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Object view
Represents the features as discrete objects with well-define boundaries in an empty
Formal specification of the meaning of a datum
Quintessential GIS operation that determines spatial coincidences
Portable document format – an open file format for the description of device-
independent documents
One who studies soil science
The amount of detail that can be discerned in geographic information
See Map projection
Spatial organization of data similar to an array or a spreadsheet; space is com-
pletely filled by the cells that make up the raster
Regional science
Academic discipline at the intersection of economics and geography that devel-
oped its own set of spatial analysis techniques
Remote sensing
The technique (and science behind) gathering information from objects without
touching them
An automated form of digitizing that results in raster data
The meaning of a datum
Shape measures

Set of statistical measures to describe spatial configurations; originally devel-
oped in landscape ecology
Spatial reference
Descriptor for a location on Earth
Structured query language – a standard (with many variations) way of querying a
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Scalable vector graphics – an XML dialect for the description of vector data
Thiessen polygon
For a point dataset, the area around one point that is closer to this point than
to any other point
Tagged image file format – an error-free storage format for raster data
Triangulated irregular network – a representation of a surface derived from
irregularly spaced sample points
Branch of mathematics that deals with qualitative spatial relations. Topological rela-
tionships are important for many GIS operations and have been used as a check for
the geometric consistency of a GIS database
Unified modeling language – an ISO standard for the specification of database
Family of multi-user operating systems
Universal Transverse Mercator projection and coordinate system. Originally used
by the US armed forces, it is now common throughout the world for GIS applica-

tions covering larger areas
Vector GIS
GIS that uses points, lines and polygons to represent geographic features
Web 2.0
A set of techniques associated with web technologies that enable users to
develop their own applications
Extensible markup language – a superset of what many know as web description
languages such as HTML. XML is not meant to be read by humans but to facili-
tate automated exchanges between computers
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ABM. See agent-based modeling
accuracy, 17–18, 89
address, 89
aerial photographs, 8
agent, definition, 83
AgentAnalyst, 86
agent-based modeling (ABM), 50, 77,
82–86, 89
allocation modeling, 50
analytical cartographers, 70
area table, 34
artificial intelligence, 77, 79, 83.
See also neural networks
aspect, 62, 61–63
attribute(s), 8–12, 17, 22, 24, 29, 30,
34, 40, 46, 59, 89
AutoCAD, 12, 89
autocorrelation, 70, 89
Boolean logic
fuzzy reasoning and, 77–78
invention of, 25
operations, 25–27, 26, 40
spatial, 40–41, 40
buffer, 43, 89
inward/inverse, 42
operation, 37, 41–44, 48, 51

in spatial search, 43
surprise effects in, 43
CA. See cellular automata
CAD. See computer aided design
cellular automata (CA), 77, 81–83,
85, 89
census data, 74
centroid, 46, 89
Christaller’s Central Place Theory, 49
CityGML, 85
computer aided design (CAD), 13, 37,
59, 67, 89
contour lines, 21, 59
coordinates, 2, 14–15, 21, 34, 45–46,
53, 89, 92
coordinate systems, 14
corridor function, 42
Couclelis’ “Hierarchical Man”, 3, 4
completeness, 18
conversion, 12
costs, 17 (see also GIS: budgets)
data capture, automated, 62
elevation, 21
exchange, 11–12
geographic, 11, 13, 17
quality, 17–19
retrieval, 22
wire frame, 60
See also database; specific

data models
consistency, 18, 36
development, 1
indexing scheme, 21
lineage, 18
raster-based, 21
dBase, 12, 89
Delaunay criterion, 60
DEM (digital elevation model),
62–63, 85, 89
desktop publishing, 13
digital elevation model (DEM),
62–63, 85, 89
digital terrain model (DTM), 62
digital number (DN), 6–7, 90
digitizing, 1, 8, 90
Dijkstra algorithm, 46
dimensionality, 17–18, 60, 70
distance-decay function, 46, 66
distance function. See global
DN (digital number), 6–7, 90
Figures in bold
Tables in italics
Albrecht-3572-Index.qxd 7/13/2007 4:20 PM Page 99
DTM (digital terrain model), 62
dynamic modeling, 58, 82, 86

