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Ôn tập Tiếng Anh 9 pps

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[st] Kim Ngân
Ôn tập Tiếng Anh 9
a. Affirmative:
I, you, we, they + have + PP / He, she, it + has +PP
Note: PP = past participle (quá khứ phân từ) ( =V-ed: V có quy tắc, =V3: V bất quy tắc)
b. Negative:
I, you, we, the + have not (haven’t) + PP / He, she, it + has not ( hasn’t) + PP
c. Interrogative:
Have + I, you, we, they + P.P ? / Has + he, she, it + P.P ?
a. Một hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ nhưng còn tiếp tục đến hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Thường đi với: since (từ khi); for (được bao lâu).
Ex1: She has lived here since 1987
Ex2: They have swum for 1 hour
b. Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, không xác định rõ thơi gian.
Thường đi với: already, ever ( before), never (before), not, yet, several times, many times
Ex1: She’s been to Japan several times.
Ex2: I have never worked in that company before.
c. Một hành động vừa mới xảy ra.
Thường đi với: lately, just, recently, in recent weeks/ months / years
Ex1: My uncle has just come back form Americ
Ex2: They have done the assignment in recent weeks.
a. Affirmative
S + V-ed/ V2 (V có quy tắc: V+ “ed”;V bất quy tắc; lấy cột thứ 2 trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc)
b. Negative

S + did not (didn’t) + bare-infinitive
c. Interrogative.
Did + S + bare-infinitive ?
Note: The simple past form of ‘to be’
* Affirmative:
You, we, they + were ; / I, he, she, it + was
* Negative
You, we, they + were not (weren’t )/ I, he, she, it + was not (wasn’t)
* Interrogative
Were + you, we, they ? / Was + he, she, it ?
a. Một hành động đã hoàn tất tại một thời điểm nào đó trong quá khứ.
Thường đi với: yesterday, last ( last week, last year ), ago (3 days ago, ), in 1999, in 1987
Ex1: She was here yesterday.
Ex2: They didn’t learn Chinese 3 year ago.
b. Một thói quen ở quá khứ.
Ex1: They often went fishing when they lived in the country.
Ex2: Jack always got up at 3:00 am last year.
c. Một hành động đã hoàn tất trong một khoảng thời gian xác định trong quá khứ ( from to )
Ex: From 1981 to 1983, my older brother worked as a journalist
1- Active into Passive rule:
Active: S + V + O

Passive: S +to be + PP +( by +O)

§éng tõ chÝnh cña c©u chñ ®éng ë th× nµo th× tobe ph¶i chia ë th× ®ã
[st] Kim Ngân

Note: - Động từ ở câu chủ động ở thì (tense) hay thể (form) nào thì “be” ở câu bị động ở thì hay thể đó.
- Khi ta không xem người thực hiện hành động (does) là quan trọng, thì “ by object” có thể bỏ đi.
( eg. S = personal pronoun: he, she, they, we, people; no-one )
a.The simple present
She cleans the floor everyday.
( S + V / Vs / es )
Passive: The floor is cleaned everyday.
(S + am/is/are/ +PP )
b.The present continous.
Mr.Baker is repairing the car
Passive: the car is being repaired by Mr Baker. ( S + am/ is/ are + being + PP )
c.The present perfect
Someone has stolen the bicycles ( S+ has/have + P.P )
Passive: The bicycles have been stolen ( S+ has/have + been + PP )
d.The simple past
Where did they find the drugs ? ( S + V2/ V-ed)
Passive: where were the drugs found ? ( S+ was/ were + PP )
e.The past continuous
They were preparing luch when I came there yesterday (S+was/were + V-ing )
Passive: Luch was being prepared when I came there yesterday.( S+ was/ were + being + PP )
f. The past perfect
She had written almost ten pages by 3:00 pm. ( S+ had + PP )
Passive: Almost ten pages had been written by 3:00 p.m (S+ had been + PP )
g. Will/ would, shall/ should, can/ could, may/might must, have to, be going to, used to,
Active: S+ will/would, shall/ should + bare-infinitive + object
Passive: S + will/would, shall/shoul + be + past participle (+ by object).
Ex: Police will destroy these drugs.
Passive: the drugs will be destroyed by police.
2-Special cases
a. Active: s1+ verb1( say/believe/think ) (that) +S2+verb2

Cách 1: It + be + PP (verb1) + s2 + verb2
Cách 2: S2+ be+ PP (verb1) + to- infinitive (verb2)
Ex: People say that he is crazy.
It said that he is crazy
He is said to be crazy.
b. Negatives
Ex1: No-one has cleaned the floor lately.
Passive: The floor hasn’t been cleaned lately

Ex2: We didn’t do anything about it.
Passive: Nothing was done about it.
c. Who + V + object ?
Passive: - By whom ?
- Who by ?
Ex: Who wrote this novel ?
- By whom was this novel written ?
- Who was this novel written by ?
d. It + be + adjective + to-infinitive + sth
Passive: It + be + adjective + for sth + to be + PP
Ex: It is important to finish this exercise.
It is important for this exercise to be finished
e. Bare-infinitive + object
Let + object + be + PP
S + be + allowed / advised/asked/ supposed/ + to infinitive
Ex1: Please open the door -> Let the door be opened
Ex2: Turn on the light -> You are supposed to turn on the light.

f. Causative form ( thức mệnh lệnh)
Active: - She + have + sb+ bare-infinitive + st. / - S + get + sb + to- infinitive + sth
Passive: - S + have + sth + PP. / - S + get + sth + PP
[st] Kim Ngân
Ex1: She has had someone repaint the car./ She has had the car repainted
Ex2: They got me to do the housework./ They got the housework done.

