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Applied Wetlands Science - Chapter 14 potx

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Ripple, Karen L. “Wetland Education”
Applied Wetlands Science and Technology
Editor Donald M. Kent
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC,2001

©2001 CRC Press LLC


Wetland Education

Karen L. Ripple


School System Requirements
Science Curriculum
Science Content Standards
Multidisciplinary Units
Student Action Projects
Service Learning Credits
Wetland Program Features Important to Educators
Lesson Plan Format
Instructional Objectives
Multiple Intelligences
Hands-On Learning
Cooperative Learning
Performance-Based Instruction
Evaluating Wetland Programs and Activities
Wetland Educational Programs for Grades K–12

National Education Programs

WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands

Project WILD Aquatic Education Activity Guide

Children’s Groundwater Festival

Discover Wetlands

A World in Our Backyard:

A Wetlands Education and
Stewardship Program

Wading into Wetlands

Student Wetlands Action Projects
Schoolyard Habitats Program

©2001 CRC Press LLC

Wicked Big Puddles:

A Guide to the Study and Certification of
Vernal Pools

Handbook for Wetlands Conservation and Sustainability

WILD School Sites


Taking Action

POW!: The Planning of Wetlands

Grant Funding
Membership Organizations
Wetland Education for Professionals
University Continuing Education
Independent Professional Training
Environmental Concern Inc
Wetland Training Institute
Richard Chinn Environmental Training
Institute for Wetland and Environmental Education and
Membership Organizations
In the United States, public perception of wetlands as wastelands is slowly
evolving into recognition of wetlands as productive, valuable natural resources
(Tiner, 1998). Laws and regulations passed in the last three decades are beginning
to curb wetland destruction previously encouraged through Congressional Swamp
Land Acts (Kusler and Opheim, 1996). Wetland education is slowly evolving in
response to changing attitudes.
During the 1960s, college level ecology courses included wetland studies.
Wetland education materials for students in grades kindergarten through twelve
(K–12), however, were developed much later. Wetland activities within the newly
developed environmental study units, and isolated wetland activities connected to

regional issues, gradually appeared in classrooms. As the value of wetlands to
society increased, the need to include wetland material within our educational
programs was finally recognized and acted upon in the late 1980s. Now the field
of wetland education is rapidly expanding, and resources of all kinds are readily
available to educators.
This chapter discusses educational approaches and programs applicable to K–12
wetland educators and identifies key elements of their success. Educational options
for wetland professionals are also considered. The chapter reviews national education
programs containing activities that can easily be integrated into current K–12 curric-
ula. The programs require minimal teacher preparation. Current educational emphasis
on developing student problem-solving skills leads naturally to programs encouraging
the creation, restoration, enhancement, and monitoring of schoolyard wetlands. These
newer programs are also reviewed. Model programs for student participation in
wetland certification are examined next, as students learn to take action to protect
our vanishing wetlands. Some funding sources for wetland education projects and

©2001 CRC Press LLC

teacher training are discussed as well as organizations that effectively disseminate
information on wetlands. Finally, professional courses for those seeking to improve
their techniques, skills, and knowledge in relation to wetlands are examined. Ways
of staying abreast of issues, methods, and information in the field of wetlands are
also suggested.
Undergraduate education and graduate research programs on wetlands, while
important to increasing our wetland knowledge base, are not discussed herein.
Colleges and universities can more readily supply current information on available
courses and programs if contacted directly. Methods of disseminating knowledge
are constantly evolving. While research generates knowledge through experimenta-
tion and exploration, applied science refines the techniques and tools. The fruits of
both research and applied science are transmitted to college students through a

combination of lecture and laboratory work. While the lecture/laboratory approach
to teaching has been traditionally linked to college courses and college bound student
programs, this approach is not always effective. Younger students, and those not
college bound, tend to respond to more active educational approaches that have
practical applications to their own lives.
Primary and secondary school students may not understand the relationship
between wetlands and their lives. Alternatively, they may feel wetland losses are too
large a problem with which to cope. Consequently, teaching techniques must be
continually developed and refined to better fit the capabilities, interests, and needs
of younger students as well as the broader community. Those outside the education
field may not realize the importance of meeting the educational requirements of
school systems as well as the needs of individual educators. Both are important to
gain acceptance for a wetland program or activity. Providing something that young
students like is not enough to gain access to the classroom.


School systems establish the science curriculum based upon national science
content standards or more stringent local standards. Increasingly, curricula include
multidisciplinary units and student action projects. In addition, some school systems
require students to earn service learning credits as a requirement for graduation. A
closer look at these requirements and how they affect new wetland programs is

Science Curriculum

A science curriculum includes the science courses that will be available to
students in a particular grade and what unit topics will be covered within those
courses. The curricula of a school system are set by the superintendent, the curric-
ulum specialists (e.g., science supervisor etc.), and the school board. Some systems

allow teacher input. If a school system decides that wetland units will be taught in
the second and eighth grades, then wetland materials targeting sixth graders will not
likely be considered for use by that school system.

©2001 CRC Press LLC

State, county, district, city, or some combination of these bodies organizes school
systems. To understand the science curriculum of a particular school system, begin
at the state level by determining what is mandated statewide, then contact appropriate
local school boards to learn how state mandates are applied. If wetland programs
or materials meet the state level curriculum criteria, they are more likely to be
acceptable at the local level. Table 1 provides one example of a school science
curriculum and the units covered in some courses.