ecologists, 71, 85
electromagnetic spectrum, 7
elevation, 21–22, 24, 51, 54,
59–62, 66, 89
emergent properties, 83, 86
error, 8–9, 14, 17–19, 69, 79, 92
error classification matrix, 18
Euclidean geometry, 3, 74
Euclidean space, 4
evolutionary programming. See
genetic algorithms
extended markup language (XML),
11, 91–92
field view, 2–3, 90
file transfer protocol (FTP), 16, 90
First Law of Geography, 46, 56, 65,
focal function, 51, 52, 55, 55–56,
62, 90
FocalMean, 56
focal operations, 62
FocalSum, 56
forward star search, 46
FTP (file transfer protocol), 16, 90
corridor, 42
distance-decay function, 46, 66
focal (neighborhood), 51, 52, 55,
55–56, 62, 90
global, 51, 57–58

local, 51, 53–54, 54, 56
neighborhood (focal), 51, 52, 55,
55–56, 62, 90
zonal, 51, 54–57, 57
fuzzy reasoning, 77–78, 90
Geary’s contiguity ratio (c), 74
general G-statistic, 74
genetic algorithms, 50, 77,
80, 81–82
geocomputation, 75–77, 85
geodemographics, 16, 90
geographic attribute, 6, 8, 90
geographic data, 11, 13, 17
geographic markup language
(GML v3), 85, 90
geographic object, 2–3, 8, 12
geographic web services, 15–16
geography, ontologies of
representing, 12–13
geometric mean, 71–72
geometric median, 70, 72
combinations, 29, 40
complex, 33
simple, 33
spherical, 14
geostatistics, 65
GeoTIFF, 12, 90
agent-based modeling and, 84

analysis workflow, 58
benefits, 23
budgets, 1, 5
commercial, 85
cartographic characteristics and, 29
databases, 1–3, 17–18, 21,
23, 36, 92
dataset, 13
installation, 16
limitations, 85
literature, 1
manager, 2
models, 3-D, 87
older, 32
raster, 46
selection and, 24–25, 25
textbooks, 45
uses for, 45
vendors, 1, 12
GIScience, 1, 12, 84–85, 90, 94
global functions, 51, 57–58
global pattern detectors, 74
global positioning system (GPS), 7–8,
16, 90
GML (geographic markup language),
85, 90
GPS (global positioning system),
7–8, 16, 90
gravity model, 46–47, 47
“Hierarchical Man”, 3, 4

hydrological modeling, 63
image analysis, 5
information. See data
International Standards Organization
(ISO), 11, 13, 90, 92
Albrecht-3572-Index.qxd 7/13/2007 4:20 PM Page 100
GIS user interfaces, 23
search engines, 21–22, 25
interoperability, 11
interpolation, 65, 69, 69
inverse distance weighting (IDW),
65–66, 66,90
ISO. See International Standards
joint count statistic, 73, 74
kriging, 69, 90
lineage, 18, 91
line table, 34
LocalAND, 56
local function, 51, 53–54, 54, 56
local pattern detectors, 74
local regression analysis, 75
locational part, 11
lookup table, 21, 57–58, 58
map algebra, 51, 53–54, 56–58,
62–64, 85, 91
MapQuest, 16, 91
maps, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15–16, 29, 30,

51, 57, 63, 91
MAS (multi-agent systems), 81. See
also agent-based modeling
MAUP (modifiable area unit
problem), 4, 74, 91
metadata, 7, 13–14, 14, 17, 19, 91
agent-based, 50, 77, 82–86, 89
allocation, 50
digital elevation, 62–63, 85, 89
digital terrain (DTM), 62
dynamic, 58, 82, 86
language, 86–87, 92
network-based location-allocation, 75
raster-based elevation, 60–62
terrain, 64
uncertainty, 19
wire frame, 59
models. See modeling
modifiable area unit problem
(MAUP), 4, 74, 91
Moran’s I, 74
multi-agent systems (MAS), 82. See
also agent-based modeling
neighborhood (focal) functions, 51,
52, 55, 55–56, 62, 90
network-based location-allocation
models, 75
networks, 34, 42, 45–47, 49, 51,
79–80, 91

