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Starting Steps ppt

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WRITING I 98/99   Starting Steps
1- Basic elements of the sentence : Subject , Objects , Complements
e. g : He is reading a book . Maria is going to buy her son a new watch .
The test was so difficult .
2- Phrases and Clauses :
Phrases : groups of words containing non-finite verbs ( -ING / -ED forms of verbs , To-infinitive )
e .g : Looking at the board , she knew that she was on the wrong way .
This is a long novel written by a very famous writer .
Old Dinger’s ghost was said to live in the surrounding hills .
Clauses : groups of words containing finite verbs
e .g : The cat jumped onto my father’s lap while he was reading his letters .
Looking at the board , she knew that she was on the wrong way .
Practice : Identify phrases and clauses in the following sentences :
1-The woman driving the car indicated that she was going left and then turned right .
2- I shan’t go unless he asks me .
3- When it rains , I usually go to the office by bus .
4- Henry did the work as it ought to be done .
5-Mary has gone to get some fruit .
6-I received my wages yesterday , so that I can now pay what I owe you .
7-Walking through the park , we saw a lovely show of daffodils .
8-The concert given by the Philharmonic Orchestra was a great success .
3-Subordinate clauses :
Functions : Nouns , Adjectives , Adverbs .
e .g : What he likes is what I hate .
Can you tell me what the time is ?
The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolate heath .
As my secretary is away at present , I have a great many extra letters to answer.
When we came in , they were having dinner .
I know that he is the leader .
The news that he heard from his friend was a great shock to him .
The news that his father got terribly ill was a great shock to him .

Practice :Identify the subordinating clauses and its functions in the following sentences :
1-The book which you lent me was interesting .
2-How the prisoners escaped is a complete mystery .
3-George said that he was pleased to welcome our Italian friends .
4-I shall do the exercises as I have been taught .
5-The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true .
6-He asked me why I had come there .
7-As the car was so small he sold it .
8-He kept on with his work until he had finished it .
9-Stay where you are !
10-The idea that you can do this work without thinking is quite wrong .
4-Complex , Compound , Compound-Complex :
main clause + subordinate clause (s ) -> complex
main clause + main clause -> compound
main clause + main clause + subordinate clause -> compound-complex
e .g : I am teaching you English and you are listening to me .
The man said that he was tired .
Do you understand that or is the point still not clear ?
The boy who was attacked by the thieves closed the door and then he walked away .
The thief ran away when he saw the policeman .
They could not decide what to do so they asked for my advice .
Starting points
I Identify phrases , clauses in the following sentences :
1-Suddenly the tornado hit the town , ripping roots away from houses , wrenching trees from the ground .
2-Anyone who likes rock music wants to hear it all day long .
3-Eventhough I enjoy pastoral beauty , bugs scare me and flowers make me sneeze .
4-We tried out our new speed boat when the see was calm .
5-An educated person is one who knows not only the extent of his knowledge but also its limits .

6-It is difficult to estimate the impact of televised violence upon young children .
7-Many parents are under the impression that education is to be got only in school .
8-Before election , it is every politician’s opinion that taxes must be cut.
9-The police were annoyed by the jeers of the crowd .
10-She became interested in social work through her summer job in a camp for underprivileged children .
II Underline the subordinating clause and denote its function :
1 -While I did well in class , I was a poor performer at games
2- A great storm had brought the sea right into the house , so that they had been forced to make their escape by a
window at the back .
3- Where the pink cliffs rose out of the ground there were often narrow tracks winding upwards .
4- George said he was pleased to welcome our Italian friends .
5- You can have this for what I paid for it .
6-The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true .
7-The news that he told me was terrible .
8- That it was done deliberately is quite clear.
9-I know the reason why he was so angry .
10-He is the kindest man I know .
III Identify compound , complex , compound-complex sentences :
1-Teachers frown on the idea of cramming the night before an exam , but it’s better than flunking .
2-One of the major objections to capital punishment is not that it is ineffective as a deterrent to crime but that it is
so inconsistently administered .
3-The argument for the legalisation of marijuana rests on the contention that the drug is not addictive .
4-The teacher told the class he was retiring that year , and there was a burst of applause .
5- Although Elvis Presley’s heyday seemed to be over , his popularity underwent a revival .
6-This summer I took a temporary job as a shop assistant in the dress department of a large store , and it was an
experience I shall never forget .
7-The first customers of the morning were the ladies who had come up to town in order to spend the whole day at
the shops .
WRITING I 97/99   Basic Sentence Faults

