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Edited by Nguyen Van Nam
A/. Chọn từ có gạch chân được phát âm khác với những từ còn lại:
1/ A. Complete B. Object C. Defend D. Prevent.
2/ A. Rhinoceros B. Habitat C. Vehicle D. Whale
3/ A. Involved B. Decided C. Explained D. Swallowed.
4/ A. admit B. confide C. decide D. retire
5/ A. land B. save C. cramp D. cash
6/ A. tapes B. cakes C. chores D. dates
B. Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với các từ còn lại:
7/ A. Apology B. Canoeing C. Industry D. Disaster.
8/ A. Interview B. Shortage C.Applicant D. Supportive
9/ A. certificate B. apartment C. individual D. biology
10/ A. scientific B. availlable C. suspicious D. supportive
II/ TỪ VỰNG & NGỮ PHÁP : Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp nhất để hoàn thành câu sau
11/.When her____________ for the job was refused , she felt very disappointed .
A. applicant B. applicable C. application D. apply
12/ The Red List is a special book that provides names of ____________ animals .
A. endangered and hunted B. extinct and killed
C. sold and hunted D. vulnerable and endangered
13/ My father helps my mother with the housework. He proves to be especially when she is sick .
A. support B. supporting C. supportive D. supported
14/ They have been in love with each other _________they were young.
A. since B. while. C. until D. all are correct
15/ Lack of funs prevented him ___________ with his studies.
A. from continuing B. with continuing
C. to continuing D. of continuing
16/ Parents _____ children are in college are working longer hours to pay their tuition.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that

17/ The room ____________ when I arrived .
A. was being cleaned B. is cleaned C. was cleaning D. was cleaned
18/ It is dark in here . Can I __________ the lights.
A. fill in B. look at C. take off D. turn on
19/ Many species of animals have disappeared. They have become __________ .
A. die B. death C. extinct D. dangerous
20/ The more electricity you use, ___________
A. the higher your bill will be . B. the higher will be your bill
C. your bill will be higher D. the highest your bill will be
21/__________ their valuable fur , many animals are hunted .
A. Because B. Inspite of C. because of D. therefore
22/ “When____________ ?” _ “ In 1928 ” .
A. did penicillin discovered B. penicillin was discovered
C. did penicillin discover D. was penicillin discovered
23/ It is _________ that I can’t put it down.
A. such interesting book B. so interesting book
C. too interesting book D. such an interesting book
24/ These days everybody is aware ___________the danger of smoking.
A. up B. of C. on D. with
25/John told me about his new job , ___________ very much .
A. that he’s enjoying B. he’s enjoying C. which he’s enjoying D. he’s enjoying it
26/________Sahara is __________ biggest desert in __________ Africa .
A._/ the / _ B. The / _ / _ C. _ / The / an D. The / the / _
Edited by Nguyen Van Nam
27/ The students are being made ________ harder.
A. work B. worked C. to work D. working
28/ ________ the weather is, __________ I feel.
A. The warm / the good B. The warmer / the better
C. Warmer / better D. The warmest / the best

29/ I can’t speak English , ___________ .
A. neither can she B. she can’t either C. she can’t too D. A, B are correct
30/ He told me____________.
A. to give up smoke B. giving up smoking C. to give up smoking D. gave up smoking
31/ she said that she _________ for five hours .
A. had been driving B. has been driving C. drove D. would drive
32/ If you _________ right away , you would probably catch the train.
A. left B.will leave C. would leave D. leave
33/ _________ my father is old, he still goes jogging.
A. Although B. Because of C. So that D. Despite
34/ I advised him _________ too much about the result of the test .
A. not worrying B. not to worrying C. not to worry D. don’t worry
35/ He asked me _________ home the day before.
A. what time I leave B. what time I will leave C. what time I left D. what time I had left
36/ Where is Mary ? _ She ___________ her homework in her room.
A. is performing B. is making C. is doing D. is learning
37/ The development of wildlife habitat reserves is a good conservation measure __ .
A. to prevent endangered species B. to feed endangered species
C . to benefit from endangered species D. to save endangered species
38/ Don’t drink to dive. The effects of alcohol can be extremely _______ in diving.
A. endanger B. endangered C. dangerous D. danger
39/ Men are ________at making decisions than women.
A. better B. good C. more D. well
40/ Paula wishes she __________ more time to spend on her hobbies .
A. had B. has C. can have D. willhave
41/ The members of the Red Cross were dedicated their whole life to ____the sufferings of
human beings.
A. reduction B. reducing C. reduce D. reductive
42/ My grandfather died after he __________ ill for a long time.
A. had been B. was C. has been D. would be

