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Answer the topic 7 potx

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TWE Essays 180/292
The reason is simple. The clothes are crucial dimensions to insinuate people's routine behavior
every day. Psychologist calls it "Psycho-hint". So a clean suit and polished shoes would keep us in
happy at some extent. Or some people have proclivities to dress in bright color to relieve the
pressure they faced. I think that a nice dress will give us more confident to handle the problem.
We also build professional, sophisticated impressions for other people.
Otherwise, People will probably be unresponsive to deal with things in casual dress. This is related
to our future career directly. Such as, we should dress tidily for job inter-view, just to give an
examiner a good impression. Nice clothes are perfect advertisement for individual image as same
as the package in the shop market. We choose the attractive package, same, we feel close with a
stranger dress in proper clothes.
To this extent, clothes reflect our special national custom and culture. These reminds root at our
customs, personal discrimination, and occupations. Calvin Kelen is famous for his simple style
that defines the apparel of the whole American young generation in the early 20th century. We
also find that people in different occupations wear differently. Bank employees, businessmen
usually dress in dark suit since they should offer clients reliable impressions. Teachers wear nice
clothes that let their student feel kindly.
Track to the long human history, our predecessor have developed the complete clothes system.
From the primitive leather to elaborated modern metal, clothes offer us the chances to express our
unique views and show us the colorful life. So do you consider that buy a nice apparel for yourself
when go out next time?
(Essay ID: 213 . Sample essay provided by Erin Billy of www.TestMagic.com)
Topic: 119

People do behave differently depending on what they are wearing. The reason is not because they
have changed, but because people's reactions to them has changed.
Certain clothes are appropriate for certain situations. A man can wear a suit to work and a woman
can wear something professional looking like a skirt and jacket.
When everyone dresses the same, there is no problem. It is like a uniform. Imagine going to a law
office to hire a lawyer. One of the lawyers is wearing a suit; the other is wearing jeans. Which

lawyer do you want to hire? Similarly, a mechanic works on cars all day and wears clothes that
can get dirty. It would be strange to find a mechanic wearing a coat and tie to repair an engine.
People will treat you differently depending on what you are wearing. It will depend on how well
they know you and where you are. If your clothes are unusual for the situation, they may treat
you with disrespect. I remember once I had an old army coat. I wore it into a fancy candy shop to
buy some chocolates. The woman was very suspicious and a little afraid. I couldn't understand her
reaction since it was still me underneath my big, old ugly green coat. I was dressed like a bum and
this caused the salesperson to react negatively to me. Consequently, I was even more polite than
This experience shows me that sometimes I do behave differently because of what I'm wearing. In
this case, I had to balance my appearance. Still, that doesn't mean that I'm rude if I dress up.
(Essay ID: 214 )
TWE Essays 181/292
Topic: 120

I disagree with the statement that the decisions people make quickly are always wrong. However,
I think those decisions probably turn out to be wrong more often than carefully made decisions
do. Usually, fast decisions are based on what we call our "gut reactions," or feelings we have
about a situation. Sometimes these gut reactions are based on good sense backed by experience,
but sometimes they're based on nonsense or poor reasoning.
Let's say you're at work and the boss calls you to his office and tells you there's a big project that
needs to be done. He thinks you're the best person for the job, but he needs an answer from you
on the spot. He hasn't told you what the project is, but you make the quick decision to accept.
This is the right quick decision, because you're basing it on a lot of factors that will occur to you
later. One is that it wouldn't make sense for the boss to ask you to do something he didn't think
you could handle. That would only hurt his business. Plus, doing a good job on this project might
help your career. You realize it's good to reach higher, if you want to get ahead.
But let's say you're on a deserted highway late at night and your car breaks down. Along comes a
car driven by someone who doesn't seem quite right to you. He offers you a ride to the nearest gas

station. You make the quick decision to accept the ride because it's late, you 're cold and tired and
you don't want to sit there waiting for the highway patrol to arrive. This is a case where a quick
decision is a wrong decision. You shouldn't trade your personal safety for physical comfort, and if
you thought about it, you wouldn't.
How do you know when it's okay to make a quick decision? You have to be able to guess at the
possible benefits versus the possible dangers. If it's a small decision like where to go to lunch,
.who cares? However, if my whole future were at stake, I'd want as much time as I could get to
think about it.
(Essay ID: 163 )
Topic: 120

Some people argue as if it is a general truth that to make a wrong decision is better than to make
no decision at all. But to be frank, I can not agree with them. In my point of view, it is sagacious
to spend more time on preparing to dicide rather than hurry to make a wrong decision. There are
numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore only a few primary
ones here.
The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant of the basic fact that a bad decision will
influnce the subsequence steps, and produce an unseccessful result even a failure. There is a
famous saying, a good beginning is an half of succeed. This proverb explain the important of
decision of the beginning, while something say the a deleterious effect of a wrong decision. For
example, when a graduate is confronted with the choice the job after leave the campus, the first
decision is every important for the future work and live. An inapposite choice could bring him or
she successive problem, even mistaken the direction.
Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that not hurry to decide
let people have more time to prepare and maybe they find an appropriate approach. Since careful
plan and deliberate arrangement will become the precondition of suceed, then spend more time on
preparing is necessary. In the instance above, the graduate should think over all sorts of the
factors, such as the qualification of himself or herself, the condition of the job and the advisement
from consulter of the college and parents.
TWE Essays 182/292