Mệnh đề quan hệ/ mệnh đề tính từ là mệnh đề phụ trong câu (không thể đứng riêng một mình).
Nó bắt đầu bằng:
a. relative pronouns (đại từ quan hệ) : WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHOSE, THAT.
b relative adverbs (trạng từ liên hệ) : WHERE, WHEN, WHY.
Ex1: A man who dares to do it dares to do anything.
Ex2: We talked to the man who was from Beijing.
* Thay cho danh từ, đại từ chỉ người, có chức năng của một chủ từ/ tân ngữ.
Ex1: The man has met your boss.He come from Italy.
→ The man who comes from Italy has met your boss
relative clause
Ex2: We have met the girl. She studies in the shool.
→ We have met the girl who studies in the school.
relative clause
* Thay cho danh từ/ đại từ chỉ người, có chức năng của một tân ngữ.
Ex1: We like the man. You talked to him yesterday.
We like the man whom you talked to yesterday
relative clause

Ex2: Is that the man ?. You have been waiting for him.
Is that the man whom you have been waiting for ?
relative clause
* Thay thế cho sở hữu cách (possessive cases)
* Xuất hiện trong hai cấu trúc.
- noun/ pronoun + whose + noun + verb
- noun/ pronoun whose + noun + subject + verb
Ex1: The girl looks disappoited. Her examination result its so bad.
The girl whose examination result is so bad looks disappointed.
Ex2: That is the girl. I took her hat by mistake yesterday.
That is the girl whose hat I took by mistake yesterday.
* Thay thế cho danh từ, đại từ chỉ vật / sự vật/ sự việc.
* Có thể làm chủ từ hoặc tân ngữ.
Ex1: She show me the table. It was made by her father.
She shows me the table which was made by her father.
Ex2: Do you like this car ? Mr. Tan bought it last month.
Do you like this car, which Mr.Tan bought last month ?
Note: “Which” có thể được sử dụng để thay thế cho một mệnh đề đứng trước nó (= and this/ and that)
Ex: Tom is so lazy, and this makes Mrs. Green worried.
Tom is so lazy, which makes Mrs. Green worried.
* Thay cho trạng từ, cụm trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn (place) (eg.here, there, in that place )
* Thường xuất hiện trong cấu trúc:
noun/ pronoun ( = a place) + where + subject + verb
Ex: We visit the hospital. We were born there/in that hospital
We visit the hospital where we were born.

* Thay cho trạng từ, cum từ chỉ thời gian (time) (on that day, in the year )
* Thường xuất hiện trong cấu trúc :
noun / pronoun (= time ) + when + subject + verb
Ex: She will never forget the day. She first met him on that day
She will never forget the day when she first met him

1-Điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai (Điều kiện loại I)
[st] Kim Ngân
If clause : simple present, Main clause : will/shall/can/may + bare-infinitive
Ex1: If it rain, we won’t go for a picnic
Ex2: Our natural resources will disappear if we do not conserve them
Notes: - Ta có thể sử dụng mệnh lệnh ở mệnh đề chính. Ex: If you drink, don’t drive
- Ta có thể sử dụng “should” ở mệnh đề điều kiện để tỏ ý nghi ngờ.
Ex: If he should call, tell him I will ring back.
- Dạng rút gọn ở mệnh đề điều kiện (if possible, if necessary, if so )
Ex: If necessary, I will help you.
-Ta có thể sử dụng dạng mệnh lệnh để thay cho mệnh đề chỉ điều kiện.
Trong trường hợp này, giữa hai mệnh đề thường có các liên từ như sau: and, or, else, otherwise.
2-Điều kiện không xảy ra ở hiện tại (ĐK II) (present unreal condition )
Main clause: would/could/might + bare-infinitive, If clause: simple past
Ex1: If she had wings, she would fly to an island
Ex2: He would build more houses if he were a king.
Note: - ‘If I were you/I were in your position ’được sử dụng để khuyên nhủ.
Ex: If I were you, I would accept the invitation ( = You should accept the invitation ).

The gerund is used as a subject, a complement, an object of a verb or an object of a preposition
(danh động từ được sử dụng như một chủ ngữ, bổ túc từ, túc từ của một động từ, hay túc từ của một giới từ)

Ex1: Seeing is believing ( S= gerund)
Ex2: Her hobby is listening to music ( complement = gerund)
Ex3: They have finished doing exercises ( object = gerund)
Ex4: We are font of playing football (Object of an preposition = gerund)
Note: Danh động từ theo sau các động từ như:
to enjoy, to mind, to avoid, to finish, to practise, to suggest, to postpone, to delay, to imagine, can’t help/stand
Lưu ý cách sử dụng của các động từ :
 Forget + to-infinitive : quên (sẽ/ phải) làm gì
Forget + ing : quên đã làm việc gì.
Ex1: She forgets being taken to the zoo by her father when she was six
Ex2: Don’t forget to shut the door before leaving.
 Remember + to-infinitive : nhớ ( sẽ/ phải) làm gì;
Remember + V-ing : nhớ đã làm gì
Ex1: They always remember going to cinema together.
Ex2: They remember to have a test on Wendnesday.
 Stop + to-infinitive : dừng ( một việc) lại để làm gì;
Stop + V- ing : dừng làm một việc gì.
Ex1: This moring , I saw Mr.Pike in the street, so I stopped to greet him
Ex2: The teacher asked us to stop talking
 Need + to- infinitive: cần làm gì ( active);
Need + V-ing: cần được ( passive)
Ex1: We need to repair the car.
Ex2: The car needs repairing.
- Lưu ý cấu trúc:
S + spend + time + V-ing = It + take + s.b + time + to-inf


