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Kiểm tra chất lượng môn: Anh văn – Đề 8 pot

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Kiểm tra chất lượng môn: Anh văn – Đề 8
1. I couldn’t answer the questions because I had crashed his car.
2. I was hungry hadn’t passed my driving test.
3. My mother was worried got stuck in a traffic jam.
4. I was late flown in a plane before.
5. I was pleased
slept badly.
6. I was nervous during the flight revised for my exam.
7. My father was furious been in touch for a long time.
8. I was tired eaten all day.

EX 2. Use the verbs in brackets in the past perfect.
1. Why did Tom’s mother get angry with him?
Because he (break) some glasses.
2. When did you watch TV last night?
When I (do) all my homework.
3. Did you first see them at my last birthday party?
No, I (meet) them before.
4. Why did she return home?
She suddenly remembered she (not turn) off the gas stove.
5. How did they like our city?
They said it was the loveliest city they ever (see)
6. It rained yesterday after it had been dry for months.
7. By the time he arrived, all his classmates (leave).
8. We didn’t have their new phone number because they (move) to the
9. When they met again, they (not see) each other for 10 years.
10. Whe I came, the room was in a terrible mess because someone (break)

EX 3. What happened first?

1.I went to bed (1) after I had had a bath (2) and brushed my teeth (3).
2. When I arrived John’s house (1), he had made a cake (2) and done the
washing up (3).
3. My stomachache disappeared (1) after I had taken some medicine (2).
4. When I got to the theater (1), the play had started(2) and all the seats had
been taken (3).
5. Jane had supper (1), then she went to sit in the sitting room (2), he felt
miserable (3). It had been an awful day (4).

EX 4. Past Simple or Past Perfect?
1. We just (finish) dinner when they (come).
2. He seldom (travel) by bicycle before he (go) to Viet Nam.
3. Ann (go) to get the carpet for the room but someone aready (take) it.
4. You (manage) to see the director, or he (go) out by the time you (get)
5. He just (get) home when you (phone). He (be) in New York.
6. He (forget) what I (tell) him. I (remind) him many times, but he still (not
bring) what I (want).
7. He (ask) me whether I (see) his pen on the table. I (tell) him that I (not
see) it around.
8. They (go) home after they (finish) their work.
9. When we (come) to the stadium, the match a;ready (begin).
10. They (tell) me they (not eat) such kind of food before.
11. It (be) the first time I ever (see) such a good film.
12. If I (wait) only a little while longer, I would have met her. I (not see) her
since we last (meet) two years ago.

EX 5. Combine the sentences, using the words in brackets.
1. I had a bath. I went to bed. (after)
2. I read the letter. I threw it away. (when)

3. He passed his driving test. He bought a car. (as soon as)
4. I took the book to the library. I finished reading it. (when)
5. I didn’t go to bed. I did my homework. (until)
6. I spent all the money. I went home. (when)
7. I read the book then I saw the film. (before)
8. Her children left home. She started writing. (after)