Table 1 An Example of Part of a District Science Curriculum
Grade Course or Class Units or Topics

1 Science Seeds and plants
Earth, dinosaurs, and space
Schoolyard habitat
2 Science Animal classification
Sink or float
3 Science Insects
4 Science Ecosystems

5 Science Soils and plants
Rocks and minerals
6 Science Physiology
Dangerous storms
7 Science Zoology
Force and motion
Environmental issues
8 Science Genetics
Dynamic earth
Acids and bases
Global energy
9 Environmental Science Environmental concepts
Biomes of North America
Terrestrial ecosystems
Wetland ecosystems
9 Biology Classification
Human anatomy and physiology
Plant structures and processes
Ecosystems, populations, and

©2001 CRC Press LLC

Science Content Standards

Science content includes scientific knowledge, understanding, and abilities—the
essential material contained within the units of a science course. Science content
standards dictate the knowledge students should acquire through their science
In 1995, the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences
developed national science standards. The standards are grouped into three grade
levels and eight categories, all of which might include some aspect of wetland science
(Table 2). The three grade levels are K–4, 5–8, and 9–12. Standards in the first two

Unifying Concepts and Processes


Science as Inquiry

, are consistent
across all grade levels because these lifelong processes are basic for an understanding
of the natural world. In the remaining six categories, the middle school standards
build on those of the primary grades, and the high school standards build on those
of the middle school level. The categories of

Physical Science




, and

Earth and Space Science

focus on the facts, concepts, principles, theories, and
models within each subject area. The

Science and Technology

category links the
natural world and the designed world, with many parallels to the Science as Inquiry
category. The category of

Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

on decision-making skills in personal and social issues. The final category,

and Nature of Science

, reflects the change of science through time and the influence
of science on world cultures.
These national standards have been adopted unchanged by many educational
systems. State and local school systems set their own standards, which usually are
more stringent and more detailed than the national standards, and often reflect local

needs and issues. Designers of science programs, including those about wetlands,
should consider cross-referencing the national standards with their activities, thereby
relieving educators of that necessity.

Multidisciplinary Units

Multidisciplinary programs, projects, or study units incorporate more than one
subject or content area. Currently in favor with school systems, this approach blends
boundaries between subjects and promotes teamwork among teachers. Multidisci-
plinary units also remind students that subject areas do not divide the world beyond
the school walls. One intriguing aspect of wetlands is that it is not just a science
topic, although many treat it as such. Wetlands and water can form a multidisciplinary
theme for an entire school or link activities within an entire grade level.
Thanks to innovative teachers and a supportive principal at Thomas Jefferson
High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax, VA, students there have been
studying natural wetlands during integrated freshman biology, language arts, and
technology courses. Recently, students began creating research wetlands within a
school courtyard and soon will determine effective ways to enhance nearby natural
wetlands. Additional courses are expected to shift focus to the wetland and water
theme in the future, eventually involving the entire school body in wetland activities.

©2001 CRC Press LLC

Table 2 National Science Content Standards
Grades K–4 Grades 5–8 Grades 9–12

Unifying Concepts and Processes

Systems, order, and

Systems, order, and
Systems, order, and
Evidence, models, and
Evidence, models, and
Evidence, models, and
Change, constancy, and
Change, constancy, and
Change, constancy, and
Evolution and equilibrium Evolution and equilibrium Evolution and equilibrium
Form and function Form and function Form and function

Science as Inquiry

Abilities necessary to do
scientific inquiry
Abilities necessary to do
scientific inquiry
Abilities necessary to do
scientific inquiry
Understandings about
scientific inquiry
Understandings about

scientific inquiry
Understandings about
scientific inquiry

Physical Science

Properties of objects and
Properties and changes of
properties in matter
Structure of atoms
Position and motion of
Motions and forces Structure and properties of
Light, heat, electricity, and
Transfer of energy Chemical reactions
Motions and forces
Conservation of energy and
increase in disorder
Interactions of energy and

Life Science

Characteristics of organisms Structure and function in
living systems
The cell
Life cycles of organisms Reproduction and heredity Molecular basis of heredity

Organisms and
Regulation and behavior Biological evolution
Populations and ecosystems Interdependence of
Diversity and adaptations of
Matter, energy, and
organization in living
Behavior of organisms

Earth and Space Science

Properties of earth materials Structure of the earth system Energy in the earth system
Objects in the sky Earth’s history Geochemical cycles
Changes in earth and sky Earth in the solar system Origin and evolution of the
earth system
Origin and evolution of the

©2001 CRC Press LLC

Student Action Projects

In some study units, students are encouraged, and sometimes required, to take
action in a way that will make a positive difference in their school, community, or
environment. These are often called student action projects. Wetland monitoring,
protection, and creation are often the focus of these student environmental action
projects. Removing trash from a wetland, raising funds to purchase wetland plants

for a restoration project, planting a degraded wetland, and stenciling storm drains
to indicate that they empty into a wetland are examples of student action projects
(Figure 1).

Service Learning Credits

In an increasing number of states, students must participate in a minimum
number of hours of community service as a requirement for high school graduation.
Called service learning credits, students also reflect and communicate what was

Science and Technology

Abilities of technological
Abilities of technological
Abilities of technological
Understandings about
science and technology
Understandings about
science and technology
Understandings about
science and technology
Abilities to distinguish
between natural objects and
objects made by humans

Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

Personal health Personal health Personal and community
Characteristics and changes
in populations
Populations, resources, and
Population growth
Types of resources Natural hazards Natural resources
Changes in environments Risks and benefits Environmental quality
Science and technology in
local challenges
Science and technology in
Natural and human-induced
Science and technology in
local, national, and global

History and Nature of Science

Science as a human
Science as a human
Science as a human
Nature of science Nature of scientific
History of science Historical perspectives

Adapted from the National Research Council, 1995. With permission.

