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Object-Oriented Programming

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Object-Oriented Programming
bject-oriented programming is the third major programming paradigm. At its heart,
object-oriented programming has a few simple ideas, some of which you’ve already encoun-
tered. Possibly the most important idea is that the implementations and state should be
encapsulated, that is, hidden behind well-defined boundaries. This makes the structure of a
program easier to manage. In F#, things are hidden by using signatures for modules and type
definitions and also by simply defining them locally to an expression or class construction
(you’ll see examples of both in this chapter).
The second idea is that you can implement abstract entities in multiple ways. In OOP this
is known as polymorphism. You’ve met a number of simple abstract entities already, such as
function types. A function type is abstract because a function with specific type can be imple-
mented in many different ways; for example, the function type
int -> int can be implemented
as a function that increments the given parameter, a function that decrements the parameter,
or any one of millions of mathematical sequences. Other abstract entities can be built out of
existing abstract components such as the interface types defined in the .NET BCL. More
sophisticated abstract entities are modeled using user-defined interface types. Interface types
have the advantage that they can be arranged hierarchically; this is called interface inheritance.
For example, the .NET BCL includes a hierarchical classification of collection types, available in
System.Collections and System.Collections.Generic namespaces.
In OOP you can sometimes arrange implementation fragments hierarchically. This is
called implementation inheritance. This tends to be less important in F# programming
because of the flexibility that functional programming provides for defining and sharing
implementation fragments. However, it is significant for domains such as graphical user
face (GUI) pr

Casting is a way of explicitly altering the static type of a value by either throwing information
away, upcasting, or rediscovering it, downcasting. In F#, upcasts and downcasts have their
own operators. The type hierarchy starts with
obj (or System.Object) at the top and all its
descendants below it. An upcast moves a type up the hierarchy, and a downcast moves a type
down the hierarchy.
Upcasts change a value’s static type to one of its ancestor types. This is a safe operation
since the compiler can always tell whether this will work because the compiler always knows
all the ancestors of a type so is able to work out through static analysis whether an upcast will
■ ■ ■
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be successful. An upcast is represented by a colon followed by the greater-than sign (:>). The
following code shows an example of using an upcast to convert a
string to an obj:
let myObject = ("This is a string" :> obj)
Generally, upcasts are required when defining collections that contain disparate types. If
an upcast is not used, the compiler will infer that the collection has the type of the first ele-
ment and give a compile error if elements of other types are placed in the collection. The next
example demonstrates how to create an array of controls, a pretty common task when work-
ing with WinForms. Notice that all the individual controls are upcast to their common base
open System.Windows.Forms
let myControls =
[| (new Button() :> Control);
(new TextBox() :> Control);

(new Label() :> Control) |]
An upcast also has the effect of automatically boxing any value type. Value types are held
in memory on the program stack, rather than on the managed heap. Boxing means that the
value is pushed onto the managed heap, so it can be passed around by reference. The follow-
ing example demonstrates a value being boxed:
let boxedInt = (1 :> obj)
A downcast changes a value’s static type to one of its descendant types and thus recovers
information hidden by an upcast. Downcasting is dangerous since the compiler doesn’t have
any way to statically determine whether an instance of a type is compatible with one of its
derived types. This means you can get it wrong, and this will cause an invalid cast exception
System.InvalidCastException) to be issued at runtime. Because of the inherent danger of
downcasting, it is often preferred to replace it with pattern matching over .NET types, as
demonstrated in Chapter 3. Nevertheless, a downcast can be useful in some places, so a
downcast operator, composed of a colon, question mark, and greater-than sign (
:?>), is avail-
able. The next example demonstrates downcasting:
open System.Windows.Forms
let moreControls =
[| (new Button() :> Control);
(new TextBox() :> Control) |]
let control =
let temp = moreControls.[0]
temp.Text <- "Click Me!"


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let button =
let temp = (control :?> Button)
temp.DoubleClick.Add(fun e -> MessageBox.Show("Hello") |> ignore)
t creates an array of two Windows control objects, upcasting them to their base class,
Control. Then it binds the first control to the control identifier. It then downcasts this to its
specific type,
Button, before adding a handler to its DoubleClick event, an event not available
on the
Control class.
Type Tests
Closely related to casting is the idea of type tests. An identifier can be bound to an object of a
derived type, as you did earlier when you bound a
string to an identifier of type obj:
let anotherObject = ("This is a string" :> obj)
Since an identifier can be bound to an object of a derived type, it is often useful to be able
to test what this type is. To do this, F# provides a type test operator, which consists of a colon
followed by a question mark (
:?). To compile, the operator and its operands must be sur-
rounded by parentheses. If the identifier in the type test is of the specified type or a type
derived from it, the operator will return true; otherwise, it will return false. The next example
shows two type tests, one that will return true and the other false:
let anotherObject = ("This is a string" :> obj)
if (anotherObject :? string) then
print_endline "This object is a string"

