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mastering object oriented python

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Mastering Object-oriented
Grasp the intricacies of object-oriented programming
in Python in order to efciently build powerful
real-world applications
Steven F. Lott
Mastering Object-oriented Python
Copyright © 2014 Packt Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in
critical articles or reviews.
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy
of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is
sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt
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caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the
companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals.
However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: April 2014
Production Reference: 1150414
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK
ISBN 978-1-78328-097-1
Cover Image by Duraid Fatouhi ()

Steven F. Lott
Mike Driscoll
Róman Joost
Sakis Kasampalis
Albert Lukaszewski, Ph.D
Hugo Solis
Commissioning Editor
Usha Iyer
Acquisition Editor
Gregory Wild
Content Development Editor
Shaon Basu
Technical Editors
Kapil Hemnani
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Copy Editors
Insiya Morbiwala
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Akash Poojary
Stephen Copestake
Clyde Jenkins
Linda Morris
Jonathan Todd

Mariammal Chettiyar
Abhinash Sahu
Production Coordinator
Alwin Roy
Cover Work
Alwin Roy
About the Author
Steven F. Lott has been programming since the 70s, when computers were large,
expensive, and rare. As a contract software developer and architect, he has worked
on hundreds of projects from very small to very large. He's been using Python to
solve business problems for over 10 years.
Steven is currently a technomad who lives in various places on the east coast of the
US. His technology blog is:
I owe deep gratitude to Floating Leaf for all her support
and guidance.
About the Reviewers
Mike Driscoll has been programming in Python since 2006. He enjoys writing
about Python on his blog at He has
co-authored Core Python refcard for DZone. Mike has also been a technical reviewer
for various books of Packt Publishing, such as Python 3 Object Oriented Programming,
Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook, and Tkinter GUI Application Development Hotshot. Mike
recently wrote the book Python 101.
I would like to thank my beautiful wife, Evangeline, for always
supporting me. I would also like to thank my friends and family for
all that they do to help me. I would also like to thank Jesus Christ for
saving me.
Róman Joost rst learned about open source software in 1997. He is the project
manager of GIMP's user documentation. He has contributed to GIMP and Python/

Zope open source projects for eight years. Róman works for Red Hat in
Brisbane, Australia.
Sakis Kasampalis is based in the Netherlands, where he currently works as a
Software Engineer for a location-based B2B provider. He is not dogmatic about
particular programming languages and tools; his principle is that the right tool
should be used for the right job. One of his favorite tools is Python because he nds
it very productive.
Among the FOSS activities of Kasampalis is maintaining a GitHub repository that is
related to implementing design patterns in Python, which are available at https://
github.com/faif/python-patterns. He was also a technical reviewer of the book
Learning Python Design Patterns, Packt Publishing.
Albert Lukaszewski, Ph.D, is principal consultant for Lukaszewski Consulting
Services in southeast Scotland. Having programmed computers for over 30 years,
he consults on the system design and implementation. Previously, he served as
Chief Engineer for ACCESS Europe GmbH. Much of his experience is related to text
processing, database systems, and Natural Language Processing (NLP). In addition
to MySQL for Python, Packt Publishing, he previously wrote a column on Python for
the New York Times subsidiary, About.com.
Hugo Solis is an assistant professor in the Physics department at the University of
Costa Rica. His current research interests are computational cosmology, complexity,
and the inuence of hydrogen on material properties. He has wide experience
with languages including C/C++ and Python for scientic programming and
visualization. He is a member of the Free Software Foundation and has contributed
code to some free software projects. Currently, he is in charge of the IFT, a Costa
Rican scientic, non-prot organization for the multidisciplinary practice of physics
I'd like to thank Katty Sanchez, my beloved mother, for her support
and vanguard thoughts.
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Table of Contents
Preface 1
Some Preliminaries 9
About casino Blackjack 10
Playing the game 10
Blackjack player strategies 11
Object design for simulating Blackjack 12

