tech fabrics made from high tenacity fibers (polypropylene, polyethylene, aramid, and others) may be
much higher.
The tensile behavior under load of fabrics of different types — woven, knit, and nonwoven — is shown
There are also other characteristics of fabrics that determine the usefulness of these materials for
coating purposes. Important properties are tearing force, resistance to cyclic loading, bending stiffness,
TA BLE 113.1
Range of Breaking Characteristics of Woven Fabrics
Type of Fabric
Breaking Force (cN/tex)
Breaking Extension (%)
Warp Direction Weft Direction Warp Direction Weft Direction
Cotton 5–7 4–7 4–8 16–24
Linen 6–8 5–6 5–21 5–8
Wo ol 2–5 1–3 20–28 28–33
Viscose 7–8 4–5 16–20 15–23
Nylon 20–26 7–16 20–22 26–28
dS=× = ×
100 100
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in Figure 113.7.
Textiles for Coating
TA BLE 113.2
Comparison of Textile Properties
Fabric Type Thickness Porosity
Vo lume Roughness Tenacity
Stiffness Compressibility
Woven L/M M L M H L/M H L/M L M L/M M
Knit L L/M M L M M M/H L M/H L L H
Stitchbonded (Malimo) L M M M H M H M M M M M/H
Adhesive-bonded L/M L/M M M L/M M L H L/M M M/H L
Stitchbonded (web) M/H H H L M/H L/M M H M H L
Spunbonded L H M M H H H M/H L H H L
L, low; M, medium; H, high.
Modulus of elasticity (initial) expresses the ratio of stress to strain at the beginning of the stress-strain curve.
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Textiles for Coating
FIGURE 113.10
Multiaxial warp-knit fabric combined with prebonded web (made of Copcentra HS-ST machine, Liba, West Germany): 1, warp filler yarns; 2–6, weft yarn systems;
7, prebonded fiber web; 8, stitching warp system; 9, fabric formed.
+45 − 90°
90 − 45°
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Coatings Technology Handbook, Third Edition
technology, and combined technology. All techniques of nonwoven manufacture are characterized by a
high operating speed and low fabric production costs in relation to conventional technologies. Adhesive-Bonded Fabrics
Adhesive-bonded fabrics are made by the physical–chemical method, in which webs of fibers are strength-
ened by fiber-to-fiber adhesion. The web is prepared on special equipment based on carding or the
aerodynamic principle; such machinery is capable of producing webs with random or oriented fiber
distribution. The quality of the web determines to a large extent the quality of the nonwoven fabric.
Adhesive-bonded fabric manufacturing uses a wide range of natural and man-made fibers or their blends.
Adhesion is achieved by means of the bonding agent, which may be an aqueous emulsion or a
thermoplastic additive to the web. The adhesion of the bonding agent to the textile substrate must be
good, and its cohesive strength must be adequate to withstand stresses during use. Because of the bonding
action, the nonwoven fabric acquires strength and stiffness. The mechanical properties of fabrics (see
to produce a nonwoven of this type with the weight range of 15 to 500 g/m
of either high flexibility but
low strength or low flexibility but high strength. For increasing the drape properties and flexibility, the
print bonding method is used. The spacing formed in this way between bonded areas allows freedom of
movement of the fibers, which increases the fabric’s flexibility.
Thermoplastic materials used for bonding web fibers are powders, fibers, yarns, nets, and films. Widely
used in thermobonding technology are polyester fibers (including the hollow type), polyethylene, polya-
mide, and special binder fibers. Most often, two-component fibers are used, formed from polymers with
different melting temperatures. Thermoplastic materials in the form of bonding fibers are processed by
a heat treatment (oven sintering or hot calendering). Thus, at a suitable temperature, the sheets of
bicomponent fibers that are in contact in a web will remain bonded upon cooling. Nonwovens made in
this way are characterized by a weight range of 15 to 80 g/m
and by good handle properties, porosity,
and bulk. The portion of binder fibers to adhesive is 10 to 50%.
The tensile strength of nonwovens is usually expressed in term of tenacity, as in the case of woven
Breaking force is determined on the base of a strip 50 mm wide. Therefore, the mass per unit length
is expressed as mass of fabric strip 0.05 m wide and 1000 m length (tex).