Sentence Fragment ( FRAG )
Examples : a Soul music was gaining popularity . But many people still didn’t know what it was .
 Soul music was gaining popularity , but many people still didn’t know what it was .
b The President’s budget was the largest in history . Though he had promised to cut it
 The President’s budget was the largest in history , though he had promised to cut it
c The children were found in the street . The children were homeless .
 The children who were found in the street were homeless .
d I stayed at home . I was very tired .
 I stayed at home because I was very tired ( Because I was tired , I stayed at home )
Defragment the following sentences :
1.The Soviet delegate walked out of the meeting .Which was his way of avoiding the issue .
2.Look in the closet .Or look under the bed .
3.We left the party early .We were tired .
4.A man should never wear his best suit . When he goes out to fight for freedom and truth .
5.The bread was old and stale . Martha ate it anyway .
6.Violence is becoming a tool of political dissent . Chiefly because non-violence can so easily be ignored by the
country as a whole .
7.Many doctors refuse to prescribe birth control pills . Some women have had serious side effects after using the
pills .
8. The Beatles decided to stop giving concerts . Just as they were at the peak of their fame .
9.I couldn’t repair my bicycle . I didn’t have the right tools .
10.Paul brings the money for our lunch . We will go right down to the cafeteria .
11.Some English words have the same pronunciation . They are spelt differently , for example , deer and dear .
12.The two candidates have identical platforms . The only difference is their party .
13.The cortege at President Kennedy’s funeral was a long one .Rich and poor , young and old , all marching side
by side .
14.Many young people are considering social work as a career . Not for the money , but for the sense of
satisfaction it provides .
15. He asked a lot of questions and generally managed to annoy everybody . His questions were none of his
business .

16. The millionaire made a public appeal . The millionaire’s son ran away from home a week a go .
17.He leaped through the window with a crash . Because there was no other way of escaping the fire .
18.The two candidates have identical platforms . The only difference is their party .
19.Her father died . She was very young .
20.England had a hot climate , The attitude would be different .
21.I didn’t know that she had been married . She seldom talked about herself .
22.I used to love listening to her . I could only understand about half of what she said .
23. The car was quite old . It was in excellent condition .
24.I shall do the exercises . I have been taught .
25.The class ended . The teacher heaved a deep sigh of relief .
WRITING I 97/99   Basic Sentence Faults
Comma Splice , Run together and Faulty agreement
Examples : 1.Revise comma splices and run-together sentences
( by using a co-ordinating conjunction , using semicolon , separating into two sentences , changing
one of the main clauses into subordinating )
Comma Splice :She disliked school , she studied everyday .
She disliked school but she studied everyday .
She disliked school ; however , she studied everyday .
She disliked school . She studied everyday .
Although she disliked school , she studied everyday .
Run-together : I did well in class I was a poor performer at games .
I did well in class but I was a poor performer at games .
Although I did well in class , I was a poor performer at games .
I did well in class ; however , I was a poor performer at games
He wanted a job in fact he needed a job very badly .
He wanted a job ; in fact , he needed a job very badly .
Practice : Revise the following sentences ( indicate the mistake before you revise )
1. The boy closed the door he walked away .

2. It was foggy , we decided to stay at home .
3. Some students question whether literature is relevant to them , they should really be asking whether
they are relevant to literature .
4. The children had finished their lessons , they went home .
5. The students were trapped in a cave one of them has already been brought out .
6. It is impossible to experiment with psychedelic drugs cautiously , true caution would preclude their
use entirely .
7. The pollution of air and water goes on many alarmed scientists warn that it threatens the survival of
people .
8. Any of these problems can be solved by ordinary intelligence and hard work , none of them are too
difficult for that .
9. Most of Hemingway’s novels have similar subjects , love and war are two of the most frequent .
10. An addict needs more and more heroin he needs it all time .
11. The U.K . and Red China were technically allies however they have been quite a few problems
12. The captain allowed the crew of the captured ship to return home he kept the ship .
13. Old Thrussel died , his widow came to me and said that he wished to be burred in the churchyard .
14. I didn’t know she had been married , she seldom talked about herself .
15. A great storm had brought the sea right into the house they had been forced to make their escape by a
window at the back .
16. I used to read a lot I don’t get much time for books now .
17. To every child adult approval means love , disapproval means hate .
18. The test was difficult , he couldn’t pass it .
19. They had a flat tire on the way to the airport they arrived on time .
20. The spider is an insect , it spins a web .
2. Faulty Agreement :
Examples :
Subject – Verb agreement : The first two chapters of the book were exciting .
with , as well as , accompanied by , together with