Table 2 (continued) National Science Content Standards
Grades K–4 Grades 5–8 Grades 9–12

©2001 CRC Press LLC

learned in providing the service. A coordinator within the school system suggests
existing community service activities available to students and coordinates new
community service projects. Wetland restoration, creation, monitoring, and protec-
tion projects usually provide opportunities for student service learning credits.


What features do educators look for when they evaluate new programs? Educa-
tors save precious time if activities are presented in a lesson plan format with clearly
stated instructional objectives. Activities that encourage use of multiple intelligences
and a variety of learning styles, such as hands-on learning, cooperative learning, or
performance-based instructional techniques, are favored over the lecture/laboratory
technique often used by colleges. A closer look at the needs of educators is necessary
to understand how effective wetland programs are designed. The best programs will
have many of the features described next.

Lesson Plan Format

A lesson plan indicates what an educator intends to accomplish with a lesson
and how he or she intends to accomplish it. Most school systems require teachers
to write detailed daily lesson plans before teaching a class and to have those plans

Figure 1

In student action projects, students make a positive difference in their school,
community, or environment. Third grade students planting a small constructed
wetland at Horsehead Wetland Center is but one example of the many possibilities
for positive change that can empower our youth.

©2001 CRC Press LLC

at hand during the lesson. Many teachers are required to submit daily lesson plans
to a supervisor for approval before the lesson is taught. Lesson plan formats vary
from system to system, but minimally contain an objective, an activity and/or
assignment, and some type of student assessment to determine if the objective was
accomplished. Programs that are organized with lesson plan formats are easier for
teachers to incorporate into their plans.

Instructional Objectives

Instructional objectives are statements expressing what the student is expected
to accomplish with an assignment and are an important part of the lesson plan.
Statements of objectives, or learning outcomes, have two essential parts: the action
verb and the content. The action verb indicates the skill to be achieved, such as
“measure.” The content indicates the knowledge to be gained, such as “water tem-
perature.” Simple, specific wording of the objective allows students to clearly under-
stand what is expected of them and eases teacher determination of whether the
objective has been accomplished. For example, “students will appreciate wetlands”
is a vague and immeasurable objective. “Imitate the sounds or motions of your
favorite wetland creature” is more specific, more measurable, and therefore more
useful as a guide for both teachers and students.
Bloom’s taxonomy is a hierarchy of instructional objectives that build upon each

other, extending from simple to complex thinking processes, and from concrete to
abstract. The basic levels of the hierarchy from simple to complex are knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Bloom, 1956).
Table 3 summarizes the objectives of each level, the type of thinking skill required
to achieve the objective, and action verbs consistent with those thinking skills.

Table 3 Verbs for Instructional Objectives (Bloom, 1956)
Thinking Skill Level Objective
Action Verbs Consistent with

1. Knowledge Recall information Circle, define, designate, determine,
identify, label, list, mark, match, name,
select, specify, state, underline
2. Comprehension Understand and
interpret material
Condense, describe, explain, interpret,
outline, restate, rewrite, summarize,
trace, translate
3. Application Use material in a new
Build, construct, demonstrate, draw,
illustrate, make, measure, model,
operate, show, solve, use
4. Analysis Examine parts and
Analyze, classify, compare, contrast,
debate, diagram, differentiate, explore,
graph, organize, monitor, specify, test
5. Synthesis Rearrange parts to form

a new idea, plan, or
Compose, construct, create, design,
develop, establish, invent, plan,
predict, produce, suggest, write
6. Evaluation Judge material based
on evidence
Assess, choose, compare, conclude,
decide, evaluate, grade, judge, justify,
rank, select, support, value

©2001 CRC Press LLC

Within a study unit, action verbs used in the objective should reflect increasingly
higher thinking levels as student skills develop. For instance, when a topic is first
introduced a student might be expected to “name the three parameters utilized in
wetland delineation,” a level 1 skill. After some study, the same student might be
able to “describe six characteristics of hydric plants,” which is a level 2 skill. Later
the student could be expected to demonstrate a level 3 skill, for example, “illustrate
or list the hydric characteristics of a cattail.” A student who could “classify plants
as hydric or nonhydric” is using level 4 skills. “Design a wetland planting plan”
utilizes thinking skills of level 5, and to “assess the success of a restored wetland”
would involve level 6 skills.

Multiple Intelligences

Traditional IQ tests primarily measure language and logic. Students weak in
these areas may excel in other aspects and still be creditable students. Now recog-
nized by educators are other types of intelligence (Lazear, 1999). Originally proposed
as a theory by Howard Gardner (1983), these multiple intelligences and their char-

acteristics now include the eight intelligences summarized in Table 4.
Recognizing these multiple intelligences, educators frequently provide for a
variety of learning styles in programs and activities, thereby helping students more
readily achieve their objectives (Figure 2). Educators and their students readily
accept wetland education programs that both allow, and encourage, students to use
all of their talents.

