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ĐỀ SỐ 55
I. Make the correct choice:
1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. ugly b. luggage c. utter d. huge
2.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. cousin b. blouse c. mountain d. mouse
3.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
a. target b. march c. arrive d. artist
4. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. usually b. bicycle c. international d. traffic
5. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. entertainment b. problem c. holiday d. hobby
6. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
a. chemistry b. comfortable c. biology d. company
7. The storm has caused widespread ____ in the countryside.
a. destroying b. destruction c. destructive d. destructively
8. No trees can grow on that soil. It is ____.
a. treeless b. childless c. harmless d. careless
9. Smog is a ____ of smoke and fog.
a. concentration b. communication c. combination d. complication
10. Flies and ants are ____ by honey.
a. attractive b. attracting c. attraction d. attracted
11. A ____ statue stands in the middle of the pagoda.
a. lifelike b. childless c. worldly d. windy
12. Who’s going to look ____ your children while you’re at work?
a. for b. after c. at d. up
13. Garbage ____ causes pollution.
a. proposal b. emission c. removal d. disposal
14. I suggested we should all go out for a meal but nobody else was keen ____ the idea.

a. with b. about c. of d. on
15. They could reach the house ____ the road was flooded.
a. despite b. although c. because d. if
16. Those are _____ shoes. They are too small.
a. woman’s b. women c. women’s d. womens’
17. If the world’s tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate, many animal species _____ extinct.
a. became b. would have become c. will become d. would become
18. _____ resigned, we would have been forced to sack him.
a. Had not he b. Hadn’t he c. He had not d. He not had
19. I won’t lend you this money _____ you promise to pay it back.
a. in case b. if c. otherwise d. unless
20. If you _____ us about the bad service, we’d have eaten there.
a. didn’t tell b. wouldn’t have told c. hadn’t told d. had told
21. Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer. She _____ since she was four.
a. has been dancing b. has been danced c. danced d. was dancing
22. Marge’s children are used to _____ after school every day. They don’t have to walk home.
a. picking up b. being picked up c. be picked up d. pick up
23. 'Would you like to comment on Ann's qualifications?'- ‘______ the people in the company, Ann is the most skilled.'
a. In all b. From all c. Of all d. To all
24. 'How was the exam?’ ‘Well, it was quite easy - _______ we expected.’
a. more easy that b. more easy than c. easier than d. easier as
25. _______ people go to the football matches now than twenty years ago.
a. Less b. Lesser c. Fewer d. Few
26. Las Vegas is a US city _______ many people go to gamble.
a. which b. that c. whose d. where
27. The film ______ after weeks of protest by religious groups.
a. was finally released b. finally released c. finally have released d. was released finally
28. The movie was ______ thrilling that we couldn't sleep last night.
a. very b. such c. so d. too
29. 'You look ______ when you see me.' 'Yes. I think you are in China.'

a. to astonish b. astonishing c. astonished d. astonishingly
30. The actress couldn't attend the awards ceremony so she had a representative ______ the award for her.
a. accept b. accepted c. accepting d. to accept
II. Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect:

31. Never before I have read such a good book.
a b c d
32. John is one of the most prominent businessman in our city.
a b c d
33. Some underground water has been polluted because the waste from factories.
a b c d
34. The northern part of the United States generally receives much more snow as the southern part.
a b c d
35. We're always amazing by John's incredible travel stories.
a b c d
III. Read the passage and make the correct choice:
Women’s rights leaders from around the world met at the office of the United Nations to (36) ______ new ways to prevent
violence against women and girls. In the conference, they approved a (37) ______ of action to improve the lives of women all over the
world. They discussed some problems such as women’s health, efforts to help poor women, sex education and human rights. The
delegates also promised (38) ______ efforts to help women gain economic and political power. A recent study by the United Nations
International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) says that in Rwanda girls are often mistreated. The girls questioned in the study
said that no one would help them and punish the people (39) ______ hurt them. Several women face (40) _______ torture and murder
and the government does little to help them.
36.a. talk b. discuss c. address d. go over
37.a. plan b. plant c. speech d. role
38.a. much b. a great deal of c. more d. most of
39.a. whom b. whose c. which d. that
40.a. widespread b. many c. a large number of d. a few
IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer:
It is always thought that women are the second class in citizen, and men are the first. There is not real equality of opportunity

for men and women. Years ago, people were living in a man - dominated society. Women had to obey their husbands and fathers
absolutely. Women’s place was in the kitchen and women’s work was housework. In many places, women were not even allowed to
go to school. Women had no rights, even the right to choose a husband for themselves. Men usually occupied high positions in society
so they thought they were more intelligent and important than women. Men considered women their property. Sometimes, women
were mistreated by their husbands and suffered this as a fate. Many parents did not even want to have female children.
Thanks to the women’s liberation movement, women have nowadays proved that they are equal to men on every aspect. An
average woman has weaker muscles than an average man but she may be as intelligent as him. Women can do everything that men
can, and women can do one thing that no man can; they produce children.
41.In a man - dominated society, ______.
a. women were the first class. b. women had no rights.
c. women were respected by men. d. women got a good education
42. Years ago, women’s place was ______.
a. in the Parliament Houses b. in the Congress c. in the Town Hall d. in the kitchen
43. In a man - dominated society, men considered women their ______.
a. property b.queen c. great love d. angel
44.In a man - dominated society, ______.
a. all parents expected to have daughters. b. most parents liked girl babies.
c. most parents did not want to have daughters. d. most parents did not like sons.
45.Nowadays, women have proved that they are ______ men.
a. more intelligent than b. more important than c. stronger than d. equal to
V. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one :

46. She is a faster and more careless driver than I am.
a. She drives faster and more carelessly than I am. b. She doesn’t drive as faster and carelessly as I do.
c. She drives faster and more careless than I do. d. She drives faster and more carelessly than I do.
47. I found a place to live in but it was difficult.
a. I had difficulty to find a place to live in. b. I had difficulty in finding a place to live in.
c. I was difficult in finding a place to live in. d. I had difficulty to live in a place.
48.It was so noisy that nothing could be heard.
a. It was too noisy to hear nothing. b. It was too noisy for anything to hear.

c. It was too noisy for nothing to be heard. d. It was too noisy to hear anything.
49. They worked very hard in spite of their age.
a. Although they are old, they worked very hard. b. They were old, but they worked very hard.
c. Although they were old, but they worked very hard. d. Although their being old, they worked very hard.
50. Music doesn’t interest Sonia.
a. Sonia isn’t interesting in music. b. Sonia isn’t interested by music.
c. Sonia takes no interest in music. d. Sonia is interested in music.