43/ It is easier to get there _________ foot than by car.
A. in B. at C. by D. on
44/ The plane took off _________ the fog.
A. because of B. because C. despite D. although
45/ Don’t worry .You _________ imformed if there is a change of plan .
A. would be B. will C. will be D. had
46/ This is the shortest way to the city center; ________ it is not the only way.
A. however B. although C. therefore D. while
47/ A mystery is something that _________ .
A. must explain B. mustn’t explain C. can be explained D. can’t be explained
48/ That is the __________interesting novel I’ve ever read.
A. more B. so C. most D. very
49/ At present, gazelles are ________ danger because of human poaching.
A. up B. in C. on D. with
50/________ Columbus was one of _________ first people to cross ______ Atlantic .
A. _ / the /_ B. The / the / the C. _ / the / the D. _/ a / an
51/ If we _________ your address, we’d have written to you.
Edited by Nguyen Van Nam
A. knew B. could know C. have known D. had known
52/ During the school year I’m not allowed______ T.V until I have finished my homework.
A. watched B. watch C. to watch D. watches
53/ I gave the little boy some biscuits, _________he ate immediately.
A. that B. which C. who D. what
54/ By 2050, medical technology _________ many diseases.
A. will have conquered B. conquered C. has conquered D. is conquering
55/ Neither of them will be treated preferentially,__________?
A. won’t they B. will they C. won’t them D. will them
56/ We have enough food at home, so we ________ go shopping today .
A. must B. needn’t C. should D. might

57/ We try to help our mother ________ household chores .
A. make B.take C. build D. do
58/ It was quite cold ____________ it was very sunny .
A. although B. because C. so that D. as
59/ I like Nha Trang , ___________
A. which has a beautiful beach B. it has a beautiful beach
C. where has abeautiful beach D. that it has a beautiful beach
60/ He asked me _________ to her party the day before .
A. whether I come B. if I would come C. whether I came D. if I had come
A/. Xác định từ hoặc cụm từ có gạch chân, cần phải sửa để câu trở thành chính xác:
61/ My parents ( A ) let ( B ) me (C ) to go out without ( D ) saying anything.
62/ The students ( A ) were (B) interesting ( C ) in taking a trip to the National History
Museum , but they (D ) were not able to raise enough money.
63/ George (A) hasn’t completed (B) the assignment yet, (C) and Maria (D) hasn’t too.
64/ The (A) more you (B) practice, (C) the fluently you can (D) speak.
65/ Janet and Betty ( A ) plays ( B ) tennis every ( C ) afternoon with (D ) Jack and me.
66/ Tom (A) used to going to (B) a lot of parties (C) when (D) he was a student.
67/ He (A) apologized (B) with me (C) for arriving (D) late.
68/ As (A) childs grow (B) older, (C) their bones become (D) thicker and longer.
69/ We didn’t (A) go out (B) because of (C) the (D) heavily rain.
70/ This bed, (A) where he (B) used to rest on, (C) is made (D) of wood.
B. Chọn câu (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D ) thích hợp câu sau :
71/ Noone has used that door for 20 years.
A. That door wasn’t used for 20 years. B. That door has not been used for 20 years.
C. That door has been not used for 20 years. D. That door has been used by none for 20 years.
72/ The police officer said to us ;“where are you going?”
A. The police officer wanted to know us where we were going.
B. The police officer wanted to know where were we going.
C. The police officer asked us where you were going.

D. The police officer asked us where we were going.
73/ I have tried hard but I can not earn enough money.
A. Although I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money.
B. I have tried hard and so I can earn enough money.
C. I have tried hard so that I can earn enough money.
D. I have tried hard ; therefore I can’t earn enough money.
74/ As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse.
A. The more popular be come television programmes, the worse they seem.
B. The popular television programmes, the worse they seem.
C. The more popular television programmes become, the worse they seem.
D. The most popular television programmes become, the worst they seem.
Edited by Nguyen Van Nam
75/ She started working as a secretary five years ago.
A. She used to work as a secretary five years ago.
B. It’s five years since she started working as a secretary.
C. She has worked as a secretary for five years .
D. Both B & C are correct.
76/ I like classical music and he does, too.
A. Both he and I like classical music. B. Neither he nor I like classical music.
C. I like classical music more than him. D. I like classical music, but he likes it more than me.
77/ Jane hardly ever enjoys eating vegetables.
A. She enjoys eating vegetables. B. She is fond of eating vegetables.
C. She almost never eats vegetables. D. She sells vegetables for living.
78/ You drink too much coffee ; that’s why you can’t sleep.
A. If you didn’t drink too much coffee, you could sleep.
B. You couldn’t sleep although you drank too much coffee.
C. If you hadn’t drunk too much coffee, you could have slept .
D. If you don’t drink too much coffee, you can sleep.
79/ Why don’t we go to the beach this Sunday?