Hands-On Learning

Hands-on learning activities actively involve students in the learning process.
Effective at all ages, this teaching technique works especially well with younger
students, hyperactive students, and those with short attention spans (Figure 3). Stu-
dents handle and manipulate objects other than papers and pencils. Usually students
are out of their seats for at least part of the activity, which often occurs outdoors.
This is an important way for many students to learn. It has long been known in
education that some knowledge is retained if it is simply heard, more is retained if

Table 4 Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1983)
Intelligence Description

Verbal/linguistic Use of words and language
Logical/mathematical Reasoning, use of numbers, relationship and pattern recognition,
analysis, problem solving
Visual/spatial Use of art and imagination, creation of mental pictures
Musical/rhythmic Recognition of rhythmic and tonal patterns, sensitivity to sounds
Bodily/kinesthetic Use of the body in physical motion
Interpersonal Communication person-to-person
Intrapersonal Use of self-knowledge
Naturalist Recognition of the parts of the natural environment

©2001 CRC Press LLC

it is heard and seen, but when a student can manipulate the material in some fashion,
then they usually own it. For example, hearing someone talk about fishing can be
informative. Watching a fisherman fish is more helpful, but actually fishing is hands-
on learning.
Each person has a unique learning style. Hands-on activities fit with many
personal learning styles, and are effective with most students. Wetlands activities,
such as assessing habitat utilization by birds or amphibians, are often well suited to
hands-on teaching techniques.

Cooperative Learning

Students working together to complete an assignment in small learning groups
of mixed ability are practicing cooperative learning. In this teaching technique,
students assume a greater responsibility for learning and for helping each other to
accomplish the objectives of the activity (Kagan, 1997). The teacher allocates stu-
dents to each group in a manner that will achieve a high level of heterogeneity. Each
member of the group is assigned a job, such as facilitator, reporter, or recorder
(Figure 4). The number of jobs required to complete the task as a team determines
the number of students per group. The teacher either assigns jobs within a group or,
if students select their job, it must be different than during the last activity. Teachers
structure the activity so that the objectives, and the steps to achieve the objective,
are clear to students. Cooperative procedures and skills are taught to group members

Figure 2

Educators use multiple intelligences to role-play salt marsh organisms during a

WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands

teacher training workshop. Notice the rising tide,
waving sea grasses, swimming fish, and a tubeworm in her black trash bag “tube.”

©2001 CRC Press LLC

prior to the activity and then monitored while groups work on an assignment. Each
member of a group receives the same grade on an activity, so all benefit from working
together to achieve more than any one person could alone.
During a cooperative learning assignment, a four-member group might have a
facilitator, a supply manager, a recorder, and a reporter. The facilitator ensures that
the group follows each step correctly and in sequence, stays on task, and meets
deadlines. The supply manager obtains the needed materials at the appropriate time
and returns them when and where appropriate. The recorder writes data, observa-
tions, or information collected by the group on the appropriate forms or in an
appropriate format. The reporter coordinates writing the group report. This teaching
technique requires much more preplanning by teachers but can be extremely effec-
tive. When the technique is successful, teachers may not appear to be busy during
an assignment, because in essence, they become consultants to their students.
Team skills learned by students are directly applicable to the real job world and
are skills valued by many employers. Specifically, students focus on assignments
and skills needed to successfully work together. They take responsibility for them-
selves and the success of their group, with students encouraging each other to the
benefit of all. Ideally, with no group leader, leadership responsibilities are shared or
alternated. In practice, this is probably the most difficult aspect of cooperative
learning to achieve and the most important for team success. Many wetland activities
effectively use cooperative learning techniques.

Figure 3

During hands-on learning, educators determine ground elevations along a transect
using meter sticks, string, and a line level. The data gathered will be converted
into a topographic map of the wetland site. Use of both manual and intellectual
skills in this learning technique can be much more effective than simply examining
a prepared topographic map.

©2001 CRC Press LLC

Performance-Based Instruction

Performance-based instruction is a teaching technique in which students must
solve problems and think critically by using basic knowledge and skills in real life
situations (McTighe, 1996). This type of instruction cannot be assessed using typical
multiple choice, true–false, fill in the blank, or short answer tests because there are
many possible correct answers. Instead, a group of students solves a problem, such
as “design a one acre wetland suitable for frogs” (Figure 5). Some states, such as
Maryland, grade schools through performance assessment tests of students. Wetland
activities can be a basis for performance-based instruction, especially many aspects
of creating and monitoring wetlands.


There are several potential questions to be asked in determining whether a wetland
program fulfills the needs of a school system or if a wetland activity is appropriate
for a particular group of students. Is the program or activity suitable for the course
and grade level needs of the science curriculum? Does it satisfy the science content

Figure 4

With cooperative learning each group member has a role that contributes toward

group accomplishment of the task. During this site survey by educators, there is
one person holding the rod, one recorder writing the elevations measured on a
data sheet, one instrument person sighting on the rod and stating the elevation
observed, and two flaggers who have completed marking the area to be surveyed
and are now learning the roles of recorder and instrument person. Through coop-
eration, the group accomplishes more than one person could working alone.