Peter , as well as his classmates , never thinks about that .
none , neither , any , nor , or None but a fool squanders his time .
None but fools squander his time .
Either you or she has to come .
and ( Sheila is my friend and she is also my teacher and she is always happy )
My friend and teacher is always happy .
There are only a chair and a table left to auction .
relative He is the only one of the councilmen who is opposed to the plan .
He is one of the best players that have come from Texas .
Pronoun :
anyone , everyone , each ,etc . -> his or her , he or she
Every student should finish his or her own assignment .
In the following sentences , correct every error of agreement in accordance with formal style, some of them
are correct :
1. The horse thief , with his two accompanies , have been arrested .
2. Neither the farmer nor the chickens was aware of the swooping hawk .
3. As a result , there is confusion , trouble , and uncertainty .
4. The committee are unable to agree on a plan of action .
5. The farmer , and not the city dweller , feel downhearted when agriculture prices fall .
6. Thirty dollars is more than a poor family can afford for a pair of shoes .
7. The crux of the urban problem are overcrowding and unemployment .
8. The administrator told the milling , showing crowd he would not put up with these sort of tactics.
9. The Democratic Party lost several of their congressional seats in the last election .
10. After thirty , one loses both the rebelliousness and the inventiveness of their early years .
11. None of the students in the biology class could read their own slides .
12. If world peace is to be assured , either the Eastern bloc or the Western bloc must alter their position .
13. Neither the instructor nor the students has finished his work .
14. No teen-ager appreciates their parents’ sacrifices for them until later in life .
15. The citizens’ group submitted their report to the mayor .
16. The President with his cabinet members are touring South America .

17. Ignorance is one of the major problems that afflict the society .
18. The DACT is the only one of the groups that are trying to better conditions for experienced workers.
19. I always give each of my students the attention they need .
20. Many people enjoy reading about the Netherlands and their people .

WRITING I 97/99   Basic Sentence Faults
Faulty Reference of Pronouns
1.Two possible antecedents for a pronoun :
Jack told Carl that he was ungrateful
Jack said to Car: “ You are ungrateful”
When or president met with their premier , he felt a new chapter in history had begun .
Our president felt a new chapter in history had begun when he met with their premier .
2. Antecedent is remote from the pronoun :
The school belongs to the community .Students and parents should work closely with faculty and
administrators in developing programs of instruction and recreation . It could be the meeting place for
community activities .
The school … . The school could be the meeting place for community activities .
3.Indefinite use of THEY , YOU , IT .
In less industrialised areas , they do not understand the problems of the city .
In less industrialised areas , the problems of the city are not understood .
4.Vague use of THIS , THAT , WHICH
The field-and-track events were poorly supported , which frustrated many students .
That the field-and-track events were poorly supported frustrated many students .
Many students were frustrated by the fact that the field-and-track events were poorly supported .
5.Implied noun :
Because we put the wire fence around the chicken yard , they cannot escape .
Because we put the wire fence around the chicken yard , the chickens cannot escape .
1. After Mrs. Henry scolded little Sylvia , she regretted her rudeness .
2. Joan told her friend that she should take speech lessons .

3. He dropped the record on the phonograph arm and broke it .
4. Sidney gave his brother a copy of Catcher in the Rye , which was one of his favourite books .
5. When Kathy visited her mother she was very angry .
6. The birds sang in the forest where undergrowth was thick , and a brook wound slowly in the valley .
They were of many colours .
7. She argued that yoga exercises is a mean of achieving relaxation , and that artists , writers , and even
office workers find it necessary .
8. He and his opponent made promises to the people of the nation to argument and revitalise the various
poverty programs . But they were soon forgotten after the election .
9. People should always vote on election day . This is an indication of their desire to have good
government .
10. The profit from the investment would be large , which I realised almost immediately .
11. The government pays farmers not to grow crops . This is not helping to solve the problem of hunger
among poor people .
12. There is a part on the far side of the museum , which is open to the public .
13. She was self-conscious about her money .But this didn’t bother her real friends .
14. Tom brother’s an engineer , and this is the profession Tom wants to study .
15. There is a police station near the church , and we called them when we saw broken windows in the
basement .
16. We plucked off the feathers before we roasted them.
17. Because Lucy had never worked with a potter’s wheel , she supposed it was easy .
18. Whenever Shirley meets Rose , she seems annoyed .
For Quick Revision and Further Practice :
Try to make these sentences more effective
1. In every generation , you find a generation gap .
2. She is a meticulous housekeeper because she learned it when she was a child .
3. The delegates arrived in twos and threes for the emergency session at the UN . Interested spectators
were also streaming in . They stopped only to pose for the press photographers at the entrance .
4. Marilyn told Susan that she should have never married Jim .

