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1.The sun shone________ brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses
A. such B. so C. too D. enough
2. Dean was _______a powerfull swimmer that he always won the race.
A. too B. enough C. such D. so
3.It was _______ that we decided to go to the beach.
A. so a nice day B. such nice a day
C. so a day nice D. such a nice day
4. She was _____ clever that he could make a dress by hands.
A. many B. so C. much D. such
5. Jane looked _____that the teacher told her to see the doctor.
A. so sick B. such sick C. sick so D. much sick
6. We had ____ of that place that we decided to return .
A. so wonderful memories B. such a wonderful memories
C. such wonderful memories D. so a wonderful memories
7. He worked________ carefully that it took him a long time to complete the project.
A.enough B. so C. too D. such
8. It is _____ I can’t finish it on time.
A. so hard that B. such hard work
C. such a hard work that D. so a hard work that
9. My friend is _______ he can’t lift up the table by himself.
A. so strong that B. so a strong that
C. such strong that D. such a strong that
10. The weather was ____ cold that we couldn’t go out.
A. too B. enough C. such D. so
11. It was ______ for us to want to go out .
A. so cold that B. too cold C. such cold thatD. cold too
12. Mr Pike is _________ to walk without a stick.
A. such a weak that B. so a weak