+Mệnh đề chỉ lý do là mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu bằng các liên từ chỉ lý do như BECAUSE, AS, SINCE. Ba chữ này đều có nghĩa vì, bởi vì
nhưng cách dùng khác nhau.

Ví dụ: a) Because
- Because he was sleepy, he went to bed. – He went to bed because he was sleepy.
Mệnh đề phụ có chữ because có thể đứng trước hoặc sau mệnh đề chính. Tuy nhiên phải chú ý nếu mệnh đề phụ đi trước phải có dấu phảy
(,) ngăn cách nó với mênh đề chính
b) As
- As she was free, she came to see me.
Vì cô ấy rảnh rỗi, cô ấy đến thăm tôi.
c) Since
- Since he doesn’t like music, he never goes to the concert
Vì anh ấy không thích nhạc, anh ấy không bao giờ đi xem hoà nhạc.
Mệnh đề since và as luôn đứng trước mệnh đề chính.
b) So/ As Long As
- As long as ( So long as) you’re not busy. Can you help me ?
[st] Kim Ngân
Vì bạn không bận rộn, bạn có thể giúp tôi ?
+ Ngoài các liên từ phụ thuộc ( Subordinating Conjuctions) như Because, Since, As, As long as, chúng ta còn một liên từ kết hợp ( Co-
ordinating conjuctions) FOR chỉ lý do.
* Liên từ kết hợp là liên từ nối hai mệnh đề độc lập (independent clauses) và không dùng ở đầu câu.
Ví dụ: - I phoned her, for I wanted to tell her about her exam.
Tôi gọi điện cho cô ấy vì tôi muốn nói với cô ấy về kỳ thi của cô ấy.
+ Mệnh đề chỉ lý do còn có thể đổi ra cụm từ chỉ lý do ( phrases of reason) với because of hoặc due to.
Ví dụ: - Because the weather was cold, we stayed home.
→ Because of the cold weather, we stayed home.
→ Due to the cold weather, we stayed home.
Vì thời tiết lạnh, chúng tôi ở nhà.
Because và Because of
Because và Because of đều có nghĩa là bởi vì nhưng chúng được dùng với cẩu trúc khác nhau.
a ) Because là một liên từ (Conjunction), theo sau nó là một mệnh đề (Clause).
Ví dụ: - Because the traffic was heavy, we were late for the meeting.

Vì xe cộ đông đúc, chúng tôi đến buổi họp trễ.
b) Because of là nhóm giới từ ( Prepositional phrase), theo sau nó là một cụm danh từ ( noun phrase)
Ví dụ: - Because of the heavy traffic, we were late for the meeting.


Conditional Sentences (VIẾT LẠI CÂU)
1. You got into so much trouble because you didn’t listen to me.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
2. There are so many bugs in the room because there isn’t a screen on the window.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
3. He is busy right now. So, he can’t help them.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
4. I can’t make all of my own meals because I am not good at cooking.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
5. I’m not you, so I can’t tell him the truth.
→ If I _________________________________________________________________
6. She came, so he wasn’t disappointed.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
7. He is not a good student. He didn’t study for the test yesterday.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
8. I didn’t eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
9. Mai is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s orders.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
10. He is tired this morning because he didn’t go to bed early last night.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
11. They don’t behave themselves so their parents are not happy about that.
→ If __________________________________________________________________

12. She didn’t say sorry so he was angry.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
13. I am not a rich businessman and I can’t afford to buy an expensive car.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
14. It rained last night so I didn’t go to the barbecue.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
15. My parents do not allow me to go, so I have to stay at home.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
16. She doesn’t pay attention to her cooking so the food is horrible.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
17. The weather was very nice so we didn’t go camping.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
18. The computer broke down and I had to stop my work.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
19. She loves him so she forgives him easily.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
20. He was angry so I didn’t say anything.
→ If __________________________________________________________________
[st] Kim Ngân
21. If I ……….a lot of money now, I ………… a new car.
a. have /will buy b. have / would buy
c. had/ will buy d. had/ would buy.
22. If I ……………you, I …………….do that.
a. am/ will b. were /would
c. were/ will d. had been/ would.
23. If I were offered the job, I think I ………. it.
a. take b. will take
c. would take d. would have taken.