5. The American people have elected a number of inadequate presidents , but Congress as kept them
from running the country .
6. Nations which share a water source are always on the blink of war . This adds much to international
tension .
7. Take the baby out of the bath water and throw it away .
8. Nuclear weapons are employed in a world war , the world will be destroyed .
9. There is a good many reasons for the tensions between Arabs and Israelis.
10. If a physician or a lawyer came to this town , they would make a good living .
11. One can find a great deal of information on world religions if they go to the library .
12. Greenland is a large island few people live there .
WRITING ONE   Basic Sentence Faults
Faulty Reference of Pronouns , Shift and Misplaced Parts
A Faulty Reference Of Pronouns :
1. There are two antecedents ( nouns ) for only one pronoun.
2. The antecedent is too far from the pronoun .
3. The antecedent is implied
4. Unclear use of THIS , THAT , WHICH
5. Unclear use of THEY , YOU , IT
B Shift :
1. Shift of the subject or the voice ( different subjects )
e. g :After we heard the lecture , questions were asked . -> After we heard the lecture , we asked
questions .
2. Shift of person or number
e .g : When one is feeling tired , a candy bar will give you some quick energy ->
: When one ( you are ) is feeling tired , a candy bar will give him or her ( you) …
3. Shift of tense or mood .
e .g : You should learn about the issues , and then vote …-> You should learn about the issues ,
and then you should vote ….
C Misplaced Parts

1.Misposition of an adverb : He almost seemed amused > He seemed almost amused
2.Misposition of a phrase : She met with a hat a woman -> She met a woman with a hat
3.Misposition of a clause : She borrowed an egg from a neighbour that was rotten ->
She borrowed an egg that was rotten from a neighbour
Identify the faults and revise them :
1. Jack said to Carl that he was ungrateful .
2. He dropped the tape on the video recorder and broke it .
3. Clair told Susan that when she got home she would phone to thank her mother .
4. The professor have carefully explained the work to Richard and his friend , but he still
doesn’t understand it .
5. Has Peter talked with Jim about what he owes him .had been at his birthday party last
Saturday night .
6. She argued that yoga exercise is a mean of achieving relaxation , and that artists , writers ,
and even office workers find it necessary .
7. Henry would have seen John if he had been at his birthday party last Saturday night .
8. The delegates arrived in twos and threes for the emergency session at the UN .Interested
spectators were also streaming in . They stopped only to pose for the press photographers at
the entrance .
9. The government pays farmers not to grow crops .This is not helping to solve the problem of
hunger among poor people .
10.The meeting was to elect a new chairman , which members had been informed .
11.When a teenager begins to lecture to parents , it always makes them feel uncomfortable
12.Some of the roads were flooded , which made our journey more difficult .
13.She was much kinder to her young children than she was to other children , which made them
jealous .
14.He took the shutters of the window frames and painted them .
15.After learning the lecture on underwater sound experiment , Mr. Brown had a great
admiration for them .
16.In the peace agreement , it said that all American prisoners would be released.

17.It says almost nothing in the textbook about our real treatment of Chicanos and their
minorities .
18.In some states you are not permitted to drive faster than fifty miles an hour .
19.First the surface should be carefully cleaned ; then put the glue on .
20.Mr. Jones put putty around all the window panes , and then the broken window sashes were
repainted .
21.You should install a safety belt in your car because they help to save life .
22.I tried cigarette smoking but they made my throat sore .
23.When we smoked cigarettes , they don’t do me any good .
24.I almost read half the book .
25.The earthquake victims needed nurses to bandage their wounds badly .
26.Who is the woman who gave you the candy in the pink dress.
27.He tried to get to know girls with a new approach .
28.The instructor told his students when the class was over they could ask their questions .
29.The major nations of the world regularly decide to one day in the near future reduce their
armaments .
30.You should , if you ever see a drunken driver , immediately contact the police .
31.The Soviets tried , although they did not succeed , to establish a missile base in Cuba .
32.At the convention I saw Mr. Ward , whom I had many years ago met in Chicago .
WRITING I 97/99   Basic Sentence Faults
Dangling Constructions
1. Dangling Phrases :
A Dangling Participles :
Riding my bicycle , a dog chased me -> When I was riding …., I was chased by a dog.
Mocked at by everyone , I can’t help feeling sorry for Billy ->
I can’t help feeling sorry for Billy who is mocked at by everyone .
B Dangling Gerunds :
After considering the plan for several days , it was adopted .
After considering the plan for several days , the committee adopted it .

