Analysis of Variance for do min - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le GDL_gram t 32.8608 3 10.9536 5.39 0.0011
B:ti le tinh bot _ 144.763 4 36.1908 17.82 0.0000
RESIDUAL 1202.42 592 2.03111
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1380.0 599
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for do min
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 600 5.5807
ti le GDL_gram trong mot lit
1.6 150 5.42 0.116365 5.19146 5.64854
1.8 150 5.54278 0.116371 5.31423 5.77133
2 150 5.97333 0.116365 5.7448 6.20187
2.2 150 5.38667 0.116365 5.15813 5.6152
ti le tinh bot _phan tram
0 120 4.86667 0.1301 4.61115 5.12218
2 120 5.41667 0.1301 5.16115 5.67218
4 120 5.475 0.1301 5.21949 5.73051
6 121 6.36395 0.129564 6.10949 6.61841
8 119 5.78119 0.130648 5.5246 6.03778
Multiple Range Tests for do min by ti le GDL_gram trong mot lit
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
2.2 150 5.38667 X
1.6 150 5.42 X
1.8 150 5.54278 X
2 150 5.97333 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
1.6 - 1.8 -0.122782 0.323202
1.6 - 2 *-0.553333 0.323202
1.6 - 2.2 0.0333333 0.323202
1.8 - 2 *-0.430552 0.323202
1.8 - 2.2 0.156115 0.323202
2 - 2.2 *0.586667 0.323202
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Bảng 38. Kết quả thống kê ảnh hưởng của lượng tinh bột bổ sung đến độ mịn sản
Analysis of Variance for do min - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le tinh bot _ 144.763 4 36.1908 17.82 0.0000
B:ti le GDL_gram t 32.8608 3 10.9536 5.39 0.0011
RESIDUAL 1202.42 592 2.03111
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1380.0 599
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for do min
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 600 5.5807
ti le tinh bot _phan tram
0 120 4.86667 0.1301 4.61115 5.12218
2 120 5.41667 0.1301 5.16115 5.67218
4 120 5.475 0.1301 5.21949 5.73051
6 121 6.36395 0.129564 6.10949 6.61841
8 119 5.78119 0.130648 5.5246 6.03778
ti le GDL_gram trong mot lit
1.6 150 5.42 0.116365 5.19146 5.64854
1.8 150 5.54278 0.116371 5.31423 5.77133
2 150 5.97333 0.116365 5.7448 6.20187
2.2 150 5.38667 0.116365 5.15813 5.6152
Multiple Range Tests for do min by ti le tinh bot _phan tram
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
0 120 4.86667 X
2 120 5.41667 X
4 120 5.475 XX
8 119 5.78119 X
6 121 6.36395 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
0 - 2 *-0.55 0.361351
0 - 4 *-0.608333 0.361351
0 - 6 *-1.49728 0.360603
0 - 8 *-0.914527 0.362109
2 - 4 -0.0583333 0.361351
2 - 6 *-0.947283 0.360603
2 - 8 *-0.364527 0.362109
4 - 6 *-0.88895 0.360603
4 - 8 -0.306194 0.362109
6 - 8 *0.582756 0.361363
Bảng 39. Bảng kết quả thống kê ảnh hưởng củ lượng sữa bột bổ sung đến cấu trúc
sản phẩm
Analysis of Variance for cau truc - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le sua bot_g 11.675 3 3.89167 2.57 0.0534
B:ti le trung_sua 402.342 3 134.114 88.68 0.0000
RESIDUAL 715.308 473 1.51228
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1129.32 479
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for cau truc
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 480 6.1625
ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
0 120 6.13333 0.11226 5.91274 6.35392
30 120 6.13333 0.11226 5.91274 6.35392
50 120 6.40833 0.11226 6.18774 6.62892
70 120 5.975 0.11226 5.75441 6.19559
ti le trung_sua bot
0 120 4.675 0.11226 4.45441 4.89559
70 120 6.18333 0.11226 5.96274 6.40392
140 120 7.075 0.11226 6.85441 7.29559
210 120 6.71667 0.11226 6.49608 6.93726
Multiple Range Tests for cau truc by ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
70 120 5.975 X
0 120 6.13333 XX
30 120 6.13333 XX
50 120 6.40833 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
0 - 30 0.0 0.311962
0 - 50 -0.275 0.311962
0 - 70 0.158333 0.311962
30 - 50 -0.275 0.311962
30 - 70 0.158333 0.311962
50 - 70 *0.433333 0.311962
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
bảng 40. Kết quả thống kê ảnh hưởng của lượng trứng bổ sung đến cấu trúc sản
Analysis of Variance for cau truc - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le trung_sua 402.342 3 134.114 88.68 0.0000
B:ti le sua bot_g 11.675 3 3.89167 2.57 0.0534
RESIDUAL 715.308 473 1.51228
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1129.32 479
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for cau truc
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 480 6.1625
ti le trung_sua bot
0 120 4.675 0.11226 4.45441 4.89559
70 120 6.18333 0.11226 5.96274 6.40392
140 120 7.075 0.11226 6.85441 7.29559
210 120 6.71667 0.11226 6.49608 6.93726
ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
0 120 6.13333 0.11226 5.91274 6.35392
30 120 6.13333 0.11226 5.91274 6.35392
50 120 6.40833 0.11226 6.18774 6.62892
70 120 5.975 0.11226 5.75441 6.19559
Multiple Range Tests for cau truc by ti le trung_sua bot
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
0 120 4.675 X
70 120 6.18333 X
210 120 6.71667 X
140 120 7.075 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
0 - 70 *-1.50833 0.311962
0 - 140 *-2.4 0.311962
0 - 210 *-2.04167 0.311962
70 - 140 *-0.891667 0.311962
70 - 210 *-0.533333 0.311962
140 - 210 *0.358333 0.311962