24. I would be very surprised if he……………
a. refuses b. refused
c. had refused d. would refuse.
25. Many people would be out of work if that factory……… down.
a. closes b. had closed
c. closed d. would close.
26. 6. If she sold her car, she ………… much money.
a. gets b. would get
c. will get d. would have got.
27. They would be disappointed if we…………….
a. hadn’t come b. wouldn’t come
c. don’t come d. didn’t come.
28. Would John be angry if I ……. ……his bicycle without asking?
a. take b. took c. had taken d. would take.
29. She ……….terrible upset if I lost this ring.
a. will be b. would be c. were d. had been.
30. If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened.
a. would walk b. walks c. had walked d. walked.
31. What would happen if you …………… to work tomorrow?
a. don’t go b. didn’t go c. won’t go d. wouldn’t go.
32. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out.
a. go b. did go c. went d. had gone.
33. If I go shopping, I ………some food.
a. buy b. will buy c. would buy d. would have bought.
34. If I find it, I ………you.
a. will tell b. would tell c. had told d. told.
35. What would you do if you……………a million dollars?
a. would win b. win c. had won d. won.
36. They ‘d be hurt if I ……………….
a. don’t go b. didn’t go c. hadn’t gone d. wouldn’t go.

37. If we took the 6: 30 train, we…………too early.
a. would have arrived b. arrived c. will arrived d. would arrive.
38. If I had known you were in hospital, I …………to see you.
a. will go b. would go c. went d. would have gone.
39. If I …………., I would have said hello.
a. had seen b. see c. saw d. would see.
40. I………… out if I hadn’t been so tired.
a. will go b. went c. would have gone d. would go.
41. If I ……… a camera, I would have taken some pictures.
a. have b. had c. would have d. had had.
42. You won’t pass the examination……………you study more.
a. as long as b. unless c. if d. whether.
43. If only I …………you wanted to invest money in business.
a. had known b. knew c. have known d. know.
44. If I were to leave my country , I ……………disappointed.
a. probably be b. would have been c. will be d. would be.
45. If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he…………….in his examination.
a. would fail b. wouldn’t fail c. wouldn’t have failed. d. won’t fail.
46. If I had taken that English course, I ……… much progress.
a. had made b. would have made c. made d. would make.
47. If I were in your place, I ……….a trip to England.
a. will make b. had made c. made. d. would make.
48. If I ………… you , I’d save some of your lottery winning.
[st] Kim Ngân
a. be b. were c. am d. was
49. If the car ……… larger, we would have bought it.
a. had been b. have been c. has been d. been
50. If I had enough money, I ……… abroad to improve my English.
a. will go b. should go c. would go d. should have go to

51. If it …… convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight.
a. be b. was c. were d. is
52. If you ……. time, please write to me.
a. have b. have had c. had d. has
53. If you had the chance, ………… you go finishing?
a. did b. would c. may d. do
54. Trees won’t grow ……… there is enough water.
a. if b. when c. unless d. as
55. If you ………. to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
a. listen b. had listened c. will listen d. listened
56. I wish I …… you some money for your rent, but I’m broke myself.
a. can lend b. could lend c. would lend d. will lend
57. If someone ……… into the store, smile and say, “ May I help you?”
a. comes b. came c. would come d. could lend
58. If you stay up late the previous night, you ………. sleepy the next morning.
a. feel b. to feel c. feels d. will feel
59. If Peter ……, Sarah will be sad because she wants to meet him very much
a. comes b. do not come c. does not come d. will come
60. If his teeth still …… , he will have to go to the dentist’s again.
a. hurt b. hurts c. to hurt c. will hurt
61. If you…………Tom , tell him I have a message for him.
a. will meet b. would meet c. meet d. met
62. If you …………too hot during the night , turn down the central heating.
a. will feel b. felt c. feel d. feels.
63. If you …………with your dictionary, I ‘d like to borrow it.
a. finish b. finished c. will finish d. are finishing.
64. If I lived nearer the centre , I …………always late.
a. wouldn’t be b. can be c. won’t be d. will be.
65. What would Lan do if she ………… the Miss world.
a. would be b. were c. will be d. is.

66. If I ………….her , I would have said “ hello”
a. has seen b. have seen c. saw d. had seen.
67. If she had read the passage more slowly , the candidate………….
a. understood. b. would have understood
c. will understood d. would understand.
68. If it……………, they will not go out.
a. rains b. rained c. rain d. raining.
69. James will not complete the work if she is ………… rarely enough.
a. tell b. telling c. tells d. told.
70. Betty will not go to the party unless John ……………….too.
a. go b. went c. going d. goes
71. Miss An does not want to go on the trip if nobody………… with her.
a. go b. goes c. went d. going.
72. If you ………….to go shopping, please go with your aunt this weekend.
a. wants b. want c. wanting d. wanted.
73. Mr. Smith has to work on weekends if his manager………….him to.
a. tell b. telling c. told d. tells.
74. Unless they ……………her to work hard, she would not.
a. encourage b. encourage c. encourages d. encouraging.
75. If I ……….a king, I would give money to the poor .
a. is b. are c. am d. were.
76. If we had left this country , we would have………….to Australia.
a. emigrated b. emigrates c. emigrate d. emigrating.
77. If I had to the party last night, I …………her.
a. will have met. b. would meet c. would have met d. will meet.
78. Unless the pupils pay attention, the teacher …………….be angry.
a. would b. may c. will d. might.
79. Please do not go out if it……………….
[st] Kim Ngân