C Dangling infinitives :
To write effectively , practice is necessary .
To write effectively , students should practice a lot .
2. Dangling elliptical clauses
When a baby , my grandfather gave me a silver cup .
When I was a baby , my grandfather gave me a silver cup .
Revise the following dangling constructions :
1. Sitting at an outdoor cafe , Paris reveals its eternal variety .
2. Looking through the window , the passers-by can be seen .
3. Stepping carelessly into the street , a car knocked him down .
4. Knowing little about Asian customs , the first President tour was not entirely successful .
5. Being thoroughly dissatisfied with the painting , it was hidden in the store room by Jane .
6. Discovered many years ago , we find uranium is a useful metal .
7. On arriving at the picnic , the moon was high in the sky .
8. Watching the slides carefully , many familiar scenes appeared .
9. Shopping in the department store , a pretty blouse came to my attention .
10. By checking the answer sheet , my errors became clear to me .
11. To dance well , practice is needed .
12. To make good impression , a clean shirt should be worn to Interview .
13. To get well , an operation is necessary for the patient .
14. To be extra safe , the lock on the new apartment door was changed .
15. The car proved hard to drive when drinking heavily .
16. While cooking dinner , her finger was burned badly .
17. When in grammar school , his teachers taught him to read .
18. If lost , we shall pay a reward for the ring .
19. When sick , see a doctor at once .
20. With a great deal of effort , his courses were passed .
21. When planting these flowers care must be taken not to damage the roots .
22. Reading the letter a second time , the meaning becomes clearer .

23. When paying by cheque , a bank card should be shown .
24. Barking furiously , I led the dog out of the room .
25. Tied to a post , the sea was tossing the boat up and down .
26. Shinning in the sky , we saw the first star .
27. Rushing out of the house , a lorry knocked me over .
28. Dropped by parachute , the country seemed entirely unfamiliar .
29. Pinned to the door by a knife , the man saw a notice .
30. Having paid my taxes , the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning .

WRITING I 98/00   Basic Sentence Faults
Omission & Incomplete , Illogical comparisons
1-Prepositions , articles , auxiliary verbs , etc .
This type novel is difficult to understand .
2-Words necessary to the clarity of the sentence :
He wanted to and would have taken her home if his car had not broken down on the country
lane .
3-Transitions :
Hemmingway lived in Paris ; the setting for his stories was Africa .
4-Comparisons :
He’s the best President of any .
His face is like a movie star .
Revise the following sentences :
1. I have been trying to decide which make car I would buy if I had the money .
2. Henry was interested and skilful at photography .
3. I never will and never have ridden in an air -plane .
4. I have lived in several large cities , New York and Chicago .
5. Faulkner wrote of the South ; his was a universal message .
6. Casual dress is getting acceptance ; some people still frown on it .
7. The building here are as impressive as any other city .

8. She is a very kind , if not the kindest , woman I know .
9. The business element was more heavily represented in the last cabinet .
10. I like her more than her sister .
11. Harvard generally accepts more students from the Northeast than others .
12. The letter was mailed an hour ago by the new clerk with the red miniskirt in the corner mailbox
13. Millicent went to work in the theatre after being graduated from high school as a chorus girl .
14. He had forgotten how tall the skyscrapers were after a year in Africa he had grown more used to
thatched huts .
15. On the way to office , Richard stopped to buy a morning paper .
16. Lying on the beach were a towel , a red ball , and broken tennis racket .
17. It was so pleasant day that we sat on the patio for hours .
18. He is both interested in and dedicated cancer research .
19. The glasses were washed and the silver polished .
20. We saw Alex, if not warned , would drive off the highway and onto the shoulder .
WRITING I 98/00   A Quick Test
A. Identify the following sentences as complex , compound , complex-compound sentences :
1-Poverty deprives many children of the education which is right fully theirs .
2-Eistein said that a man has at the most only one or two ideas in his lifetime .
3-A man should wear his best suit when he goes out to fight for freedom and truth .
4-I left the bag in the bus and I have no hope of getting it back .
5-When his appointment ceased he did not return to his home country and he has not been there since 1979 .
6-Clearly these people are not insane , nor are they fools .
7-I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted to do them .
8-He holds his head forward as if he has hit it too often on low doorways .
9-She has to rely on whatever books were lying around here .
10-Was the mine laid in the harbour or did it drift in from the Gulf of Mexico ?
B. Revise the following sentences or passages to make them more effective :
1-Baboa gazed upon the broad Pacific his heart was filled with awe .