©2001 CRC Press LLC

standards (national, state, or local—depending on the target audience)? Is the program
or activity multidisciplinary? Are student action projects included from which stu-
dents could potentially earn service learning credits? Are the activities in a lesson
plan format? Are instructional objectives clear, and do they contain appropriate action
verbs? Do the activities allow use of multiple intelligences? Are teaching techniques
such as hands-on learning, cooperative learning, or performance-based instruction
utilized? Programs generating the greatest number of yes answers to these questions
likely will apply to a broader audience. Many excellent, but specialized, programs,
such as those focusing on action projects, may generate fewer yes answers because
they are intended to fit within a larger program.
In the activity Water We Have Here? from

WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands

(Appendix 15-1 in Slattery and Kesselheim, 1995), students conduct a variety of
tests on wetlands water to quantify physical characteristics, compare them to stan-
dards, then form some conclusions about the water quality. Using this activity as an
example, how would each of the aforementioned school system requirements, and
features important to educators, apply? Appropriate subject areas and grade levels
are listed in the shaded area of the first page, so fit within the curriculum is easily
determined. The summary and objective sections suggest which science content

standards are supported by the activity, but the connection could be more explicit.
The activity is multidisciplinary. No service learning credit is identified. However,
the wrap-up and action section of the procedure section, and the extensions section,
suggest student action projects that might provide opportunities for service learning

Figure 5

With performance-based instruction, students solve problems and think critically
using basic knowledge and skills in real life situations. These educators are
determining how much rainwater runoff from the roof will be available to support
a small constructed wetland.

©2001 CRC Press LLC

credit. The activity is in a lesson plan format, including objectives, procedures, and
assessment. The objectives are clear, contain the action verbs measure and monitor,
and draw conclusions that are from several thinking skill levels. Many intelligences
are utilized in this activity (e.g., verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, bodily/kines-
thetic, interpersonal, and naturalist), but this can be ascertained only by reading
through the activity. The


book indicates that all of the activities involve hands-
on learning. Performance-based and cooperative learning techniques could also be
utilized, but this is not stated. Overall, this sample activity fulfills most school system
requirements and contains many features important to educators. Presumably, this
is the reason why curriculum guides containing this type of activity have been so


Within every school there are unsung heroes and heroines, teachers who have
pulled together bits and pieces of traditional programs in their own creative ways
to challenge their unique group of students to understand and appreciate wetlands.
Teachers and a supportive PTA president in Newark, DE, are guiding the entire
second grade at Brader Elementary School, not just in the study of wetlands, but
also in the enhancement of a schoolyard wetland by enlarging it and planting a
greater variety of wetland plants. All involved were delighted when a pair of mallard
ducks took up residence and raised a family in the wetland before it was dedicated!
Success stories such as this often result from the efforts of small groups of
enthusiastic, dedicated educators motivated by the desire to share the knowledge
and problem-solving skills that students need to live in harmony with each other
and our environment. How do success stories like this develop? What wetland
programs do these teachers use? What wetland educational resources are available?
Described below are a number of wetland educational programs. Contacts are pro-
vided in Table 5.

National Education Programs

Many programs are available that focus on local wetland issues. The following
programs have been successful on a national scale. This is not intended to be an
inclusive list, but these popular programs are representative of those that are readily
available to educators. Most were produced by nonprofit organizations and predate
the national science content standards discussed earlier.

WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands

WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands

(Slattery and Kesselheim, 1995) is a unique
educator’s guide that focuses entirely on wetlands.


provides hands-on activ-
ities designed to excite and educate students, then illustrates that action can be taken.
The original


was written by Britt Eckhardt Slattery of Environmental Concern
Inc. in 1991. It contains original drawings and 44 hands-on wetland activities for

Table 5 Contact Information for Educational Programs Described in This Chapter
Program Contact Address Phone/Web Site

WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands,
POW! The Planning of Wetlands
Environmental Concern Inc. P.O. Box P
St. Michaels, MD 21663
Project WILD Aquatic, WILD School
Sites, Taking Action
Project WILD 707 Conservation Lane
Suite 305
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Children’s Groundwater Festival The Groundwater Foundation P.O. Box 22558
Lincoln, NE 68542-2558
Discover Wetlands Washington Department of
Ecology, Publications Distribution
P.O. Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504-7600
A World in Our Backyard Environmental Media P.O. Box 1016
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Wading into Wetlands National Wildlife Federation 8925 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA 22184
Schoolyard Habitats Program National Wildlife Federation 8925 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA 22184-0001
Wicked Big Puddles Vernal Pool Association, Reading
Memorial High School
62 Oakland Road
Reading, MA 01867
Handbook for Wetlands Conservation

and Sustainability
Izaak Walton League of America,
Save Our Streams Program
707 Conservation Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20878-2983
©2001 CRC Press LLC

©2001 CRC Press LLC

grades K–12 grouped into five chapters: introducing wetlands, plants and animals,
water, soil, and issues.
In 1995, Environmental Concern partnered with The Watercourse of Bozeman,
MT, to revise


. Background information was expanded, the lesson plan format
and arrangement were improved, and some activities were revamped. The Water-
course and Western Regional Environmental Education Council produced project
WET, an activity guide that focuses on water resources, in 1995


At that time


became the wetlands module for Project WET, and facilitator training was initiated.


can be used as a stand-alone wetlands unit, or selected activities can be
integrated into current study units. To assist school systems in determining curric-
ulum fit, a summary of activities by grade level and a unit planning guide are
provided. Suggested grade levels are again listed in a shaded block within each
activity along with subject areas. Most activities are multidisciplinary

. Conserving

in the original


has been separated into two activities stressing
student action. Additionally, an appendix on Planning and Developing a Schoolyard
Wetland Habitat has been included. A table cross-referencing the national science
content standards and the activities (as has been done separately with the New Jersey
State standards) would be a useful addition. Presented in an educator-friendly, lesson
plan format, the activities have clearly stated objectives, procedures, assessments,
and extensions. A variety of learning styles and teaching techniques are utilized.


is available through Project WET workshops, through workshops pro-
vided by Environmental Concern, or directly from Environmental Concern or The
Watercourse. While not required for purchase of


, attendance at a workshop
is strongly encouraged.