The tenacity of adhesive- and thermobonded fabrics is in range 1 to 4 cN/tex. Spunbonded Fabrics
The manufacture of spunbonded nonwoven fabrics consists of combining the preparation of webs with
the production of man-made fibers. The whole sequence of operations, such as melt extruding and
drawing of continuous filaments, arranging them on a moving collecting surface, forming a web, and
bonding together by means of adhesive, thermobonding, or needlepunching, may be done in one process.
Var ious man-made fibers may be used for the production of spunbonded nonwovens: viscose, polyester,
nylon, polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyurethane fibers. The main spunbonded nonwoven properties
depend on filament properties (linear density, tenacity, elongation, crimp, micromorphology), filament
arrangement, and bonding parameters. These types of nonwoven fabrics are produced in weight range
of 15 to 125 g/m
. The use of randomly arranged continuous filaments contributes to a higher tear and
tensile strength (5 to 8 cN/tex) in all directions, and also to good handle (see Table 113.2). By use of
modified spunbonding techniques, it is possible to obtain fabrics with special properties, including those
required for coating products (greater elasticity, elongation, and air permeability).
Tr ade names of spunbonded fabrics include Cerex (nylon 6 6), Reemay (polyester), Typar (polypro-
pylene), and Tyvek (polyethylene).
breaking force
mass per unit length
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Ta ble 113.2) depend highly on binder content, fiber type, and fiber orientation in the web. It is possible
Textiles for Coating
Melt-blown fabrics also belong to the class of spunbonded nonwovens. The production process differs
from the spunbonded method with respect to the principle of fiber production. The polymer here is
melt-extruded through a row of die openings into a stream of hot high velocity air. The filaments formed
are broken into fibers, which are entangled to form a web. The melt-blown fabric differs from the
spunbonded one in that the web contains staple fibers rather than continuous filaments, with diameters
in the range of 2 to 5
m. This contributes to the softness, drapeability, opacity, and moderate strength
of such fabrics. Strength may be increased by hot calendaring. The weight range of melt-blown fabrics
is 60 to 500 g/m
. Needlebonded (Needlepunched) Fabrics
Needlebonded fabrics are manufactured by a mechanical method. The principle of needlepunched fabric
production is realized when the fibers move from one face of a web toward the other face as a result of
the penetrating of the web by many barbed needles. Because of the transfer of fibers made by the needles
of the punching machine, the fibers are interlocked, and the web obtains stability and strength. If required,
the fabric may be finished by adhesive bonding or pressing, steaming, dyeing, and calendering. The
weight range of fabric is 200 to 1500 g/m
. The mechanical properties depend mainly on fiber charac-
teristics, interfiber friction, web weight, and fabric finish treatment. Fibers of all types, and their blends,
may be used for production of needlepunched fabrics. The strength of needlepunched fabrics varies in
the range of 2 to 5 cN/tex. To increase fabric strength, additional backing in the form of a woven, knitted
fabric or a film may be used. It is also possible to produce patterned colored fabrics by means of colored
layers and by needling fibers from the top layer through the surface layer, making loops on the face of
the fabric. Needlepunched fabrics with such special properties as flame retardancy, conductivity, and
elasticity may be produced by using corresponding components. Spunlaced Fabrics
Spunlaced fabrics are made by entanglement of the fibers in the web by means of streams of high pressure
water jets. The web obtains the required bonding, which influences the strength, handle, drape, and air
permeability of fabrics, the fluid fiber entangled fabrics may be made in the weight range of 20 to 70 g/
and with a tenacity of 1.5 to 2.5 cN/tex. Polyester, polyamide, and other fibers may be used. Stitchbonded Fabrics
There are several techniques for producing stitchbonded fabrics. The stitchbonding of fibrous web carried
out by Arachne (Czechoslovakia), Maliwatt (East Germany), and VP (USSR) is widely known. The web
of natural or man-made fibers prepared by the carding process, with oriented or random arrangement
of fibers, is stitched with yarns by means of warp knitting technology units. This technology is therefore
sometimes known as “knitsew.” The type of stitch may be half-tricot, tricot, or others. The height of
stitch varies from 1 to 6 mm. The gage of the VP machine is 2.5, 5, and 10; the gage of the Maliwatt
varies from 3 to 22. Therefore, the number of courses in the fabric made varies from 5 to 25 (on a 50
mm base). The range of fabric weight is 160 to 400 g/m
for the VP and the Arachne, and 100 to 1600
for the Maliwatt. The mass of stitching yarns contributes 10 to 30% of whole fabric mass because
the stitching system forms a continuous net of warp knit, filled with fibers of web.
