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Parents and children ppt

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Parents and children – Are there ways to improve
Parents and children – Are there ways to improve

In our modernized world today, we tend to take for granted
others opinions and feelings. What matters most is our
own opinions and ideas. Parents and their children are not
excluded from this category. Parents expect their children
to think and behave like they do. Their children on the
other hand expect them to understand and respect their
feelings. This, I feel is the root of all parent-child problems.

In my opinion, it is perfectly normal for parents to want to
protect their children. However, this natural instinct should
not be overdone or the consequences would be most
undesirable. Youngsters of over-protective parents tend to
exhibit rebellious tendencies. Behind their parents’ backs
they exhibit all kinds of bad behavior and some even find
themselves involved with bad company. Worst still, some
youngsters deliberately do things forbidden by their
parents right under their parents’ noses. This will inevitably
result in parent-child quarrels and misunderstandings.

Youngsters on the other hand, in spite of having the right
of freedom of speech, thought and action should not be
over-demanding. They must realize that parents most
often know what is best for them. Thus, advice and, less
often, scoldings, should be taken constructively and in a
humble manner. They should not regard these as
obstacles and hindrances but rather as care and

prevention for them to face the world. After all, these
parents have tasted more of the spices of life.

Thus, looking at there two points, it is important for parents
and their children to strike a balance. Parents must allow
freedom but there must be a limit to it. Youngsters must be
satisfied with their freedom and respect their parents’
wishes. They must take their parents’ protectiveness as a
sign of concern and love and not of selfishness and

In obtaining freedom of speech, youngsters must know the
difference between standing up for a point and being
merely rude and stubborn. Freedom of thought must be
guided so as not to lead one astray. Freedom of action
does not mean that one can do anything regardless of
other peoples’ wishes and desires. These are the
techniques that parents wish to impart to their children and
should therefore be accepted gratefully.

Apart from these factors, youngsters, at the age of
adolescence are prone to imitating others. They get easily
influenced by others, especially by the media. They
become impressed by the western idea of freedom and
independence. The youngsters who try to adhere
religiously to these western norms often abandon the
ever-essential virtue, that is, filial piety.

The enormous generation gap between parents and their
offspring is the only unavoidable factor giving rise to the

parent-child problems. Parents fall to realize the needs of
the child because they have never felt these needs during
their times. On the other hand, their youngsters fail to
realize their parents’ needs as they have not reached that
age of wisdom yet. Thus, in my opinion, the only way one
(either parent or child) can overcome this problem is by
being tolerant. As Harper Lee wrote in the book To Kill A
Mockingbird, one can only understand others when one
jumps in their shoes and walks around in them!

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