Project WILD Aquatic Education Activity Guide

Beginning in the early 1970s,

Project Learning Tree

(American Forest Founda-
tion, 1995) was one of the first hands-on, interdisciplinary, supplemental education
programs that contained activities for teachers to use with students K–12. Project
Learning Tree is co-produced by the Council for Environmental Education (formerly
the Western Regional Environmental Education Council, Inc.) and the American
Forest Foundation (formerly the American Forest Institute). It contains a few wetland
activities, but forests, not wetlands, are the primary focus.
Project WILD was developed as a joint project by the Council for Environmental
Education and the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies using a similar


Project WILD Activity Guide

(Council for Environmental Education,
1992) became available in 1983. As in Project Learning

Tree, a few wetland activities
are included, but the primary focus of the project is wildlife, not wetlands.
In 1987, the

Project WILD Aquatic Education Activity Guide

(Council for Envi-
ronmental Education, 1992) made its national debut as a part of Project WILD.
Containing 40 hands-on water and wildlife activities for grades K–12, this guide is
designed to either supplement existing courses or stand alone as an aquatic education
course. The material does not focus exclusively on wetlands but covers aquatic
awareness and appreciation, wildlife values, ecological principles, management and

©2001 CRC Press LLC

conservation, culture and wildlife, trends, issues and consequences, and responsible
human actions.
Information to assist school systems in determining curriculum fit is provided
in a box at the beginning of each activity. Within the box are listed the appropriate
grade levels and subjects (many are multidisciplinary). In the appendices, grade
level, subject, skills, and topics (one of which is actions) index all activities. A
section on Taking Action deals more directly with student action projects, many of
which could result in service learning credits. As with most programs, the science
content standards are not yet referenced.
For educators, each activity is formatted like a lesson plan. Objectives are clearly
stated, and methods for attaining those objectives are described. Background infor-
mation to assist the teacher, materials needed for the activity, a step-by-step proce-

dure for conducting the activity, possible variations and extensions of the activity,
and a means to evaluate student performance are also provided. Skills are listed in
a box with other information and indicate that multiple learning styles are used in
the activities. Of the activities, six make use of problem-solving skills. Group size
listings indicate which activities might use cooperative learning techniques.

Project WILD Aquatic Education Activity Guide

cannot be purchased. It is
distributed free, along with the

Project WILD Activity Guide

, to participants attending
a 6-hour workshop conducted by trained state coordinators and facilitators. To locate
your state coordinator, check the listing on the Project WILD Web site.

Children’s Groundwater Festival

This program is decidedly different, and wildly successful, with twice as many
applications as spaces are available. The Groundwater Foundation has been spon-
soring the Children’s Groundwater Festival in Nebraska annually since 1989 and
the idea has spread to many other states and Washington, D.C. Fifth grade students
from across Nebraska travel to Grand Island and for 4 hours become immersed in
a wide variety of hands-on activities dealing with groundwater and closely related
themes such as wetlands. Presenters are volunteers from government, private indus-
try, and education. Sponsors and grants cover expenses.
Teachers prepare students with a groundwater unit before attending the Festival
and follow-up with review activities. Toward that end, a

Festival Outreach Packet

(Groundwater Foundation, 1996) containing hands-on activities is available to edu-
cators. These activities fit the Nebraska fifth grade curriculum and content standards
are multidisciplinary, have a lesson plan format with objectives, provide for multiple
learning styles, and suit a variety of instructional techniques. National standards do
not appear to be addressed. In another publication,

Bringing the Festival Home

(Groundwater Foundation, 1996)


students are encouraged to perform a community
service project connected with groundwater after attending the festival. For those
interested in organizing their own festival,

Making Waves: How to Put on a Water

(Killham, 1996) is available from The Groundwater Foundation as are a
number of other publications and resources.

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Discover Wetlands

The curriculum guide

Discover Wetlands

(Usher et al., 1995) was developed for
Washington State educators in 1988, and substantially revised in 1995. Although
the guide is state specific, it is so well prepared for classroom use that it is frequently
cited and imitated. The guide contains four units: Washington’s wetlands, functions
and values, people and wetlands, and field studies. Each unit is subdivided into four
or five topics containing hands-on activities.
The original target group was grades 4–8, but this was expanded to include
grades K–12. Curriculum guidelines are provided in an appendix. The activities are
cross-referenced with the Washington State curriculum goals and are multidisci-
plinary. Student action projects are suggested in the “Extensions” section of some
activities. To assist educators, all activities are presented in a lesson plan format.
However, the objectives often lack action verbs. The need for multiple learning
techniques is satisfied and all activities are hands-on. Performance-based instruction
and cooperative learning techniques are not addressed but could be used. To order
copies of

Discover Wetlands

(Publication #88-16) contact the Washington Depart-
ment of Ecology.

A World in Our Backyard: A Wetlands Education and Stewardship

A World in Our Backyard

(Madison and Paly, 1994), produced by the New

England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, contains both a curriculum
guide and a video for use by classroom educators in New England. Wetland infor-
mation is provided in eight chapters with hands-on activities for students. Topics
include wetland science, types, functions, threats, locations, field studies, protection,
and adoption. Classes that perform stewardship activities to protect local wetlands
receive ‘Adopt A Wetland’ certificates from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Region I, upon application.
The guide is intended for use by middle school teachers as a supplement to
existing curricula. Suggested uses are as a short wetland unit, for long-term multi-
disciplinary study, and with extracurricular organizations. Science standards are not
addressed, but adopting a wetland would qualify as an action project. For educators,
the activities are presented in lesson plan format, but lack an assessment and often
an objective. Activities are hands-on and encourage use of multiple intelligences.
Cooperative learning and performance-based instruction are not addressed. The
video provides information about wetlands in an entertaining format. To order copies
of the video and curriculum guide, contact Environmental Media.