print_endline "This object is not a string"
if (anotherObject :? string[]) then
print_endline "This object is a string array"
print_endline "This object is not a string array"
irst y
ou cr
eate an identifier
anotherObject, of type obj but bind it to a string.
Then y
test whether the
anotherObject is a string, which will return true. Then you test whether it is a
string array, which will, of course, return false.
Type Annotations for Subtyping
As shown in Chapter 3, type annotations are a way of constraining an identifier, usually a
parameter of a function, to be a certain type. What may seem counterintuitive to an OO pro-
grammer is that the form of type annotation introduced in Chapter 3 is rigid; in other words, it
does not take into account the inheritance hierarchy. This means that if such a type annota-
tion is applied to an expression, then that expression must have precisely that type statically; a
derived type will not fit in its place. To illustrate this point, consider the following example:

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open System.Windows.Forms
let showForm (form : Form) =
// PrintPreviewDialog is defined in the BCL and is
// derived directly the Form class
let myForm = new PrintPreviewDialog()
showForm myForm
When you try to compile the previous example, you will receive the following error:
Prog.fs(11,10): error: FS0001: This expression has type
but is here used with type
One way to call a function with a rigid type annotation on a parameter is to use an explicit
upcast at the place where the function is called in order to change the type to be the same as
the type of the function’s parameter. The following line of code changes the type of
myForm to
be the same as the type of the parameter of
showForm (myForm :> Form)
Although upcasting the argument to showForm is a solution, it’s not a very pretty one,
because it means littering client code with upcasts. So, F# provides another type annotation,
the derived type annotation, in which the type name is prefixed with a hash sign. This has the
effect of constraining an identifier to be of a type or any of its derived types. This means you
can rewrite the previous example as shown next to remove the need for explicit upcasts in
calling code. I think this is a huge benefit to anyone using the functions you define.
let showFormRevised (form : #Form) =
// ThreadExceptionDialog is define in the BCL and is
// directly derived type of the Form class

let anotherForm = new ThreadExceptionDialog(new Exception())
showFormRevised anotherForm
ou can use this kind of type annotation to tidy up code that uses a lot of casting. F
example, as shown in the “Casting” section earlier in this chapter, a lot of casting is often
needed when cr
eating a collection with a common base type
, and this can leave code looking
a little bulkier than it should. A good way to r
e this r
epeated casting, as with any com
monly r
epeated section of code
, is to define a function that does it for y

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let myControls =
[| (new Button() :> Control);
(new TextBox() :> Control);
(new Label() :> Control) |]
let uc (c : #Control) = c :> Control

let myConciseControls =
[| uc (new Button()); uc (new TextBox()); uc (new Label()) |]
This example shows two arrays of controls being defined. The first, myControls, explicitly
upcasts every control; the second,
myConciseControls, delegates this job to a function. Also,
given that the bigger the array, the bigger the savings and that it is quite common for these
arrays to get quite big when working with WinForms, this is a good technique to adopt.
Records As Objects
It is possible to use the record types you met in Chapter 3 to simulate object-like behavior.
This is because records can have fields that are functions, which you can use to simulate an
object’s methods. This technique was first invented before functional programming languages
had object-oriented constructs as a way of performing tasks that lent themselves well to
object-oriented programming. Some programmers still prefer it, because only the function’s
type (or as some prefer, its signature) is given in the record definition, so the implementation
can easily be swapped without having to define a derived class as you would in object-
oriented programming. I discuss this in greater detail in “Object Expressions” and again in
“Inheritance” later in this chapter.
Let’s take a look at a simple example of records as objects. The next example defines a
Shape, that has two members. The first member, reposition, is a function type that
moves the shape, and the second member,
draw, draws the shape. You use the function
makeShape to create a new instance of the shape type. The makeShape function implements
the reposition functionality for you; it does this by accepting the
initPos parameter, which is
then stored in a mutable
ref cell, which is updated when the reposition function is called.
This means the position of the shape is encapsulated, accessible only through the reposition
. Hiding values in this way is a common technique in F# programming.

open System.Drawing
type Shape =
{ reposition: Point -> unit;
draw : unit -> unit }
let makeShape initPos draw =
let currPos = ref initPos in
{ reposition = (fun newPos -> currPos := newPos);
draw = (fun () -> draw !currPos); }