Performance – the timeit module 12
Testing – unittest and doctest 13
Unit testing and technology spikes 15
Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools 16
The IDE question 17
About special method names 18
Summary 19
Part 1: Pythonic Classes via Special Methods
Chapter 1: The __init__() Method 25
The implicit superclass – object 25
The base class object __init__() method 26
Implementing __init__() in a superclass 27
Using __init__() to create manifest constants 28
Leveraging __init__() via a factory function 30
Faulty factory design and the vague else clause 31
Simplicity and consistency using elif sequences 32
Simplicity using mapping and class objects 33
Two parallel mappings 34
Mapping to a tuple of values 34
The partial function solution 34
Fluent APIs for factories 35
Table of Contents
[ ii ]
Implementing __init__() in each subclass 36
Simple composite objects 38
Wrapping a collection class 39
Extending a collection class 39
More requirements and another design 40
Complex composite objects 41
Complete composite object initialization 42

Stateless objects without __init__() 43
Some additional class denitions 43
Multi-strategy __init__() 46
More complex initialization alternatives 47
Initializing static methods 48
Yet more __init__() techniques 49
Initialization with type validation 52
Initialization, encapsulation, and privacy 54
Summary 55
Chapter 2: Integrating Seamlessly with Python –
Basic Special Methods 57
The __repr__() and __str__() methods 58
Non collection __str__() and __repr__() 59
Collection __str__() and __repr__() 60
The __format__() method 61
Nested formatting specications 63
Collections and delegating format specications 64
The __hash__() method 64
Deciding what to hash 65
Inheriting denitions for immutable objects 67
Overriding denitions for immutable objects 69
Overriding denitions for mutable objects 71
Making a frozen hand from a mutable hand 72
The __bool__() method 74
The __bytes__() method 75
The comparison operator methods 77
Designing comparisons 80
Implementation of comparison for objects of the same class 81
Implementation of comparison for objects of mixed classes 83
Hard totals, soft totals, and polymorphism 83

A mixed class comparison example 85
The __del__() method 88
The reference count and destruction 88
Table of Contents
[ iii ]
Circular references and garbage collection 90
Circular references and the weakref module 91
The __del__() and close() methods 93
The __new__() method and immutable objects 94
The __new__() method and metaclasses 96
Metaclass example 1 – ordered attributes 97
Metaclass example 2 – self-reference 99
Summary 102
Chapter 3: Attribute Access, Properties, and Descriptors 105
Basic attribute processing 106
Attributes and the __init__() method 107
Creating properties 108
Eagerly computed properties 110
Setter and deleter properties 112
Using special methods for attribute access 113
Creating immutable objects with __slots__ 114
Creating immutable objects as a tuple subclass 116
Eagerly computed attributes 117
The __getattribute__() method 119
Creating descriptors 121
Using a nondata descriptor 123
Using a data descriptor 125
Summary, design considerations, and trade-offs 127
Properties versus attributes 128
Designing with descriptors 129

Looking forward 129
Chapter 4: The ABCs of Consistent Design 131
Abstract base classes 131
Base classes and polymorphism 134
Callables 135
Containers and collections 136
Numbers 137
Some additional abstractions 138
The iterator abstraction 138
Contexts and context managers 139
The abc module 140
Summary, design considerations, and trade-offs 142
Looking forward 143
Table of Contents
[ iv ]
Chapter 5: Using Callables and Contexts 145
Designing with ABC callables 145
Improving performance 148
Using memoization or caching 149
Using functools for memoization 150
Aiming for simplicity using the callable API 151
Complexities and the callable API 152
Managing contexts and the with statement 154
Using the decimal context 155
Other contexts 156
Dening the __enter__() and __exit__() methods 156
Handling exceptions 158
Context manager as a factory 158
Cleaning up in a context manager 159
Summary 161

Callable design considerations and trade-offs 161
Context manager design considerations and trade-offs 162
Looking forward 162
Chapter 6: Creating Containers and Collections 163
ABCs of collections 164
Examples of special methods 165
Using the standard library extensions 165
The namedtuple() function 166
The deque class 168
The ChainMap use case 170
The OrderedDict collection 172
The defaultdict subclass 174
The counter collection 175
Creating new kinds of collections 177
Dening a new kind of sequence 178
A statistical list 179
Choosing eager versus lazy calculation 180
Working with __getitem__(), __setitem__(), __delitem__(), and slices 183
Implementing __getitem__(), __setitem__(), and __delitem__() 184
Wrapping a list and delegating 186
Creating iterators with __iter__() 188
Creating a new kind of mapping 189
Creating a new kind of set 191
Some design rationale 192
Dening the Tree class 193
Table of Contents
[ v ]
Dening the TreeNode class 194
Demonstrating the binary tree set 197
Summary 198

