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Kiểm tra chất lượng môn: Anh văn – Đề 4 pptx

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Kiểm tra chất lượng môn: Anh văn – Đề 4

EX 1. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence
1. Where’s Lan? She …………… English in the room.
a. studies b. is studying c. has studied
d. studied
2. It ………dark. Shall I turn on the light?
a. gets b. is getting c. has got
d. got
3. Look. The boy………
a. cries b. cried c. has cried
d. is crying
4. Are you ready, Nam? Yes, I ……….
a. come b. came c. have come
d. am coming
5. Listen. The birds………
a. sing b. have been singing c. are singing
d. sang
6. My mother …………… today.
a. doesn’t work b. isn’t working c. hasn’t been working
d. hasn’t worked
7. I ………… for Ba now. Do you know where he is?
a. am looking b. have been looking c. look
d. have looked
8. We ……….and he …………the guitar at the moment.
a. dance/ plays b. are dancing/ is playing c. have danced/ has played
d. danced/ played
9. You can’t see her now. She …………
a. works b. is working c. was working
d. worked
10. Listen. Someone …………… on the door. Shall I answer it?

a. knocks b. has knocked c. is knocking
d. knocked
11. While we …… they ……… cards.
a. study/play b. are studying/are plying c. study/are playing d. are
12. What….you….this evening?
a. are….doing b. do….do c. have ….been doing
d. a/b
13. It is a lovely day. The sun ……. and the birds …
a. shines/are singing b. is shining/are singing c. is shining/sing
d. shines/sing
14. The children are very quiet. Go and see what they……
a. do b. have done c. are doing
d. b/c
15. We ….a party next Sunday. Would you like to come?
a. have b. will have c. are having
d. b/c
16. She……up and … questions?
a. always rings/asks b. is always ringing/ asking c. rings/is asking
d. a/b
17. He always…….his pens.
a. always loses b. is always losing c. has lost
d. a/b
18. What….you…at? Something… in the street.
a. are…looking/is happening b. do…look/is happening c.
19. I can’t hear what you…. Please speak a bit louder.
a. say b. are saying c. have said
d. said
20. What … the terrible noise? It’s the drill. They ….the road.

a. makes/repair b. is making/are repairing c. makes/have repaired
d. a/b

EX 2. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence (Present
Simple or Present Progressive?)
1. What….she ….in the evenings? She always ….TV.
a. is …doing/ watches b. does …do/watches c. is …doing/ is watching
d. a/c
2. You won’t go out as it … and I……an umbrella.
a. rains/ don’t have b. is raining/ am not having c. is raining/ don’t
have d. b/c
3. The last train …. the station at 11pm.
a. is leaving b. leaves c. has left
d. a/b
4. I’m busy at the moment. I …. for my exams.
a. study b. have studied c. am studying
d. will study
5. You can’t see Tom now, he … a bath.
a. has b. is having c. has had
d. will have
6. How …you … to work as usual? I usually …. by bus but tomorrow I….
in Tom’s car.
a. do…get/go/ go b/ are…getting/am going/ am going c. do…get/go/am
going d. a/c
7. Everyday he….tea but today he….coffee.
a. drinks/ has b. is drinking/ is having c. drinks/ is drinking d. is
8. I … glasses because it is strong today.
a. wear b. wore c. have worn d. am

9. You can’t have the newspaper now because Ann ….it.
a. reads b. read c. has read d. is
10. What ….you ….about? You seem to be worried.
a. do …think b. have ….thought c. are…thinking d. a/c

EX 3. Give the correct form of the verb in each bracket. (homework)
Many people who are in London (1)………(prefer) to live outside it, and to
go to their offices, factories or schools everyday by train, car or bus, even
though this means they (2) ………(have) to get up earlier in the
morning and (3)……(reach) home later in the evening. One advantage of
living outside London (4) …….(be) that houses are cheaper. Even a small
flat in London without a garden (5)……(cost) quite a lot to rent. Then in the
country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Even though one
(6)……(have) to get up earlier and (7)….(spend) trains or buses, one can
sleep better at night and, during evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air
of the country. If one (8)…(like) garden, one can spend one’s free time
digging, planting, watering and one other jobs which (9) ….(be) needed in a

EX 4. V + ing
1. open 2. listen
3. visit 4. offer
5. blow 6. iron
7. sit 8. study
9. ski 10. tie
11. get 12. write
13. swim 14. be
15. run 16. eat
17. water 18. play