neural, 50, 77, 79, 79–80
node, 32, 33, 33, 46, 48, 60
non-planarity, 34
object view, 3, 3, 91
ontology description
language, 19, 88
algebra, 51
buffer, 37, 41–44, 48, 61
combining 43–44
filter, 31
focal (neighborhood), 62
GIS, 37, 58, 89, 91, 92
logic, 26
overlay, 37–41, 43, 48,
51, 54, 89
raster, 52
real-time, 79
zonal, 49, 61
location, 47–50
path, 45–47
origin-destination matrix, 50
overlays, 37–41, 38–39, 43,
54, 90–91
parallel processing, 77, 79
PCRaster system, 86
PDF. See portable document
pedologists, 29, 91

pointer structure, 34
polynomials, 65–66, 67, 68–69
portable document format
(PDF), 13, 91
precision, 18–19
product quality
, 19
projections, 13–15,
15. See also
conditional, 22, 23
by location, 21, 22
by (multiple) attributes, 23, 24
Albrecht-3572-Index.qxd 7/13/2007 4:20 PM Page 101
-based elevation models, 60–62
-based programs, 58
cells, 52, 52–53, 59
data, 22, 51, 60, 65, 91
GIS, 32, 41, 49, 51, 61, 66, 81
zones, 53
rated space, 4
real space, 4
recoding, 29, 30–41, 2–9
regional science, 45, 49, 75, 91
regression analysis, 75, 80
remote sensing, 1, 5–7,
62, 79, 91

resolution, 7, 18
sampling, 3–5
satellite imaging, 6–7, 13, 16, 64
scanning, 8, 91. See also
scripts, 58
selection, 24–25, 25
self-organization, 79–80, 82
semantics, 12, 91
sensitivity, 7
sensors, 6–7
shape measures, 71, 73, 92
shortest-path analysis, 45–46. See
also optimization
slope, 62
space, 4
spatial analysis, 21, 46, 65, 70,
72, 74–75, 92
spatial autocorrelation, 70
spatial Boolean logic, 40, 40
spatial data, 1–2, 8, 17–19, 29
spatial distributions, 5, 9
spatial econometrics, 75
spatial interpolation, 65
spatial patterns, 72–74
spatial reference, 2, 21, 90–92
spatial relationships, 29,
32, 33, 36
spatial search, 21, 39
space, types of, 4

splines, 67, 67–68
SQL (structure query language),
23, 92
standard deviational ellipse, 72
standard space, 4
statistics, traditional, 70, 72, 74
structure query language
(SQL), 24, 92
tagged image file format (TIFF),
Thiessen polygon, 44, 44, 92
third dimension
digital elevation models and, 62
representation of, 59
TIFF (tagged image file format),
TIN. See triangulated irregular
Tobler’s First Law of Geography, 46,
56, 65, 69–70
topology, 18, 34–36, 35, 92
traveling salesman
problem, 80–81
triangulated irregular networks (TIN),
44, 60, 60–61, 65, 85, 92
triangulation, 8
UML. See unified modeling
unified modeling language
(UML), 86–87, 92

Universal Transverse
Mercator, 15, 92
Unix, 16, 92
Census Bureau, 16
Geological Survey, 15–16
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator),
15, 92
value grids, 58
variable source problem, 5
-based GIS, 1, 3, 45, 51,
58–60, 92
data, 6, 60, 86, 92
viewshed analysis, 61, 61
visibility analysis, 61
oronoi diagram. See Thiessen
eb 22, 92
-based geographic data, 16
Albrecht-3572-Index.qxd 7/13/2007 4:20 PM Page 102
web cont.
-based SVG format, 13
services, 16
Weber’s triangle, 48
wire frame
data, 60

model, 59
workflows, 43, 58, 87
XML (extensible markup
language), 11, 91–92
zonal functions, 51, 56–57, 57
ZonalMax, 59–57
zonal number, 57
zonal operation, 49, 61
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