The mechanical properties of the fabrics produced by stitching a basic web depend on the type of
fibers used as much as on the fabric stitching structure, causing friction between elements of fabric
construction. The stitching yarns also contribute to fabric tenacity in the lengthwise direction. The
tenacity of the fabrics considered is 1.6 to 3.5 cN/tex. The fabrics have good handle and tear resistance,
pressing, or steaming.
Because of their tensile strength, tear strength, and resistance to cyclic straining, webstitched fabrics
are often used as backings for artificial leather, industrial coated fabrics, and other purposes.
Stitchbonded fabrics made from yarns are produced using the Malimo (East Germany) technology.
These fabrics are made with three sets of yarns. A warp system is fed from a warp beam. A set of weft
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especially in the cross direction (see Table 113.2). After stitching the fabric may be processed by dyeing,
Textiles for Coating
McConnell, R. L., M. F. Meyer, F. D. Petke, W. A. Haile, “Polyester adhesives in nonwovens and other
textile applications,”
J. Coated Fabrics, 16
(1), 199–208 (1987).
“Vliesstoffe auf der Techtextil ’86,”
, 88, 581–587 (1986).
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Nonwovens as
Coating and Laminating
114.1 Introduction
114.2 Substrate Structures
114.3 End-Use Applications
114.1 Introduction
Before the advent of nonwovens, substrates available for coating and laminated products were woven
and knit fabrics made out of spun yarns, mainly of cellulosic base. Properties of such fabrics were sharply
defined and limited. They could be varied somewhat by changing the weave pattern, the yarn size, and
the weight of the product. As a whole they were thick, had poor tear strength when coated, tended to
lint, were uneven, had comparatively rough surfaces, and had holes or voids where the yarns intersected
— poor properties when very thin and even coatings were needed.
Initial nonwovens of the carded and random air-lay type composed of synthetic fibers were an improve-
ment in some respects but not all. Carded unidirectional webs were of good quality even at medium to
low weights, but they were stiff and had too high an elongation for some end uses, as well as poor cross-
directional strength and poor tear strength. Random air-lay fabrics had good isotropic strength and fair
tear strength at low binder levels, but their quality was too poor for use as a coating substrate at anything
lower than a weight of 85 g/m
The introduction of finer deniers and continuous filament yarns in woven and knit fabrics used in
coating substrates overcame some of the deficiencies of the spun yarn woven and knit fabrics, such as
evenness of cover, roughness of surface, and minimum thickness. They also were an improvement over
the initial nonwovens used, especially in regard to strength, strength/weight ratios, drape, and conform-
ability for molding. However, these materials are much more expensive than either nonwovens or spun
yarn wovens and knits.
Albert G. Hoyle
Hoyle Associates
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Spunbonded Webs • Carded Unidirectional Webs • Carded,
Cross-Lapped, Needlepunched Webs • Air-Lay
We bs • Wet-Lay Mats • Stitchbonded Materials
Home Furnishings • Construction Uses • Automotive: Landau
Needlepunched Webs • Poromerics • Hydraulically Entangled
To ps, Interior Paneling, and Car Seats • Consumer Products
• Filtration: Microporous Membrane Substrates • Industrial
General Use of Inks
and the Dyes Used to
Make Them
115.1 Ink-Jet Inks
115.2 Marker Inks for Children
115.3 Writing Inks
115.4 Permanent Inks
115.5 Dyes Used in Permanent Ink Systems
115.6 Current and Future Aspects
The types of inks manufactured and their applications are so varied. The following is a general classifi-
cation of inks and the colorants used in them. Generally, the main two colorant classifications are dyes
and pigments — the main difference being that dyes are soluble while pigments are not. Some of the
ink areas a dye supplier can focus on are ink-jet inks, marker inks for children including highlighter and
disappearing inks, writing inks, stamp pad inks, ballpoint pen inks, ribbon inks, permanent inks, and
artists’ inks. Appropriate dyes must be specifically qualified and developed for each type of ink. The dyes
listed below must be tested in the ink system to conform to low insolubility levels, purity, viscosity, surface
tension, strength, shade, and solubility.