Wading into Wetlands

Wading into Wetlands

(National Wildlife Federation, 1997) is part of the very

Ranger Rick’s NatureScope

magazine series published by the National
Wildlife Federation for elementary school aged children. The original version,

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produced in 1989, was updated in 1997. Information and hands-on activities are
provided for use in the classroom, in community group activities, or individually,
to help children understand and appreciate wetlands.
The age group targeted is grades K–8, but no attempt is made to correlate the
material with curricula or content standards.

Many activities are multidisciplinary.
Student action projects are not included. For educators, a limited lesson plan format
is used that includes objectives. Use of multiple intelligences is promoted in the
hands-on activities, but performance-based instruction and cooperative learning tech-
niques are not included. This book is available in bookstores and through the National
Wildlife Federation.


Some programs are not intended to function as a curriculum, but rather spur
students into taking some environmental action. Toward that end the following
programs are successfully empowering students to take action on wetlands.

Schoolyard Habitats Program

Introduced in 1995, the Schoolyard Habitats Program of the National Wildlife
Federation promotes the establishment of habitat learning sites (including wetlands)
on school grounds. To accomplish this, a prepaid habitat certification kit may be
ordered. The Application for Certification, which is also available at their Web site,
may be printed, completed, and returned with the appropriate fee.
The application contains five sections that require thought and planning to

achieve. The categories include project goals and description, key project partici-
pants, components of the habitat (e.g., availability of food, water, cover, and places
to raise young), a site diagram, and use of the habitat in the curriculum. The program
does not include activities or study units but recognizes the extra effort that is
required of students and educators to establish habitat areas. By design, the appli-
cation focuses attention on the essential elements of habitat and the steps necessary
for a successful habitat project.
With habitat certification comes the newsletter


and an opportunity to
order and post a sign indicating that the National Wildlife Federation certifies the
habitat. For further information contact the National Wildlife Federation.

Wicked Big Puddles

: A Guide to the Study and Certification of Vernal


Wicked Big Puddles

(Kenney, 1995) guide resulted from student action
projects at Reading Memorial High School in Massachusetts. Individuals, groups,
and high school students produced it as an aide in the identification, study, and
certification of vernal pools. A vernal pool is a type of depression wetland in which
snow melts and spring rains collect. Vernal pools exist long enough to be used for
amphibian reproduction but usually are dry in summer. Unless certified, vernal pools

©2001 CRC Press LLC

are presumed not to exist and, therefore, have no protection from destruction. While
the certification forms and procedures are specific to Massachusetts, wetlands (and
vernal pool) certifications are being conducted in other jurisdictions as well. Check
with your state department of natural resources or department of the environment
for information about programs in your state.
The guide is designed for use by high school students and adults as a project
and does not have a lesson plan format. Two publications of the Massachusetts
Audubon Society may provide additional help in this endeavor,

Vernal Pool Lessons
and Activities

(Childs and Colburn, undated) and

Certified: a Citizen’s Step-by-Step
Guide to Protecting Vernal Pools

(Colburn, 1993). To order copies of

Wicked Big

, contact the Vernal Pool Association.

Handbook for Wetlands Conservation and Sustainability

The target audiences for the

Handbook for Wetlands Conservation and Sustain-

(Firehock et al., 1998)

are community organizations, such as local chapters
of the Izaak Walton League. The focus is on establishing a wetland stewardship
program, monitoring the wetland, and taking action to protect or enhance the wet-
land. Secondary school students working with adults can use the material presented,
but again, schools are not the target audience. The needs of school systems and
educators are, therefore, not addressed.


was published by the Save Our Streams Program of the Izaak
Walton League of America in 1996. After 2 years of field testing with chapters
across the nation, the second edition was printed in 1998. The first three chapters
provide basic wetland information in a readable format, while the next five chapters
supply information and directions on how to establish a stewardship program, mon-
itor the many aspects of a wetland, and conserve wetlands by taking action. The
second half of the


contains references, resources, contacts, and 12 appen-
dices giving detailed directions on some aspect of wetlands conservation.

This useful manual is available directly from the Izaak Walton League. Also
available are 2-day workshops to provide assistance in the many hands-on aspects
of conserving wetlands.

WILD School Sites and Taking Action

WILD School Sites

(Charles, 1993) and

Taking Action

(Stoner, 1995) are both
produced by the Council for Environmental Education in conjunction with Project
WILD. Both supply directions for developing schoolyard habitats, including wet-
lands, through a variety of student actions.

WILD School Sites

presents the rationale
for providing habitat, basic wildlife habitat needs, suggestions for projects, steps for
creating a plan, and putting the plan into action. The site may also be certified
through the National Wildlife Federation for a small fee.

Taking Action

, “an educa-
tor’s guide to involving students in environmental action projects,” may or may not
involve a school site, yet provides ideas of what actions to take and how to accom-
plish those actions.

©2001 CRC Press LLC

By design, both publications focus on action projects. Neither provides lesson
plans nor instructional objectives. Both are multidisciplinary, allow use of multiple
intelligences, and could be implemented using a variety of teaching techniques.
These two projects thoughtfully guide educators through the difficult process of
gaining acceptance for a project and getting it started. For additional information,
contact Project WILD.