Design considerations and Trade-offs 198
Looking forward 200
Chapter 7: Creating Numbers 201
ABCs of numbers 202
Deciding which types to use 203
The method resolution and the reected
operator concept 204
The arithmetic operator's special methods 205
Creating a numeric class 208
Dening FixedPoint initialization 208
Dening FixedPoint binary arithmetic operators 210
Dening FixedPoint unary arithmetic operators 212
Implementing FixedPoint reected operators 213
Implementing FixedPoint comparison operators 216
Computing a numeric hash 217
Designing more useful rounding 218
Implementing other special methods 219
Optimization with the in-place operators 220
Summary 221
Design considerations and trade-offs 221
Looking forward 222
Chapter 8: Decorators and Mixins – Cross-cutting Aspects 223
Class and meaning 224
Constructing the functions 224
Constructing the class 226
Some class design principles 227
Aspect-oriented programming 227
Using built-in decorators 228
Using standard library decorators 230
Using standard library mixin classes 231

Using the context manager mixin class 231
Turning off a class feature 233
Writing a simple function decorator 234
Creating separate loggers 235
Parameterizing a decorator 236
Creating a method function decorator 238
Creating a class decorator 240
Table of Contents
[ vi ]
Adding method functions to a class 242
Using decorators for security 243
Summary 245
Design considerations and trade-offs 245
Looking forward 246
Part 2: Persistence and Serialization
Chapter 9: Serializing and Saving – JSON, YAML, Pickle,
CSV, and XML 251
Understanding persistence, class, state, and representation 253
Common Python terminologies 254
Filesystem and network considerations 255
Dening classes to support persistence 255
Rendering a blog and posts 258
Dumping and loading with JSON 260
Supporting JSON in our classes 262
Customizing JSON encoding 263
Customizing JSON decoding 265
The security and the eval() issue 266
Refactoring the encode function 266
Standardizing the date string 268
Writing JSON to a le 269

Dumping and loading with YAML 270
Formatting YAML data on a le 271
Extending the YAML representation 272
Security and safe loading 275
Dumping and loading with pickle 276
Designing a class for reliable pickle processing 277
Security and the global issue 279
Dumping and loading with CSV 280
Dumping simple sequences to CSV 281
Loading simple sequences from CSV 282
Handling containers and complex classes 283
Dumping and loading multiple row types in a CSV le 284
Filtering CSV rows with an iterator 286
Dumping and loading joined rows in a CSV le 287
Dumping and loading with XML 290
Dumping objects using string templates 291
Dumping objects with xml.etree.ElementTree 293
Loading XML documents 294
Table of Contents
[ vii ]
Summary 295
Design considerations and trade-offs 295
Schema evolution 297
Looking forward 297
Chapter 10: Storing and Retrieving Objects via Shelve 299
Analyzing persistent object use cases 300
The ACID properties 301
Creating a shelf 302
Designing shelvable objects 303
Designing keys for our objects 303

Generating surrogate keys for objects 305
Designing a class with a simple key 305
Designing classes for containers or collections 308
Referring to objects via foreign keys 308
Designing CRUD operations for complex objects 311
Searching, scanning, and querying 312
Designing an access layer for shelve 313
Writing a demonstration script 317
Creating indexes to improve efciency 318
Creating top-level indices 320
Adding yet more index maintenance 321
The writeback alternative to index updates 323
Schema evolution 323
Summary 325
Design considerations and trade-offs 325
Application software layers 326
Looking forward 326
Chapter 11: Storing and Retrieving Objects via SQLite 327
SQL databases, persistence, and objects 328
The SQL data model – rows and tables 329
CRUD processing via SQL DML statements 331
Querying rows with the SQL SELECT statement 333
SQL transactions and the ACID properties 335
Designing primary and foreign database keys 337
Processing application data with SQL 339
Implementing class-like processing in pure SQL 340
Mapping Python objects to SQLite BLOB columns 342
Mapping Python objects to database rows manually 344
Designing an access layer for SQLite 346
Implementing container relationships 349