a. rain b. rains c. rained d. raining.
80. If you …………me with this exercise, I will do the same for you one day.
a. helped b. would help c. help d. will help.
81. If you listen to music, you can’t ……………your study.
a. concentrate on b. interested in c. care about d. read about.
82. ……………you study harder, you won’t pass the final exam.
a. unless b. if c. if not d. without.
83. If the weather………….fine, we will go on a picnic.
a. is b. were c. would be d. will be.
84. If he………………….harder, the results will be better.
a. worked b. works c. has worked d. will work.
85. If Americans ate fewer foods with sugar and salt, their general health better
a. be b. will be c. is d. would be.
86. If she hadn’t overslept, she ……… late for the interview.
a. wouldn’t be b. wouldn’t have been c. hadn’t been d. would have been
87. I’d have told you if I ………… the book.
a. had seen b. would have seen c. saw d. see.
88. If we had known your new address, we………… to see you.
a. came b. would have come c. would come d. will come.
89. If I found a wallet in the street, I ………….take it to police.
a. will b. should c. would d. shall
90. I ………….that coat if I were you.
a. wouldn’t buy b. didn’t buy c. don’t buy d. won’t buy.
Passive and Active voice
91. A group of students have met their friend at the railway station.
92. They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home.
93. The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow.
94. How many trees did they cut down to build that fence?
95. This well-known library attracts many people.
96. All students attended the meeting.

97. People say that he is intelligent.
98. He can’t repair my bike.
99. Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock.
100. This is the second time they have written to us about this.
101. Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years.
102. They didn’t look after the children properly.
103. Nobody swept this street last week.
104. People drink a great deal of tea in England.
105. People speak English all over the world.
106. Tom was writing 2 poems.
107. She often takes her dog for a walk.
108. How many lessons are you going to learn next month?
109. She didn’t introduce me to her mother.
110. Someone had invented electric lights before I was born.
111. Farmers usually milk cows twice a day.
112. He likes people to call him “sir”.
113. People know that Japan produces a wide range of cars.
114. Our teacher used to bid us talk in class.
115. Don’t let other see you.
116. Workers were digging a large hole in the ground.
117. Before they took exams they had revised their lessons.
118. The car knocked a woman down in the street.
119. When he came home his father was reading a newspaper.
120. Cows were eating grass on the meadow.
121. My cousin will meet you at the station.
122. She is running her own company.
123. Visitors must leave umbrellas and raincoats in the cloakroom.
124. My mother used to make us clean the house.

1. Chinese people have a very special kind of soup. This kind of soup is made from shark’s fin.
2. A lot of fish died everyday. They live in the polluted sea.
3. We have a new teacher. I really like her.
[st] Kim Ngân
4. Many people get sick or die every year. These people eat puffer fish, a very poisonous species.
5. She ‘ll tell you the story. That story will surprise you.
6. The Nile is the home of a great variety of fish. The Nile is in Egypt.
7. Yesterday, I visited Tri Nguyen aquarium. It has various species of fish.
8. The movie Harry Potter is coming soon. I’m longing to see it.
9. Then he was caught in the mouth of a while shark.It is one of the most dangerous sea creatures.
10. The most beautiful park is opposite my house. It has a lot of big trees.
11. The girl was injured in the accident . She is now in hospital.
12. A man anwered the phone. He told me you were away.
13. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.
14. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.
15. Some people were arrested . They have now been released.
16. . A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half an hour.
17. Petr is studying French and German. He has been abroad.
18. You’ve all met Michael Wood. He is visiting us for a couple of days.
19. We are moving to Manchester.Manchester is the north west.
20. I’ll stay with Adrian. His brother is one of my closet friends.
21. John Bridge is one of my oldest friends. He has just gone to live in Canada.
22. The Earth is a planet. It can support life.
23. The book is about the girl. She runs away from home.
24. A dictionary is a book. It gives you the meaning of words.
25. The man was very kind. I talk to him yesterday.
26. She is the woman . I told you about her.
27. The man works in the hospital. I told you about him.
28. The picture was very beautiful. She was looking at it.

29. I’ll give you the address. You should write to it.
30. The movie is very fantastic. They are talking about it.
Liên từ và Giới từ
Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu sau:
1. _____it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat.
A. In spite B. In spite of C. However D. Although
2. ______of the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation.
A. According B. On behalf C. Together D. In addition
3. _____he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual.
A. Although B. However C. Therefore D. Still
4.______he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home.
A. For B. Thus C. So D. As
5. _____to an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving very slowly on the London Road.
A. Through B. Owing C. Because D. Since
6. Of course I’m a Christian______I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too.
A. since B. then C. and D. but
7. The ______the disaster was engine failure, not human error.
A. reason by B. reason on C. reason why D. reason for
8. We have to start early ______we won’t be late.
A. so that B. that C. because D. because of
9. She came in quietly______not to wake the baby.
A. as if B. so as C. such as D. if so
10. He was offered the job______his qualifications were poor.
A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D.
[st] Kim Ngân



I find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question
1 A character B church C armchair D kitchen
2 A chemistry B kitchen C watch D catch
3 A watching B matches C machine D kitchen
4 A switch B stomach C match D catch
5 A machine B warship C parachute D attach
6 A. invited