POW!: The Planning of Wetlands

Newly available in 1999,

POW!: The Planning of Wetlands

(Ripple et al., 1999)
provides background information for educators on the enhancement, restoration,
creation, and monitoring of wetlands. Student activities to accomplish that goal are
also provided. Using the same format as

WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands

, this action
project guide is designed for use with students in grades 5–12. Modified activities
are included for use with younger students (grades K–4), but they might also
participate with older student partners in the main activities.
The national science content standards and activities are cross-referenced in a
table to assist school systems in determining curriculum fit. Most activities are
multidisciplinary. As a student action project, planning a wetland could provide

service learning credits. To guide educators, each activity is presented in a lesson
plan format with instructional objectives, procedures, assessments, and extensions.
Multiple intelligences are used in most activities, with many opportunities for use
of performance-based instruction and cooperative learning.
The manual may be ordered from Environmental Concern Inc., which also
provides a 3-day course to guide educators in planning wetlands. Package programs
are available that include manuals, a 3-day course, and professional guidance on
wetland siting and design.

Grant Funding

Funding is available for obtaining programs such as those discussed above, or
developing new wetland educational programs. The larger government grants, avail-
able at the national level, require much planning and preparation to produce a grant
proposal. They often require matching funds and are highly competitive. State and
regional government grants generally offer lower funding levels, require less paper-
work, may or may not require matching funds, and are somewhat less competitive.
Most large corporations set aside money for grants, some of which may be available
for wetland education. While some advertise the funds available in competitive,
established programs, others award money if solicited, and if the grant proposal
matches their interests. Foundations of all sizes also offer grants. Small local com-
panies should not be overlooked if the grant funding request is modest and will in
some way benefit the local area. To save time and effort, match funding request levels
and the area to be affected to appropriate organizations at the national, state, and
local levels. It is also acceptable to request funds from more than one source.
For those unfamiliar with writing grant proposals, it must be stressed—read and
follow all directions and guidelines. Those reviewing the proposals may know very

©2001 CRC Press LLC

little about what is being proposed, but they can evaluate whether the required
information has been supplied, and whether it is presented in an appealing manner.
Incomplete grant proposals typically are rejected. Before the merits of a proposal
can be considered, it must be complete.
If a proposal is rejected, inquire as to why if reasons or copies of reviewers’
comments are not supplied with the rejection letter. Quite possibly there was no
flaw in the proposal, just that more funds were requested than were available. Heed
suggestions for improvement, and then do not hesitate to reapply to the same
organization or to another.
Be sure the program fits the needs and skill levels of the intended audience if
requesting grant funds for a program. A wetland program designed for fifth graders
may not be utilized at all in areas that have second and ninth grade wetland units
in the curriculum. A grant proposal is stronger and more likely to be funded if it
can be shown that a need for the program exists.
One of many references that can help in writing a strong grant proposal is

Funding for Your Environmental Education Program: Strategies and Options

by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE, 1993).
Courses are also available offering tips and techniques for writing grant proposals
through local college continuing education and workforce training programs.
There are several ways of locating appropriate granting agencies, including
mailing lists for grant information from appropriate federal agencies, publications
with summary lists of available grants, Internet search, and Internet alert groups.
Each has advantages. For those who prefer hard copy information booklets and
forms, check the local library for directories that provide information on agencies,
corporations, and foundations that offer grants. Most directories are updated yearly.
Contact the organizations that appear most appropriate for your needs, then request

grant information, applications, and placement on their mailing list. Be aware that
within each federal agency there are many programs offering grants, most on an
annual cycle. In addition, many agencies have regional offices that offer grants within
specific areas.
If Internet is your information tool of choice, try an Internet “search” for grants
or, if you prefer to have a search done for you, try an organization such as U.S.
Opportunity Alert (www.usalert.com/public/register.asp) that will deliver targeted
funding information automatically via e-mail for a fee. Whatever funding source
you choose to pursue, follow their guidelines carefully, fully complete the application
and/or proposal, and submit paperwork on time.

Membership Organizations

A host of pertinent organizations are available that network people and infor-
mation. Many focus on environmental education, but an increasing number are
stressing wetland education. Most have publications, workshops, and/or conferences
to help educators stay abreast of new ideas, new materials, and training that is
available. Table 6 provides a listing of some national organizations that provide a
variety of benefits for wetland educators.

Table 6 Organizations Which May Benefit Wetland Educators
Organization Benefits Address Phone/Web Site
American Water Resources
Local sections
950 Herndon Parkway, Suite 300
Herndon, VA20170-5531

American Water Works Association Publications
Drinking water week
Blue Thumb Project
6666 West Quincy Ave.
Denver, CO 80235
Ducks Unlimited Publications
Local chapters
One Waterfowl Way
Memphis, TN 38120-2351
Global Rivers Environmental
Education Network (GREEN)
206 South Fifth Ave., Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Izaak Walton League of America,
Save Our Streams Program

Local chapters
707 Conservation Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20878-2983
National Audubon Society Publications
Local chapters
Education Division
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
National Marine Educators
Association (NMEA)
Annual conference
Local chapters
P.O. Box 1470
Ocean Springs, MS 39566-147
National Science Teachers
Association (NSTA)
1840 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22201-3000

National Wildlife Federation Publications
8925 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA 22184
Nature Conservancy Publications
Local chapters
4245 North Fairfax Dr., Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203-1606
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