A. This Sunday is the best time to go to the beach.
B. Let’s go to the beach this Sunday.
C. I suggest we should go to the beach this Sunday.
D. Both B and C are correct.
80/ She said to us “ Don’t be late again ”.
A. She said us not to be late again . B. She told us not to be late again .
C. She told us not be late again . D. She told us to be not late again.
A. Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chổ trống trong đoạn văn sau:
A large supermarket was looking for a manager for a new store they were planning to open.
Out of over 90 people who had applied for the post they had chosen five and asked them to come
for an interview.
The first ___ (81)____, Mr Riley, walked into the interview room. He was smartly dressed, but it
was clear that he was listening to a personal stereo. He sat down, ___(82)____ off his shoes and lit
a cigarette. One of the interviewers said that they would prefer him not to smoke and Mr. Riley
apologized. Just at that moment, a telephone rang. Mr. Riley reached into his pocket, took
____(83)____ his mobile phone and began a conversation with a friend of his. After a minute or
two, the interviewers had enough and said they wanted to begin. “Certainly, go ahead,”said Mr.
Riley. They _(84)____ him why he wanted the job. “I don’t,” he replied. “But I __(85)___ like a
day in London, and you’ve already paid my train fare to come up here for the interview.
81. A. applied B. application C. applicant D. applier
82. A. took B. put C. wore D. taken
83. A off B. in C. out D. over
84. A. said B. told C. warned D. asked
85. A. felt B.wanted C. was D. needed
Once there were lots of pandas in the mountains of western China. To day, they are
__(86)____ extinct. The reason is that they can not find enough food. Pandas eat ___(87)____ leaves.
They do not like another food. The bamboo grows very slowly. It can take 10 years for a bamboo to
grow from a seed to a big plant. Some types of bamboo have seeds only once every 60 years. Pandas
___(88)___ wait many years for their food to grow. While the bamboo is growing, pandas do not

have enough leaves to eat.
China and World Wildlife Fund ( WWF ) are trying to save the panda. In 1979 they began to set up
special parks ___(89)______ pandas live. Scientists come here to study the panda’s eating and mating
habits . By learning more about the panda’s habits, scientists can save it from ____(90)_____ .
86. A. being B. becoming C. having D. making
Edited by Nguyen Van Nam
87. A. banana B. cabbage C. grass D. bamboo
88. A. must B. should C. ought D. might
99. A. what B. because C. where D. when
90. A. appearance B. destruction C. extinction D. damage
B. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi bằng cách chọn phương án đúng .
The elephant is the largest animal to walk on Earth. An elephant can carry a load of 1,200
pounds. They eat 300 pounds of food a day. An elephant baby can weigh 200 pounds at birth.
Elephants can live up to 70 years. Elephants can be trained to carry logs with their trunks. They also
use their trunks for drinking water, bathing, eating and communicating. There are two kinds of
elephants : the African elephant and the Indian elephant. African elephant can be characterized as
larger ears. The African elephant grows up to 10 feet and weighs as much as 12,000 pounds. The
Indian elephant grows up to 9 feet tall, and weighs up to 800 pounds. This elephant is characterized
as smaller ears. Another name for the Indian elephant is the Asian elephant.
91/ What is the topic of the passage?
A. African elephant B. Indian elephant C. Elephants D. Elephants’ trunks
92/ How much does a baby elephant weigh at birth?
A. 70 pounds B. 200 pounds C. 300 pounds D. 1,200 pounds
93/ According to the passage, elephants can use their trunks for the following activities EXCEPT?
A. Bathing B. communicating C. Sleeping D. Drinking
94/ Which kind of elephant is the largest?
A. The Indian elephant B. the African elephant
C. the Asian elephant D. the Indian and Asian elephant
95/ An Indian elephant has __________ than an African elephant?

A. a longer tail B. a stronger trunk C. smaller ears D. bigger teeth
The student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) was started after a University of North
Carolina student published an ad in a Greenpeace magazine in 1988 requesting that there be some
kinds of international, students – based coalition of environmental activists. Now SEAC includes
more than 1,500 different high schools and colleges around the world. The site’s primary goal is to
raise awareness and encourage activism about current environmental issues among students and
youth. This page is a starting point for those interested in the social and political aspects of these
96/ What is the first work of SEAC ?
A. To publish an ad in a greenpeace magazine.
B. To raise awareness and encourage activism about current environmental issues among
students and youth.
C. To build many high schools and colleges around the world .
D. To help students understand the environment.
97/ How many high schools and colleges are there in SEAC ?
A. more than 1,500 B. less than 1,500 C. only a few D. few
98/ Which of the following is not true?
A. SEAC includes more than 1,500 high schools and colleges.
B. The goal of SEAC is to raise awareness about environmental issues.
C. SEAC was started in 1988.
D. The members of SEAC are politicians.
99/ What is SEAC concerned about ?
A. politics B. economics C. environment D. culture
100/ The word “aspect” means most nearly _________?
A. problem B. particular part C. face D. difficulty

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