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Unit 9: A first-aid course Period 57: Lesson 3: Listen pot

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Unit 9: A first-aid course
Period 57: Lesson 3: Listen

I. Objectives :
-After the lesson Ss will be able to know more about the first aid by using the
simple future to make request, offers and promises
- To drill litening skill.
II.Teaching aids.
Tape + casstte player, Text book + picture + posters.
III. Teaching procedure.
1.Class oganization
2. Oral test
-Do the exercise2-3 (page: 55- 56) in the work book.
3. New lesson
A. Warm up : - Ask Ss to do the exercise given :
Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets:
1. Would you mind (lend) me some money?
2. I promise I (not do) that again.
3. Would you mind if I (close) the door?
4. Can I (get) you some water?
- Check the mistake if necessary.
B. Pre- listening
- Introduce the content of the listening, and listening order.
- Ask the Ss to look at the picture and name the thing in English
- Provide the new words:
+Stretcher : cái cáng + Crutches : cái nạng
+ Scale: Cái cân + Eye chart bảng đo thị lực +Wheelchair: xe lăn
-Read the new words in the chorus.
C. While –listening
- Play the tape three times/ ask the Ss to work inpairs to list the things they hear in
the correct order.

Ask some pairs to give the answer.
- Play the tape once more and ask the Ss to check the listening.
A. Ambulance
D. Wheelchair
E. Crutches.
F. Eye chart
G. Scale
H. Stretcher.
* the correct order in the tape:
F- B- D- A- E- C.
I. Post- listening.
-Give the extra exercise and ask the Ss to work in pairs to complete.
* Put the words in the box into four groups
Headache, heart, leg , nose, scale, revive ,stretcher, toothache ,Wheelchair ,Aids,
ambulance, arm, bleed, cold ,crutches ,ease, elevate, fall, flu ,head,
+ Necessary for patients:
+ Part of the body:
+ Illness or diseases:
+ Verbs:
-Ask the Ss to give the correct answer.
- Check the mistake if necessary.
-Ask the Ss to read the words aloud in chorus.
4. Consolidation.
- Ask the Ss to retell the main content of the listening and some main words used
in the hospital.
5. Homework.
-Aks the Ss to do the exercise 4 (page; 56) in workbook.
-Prepare the reading.