2-They wanted to go out . They could always count on me to stay with the baby .
3-He gained a B in English now he plans to study Spanish .
4-I couldn’t feel anger against him , I liked him too much .
5-He never says a word . Unless he feels he’s being threatened in some way .
6-Soul music was gaining popularity . But many people still didn’t know what it was .
7-The U.S.S.R. and Red China were technically allies however there have been quite a few problems
lately .
8-It was necessary for them to find a roof to live under . The cold weather set in .
9-The witness was unwilling to testify , he was afraid of the accused man .
10-Crocodiles are inactive for long periods . On occasion they can run very fast indeed .
11-He wanted a job , he needed a job very badly .
12-It’s best to be as short , clear and factual as possible . There may be no misunderstanding .
13-He was still in the stable . There was a loud knock at the front door .
14-I stayed there talking to them , I saw Sam Ward leave the building .
15-Crime rates have been increasing rapidly therefore demands for the enforcement of law and order
increase rapidly .
WRITING I 98/00   A Quick Test 
Try to make the following sentences or passages more effective :
1-The President’s budget was the largest in history . Though he had promised to cut it .
2-The captain allowed the crew of the captured ship to return home he kept the ship .
3-Throughout the 1960’s , when civil rights bills were being passed , Senator Fulbright was considered a
liberal , in spite of this he always voted against them .
4-The coach , as well as the players , were happy over the victory .
5-One of the main complaints of the students are the many required courses forced upon them .
6-Everybody held their breath .
7-No teenager appreciates their parents’ sacrifices for them until later in life .
8-Although everyone wants the right to vote , they don’t all exercise that right at election time .
9-The President with his cabinet members are touring South America .
10-Jack said to Carl , “ I am ungrateful .”

11-If Hitler had behaved differently with Stalin , he might not have had to take the action he did .
12-George had a dog with fleas which he was always scratching .
13-The school belongs to the community . Students and parents should work closely with faculty and
administrators in developing programs of instruction and recreation . It could be the meeting place for
community activities .
14-Martin Luther King was dedicated to non-violence , which influenced him to become a minister .
15-Migrant farm workers are not protected by the state’s labour laws , and this should be corrected
immediately .
16-Dad told Rose that he stayed up watching television too late .
17-In Central America you hear of revolutions every few months .
18- It says almost nothing in the textbooks about our real treatment of Chicanos and other minorities .
19-In the Victorian era , they never talked about sex in public .
20-In less industrialized areas , they do not understand the problems of the city .
WRITING I 98/00   A Quick Test  
Try to make the following sentences or passages more effective :
1- Marla rode the horse for several hours then she walked him around the ring .
2- He had checked the yard for footprints , he entered the den to question the family members .
3-Many snakes are poisonous people avoid them .
4-John F. Kennedy was a well-known person he established the Peace Corps .
5-It only took two days to get there by train .
6-He was hoping to by the end of the year find a job .
7-To logically think in English is my goal .
8- We almost have written twenty composition this semester .
9- The mansion was constructed by a new company which the governor lives in .
10-Hiding in the bushes , the policeman found the robber .
11-She once heard a record of his , but she never sees him in person .
12-When we reached the station , it is well after midnight .
13-A crate of apples and oranges have been delivered to our doorsteps .
14-The man and his assistant is pleased with the new office .

15-A number of students fails every test .
16-A parent should never allow themselves to neglect their children .
17-If anyone has a question , I’ll see them after class .
18-Since she had never appeared on a stage before , she nearly was faint from fright .
19-The U.S. Constitution just docked here last week .
20-Reports will only be completed after all final examinations are finished .
21-The audience watched the go-go dancers with admiring eyes .
22-The boy was rescued after he was nearly drowned by a lifeguard .
23-There was a canary in the cage that never sang .
24-He bought a Great Dane from a neighbour that was already house –broken .
25- She uses hair colouring on her hair which she buys wholesale .
26-No matter what political party one belongs to , you should listen to all the candidates .
27- When you have good health ,one should feel fortunate .
28-If you use highly fired china in your dishwasher , it will last longer .
29-He marked the distance from the crosswalk to the curb , and then a heavy yellow line was painted
across .
30-After a hot fire was built by the campers , they dried their wet clothing .
WRITING I 98/00   A Quick Test   
Try to make the following sentences or passages more effective :
1-Many scientists believe that chemical fertilizers are no less natural than composting or manure
nevertheless natural food fanatics reject chemical fertilizers but not compost .
2-The government pays farmers not to grow crops . This is not helping to solve the problem of hunger
among poor people .
3-After hearing the lecture on underwater sound experimentation , Mr. Eldon had a great admiration for
them .
4-He took the shutters off the window frames , and painted them.
5-In the first few verses of the Bible , it describes the creation of the world .
6-Throughout the development of the West , they drove back the Indians and took their land .