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let circle initPos =
makeShape initPos (fun pos ->
"Circle, with x = %i and y = %i"
let square initPos =
makeShape initPos (fun pos ->
"Square, with x = %i and y = %i"
let point (x,y) = new Point(x,y)
let shapes =
[ circle (point (10,10));
square (point (30,30)) ]

let moveShapes() =
shapes |> List.iter (fun s -> s.draw())
let main() =
shapes |> List.iter (fun s -> s.reposition (point (40,40)))
Circle, with x = 10 and y = 10
Square, with x = 30 and y = 30
Circle, with x = 40 and y = 40
Square, with x = 40 and y = 40
This example may have seemed trivial, but you can actually go quite a long way with this
. The next example takes things to their natural conclusion, actually drawing the
shapes on a form:
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms

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type Shape =
{ reposition: Point -> unit;
draw : Graphics -> unit }
let movingShape initPos draw =
let currPos = ref initPos in
{ reposition = (fun newPos -> currPos := newPos);

draw = (fun g -> draw !currPos g); }
let movingCircle initPos diam =
movingShape initPos (fun pos g ->
let movingSquare initPos size =
movingShape initPos (fun pos g ->
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue,pos.X,pos.Y,size,size) )
let fixedShape draw =
{ reposition = (fun newPos -> ());
draw = (fun g -> draw g); }
let fixedCircle (pos:Point) (diam:int) =
fixedShape (fun g -> g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue,pos.X,pos.Y,diam,diam))
let fixedSquare (pos:Point) (size:int) =
fixedShape (fun g -> g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue,pos.X,pos.Y,size,size))
let point (x,y) = new Point(x,y)
let shapes =
[ movingCircle (point (10,10)) 20;
movingSquare (point (30,30)) 20;
fixedCircle (point (20,20)) 20;
fixedSquare (point (40,40)) 20; ]
let mainForm =
let form = new Form()
let rand = new Random()
form.Paint.Add(fun e ->
shapes |> List.iter (fun s ->
s.draw e.Graphics)


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form.Click.Add(fun e ->
shapes |> List.iter (fun s ->
s.reposition(new Point(rand.Next(form.Width),
do Application.Run(mainForm)
Again, you define a Shape record type that has the members reposition and draw. Then
you define the functions
makeCircle and makeSquare to create different kinds of shapes and
use them to define a list of
shape records. Finally, you define the form that will hold your
records. Here you must do a bit more work than perhaps you would like. Since you don’t use
inheritance, the BCL’s
System.Winows.Forms.Form doesn’t know anything about your shape
“objects,” and you must iterate though the list, explicitly drawing each shape. This is actually
quite simple to do and takes just three lines of code where you add an event handler to
mainForm’s Paint event:
fun e ->
List.iter (fun s -> s.draw e.Graphics) shapes);
This example shows how you can quickly create multifunctional records without having
to worry about any unwanted features you might also be inheriting. In the next section, you’ll
look at how you can represent operations on these objects in a more natural way: by adding
members to F# types.
F# Types with Members

It is possible to add functions to both F#’s record and union types. A function added to a record
or union type can be called using dot notation, just like a member of a class from a library not
written in F#. This provides a convenient way of working with records with mutable state. It is
also useful when it comes to exposing types you define in F# to other .NET languages
. (I discuss
this in more detail in Chapter 13.) Some programmers from object-oriented backgrounds just
prefer to see function calls made on an instance value, and this provides a nice way of doing it
for all F# types
The syntax for defining an F# record or union type with members is the same as the syn-
tax you learned in Chapter 3, except it includes member definitions that always come at the
end, betw
een the with and end keywor
ds. The definition of the members themselves start with
the keyword
member, followed by an identifier that represents the parameter of the type the
member is being attached to, then a dot, then the function name, and then any other parame-
ters the function takes. After this comes an equals sign followed by the function definition,
which can be any F# expression.
The following example defines a record type,
point. It has two fields, left and top, and a
member function,
Swap. The function Swap is a simple function that swaps the values of left

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and top. Note how the x parameter, given before the function name swap, is used within the
function definition to get access to the record’s other members, its fields:

type Point =
mutable top : int ;
mutable left : int }
member x.Swap() =
let temp = x.top
x.top <- x.left
x.left <- temp
let printAnyNewline x =
print_any x
let main() =
printAnyNewline myPoint
printAnyNewline myPoint
The results of this example, when compiled and executed, are as follows:
{top = 3;
left = 7;}
{top = 7;
left = 3;}
You may have noticed the x parameter in the definition of the function Swap:
member x.Swap() =
let temp = x.top
x.top <- x.left
x.left <- temp
This is

the parameter that represents the object on which the function is being called.
When a function is called on a value, as follows:
the value it is being called on is passed to the function as an argument. This is logical, when
you think about it, because the function needs to be able to access the fields and methods of
the value on which it is being called. Some OO languages use a specific keyword for this, such
this or Me, but F# lets you choose the name of this parameter by specifying a name for it
after the keywor
d member
, in this case