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Bảng 41. kết quả thống kê ẩnh hưởng của lượng sữa bổ sung đến độ mịn của sản
Analysis of Variance for do min - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le sua bot_g 19.9396 3 6.64653 4.05 0.0073
B:ti le trung_sua 225.94 3 75.3132 45.94 0.0000
RESIDUAL 775.452 473 1.63943
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1021.33 479
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for do min
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 480 6.23125
ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
0 120 6.29167 0.116884 6.06199 6.52134
30 120 6.23333 0.116884 6.00366 6.46301
50 120 6.48333 0.116884 6.25366 6.71301
70 120 5.91667 0.116884 5.68699 6.14634
ti le trung_sua bot
0 120 5.13333 0.116884 4.90366 5.36301
70 120 6.21667 0.116884 5.98699 6.44634
140 120 6.95833 0.116884 6.72866 7.18801
210 120 6.61667 0.116884 6.38699 6.84634
Multiple Range Tests for do min by ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
70 120 5.91667 X
30 120 6.23333 XX
0 120 6.29167 X
50 120 6.48333 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
0 - 30 0.0583333 0.324813
0 - 50 -0.191667 0.324813
0 - 70 *0.375 0.324813
30 - 50 -0.25 0.324813
30 - 70 0.316667 0.324813
50 - 70 *0.566667 0.324813
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Bảng 42. Kết quả thống kê ảnh hưởng của lượng trứng gà tươi bổ sung đến độ mịn
sản phẩm
Analysis of Variance for do min - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le trung_sua 225.94 3 75.3132 45.94 0.0000
B:ti le sua bot_g 19.9396 3 6.64653 4.05 0.0073
RESIDUAL 775.452 473 1.63943
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1021.33 479
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for do min
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 480 6.23125
ti le trung_sua bot
0 120 5.13333 0.116884 4.90366 5.36301
70 120 6.21667 0.116884 5.98699 6.44634
140 120 6.95833 0.116884 6.72866 7.18801
210 120 6.61667 0.116884 6.38699 6.84634
ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
0 120 6.29167 0.116884 6.06199 6.52134
30 120 6.23333 0.116884 6.00366 6.46301
50 120 6.48333 0.116884 6.25366 6.71301
70 120 5.91667 0.116884 5.68699 6.14634
Multiple Range Tests for do min by ti le trung_sua bot
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
0 120 5.13333 X
70 120 6.21667 X
210 120 6.61667 X
140 120 6.95833 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
0 - 70 *-1.08333 0.324813
0 - 140 *-1.825 0.324813
0 - 210 *-1.48333 0.324813
70 - 140 *-0.741667 0.324813
70 - 210 *-0.4 0.324813
140 - 210 *0.341667 0.324813
Bảng 43. Kết quả thống kê ảnh hưởng của lượng sữa bột bổ sung đến mùi vị
sản phẩm
Analysis of Variance for mui vi - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le sua bot_g 59.8563 3 19.9521 11.30 0.0000
B:ti le trung_sua 137.023 3 45.6743 25.86 0.0000
RESIDUAL 835.369 473 1.76611
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1032.25 479
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for mui vi
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 480 5.96042
ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
0 120 5.51667 0.121316 5.27828 5.75505
30 120 5.80833 0.121316 5.56995 6.04672
50 120 6.48333 0.121316 6.24495 6.72172
70 120 6.03333 0.121316 5.79495 6.27172
ti le trung_sua bot
0 120 5.11667 0.121316 4.87828 5.35505
70 120 6.06667 0.121316 5.82828 6.30505
140 120 6.6 0.121316 6.36161 6.83839
210 120 6.05833 0.121316 5.81995 6.29672
Multiple Range Tests for mui vi by ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
0 120 5.51667 X
30 120 5.80833 XX
70 120 6.03333 X
50 120 6.48333 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
0 - 30 -0.291667 0.337128
0 - 50 *-0.966667 0.337128
0 - 70 *-0.516667 0.337128
30 - 50 *-0.675 0.337128
30 - 70 -0.225 0.337128
50 - 70 *0.45 0.337128
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Bảng 44. Kết quả thống kê ảnh hưởng của lượng trứng bổ sung đến mùi vị sản
Analysis of Variance for mui vi - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le trung_sua 137.023 3 45.6743 25.86 0.0000
B:ti le sua bot_g 59.8563 3 19.9521 11.30 0.0000
RESIDUAL 835.369 473 1.76611
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 1032.25 479
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for mui vi
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 480 5.96042
ti le trung_sua bot
0 120 5.11667 0.121316 4.87828 5.35505
70 120 6.06667 0.121316 5.82828 6.30505
140 120 6.6 0.121316 6.36161 6.83839
210 120 6.05833 0.121316 5.81995 6.29672
ti le sua bot_g trong mot lit
0 120 5.51667 0.121316 5.27828 5.75505
30 120 5.80833 0.121316 5.56995 6.04672
50 120 6.48333 0.121316 6.24495 6.72172
70 120 6.03333 0.121316 5.79495 6.27172
Multiple Range Tests for mui vi by ti le trung_sua bot
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
0 120 5.11667 X
210 120 6.05833 X
70 120 6.06667 X
140 120 6.6 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
0 - 70 *-0.95 0.337128
0 - 140 *-1.48333 0.337128
0 - 210 *-0.941667 0.337128
70 - 140 *-0.533333 0.337128
70 - 210 0.00833333 0.337128
140 - 210 *0.541667 0.337128
* denotes a statistically significant difference.