7-After a path was dug through the snow by the children , they began coasting on their sleds .
8-The most plentiful supply of gold in the world is found in South Africa while Mexico leads in silver
mining .
9- David was a fine archer , but his strength was not great enough to pull that heavy bow .
10- If a person practices diligently , they can become an expert archer .
11-A public opinion poll is based on a cross section of the population , but they have occasionally been
wrong .
12-Most people enjoy a novel by Tolstoy because their characters are so interesting .
13-She merely refused our offer of help because she wanted to be independent .
14- The furnace exploded after the patrons left the theatre with a loud crash .
15-He stopped the care before the house on the street with a green shutters .
16-She was knitting socks for her children that were warm .
17-She promised on her way home to visit him.
18-The passengers were told when it was noon the plan would take off .
19-It’s helpful to immediately send in your tax return after the first month of the year .
20-She found , after an hour’s search , the money hidden under the rug .
21-After releasing the suspect , new evidence was submitted to the police .
22- By riding in an airplane , the landscape acquires a new beauty .
23-To be a good citizen , some knowledge of government procedures is necessary .
24-While rowing on the lake , the boat overturned .
25-He made it seem he wanted to be caught .
26-Which brand toothpaste reduces cavities ?
27- He finally decided to and eventually wound up giving up smoking .
28-He wanted and would have taken her home if his car had not broken down on the country lane .
29-She tried to not carelessly hurt the kitten .
30-In inspecting the car , a large den was found in the fender .
WRITING I 97/99   Revision Test D
Study the following sentences :

A* Sentence fragment : change the Point into Semi Colon , Comma or use a Subordinator ( because ,
when , as soon as , if , although ,etc . )
1-The President’s budget was the largest in history . Though he had promised to cut it .
B * Comma splice : comma (,) to connect two main clauses :
2-The witness was unwilling to testify( main clause), he was afraid of the accused man . ( main clause)
C * Run together ( fused sentences ) : there is no punctuation and there are atleast two main clauses
3- She disliked school( main clause ) she studied every day ( main clause ).
D * Faulty Agreement : disagreement of singular and plural nouns , subjects , pronouns .
( with , together with , accompanied by , as well as -> goes with the first subject )
( neither ….nor , either …or -> goes with the second subject )
( one of the + plural noun + singular verb / one of the + plural noun + who , which , that , whom+ plural
verb / one of the only plural noun + who , which , that , whom+ singular verb )
( everyone -> his or her , him or her , he or she , etc .)
4-The horse thief , with his two accomplices , have been hanged .
5-The Vietnam conflict was only one of several issues that have evoked public dissent .
6-One of the main complaints of the students are the many required courses forced upon them .
7-Everybody has their own solution to the race problem .
8-These kind of strawberries taste well .
E * Faulty reference of pronouns :
E .1 One pronoun with two nouns :
9-Plaul told Jake that he wanted to go abroad .
E. 2 The pronoun is too far from the noun :
10-He and his opponent made promises to the people of the nation to argument and revitalize the various
poverty programs . But they were soon forgotten after the election .
E. 3 This , that , which -> the fact that , that
11-Migrant farm workers are not protected by the state’s labour laws , and this should be corrected
immediately .
( sometimes it is necessary to move the second part to the beginning : The meeting is to elect a new
chairman . This is informed to all members -> All members are informed that the meeting is to elect a new
chairman .)

E. 4 There is no noun ( antecedent ) for the pronoun .
12-Tom’s brother is an engineer , and this is the profession Tom wants to study .
E. 5 You , they , it -> passive voice :
13- In every generation , you find a generation gap .
F. Shifts in point of view
F.1 Shift of the subject ( or of voice ): different subject : find subject of the first part , put into the second
and change the sentence ; make the two parts the same ( passive , active , should , orders )
14-Frogs could be hard croaking as we neared the swamp.
F. 2 Shift of person or number ( singular and plural mistakes )
15-When you have good health , one should feel fortunate .
F. 3 Shift of tenses
16-The Sunday drives were out in full force , and suddenly there is an accident .
G* .Misplaced parts : ( find adverbs , prepositional phrases , relative clauses ; move adverbs to the verb
they modify ( before or after ) , move prepositional phrases , adverbial clauses of time and places to the
beginning or to the end , move adjective clause to the noun it qualifies .)
17-We only caught three fish .
18-This poison attracts mice with the smell of cheese .
H * . Dangling construction : different subject : find subject of the first part , put into the second and
change the sentence ; if it is difficult to use passive or active , use the form : we see that , find that ,
realize that , recognize that )
19-Driving through the mountains , several bears were seen .
( with To infinitive , use should or use if you want )
To do that , the manual should be read carefully -> To read that , you should read the manual carefully or
If you want to do that , you should read the manual carefully .
I * Omission and Illogical comparisons : missing of prepositions , auxiliary verbs , verbs , that , articles ;
incorrect comparisons ( than . . . )
20-She wanted to become a teacher because she was interested and capable with young children .
Name the mistakes you find and then eliminate them :
1. Did you see a boy in the bus with a white cap ?