B. arrived C. mentioned D. loved
II Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence
7 It’s a nice day we should do something
A either – or B such – that C so –that D neither – nor
8 The engineer was friendly that everybody liked him
A very B such C so D too
9 It was so long lesson that we couldn’t finish it in one day
10 John has so few news from his parents that he was worried
11 She was such good student that she won a scholarship
12 The weather was so bad that we couldn’t go swimming
A The weather was not enough good to go swimming B the weather was not good enough for going swimming
C The weather was not good enough for us to go swimming
D The weather was not so good that we could go swimming
13 It was .an interesting book that he couldn’t put it down
A very B quite C so D such
14 The day was so that we decided to take a picnic lunch to the beach
A clear and warmly B clearly and warmly C clearly and warm D clear and warm

15 The sofa was big enough as to seat four people comfortably
16 She spoke French well enough for being a translator
17 He had so many homework that he could not go to the movies
18 The explanation he had given was so confusing as I could not understand it
19 The day was so cod that we stayed indoors
A It was such cold a day that we stayed indoors B It was such a cold a day that we stayed indoors
C It was a cold day so that we stayed indoors D It was such a cod day that we stayed indoors
III Rewrite the following sentences using the words provided
20 you practice English a lot .You’ll learn fast
The more
21 Mai is good .She can pass the examination
Mai is good enough
22 I own a very small house
I wish
23 She was lazy. She didn’t pass the examination
24 The tooth is very decayed .It can not be kept
The tooth is too
25 The wind was strong . It blew my hat off my head
The wind


1A 2 A 3 C 4 B/k / 5 D /k/
6 A 7 B 8 C 9A so -such 10 A so little

11B 12 C 13 D 14 D 15 B
16 C 17 B 18 B 19D
20The more you practice english, the faster you’ll learn
21 Mai is good enough to pass the examination
22 I wish I owned a very big house 23 if she hadn’t been lazy, she would
have passed the examination
24 the tooth is too decayed to be kept
25 the wind was so strong that it blew my hat off my head

Have so adj noun : co qua nhieu

[st] Kim Ngân
Ngay day 31 – 3 -2010 RELATIVE CLAUSE
1 We’’ll soon gather at the village the festival is taking place
2 Do you know the name of the tourist came and talk about New Year in Canada?
3 I’m looking for a book tells about traditional festival of Asian peoples
4 I couldn’t go to the show was held in Ha noi last summer
5 This is the photo of the hero our teacher talk about in the lecture
6 My brother has told me about the festival is held in Hue city every two years
7 I recently visited school I used to study five years ago
8 I couldn’t understand the dance I saw at the festival last spring
9 I’m really interested in the present you gave me on my birthday
10 have you seen the photos I took at the camp last week
11Last week we went to Hue is the ancient capital of Viet Nam
12 The woman lives next door to us is the weather caster on the local TV station
13 The shoes I bought were made in Italy
14 What is the name of the lady was wearing the gold dress

15 Ha long Bay consists of hundreds of beautiful islands, is the world’s heritage
16 The cat tail is long doesn’t belong to me
17 Show me the place the ship sank
18 Jack London wrote “the Call of the Wild” , is a famous American writer
19 This is the house he used to live
20 Next summer holiday , our family will go to Da Lat my sister is living
1 Last month I went to Hai phong . My uncle is working there
Last month
2 I read about the child .his life was saved by his pet dog
3 look at the girl .she is wearing a white dress
4 That is the picture of his town . He grew up at that town
5 Mr quang will be here soon . He will be able to help us
6 The blue whale is considered the largest animal that has ever lived .it can grow to 100 feet and 150 tons
7 Nhung has some tests . Her health hasn’t been good recently

8 Viet is one of my closest friends . I have known him for five years
9 the storm caused a lot of damage. Nobody had been expecting the storm
10 Dr, Fields predicted another earthquake . He lectured at the Browning Hall last night
III Correct the mistake

1 I enjoyed the book that you told me to read it
2 Phong still remembers the man who he taught him to play the guitar when he was a boy
3 I don’t like to spend time with the people which lose their tempers easily
4 She sits next to a person who his name is Ahmed
5 We don’t forget the typhoon which it swept through our village five years ago
6 One of the people which I admire most is my aunt
7 Football is the only sport in which I am interested in it
8 Mr . Ba has some good advice for anyone they want to learn a second language
9 Uncle Ho was born in Lang Sen that is a small village in Nam Dan, Nghe An
[st] Kim Ngân



I find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question

1 A convinced B called C formed D controlled

2 A parked B hoped C wicked D packed
3 A wanted B feared C explained D grilled
4 A passed B talked C stopped D dialed
5 A missed B washed C hoped D removed
6 A brushed B needed C wasted D fainted
7 A helped B borrowed C dismissed D booked
II Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence
8 They last visited me five years ago
A They haven’t visited me during five years B They have last visited me since five years ago
C They visited me for the last time in five years D They haven’t visited me for five years
9 While formerly a member of the sports club , Mr .Teeters tennis there regularly
A is used to playing B was used to playing C used to play D used to playing
10 I’m sorry I missed your birthday party , I really wish A will come B came
C would come D had come
11 I’ll get home at about seven , and I’ll give you a ring then
A I’ll give you a ring when I get home at about seven B I’ll give you a ring when I’ll get home at about seven
C I’ll give you a ring and then I get home at about seven D I’ll give you a ring after I’ll get home at about seven
12 New York City is America’s largest city it is not the capital of New York State , Albany is
A Despite B Although C Because of D In spite of
13 It’s a pity you missed the party . If you you my friend from Ha Noi
A had come – would meet B came – would meet C come – will meet D had come – would have met
14 All right , Johnny, it’s time you to bed A went B would go C will be going D going to go
15 Ivan hasn’t repaired his bicycle tire A yet B soon C still D already
16 I’m no used to early A get up B be getting up C the getting up D getting up
17 evidence of water on Mars , for years the dark lines visible on the planet were referred to as canals
A Even though B Although C Although there is no D And even though is no
18 One of the most popular movies ever made is Gone with the wind,
A besides looking at the American Civil War B look towards the American Civil War
C which gave an overview of the American D at the American Civil War
19 Ralph Ellison , , is thought to be one of the greatest novelists of our time