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Union types can have member functions too. You define them in the same way as for record
ypes. The next example shows a union type,
that has a function added to it:
type DrinkAmount =
| Coffee of int
| Tea of int
| Water of int

override x.ToString() =
match x with
| Coffee x -> Printf.sprintf "Coffee: %i" x
| Tea x -> Printf.sprintf "Tea: %i" x
| Water x -> Printf.sprintf "Water: %i" x
let t = Tea 2
print_endline (t.ToString())
The results of this example, when compiled and executed, are as follows:
Tea: 2
Note how this uses the keyword override in place of the keyword member. This has the
effect of replacing, or overriding, an existing function of the type. This is not that common a
practice with function members associated with F# types because only four methods are
available to be overridden (
ToString, Equals, GetHashCode, and Finalize) that are inherited
System.Object by every .NET type. Because of the way some of these methods interact
with the CLR, the only one I recommend overriding is
ToString. Only four methods are avail-
able for overriding because record and union types can’t act as base or derived classes, so you
cannot inherit methods to override (except from
Object Expressions
Object expressions are at the heart of succinct object-oriented programming in F#. They pro-
vide a concise syntax to create an object that inherits from an existing type. This is useful if
ou want to pro
vide a short implementation of an abstract class or an interface or want to
tweak an existing class definition. An object expression allows you to provide an implementa-
tion of a class or interface while at the same time creating a new instance of it.

The syntax is similar to the alter
ative syntax for cr
eating new instances of record types,
with a few small alterations. You surround the definition of an object expression with braces.
At the beginning is the name of the class or interfaces, and the name of a class must be fol-
lowed b
y a pair of parentheses that can have any values passed to the constructor between
them. Interface names need nothing after them, though both class names and interface
names can have a type parameter following them, which must be surrounded by angled
This is followed by the keyword
with and the definition of the methods of the class or

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interfaces being implemented. These methods are separated by the keyword and, the name of
the method must be the same as the name of a virtual or abstract method in the class or inter-
face definition, and their parameters must be surrounded by parentheses and separated by
commas, like .NET methods must be (unless the method has one parameter, when you can
get away with excluding the parentheses). Ordinarily you don’t need to give type annotations,
but if the base class contains several overall for a method, then you might have to give type
annotations. After the name of a method and its parameters comes an equals sign and then
the implementation of the methods body, which is just an F# expression that must match the
return value of the method.
open System
open System.Collections.Generic

let comparer =
{ new IComparer<string>
Compare(s1, s2) =
let rev (s : String) =
new String(Array.rev (s.ToCharArray()))
let reversed = rev s1
reversed.CompareTo(rev s2) }
let winners =
[| "Sandie Shaw" ;
"Bucks Fizz" ;
"Dana International" ;
"Lordi" |]
print_any winners
Array.Sort(winners, comparer)
print_any winners
The r
esults of the previous example, when compiled and executed, are as follows:
[|"Sandie Shaw"; "Bucks Fizz"; "Dana International"; "Abba"; "Lordi"|]
[|"Abba"; "Lordi"; "Dana International"; "Sandie Shaw"; "Bucks Fizz"|]
The previous
shows an example of the
IComparer interface being implemented.
This is an
face with one method,
Compare, which takes two par
ameters and r

eturns an integer that
represents the result of the parameter comparison. It accepts one type parameter; in this case,
ou pass it a
ou can see this on the second line of the definition of the identifier
After this comes the definition of the method body
, which in this case compar
es r
ersed v
of the str
ing par
. F
, y
ou use the compar
er b
y defining an arr
ay and then sorting
using the compar
er and displaying the “before” and “after” results in the console.

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It is possible to implement multiple interfaces or a class and several other interfaces
ithin one object expression. It is not possible to implement more than one class within an
object expression. If you are implementing a class and an interface, the class must always
come first in the expression. In either case, the implementation of any other interfaces after
the first interface or class must come after the definitions of all the methods of the first inter-
face or class. The name of the interface is prefixed by the keyword
interface and is followed
by the keyword
with. The definition of the methods is the same as for the first interface or
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
let makeNumberControl (n : int) =
{ new Control(Tag = n, Width = 32, Height = 16) with
override x.OnPaint(e) =
let font = new Font(FontFamily.Families.[1], 12.0F)
new PointF(0.0F, 0.0F))
interface IComparable with
CompareTo(other) =
let otherControl = other :?> Control in
let n1 = otherControl.Tag :?> int in

n.CompareTo(n1) }
let numbers =
let temp = new ResizeArray<Control>()
let rand = new Random()
for index = 1 to 10 do
temp.Add(makeNumberControl (rand.Next(100)))
let height = ref 0
temp |> IEnumerable.iter
(fun c ->
c.Top <- !height
height := c.Height + !height)
let numbersForm =
let temp = new Form() in
do Application.Run(numbersForm)

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