2. We can use the bike both to go to school and go to shopping .
3. Jane held the baby with a smile on her face.
4. The vicuna has beautiful , silky hair which lives high in the mountains of Peru .
5. Lying on the sidewalk , the police arrested the derelict .
6. The grass in pasture is greener .
7. Some men never have and never will master the fundamentals of punctuation .
8. The Secretary of State usually attracts more criticism than any other members of the cabinet.
9. Three of my friends , Snip Shorkel and Bip were waiting for me at the door .
10. Some librarians circulate books , other hoard them .
11. Having been pickled in formaldehyde for a week , the lab instructor distributed the frogs for
dissection .
12. At the age of ten , my grandfather died .
13. Selecting Hype Park Corner as a starting place , our route goes along Knightsbridge .
14. Learning English , the pronunciation always caused me most trouble .
15. My bicycle tyre went flat while hurrying to the dentist .
16. The prisoner only confessed when the victim confronted him .
17. Hold the riffle firmly against your shoulder , and then you should take careful aim .
18. While saving the woods , my finger was cut off .
19. The major nations of the world regularly decide to one day in the near future reduce their
armaments .
20. Jefferson was as effective , if not more so , than any Vice-President in history .
21. You should try , if you can , take a walk everyday .
22. The ball sailed over back fence and out of sight .
23. He looked at the tree he had fell with his hands in his pocket.
24. I am going to write John . I have a spare moment .
25. The store manager decided to offer free samples , suddenly the store is packed with customers
26. To do well in college , good marks are essential
27. The doctor paused in the hospital corridor to set his watch by the elevator .
28. First you should learn about the issue , and then vote for a candidate .

29. A small boy was found lost in a cowboy suit on Central Street .
30. The motorcycle he was riding happily skidded off the road .
31. The President promised to , if the budget permits , consider instituting a wage-supplement law .
32. She made, after years of smoking heavily , an effort to stop .
33. Sitting at an outdoor cafe , Paris reveals its eternal variety .
34. In preparing the launch , the space ship was examined several times .
35. To examine the brakes , the wheel must be removed .
36. To be appreciate properly , the volume on the record player should be high .
37. When well stewed , you drain off the juice .
38. He made a supreme effort senior year and graduated with his class .
39. The past few years , more and more women have been calling for greater real equality .
40. The trouble was the other side was not prepared to negotiate .
II Underline best answer appropriate to formal written English :
1. The family ( is / are ) a crucial social unit .
2. The family ( was / were ) seated around the dinner table .
3. The police ( has / have ) many responsibilities .
4. The police ( is / are ) not always helpful .
5. Belonging to too many organizations keeps a person from ( his / his or her / their ) duties .
6. When my mother punished my sister and ( I/ myself / me ) , she always seemed to suffer more than
7. My parents did not mind ( I / me / my ) associating with artists as long as I did not imitate their habits .
1-Sentence Fragment :
The team decided not to play in that match . Though they were in their best physical condition .
2-Run together :
I felt sorry for him I was secretly pleased that he was having difficulties .
3-Comma splice :
John must be sick , other wise , he would be here .

The black students said they wanted a cafeteria table served to their use , some white students called it “
reverse segregation”
4-Faulty agreement :
The coach , as well as the players , were not pleased with the result .
Either you or he have to be here .
There is only a chair and a table left to auction .
One of the students in my class were ill .
One of the students in my class who has just participated in the football this morning is terribly ill .
Nine Stories is only one of several novels that always interest him.
The cows lost its way in the storm .
The UDCAT at last decided to submit their suggestions to the cabinet .
The young senator was one of those kind of politicians who is usually described as “ flamboyant”
If any wants to have the book , they should ask the librarian .
5-Faulty reference of pronouns :
Jenny told Paul that he was not ready to leave for Paris .
Dane gave his friend the novel Never to Return , which was one of his favorite books .
He leaned over the bench for hours working on the blue prints . It was too low to be comfortable.
He was depressed because he couldn’t find any forwards for the football team . No one of his choice was
really good at kicking it .
In some states you are not permitted to drive faster than fifty miles an hour .
The books were not given to the students in time , which the teaching staff was always complaining
It says in the newspaper that the President will leave tomorrow .
6-Shifts in point of view :
After we listened to the tapes , the writing compositions were handed in.
If a person comes to settle in here , they should at least clear away that heap of rubbish .
First you should read the instructions carefully then do the test yourself .
7-Misplaced Parts :
Everyone nearly suffers when unemployment rises .
The astronauts looked forward to landing on the moon for several years .

She bought an alarm clock for her husband that was guaranteed for life .
The pilot was told constantly to be prepared for emergencies .
The owner of the discotheque asked the boys to immediately produce proof of their age .

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