Table of Contents
[ viii ]
Improving performance with indices 350
Adding an ORM layer 351
Designing ORM-friendly classes 352
Building the schema with the ORM layer 355
Manipulating objects with the ORM layer 357
Querying post objects given a tag string 359
Improving performance with indices 361
Schema evolution 361
Summary 363
Design considerations and trade-offs 363
Mapping alternatives 364
Keys and key designs 364
Application software layers 365
Looking forward 366
Chapter 12: Transmitting and Sharing Objects 367
Class, state, and representation 368
Using HTTP and REST to transmit objects 368
Implementing CRUD operations via REST 369
Implementing non-CRUD operations 371
The REST protocol and ACID 371
Choosing a representation – JSON, XML, or YAML 372
Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi 372
Creating a simple REST application and server 374
Implementing a REST client 377
Demonstrating and unit testing the RESTful services 378
Using Callable classes for WSGI applications 380
Designing RESTful object identiers 382
Multiple layers of REST services 383

Creating the roulette server 389
Creating the roulette client 390
Creating a secure REST service 391
The WSGI Authentication application 394
Implementing REST with a web application framework 395
Using a message queue to transmit objects 396
Dening processes 397
Building queues and supplying data 399
Summary 401
Design considerations and trade-offs 401
Schema evolution 402
Application software layers 402
Looking forward 403
Table of Contents
[ ix ]
Chapter 13: Conguration Files and Persistence 405
Conguration le use cases 406
Representation, persistence, state, and usability 408
Application conguration design patterns 408
Conguring via object construction 409
Implementing a conguration hierarchy 411
Storing the conguration in the INI les 413
Handling more literals via the eval() variants 416
Storing the conguration in PY les 417
Conguration via class denitions 418
Conguration via SimpleNamespace 420
Using Python with exec() for the conguration 422
Why is exec() a nonproblem? 424
Using ChainMap for defaults and overrides 425
Storing the conguration in JSON or YAML les 427

Using attened JSON congurations 429
Loading a YAML conguration 430
Storing the conguration in property les 432
Parsing a properties le 432
Using a properties le 435
Storing the conguration in XML les – PLIST and others 436
Customized XML conguration les 438
Summary 440
Design considerations and trade-offs 440
Creating a shared conguration 441
Schema evolution 442
Looking Forward 442
Part 3: Testing, Debugging, Deploying, and Maintaining
Chapter 14: The Logging and Warning Modules 447
Creating a basic log 448
Creating a shared class-level logger 449
Conguring the loggers 450
Starting up and shutting down the logging system 450
Naming the loggers 452
Extending the logger levels 453
Dening handlers for multiple destinations 454
Managing the propagation rules 457
Conguration gotcha 458
Table of Contents
[ x ]
Specializing logging for control, debug, audit, and security 458
Creating a debugging log 460
Creating audit and security logs 461
Using the warnings module 463
Showing API changes with a warning 465

Showing conguration problems with a warning 466
Showing possible software problems with a warning 467
Advanced logging – the last few messages and network destinations 468
Building an automatic tail buffer 468
Sending logging messages to a remote process 471
Preventing queue overrun 475
Summary 476
Design considerations and trade-offs 476
Looking forward 477
Chapter 15: Designing for Testability 479
Dening and isolating units for testing 480
Minimizing the dependencies 480
Creating simple unit tests 483
Creating a test suite 485
Including edge and corner cases 486
Mocking dependencies for testing 487
Using more mocks to test more behaviors 490
Using doctest to dene test cases 491
Combining doctest and unittest 495
Creating a more complete test package 495
Using setup and teardown 496
Using setup and teardown with OS resources 498
Using setup and teardown with databases 499
The TestCase class hierarchy 503
Using externally dened expected results 504
Automated integration or performance testing 507
Summary 509
Design considerations and trade-offs 510
Looking forward 510
Chapter 16: Coping With the Command Line 511