A who write the novel The Invisible Man B writing the novel The Invisible Man
C for writing the novel The Invisible Man D who wrote the novel The Invisible Man
20 is your own business A Whose you look for B Who you work for C Who for you work
D You work for whom
21 The Canterbury Tales, , have often been interpreted into plays and films
A who are written by Geoffrey Chaucer B that are written by Geoffrey Chaucer
C written by Geoffrey Chaucer D which written by Geoffrey Chaucer
22 I haven’t seen her since we left school
A The last time I saw her was when we left school B I last saw her when we left school
C The last time I saw her was when we were at school D All are correct
23 When British people go abroad , it takes them several days to get used to on the right- hand side of the road
A drive B driven C driving D drove
24 I’m having a lovely time in Brighton . I wish you here with me A had been B were C would be D are
25 If we ( have ) some tools , we ( be) able to repair the motorbike , but we haven’t got any with us
A have – will be B had -would be C have- shall be D had – shall be
26 He regretted not inviting her to his birthday party
A He wished to invite her to his birthday party B He wished he invited her to his birthday party
C He wished he would have invited her to his birthday party D He wished he had invited her to his birthday party
27 He here since he was born in 1920 A lived B had lived C has been living D lives
28 He has never been successful , ? A hasn’t he B has he C doesn’t he D does he
29 Let’s go for a walk , we? A will B do C shall D must
30 This is the first time I the experiment on plant breeding A have done B do C would do D did
31 Find the mistake : I have always wanted to visit Paris , that is the capital of France
32 Have you ever met the student is standing over there?

[st] Kim Ngân
Although – Even though _in spite of – despite Tuesday,

April 5, 2010
I Rewrite the following sentences using the words provided:

1 Mai’s family was glad to go to Britain.The trip was expensive
- Although
2 The readers must have library cards. They want to borrow books
-The readers who
3 The books are for reference.They are on the stacks near the librarian
-The books which
4 It was an excellent show.We all enjoyed it
-It was
5 They had been lost in the mountains for three days ,but they looked strong and heavy.
6 Although the play received good notices,not many people went to see it
.7 Although Christopher was the stronger of two ,his attacker soon overpowered him
-Despite his
8 Although the team played well ,they lost
- Despite
9 While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour,I will help you this time
10 Although he was not guilty , they executed him
- In spite of
11 Although both his legs were broken in the crash ,he managed to get out of the car before it
-Despite his
12 He couldn’t drive because of the fog
- The fog prevented
13 Although his leg was broken he managed to get out of the car
- In spite
14 Although he had a good salary , he was unhappy in his job

In spite
Choose the best answer:
1 It was Ms Johnson’s birthday ,her employees sent her a gift
A But B Even though C Since D While
2.I couldn’t find the address telephone number in this directory
A or B although C but D even though
3 Ms Brown is on the phone now , could you wait for a minute ?
A Although B During C Before D Because
4 Ms Brain was the only one who was familiar with the town, she drove the car
A Although B Since C But D Therefore
5 The weather turned out to be very good , was more than we could expect
A what B that C which D it
6 We talk for hours of things and friends we remembered in the old school
A which B that C who D whom
7 Jane showed us the hospital she was born
A which B in that c in which D from which
8 “ Tsunami’’ is a Japanese word . This word means “harbor wave”
A “Tsunami’ is a Japanese word which it means ‘harbor wave” B “Tsunami” is a Japanese word it means “harbor wave”
C “Tsunami” is a Japanese word which means “harbor wave” D “Tsunami” means “harbor wave” is a Japanese word
9 The plants may develop differently . The pants live on that island
A The plants live on that island may develop differently B the plants that live on that island may develop differently
C The plants which lives on that island may develop differently D The plants that live on that island may develop different
10 Etna is an active volcano .The volcano is on the island of Sicily
A Etna, which is on the island of Sicily , is an active volcano B Etna which is on the island of Sicily , is an active volcano
C Etna , which is on the island of Sicily is an active volcano D Etna , which is on the island of Sicily , is active volcano
11 We enjoy learning English we find it very difficult
A so B moreover C and D but
12 He got wet forgetting his umbrella ( A because B because of C and D but

[st] Kim Ngân
Wish and Conditional sentences

I Choose the best answer

1 If he is careful , he get good marks ( A must B will C could D would )
2 He wishes he an engineer ( A were B will be C is
D would be )
3 They wish they a new house ( A had B have C will have
D would have)
4 I wish you it again (A don’t do B won’t do C didn’t do D
wouldn’t do )
5 He wishes he English well ( A can B could C should D will)
6 If you want to attend the course , you pass the examination ( A has to B have to C had to D could )