Bảng 45. Kết quả thống kê ảnh hưởng của lượng GDL sử dụng đến lực đo cấu
trúc sản phẩm
Analysis of Variance for luc do cau truc_g tren mm2 - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le GDL_gram t 0.537045 3 0.179015 4.25 0.0093
B:ti le tinh bot_t 27.0392 4 6.75979 160.35 0.0000
RESIDUAL 2.19213 52 0.0421563
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 29.7683 59
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for luc do cau truc_g tren mm2
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 60 1.3625
ti le GDL_gram trong 1 lit
1.6 15 1.252 0.0530134 1.14562 1.35838
1.8 15 1.28867 0.0530134 1.18229 1.39505
2 15 1.47867 0.0530134 1.37229 1.58505
2.2 15 1.43067 0.0530134 1.32429 1.53705
ti le tinh bot_tinh theo %
0 12 0.2325 0.0592708 0.113564 0.351436
2 12 1.18917 0.0592708 1.07023 1.3081
4 12 1.34917 0.0592708 1.23023 1.4681
6 12 1.82167 0.0592708 1.70273 1.9406
8 12 2.22 0.0592708 2.10106 2.33894
Multiple Range Tests for luc do cau truc_g tren mm2 by ti le GDL_gram trong 1 lit
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
1.6 15 1.252 X
1.8 15 1.28867 XX
2.2 15 1.43067 XX
2 15 1.47867 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
1.6 - 1.8 -0.0366667 0.150443
1.6 - 2 *-0.226667 0.150443
1.6 - 2.2 *-0.178667 0.150443
1.8 - 2 *-0.19 0.150443
1.8 - 2.2 -0.142 0.150443
2 - 2.2 0.048 0.150443
Bảng 46. Kết qủa thống kê ảnh hưởng của lượng tinh bột bổ sung đến lực đo
cẩu trúc sản phẩm
Analysis of Variance for luc do cau truc_g tren mm2 - Type III Sums of Squares
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
A:ti le tinh bot_t 27.0392 4 6.75979 160.35 0.0000
B:ti le GDL_gram t 0.537045 3 0.179015 4.25 0.0093
RESIDUAL 2.19213 52 0.0421563
TOTAL (CORRECTED) 29.7683 59
All F-ratios are based on the residual mean square error.
Table of Least Squares Means for luc do cau truc_g tren mm2
with 95.0 Percent Confidence Intervals
Stnd. Lower Upper
Level Count Mean Error Limit Limit
GRAND MEAN 60 1.3625
ti le tinh bot_tinh theo %
0 12 0.2325 0.0592708 0.113564 0.351436
2 12 1.18917 0.0592708 1.07023 1.3081
4 12 1.34917 0.0592708 1.23023 1.4681
6 12 1.82167 0.0592708 1.70273 1.9406
8 12 2.22 0.0592708 2.10106 2.33894
ti le GDL_gram trong 1 lit
1.6 15 1.252 0.0530134 1.14562 1.35838
1.8 15 1.28867 0.0530134 1.18229 1.39505
2 15 1.47867 0.0530134 1.37229 1.58505
2.2 15 1.43067 0.0530134 1.32429 1.53705
Multiple Range Tests for luc do cau truc_g tren mm2 by ti le tinh bot_tinh theo %
Method: 95.0 percent LSD
Level Count LS Mean Homogeneous Groups
0 12 0.2325 X
2 12 1.18917 X
4 12 1.34917 X
6 12 1.82167 X
8 12 2.22 X
Contrast Difference +/- Limits
0 - 2 *-0.956667 0.168201
0 - 4 *-1.11667 0.168201
0 - 6 *-1.58917 0.168201
0 - 8 *-1.9875 0.168201
2 - 4 -0.16 0.168201
2 - 6 *-0.6325 0.168201
2 - 8 *-1.03083 0.168201
4 - 6 *-0.4725 0.168201
4 - 8 *-0.870833 0.168201
6 - 8 *-0.398333 0.168201
* denotes a statistically significant difference.