115.1 Ink-Jet Inks
Ink-jet inks can be water or solvent based. Many dyes used in other areas mentioned in this article are
also used in ink-jet inks. The success of an ink-jet ink is extremely dependent on the relationship between
the ink, the cartridge, and the substrate to be printed on. An aqueous-jet ink cannot be used in all aqueous
ink-jet cartridges. The formulations stated in this article are good starting points for ink-jet inks as well.
Purity of the ink is necessary, and many dyes used in ink-jet inks are filtered to the submicron range.
Many characteristics of the ink, such as surface tension, viscosity, shade, color intensity, drying time, and
light- and waterfastness, can be altered with minor modifications.
The main dyes used in aqueous ink-jet inks are as follows:
•Acid Yellow 17
•Acid Yellow 23
•Direct Yellow 11
•Direct Yellow 86
•Direct Yellow 107
•Direct Yellow 127
•Reactive Yellow 15
Carol D. Klein
Spectra Colors Corp.
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General Use of Inks and the Dyes Used to Make Them
•Marker inks
•Ballpoint inks
•Leak detection
• Plastics
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DK4036_book.fm Page 5 Monday, April 25, 2005 12:18 PM
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Gravure Inks
116.1 Introduction
116.2 Process
116.3 Substrate
116.4 Vehicles
116.5 Colorants
116.6 Formulations
116.1 Introduction
Gravure is a high-speed printing process usually based on roll-to-roll mechanics. There are three basic
gravure markets — publication, packaging, and product (or specialty).
Publication gravure is an exceptionally high speed, four-color process printing method, the primary
function of which is the reproduction of text and pictures. The substrate printed is a very thin, generally
low-basis weight paper. The primary end products include catalogues, magazines and newspaper inserts.
Packaging gravure is a somewhat slower variation of the process using the same mechanics but not based
solely on four-color work. The substrate range is also much wider — including film and foil as well as
paperboard and paper label. Spot colors and coatings are often included. In packaging, the ultimate
printed product is a package, in which the printing not only decorates the product but may also serve a
functional purpose, such as a barrier. Product printing, like packaging, is relatively low speed. Substrates
range from plastics to metals to paper. The end products include floor coverings, swimming pool liners,
postage stamps, and wood grain materials for furniture or wall covering.
The process is based on printing from a recessed image that is engraved or etched into a metal cylinder.
The cylinder is placed into a pan containing the ink. Excess ink is removed by use of a metal or plastic
blade, and the ink left in the cells is then transferred to the substrate.
In recent years, there have been many pressures for changing the process. Some of these changes are
being government regulation driven and some are cost driven. Print quality in gravure is quite high, and
the challenge has been to respond to the need for change without loss of quality. Another area of challenge
is the recent upsurge in Flexo print volume. As Flexo print quality has improved, and improved markedly,
many jobs previously printed gravure have moved to Flexo. This is primarily a cost function when quality
is perceived as equal or mutually satisfactory.
As changes in gravure have occurred, the inks have had to evolve as well. We are, therefore, seeing
many changes in the solvents, resins, and additives used for gravure.
In gravure, whether publication or packaging, the amount of ink transferred to the substrate depends
on the cell volumes and configurations, the substrate used, and the ink formulation. The actual print
strength obtained depends on the colorant, the ratio of colorant to vehicle, and the viscosity of the applied
material. The gravure system of using an engraved cylinder and wiping off excess ink gives very high
print quality and positive control over the process. The process lends itself to long runs, but cylinder
costs can be high.
Sam Gilbert
Sun Chemical Corporation
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© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC