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MÃ ĐỀ 413 (Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút không kể thời gian giao đề)

Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each gap.
Desert air (1) ____ little moisture, so few clouds form over the land. Without clouds to block the sun,
temperatures may reach as (2) ____ as 125°F during the day. At night, without the clouds to contain the heat,
the temperature can fall to as low as 125°F.
Extreme temperatures (3) ____ with little rainfall make desert life difficult for people, plants, and
animals. (4) ____, some life forms have adapted to even the most severe desert environment, Camels are
able to survive long periods without food or water. Many desert plants have long, shallow root systems. This
allows the plants to reach out to collect water over great distances. Other desert plants have taproots.
Taproots grow very deep (5) ____ they can tap sources of underground water.
1. A. comprises B. includes C. contains D. consists
2. A. long B. much C. high D. far
3. A. separate B. locate C. explore D. combine
4. A. However B. Therefore C. So D. But
5. A. because B. but C. so D. as
6. Find one mistake in the sentence
In spite the hot weather in the desert, many plants and animals can survive there.
A. the B. can survive C. In spite D. in the desert
7. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: By the end of this century, we _______ to Jupiter.
A. would travel B. traveled C. are traveling D. will have traveled

8. Choose the sentence which has the nearest meaning to the given one

Margaret was very angry. Her bag has just been stolen.
A. Margaret was very angry, whose bag has just been stolen.
B. Margaret whose bag has just been stolen was very angry
C. Margaret who’s bag has just been stolen was very angry
D. Margaret, whose bag has just been stolen, was very angry
9. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: The teacher gave me an exercise. I _______ forget to do
A. needn’t B. must C. mustn’t D. may not
10. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: The desert is too large for us _______ across
A. to go B. going C. for going D. of going

11. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
There is plenty _______ time for you to do that assignment. You _______ do it tonight.
A. of - must B. of - needn’t C. in- needn’t D. in - mustn’t
12 Find one word whose stress pattern is different from others: A. commercial B. hummock C. aerial
D. deserts
13. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: He is going to get married _______ a famous pop star.
A. with B. Ø C. to D. for
14. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: He is rarely _______ time for class.
A. at B. of C. to D. on
15. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: I must go to _______ hospital to visit my dearest
A. a B. Ø C. the D. an
16. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
If they had enough money, they _______ their children to college.
A. would send B. sent C. would sent D. would have sent

17. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: Laura works very hard _______ her brother is very

A. so B. but C. therefore D. so that
18. Find one mistake in the sentence: It began to rain, therefore he didn’t open his umbrella.
A. his B. began C. to rain D. therefore
19. Find one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently: A. future B. security C.
vulnerable D. curable
20. Choose the sentence which has the nearest meaning to the given one
Because the environment is destroying, many species have become endangered.
A. Because of the destruction of the environment, many species have become endangered.
B. Although the environment is destroying, many species have become endangered.
C. Despite of the destruction of the environment, many species have become endangered.
D. Therefore the environment is destroying, many species have become endangered.
21. Find one mistake in the sentence: It’s too late. I might go now.
A. It’s B. might C. go D. too
22. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: The water in the river is _______ that no fish can live
A. too polluted B. so polluted C. such polluted D. such a polluted

23. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
You should buy more food because our parents _______ come home this afternoon.
A. must B. need C. mustn’t D. may
24. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
I’ve check all the documents in this disk. You _______check again
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. may not D. haven’t
25. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
_______ Simpson desert remained _______ mystery until Madigan made _______ aerial survey in 1929.
A. Ø - a - an B. Ø - Ø - an C. The - a - an D. A - the - an
26. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
_______ is the act of preventing something from being lost, wasted, damaged or destroyed
A. Deforestation B. Conservation C. Destruction D. Extinction

27. Find one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently: A. reduced B. bared C.
endangered D. remained
28. Choose the word which has the same meaning as the underlined one.
Our grandfather is too old to climb up the crest of the hill.
A. top B. middle C. face D. foot
29. Choose the sentence which has the nearest meaning to the given one: You needn’t close the windows at
A. You mustn’t close the windows at night. B. You don’t have to close the windows
at night.
C. You to close the windows at night. D. You must close the windows at night.
30. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: Rare animals in this forest _______ for fur, skin and
other parts
A. hunt B. hunted C. are hunting D. are being hunted

31. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: He told me that he _______ his house the previous
A. repainted B. would repaint C. will repaint D. had repainted

32. Find one word whose stress pattern is different from others: A. forest B. habitat C.
exploitation D. educate
33. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: No matter _______ he tried, he couldn’t pass the
driving test.
A. so B. how C. however D. but

34. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: They are very poor _______ they couldn’t buy that big
A. so B. however C. but D. although
35. According to the passage, it’s possible for us to _______
A. solve any problems B. choose to live for as long as we want

C. do a spirit transfer cheaply D. All are correct
36. Find one mistake in the sentence: By the year 2012, he will have finish his course in this university.
A. have finish B. By C. the year D. in
37. Find one mistake in the sentence: He is enough intelligent to understand the problem.
A. the B. is C. enough intelligent D. to understand
38. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
A(n) _______is a person who always expects bad things to happen.
A. optimist B. pessimist C. optimistic D. pessimistic
39. Find one mistake in the sentence
If you show your identity card, you won’t be able to get into the examination room.
A. into B. to get C. be able D. If
40. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
A(n) _______is a person who can live up to or longer than one hundred years.
A. century B. expectancy C. centenarian D. eternal
41. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
The most important characteristic of a desert is that it receives very little _______
A. rain amount B. rainfall C. waterfall D. raindrop
42. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
Habitat destruction and _______ hunting are some of the main causes of species extinction.
A. legal B. illegal C. legally D. illegally
43. Find one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently: A. goats B. animals C.
humans D. gorillas
44. Choose the sentence which has the nearest meaning to the given one
He doesn’t like animals, so he doesn’t work at the zoo.
A. If he likes animals, he will work at the zoo. B. If he liked animals, he would work at
the zoo.
C. If he didn’t like animals, he would work at the zoo. D. If he liked animals, he wouldn’t work
at the zoo.
45. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: The boy _______ he took to the zoo is his nephew.
A. whom B. whose C. which D. where

46. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
The local people blamed the factory _______ the air and the water in the region.
A. contaminating B. to contaminate C. of contaminating D. for contaminating
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the difference between the human and the
machine. All, body parts will be replaceable. Computers will function like the human brain with the ability
to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling way. They will then produce fake people. We will then be able
to create a machine duplicate of ourselves so we will appear to be alive long after we are dead. Maybe a few
decades later, a way will be found to transfer our spirit, including our memories and thoughts, to the new
body. Then we can choose to live for as long as we want. It might be expensive. When it becomes possible
to do a spirit transfer, they will figure out how to do them automatically. So we will be able to reside within
whichever duplicate we want, whenever we want.
47. According to the passage, in 20 to 50 years, body parts _______
A. are machines B. can be replaced C. are different D. can’t be replaced

48. According to the passage, computer will function like the human brain because it can _______
A. respond in a feeling wayB. recognize feelings C. have brain D. both A and B

49. The word duplicate means:

A. live longer B. replace C. make an exact copy D. protect
50. According to the passage, we _______ find a way to transfer our spirit, including our memories and
thoughts, to the new body a few decades later
A. may not B. may C. can’t D. must

