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Chapter 4: Prioritizing Issues, Setting and Revising Goals potx

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Chapter 4
Prioritizing Issues, Setting
and Revising Goals


Goal setting and contingencies

BATNA – Best Alternative to Negotiated

Strategies to staying on track

Negotiating issue priorities

Team negotiations

Goal Setting & Contingencies
Upon completion of intelligence
gathering, a negotiator is ready to set
goals and identify contingencies

What is the ideal outcome?

What are contingency goals in case the
ideal is unattainable?

Example – Career Search
Imagine you have just visited with
several companies at your University
career fair. You’re excited about the

possibilities with 3 companies but know
the job market is competitive.

Identify your ideal job/company

Identify your contingency goals

What will I do if we can’t come to an
agreement that meets my needs?

Prepare for instances where the
achievement of the ideal and/or
contingency outcomes are not possible

Identify a fall-back position

Avoid a sense of failure and desperation

Provides a safety net

Developing Goals, Contingencies &
Read Toys, Toys, Toys

Identify important issues

Identify ideal outcomes for each issue

Identify contingency outcomes

Identify BATNA

Staying on Track

Skilled negotiators stay on track through

Identify possible irrelevant claims (e.g. fallacies)

Anticipate issues

Prepare for diversion

Identify effective ways to respond

Identify whether the claim (argument) is
relevant to the outcome

Negotiating Issue Priorities

Negotiators may face times when the other
party presents issues that haven’t been
anticipated and/or raises issues that are
unimportant or irrelevant to the primary

Various options to consider (e.g. dismiss, put-
off to later)

Issue folding

Seek a win-win approach rather than win-lose

Issue Prioritization
Negotiator 1
Negotiator 2
Issue A
Issue B Issue C Issue A Issue B Issue C
Common Prioritization
High priority
Fold C into B due
to relatedness

Team Negotiations

Negotiations with teams present new challenges

Focus on task

Focus on relationships

Seek balance

“Hot teams” – devoted to task but not one another
and may be confrontational, challenging and critical

“Warm teams” – focused on task but also concerned

with relationships

Give group members opportunity to voice opinions
and seek consensus