The OS interface and the command line 511
Arguments and options 513
Parsing the command line with argparse 514
A simple on/off option 516
An option with an argument 517
Table of Contents
[ xi ]
Positional arguments 517
All other arguments 518
version display and exit 519
help display and exit 519
Integrating command-line options and environment variables 519
Providing more congurable defaults 520
Overriding conguration le settings with environment variables 521
Overriding environment variables with the conguration les 522
Making the conguration aware of the None values 523
Customizing the help output 523
Creating a top-level main() function 525
Ensuring DRY for the conguration 528
Managing nested conguration contexts 528
Programming In The Large 529
Designing command classes 530
Adding the analysis command subclass 532
Adding and packaging more features into an application 533
Designing a higher-level composite command 533
Additional composite command design patterns 535
Integrating with other applications 537
Summary 538
Design considerations and trade-offs 538
Looking forward 538

Chapter 17: The Module and Package Design 539
Designing a module 540
Some module design patterns 540
Module versus class 542
The expected content of a module 543
Whole module versus module items 545
Designing a package 546
Designing a module-package hybrid 547
Designing a package with alternate implementations 548
Designing a main script and the __main__ module 550
Creating an executable script le 551
Creating a __main__ module 552
Programming in the large 552
Designing long-running applications 553
Organizing code into src, bin, and test 555
Installing Python modules 557
Table of Contents
[ xii ]
Summary 558
Design considerations and trade-offs 558
Looking forward 559
Chapter 18: Quality and Documentation 561
Writing docstrings for the help() function 561
Using pydoc for documentation 562
Better output via the RST markup 564
Blocks of text 565
The RST inline markup 567
RST directives 568
Learning RST 569
Writing effective docstrings 570

Writing le-level docstrings, including modules and packages 571
Writing API details in RST markup 572
Writing class and method function docstrings 574
Writing function docstrings 575
More sophisticated markup techniques 576
Using Sphinx to produce the documentation 576
Using the Sphinx quickstart 577
Writing the Sphinx documentation 579
Filling in the 4+1 views for documentation 581
Writing the implementation document 582
Creating the Sphinx cross-references 583
Refactoring Sphinx les into directories 585
Writing the documentation 585
Literate programming 586
Use cases for literate programming 586
Working with a literate programming tool 588
Summary 592
Design considerations and trade-offs 592
Index 593
This book will introduce you to more advanced features of the Python programming
language. The focus is on creating the highest quality Python programs possible.
This often means creating programs that have the highest performance or are the
most maintainable. This means exploring design alternatives and determining which
design offers the best performance while still being a good t with the problem that
is being solved.
Most of the book will look at a number of alternatives for a given design. Some
will have better performance. Some will seem simpler or be a better solution for
the problem domain. It's essential to locate the best algorithms and optimal data
structures to create the most value with the least computer processing. Time is

money, and programs that save time will create more value for their users.
Python makes a number of internal features directly available to our application
programs. This means that our programs can be very tightly integrated with existing
Python features. We can leverage numerous Python features by ensuring that our
OO designs integrate well.
We'll often focus on a specic problem and examine several variant solutions to the
problem. As we look at different algorithms and data structures, we'll see different
memory and performance alternatives. It's an important OO design skill to work
through alternate solutions in order to properly optimize the nal application.
One of the more important themes of this book is that there's no single best
approach to any problem. There are a number of alternative approaches with
different attributes.
[ 2 ]
On programming style, the subject of style generates a surprising amount of interest.
The astute reader will note that the examples do not meticulously conform to PEP-8
in every single particular detail of the name choice or punctuation.
As we move towards achieving mastery over object-oriented Python, we'll spend a
great deal of time reading Python code from a variety of sources. We'll observe wide
variability even within the Python Standard Library modules. Rather than presenting
examples that are all perfectly consistent, we've opted for some inconsistency, the
lack of consistency will better conrm with code as seen in the various open source
projects encountered in the wild.
What this book covers
We'll cover three advanced Python topics in a series of chapters that dig into
the details.
• Some Preliminaries, covers some preliminary topics, such as unittest, doctest,
docstrings, and some special method names.
Part 1, Pythonic Classes via Special Methods: This part looks more deeply at object-
oriented programming techniques and how we can more tightly integrate the class