7 If you want to your English ,we can help you ( A improve
B improved C improving D improvement)
8 The result will be better if he harder ( A work B works C worked D will work )
9 Where would you go if you a car ? ( A having B have C had D to have )
10 I wish you here tomorrow ( A would come B come C will come D came )
11 Unless you understand , I explain it again to you ( A will B am C would D was )
12 She wishes they here next time ( A don’t come B didn’t come C won’t come D wouldn’t come )

13 If I a bird , I would be a dove ( A are B was C were D am )
14 Unless you so much , you might be more popular ( A don’t explain B didn’t explain
C explain D explained)
15 How you if you were in my position? ( A do/feel B did / feel C would / feel D will / feel)
II Choose the best sentences

1 He doesn’t help his mum with housework
A I wish he helps his mum with housework B I wish he does help his mum with housework
C I wish he helped his mum with housework D I wish he would help his mum with housework
2 I can’t give you a ride because I don’t have a motorbike
A If I had a motorbike , I could give you a ride B If I have a motorbike , I could give you a ride
C If I had a motorbike , I will give you a ride D If I have a motorbike , I can give you a ride
3 What a pity ! You aren’t here with us now
A I wish you aren’t here with us now B I wish you weren’t here with us now
C I wish you were here with us now D I wish you would be here with us now
4 I’m not rich, so I can’t buy that house
A If I am rich , I could buy that house B If I were rich , I can buy that house
C If I were rich , I will buy that house D if I were rich ,I could buy that house
5 My friends often go on a camping trip without me
A I wish my friends go on a camping trip without me B I wish my friends went on a camping trip without me

C I wish my friends go on a camping trip with me D I wish my friends went on a camping trip with me
6 Hurry up or we’ll be for the concert
A If we don’t hurry , we won’t be later for the concert B if we didn’t hurry , we’ll be later for the concert
C If we don’t hurry , we’ll be later for the concert Dif we don’t hurry , we’ll be later for the concert
7 I’d like my father to give up smoking
A I wish my father gives up smoking B I wish my father gave up smoking
C I wish my father will give up smoking D I wish my father can give up smoking
8 He must go now
A He wishes he won’t go now B he wishes he doesn’t go now
C He wishes he didn’t have to go now D he wishes he hadn’t to go now
9 I can’t do this test because it is very difficult
A If the test were difficult , I could do it B if the test weren’t difficult , I could do it
C If the test weren’t difficult , I couldn’t do it D Unless the test were difficult , I couldn’t do it
10 This shirt is too small for me to wear
A If this shirt weren’t small , I couldn’t wear it B If this shirt isn’t small , I can’t wear it

C If this shirt is small, I can’t wear it D If this shirt weren’t small , I could wear it
11 She doesn’t go to China with us
A We wish she goes to China with us B We wish she did went to China with us
C We wish she went to China with us D We wish she can go to China with us

[st] Kim Ngân
Thursday, April 15
2010 TEST 45 -
ENGLISH 9 Name Class 9

I Find one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others
1 A who B where C how D house
2 A my B baby C spy D cry
3 A bad B hat C hate D had
4 A flood B typhoon C groom D balloon
II Choose the best answer
1 Tet is the holiday celebrated in Lunar New Year
(A. which is B what is C which was D what was )
2 Nguyen Du was the writer wrote “Kieu” ( A who B whom C whose D that)
3 They have to go to school , it is raining hard ( A though B because C and D when )
4 We are very hungry we can’t eat anything ( A although B and C but D so )
5 Tornadoes are storm which pass overland below a thunderstorm ( A funned- shaped B circle-shaped
C tropical D snow )
6 The bicycle was painted red is mine ( A who B whose C which D whom )
7 It is very nice you to say so ! ( A in B on C of D at )

8 Hue will have temperatures 23 C and 27 C ( A in B on C at D between )
oose the best sentences:
1 The girl has just gone out .Do you know her?
A Do you know the girl whose has just gone out? B Do you know the girl whom has just gone out ?
C Do you know the girl which has just gone out? D Do you know the girl who has just gone out ?
2 The book is interesting . It was bought last night
A The book which was bought last night is interesting B The book is interesting which was bought last night
C The book which was bought last night is interested D the book which bought last night is interestingly
3 The test was very difficult . We could do it
A We could do the test although it was very difficult B We could do the test although it were very difficult
C We could do the test although it was difficulty D We could do the test although it is very difficult
4 He got wet . He forgot his umbrella
A He got wet because of he forgot his umbrella B He got wet because he forgot his umbrella
C He got wet and he forgot his umbrella D He got wet but he forgot his umbrella
IV Find one mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence :

1 The film is about a boy which lost all money in the fire
2 Jane enjoyed to have Vietnamese food when she was in Hanoi
3 They did not stayed at home last weekend
4 Viet Nam , that is in south-east Asia , exports rice
V Choose the suitable words to complete the passage
When a tropical storm reaches 120 kilometers per hour , it is called a hurricane in North and South (1 ) , a (2) in

Australia , and a typhoon in Asia . The word ‘typhoon’ comes from (3) ,tai means ‘big’ and feng means ‘wind’ , so
‘typhoon’ means ‘ (4) ’

1 A Viet Nam B England C Japan D America
2 A storm B cyclone C thunderstorm D earthquake
3 A Australia B Italia C Laos D China
4 A big wind B volcano C tidal wave D tornado


[st] Kim Ngân

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