denitions of our applications with Python's built-in features. It consists of nine
chapters, which are as follows:
• Chapter 1, The _init_() Method, provides us with a detailed description and
implementation of the _init_() method. We will look at different forms of
initialization for simple objects. From this, we can look into more complex
objects that involve collections and containers.
• Chapter 2, Integrating Seamlessly with Python – Basic Special Methods, will
explain in detail as to how we can expand a simple class denition to add
special methods. We'll need to take a look at the default behavior inherited
from the object so that we can understand what overrides are needed and
when they're actually needed.
• Chapter 3, Attribute Access, Properties, and Descriptors, shows us how the
default processing works in some detail. We need to decide where and when
to override the default behavior. We will also explore descriptors and gain a
much deeper understanding on how Python's internals work.
• Chapter 4, The ABCs of Consistent Design, looks at the abstract base classes in
the collections.abc module in general. We'll look at the general concepts
behind the various containers and collections that we might want to revise
or extend. Similarly, we'll look at the concepts behind the numbers that we
might want to implement.
[ 3 ]
• Chapter 5, Using Callables and Contexts, looks at several ways to create context
managers using the tools in contextlib. We'll show you a number of variant
designs for callable objects. This will show you why a stateful callable object
is sometimes more useful than a simple function. We'll also take a look at
how to use some of the existing Python context managers before we dive in
and write our own context manager.
• Chapter 6, Creating Containers and Collections, focuses on the basics of
container classes. We'll review the variety of special methods that are

involved in being a container and offering the various features that
containers offer. We'll address extending built-in containers to add features.
We'll also look at wrapping built-in containers and delegating methods
through the wrapper to the underlying container.
• Chapter 7, Creating Numbers, covers these essential arithmetic operators: +,
-, *, /, //, %, and **. We'll also take a look at these comparison operators:
<, >, <=, >=, ==, and !=. We'll nish by summarizing some of the design
considerations that go into extending or creating new numbers.
• Chapter 8, Decorators and Mixins – Cross-cutting Aspects, covers simple function
decorators, function decorators with arguments, class decorators, and
method decorators.
Part 2, Persistence and Serialization: A persistent object has been serialized to a storage
medium. Perhaps it's transformed to JSON and written to the lesystem. An ORM
layer can store the object in a database. This part will take a look at the alternatives to
handle persistence. This section contains ve chapters, which are as follows:
• Chapter 9, Serializing and Saving – JSON, YAML, Pickle, CSV, and XML, covers
simple persistence using libraries focused on various data representations
such as JSON, YAML, pickle, XML, and CSV.
• Chapter 10, Storing and Retrieving Objects via Shelve, explains basic database
operations with Python modules, such as shelve (and dbm).
• Chapter 11, Storing and Retrieving Objects via SQLite, moves to the more
complex world of SQL and the relational database. Because SQL features
don't match object-oriented programming features well, we have an
impedance mismatch problem. A common solution is to use ORM to allow
us to persist a large domain of objects.
• Chapter 12, Transmitting and Sharing Objects, takes a look at the HTTP
protocol, JSON, YAML, and XML representation to transmit an object.
• Chapter 13, Conguration Files and Persistence, covers various ways in which a
Python application can work with a conguration le.

[ 4 ]
Part 3, Testing, Debugging, Deploying, and Maintaining: We'll show you how to
gather data to support and debug high-performance programs. This will include
information on creating the best possible documentation in order to reduce the
confusion and complexity of the support. This section contains the nal ve chapters,
which are as follows:
• Chapter 14, The Logging and Warning Modules, takes a look at using the
logging and warning modules to create audit information, as well as debug.
We'll take a signicant step beyond using the print() function.
• Chapter 15, Designing for Testability, covers designing for testability and how
we use unittest and doctest.
• Chapter 16, Coping with the Command Line, takes a look at using the argparse
module to parse options and arguments. We'll take this a step further and
use the command design pattern to create program components that can be
combined and expanded without resorting to writing shell scripts.
• Chapter 17, The Module and Package Design, covers module and package
design. This is a higher-level set of considerations. We will take a look at
related classes in a module and related modules in a package.
• Chapter 18, Quality and Documentation, covers how we can document our
design to create trust that our software is correct and has been
properly implemented.
What you need for this book
In order to compile and run the examples mentioned in this book, you require the
following software:
• Python Version 3.2 or higher with the standard suite of libraries. We'll focus
on Python 3.3, but the differences from 3.2 are minor.
• We'll take a look at some additional packages. These include PyYaml,
SQLAlchemy, and Jinja2.
° . When building this, check the

installation guide, />intro.html#installation. Using the without-cextensions
option can simplify installation.
° />