The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because careful
arrangement will discovery the errors and mistakes in the decision. And that will have the chance
to correct them, in order to make a right decision. The errors or mistakes could exist in everyone’s
thought. I think the best way to eliminate them is think them over. So it is sagacious to spend more
time on preparing to dicide rather than hurry to make a wrong decision.
General speaking, the deliberate consider can help to avoid the appearance of trouble effectively
and to resolve problems successfully. Taking into account of all these factors,we may reach the
conclusion that, it is wiser to make no decision at all than to make a wrong decision.
(Essay ID: 279. This is a 5 point essay)
Topic: 121

In our daily life, we will always be told a wealth of such cases as a guy who has fallen into love
with a girl at the first sight, one of your friends who impresses your mother deeply on his or her
first visit to your house and then is treated exceptionally well by your hard-to-be-pleased mother,
and even the applicant who attracts to the HRM (human resources manager) immediately at the
first sight of the interview and then is easily employed, to name just a few. All of the above-
mentioned cases tell us many people in the world trust the first impressions of a person, his or her
character, her conduct and her eloquence, etc., all of which he or she displays at each other's first
meet. But is all that he or she displays, or all that you understand through what he or she displays
or hints correct or just a blur image which needs to be proved in the later days?
Before we get the question to be treated, let’s think of the most probable (not absolutely) results
of the cases mentioned in the first paragraph:
The guy who has just experienced the above-said romance has to say goodbye to his newly-
known girlfriend because later on he finds out that the girl is not as good as she looks; the friend
of yours who has just won your hard-to-be-pleased mother's trust is criticized by your mother
because of his or her great incoherency in the manners, and even the newly-employed employee
is dismissed because of he is not telling the truth in his resume. Till now, do you still think the first
impressions of a person’s character are dependable?
Psychologically, in our head we had a very perfect image of a person, of course, which varies

from one another owing to his of her specific experiences, education and family background, his
or her own opinion about a special view, etc. and when such a person as confirms with the image
in our head pretty congruently presents, we will, to great extent, overestimate or even exaggerate
the his or her merits, while omit the shortcomings as we can help it. Maybe this is the
psychological reason, thus we can ourselves lead to the answer to the question referred above that
the first impressions of a person are generally incorrect and also irresponsible for yourself.
In a word, to judge a person needs time and the first-sight impression is always undependable.
(Essay ID: 421 )
Topic: 121

Any opinion is, in fact, a judgment. I feel that as Americans we would do well to judge others less
often. Still, we must be able to decide whom to spend our time with and whom we'd rather forget.
In my opinion, this type of judgment is best after we get to know other people. First impressions
are not always accurate impressions.
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Judging a person based on a first impression does save time. There are more people than anyone
could possibly get to know in one lifetime. It is frustrating to waste time getting to know someone,
only to find out that your first impression was correct and that you really don't like him-or her. So
is it a waste of time getting to know people you probably won't like? That seems to be a valid
point of view, but I believe that it is not the best attitude to take.
It's more humane to spend time getting to know people before judging them. I know that I don't
always make a good first impression, even when I truly like the person with whom lam interacting.
We all have bad days. I wouldn't want to lose a job or a potential friendship simply because I
picked out the wrong clothing or said something wrong. I think everyone deserves the chance to
make a second impression.
If we all based our final opinion of others on first impressions, it would be hard to get to know
anyone. There is always more to people than meets the eye. If we don't give someone a chance,
we may be missing out on meeting a life-long friend. That would truly be a shame.
(Essay ID: 215 )

Topic: 122

I think it's probably true that people are never satisfied with what they have. They always want
something more or something different from what is theirs. This just seems to be part of our
human nature. Look at a toddler. Give her a toy to play with and she's happy-until she sees
something eke. Then she wants that other toy to play with. If she and her brother are each given a
cookie, she'll look to see whose cookie is bigger. She'll protest loudly if she thinks her brother is
getting more.
"The grass is always greener" is an old expression, but it's a good expression of how many of us
feel. We're always striving for a better job, a nicer place to live, a fancier car, or more expensive
clothes. Part of this reaching for more and better is because we care about what other people
think and want to impress them. Part of it is trying to make ourselves feel successful. But there's
also something in our nature that tells us we can do better and reach higher.
This isn't always a negative quality. There's another saying: "A man's reach should exceed his
grasp, or what's a heaven for?" It's a good thing to be constantly pushing ourselves and looking for
something different. If we don't try for more and different things, we begin to, stagnate, like a pool
that doesn't get any fresh water.
The problem comes when we won't let ourselves be satisfied with anything we have. If we have a
comfortable life and still feel as if something's missing, then we need to look inward. The
something that's missing may be in our spirit.
(Essay ID: 216 )
Topic: 122

Many of the world's religions share a belief that when a person is able to look at and confess his or
her problems that person can begin to travel the road to emotional recovery. A problem cannot be
solved until it is clearly recognized. I agree with the above statement because I believe that
dissatisfaction and suffering forces people to change.
History presents many examples of dissatisfaction and change. The history of China in this
TWE Essays 184/292

century might be seen as one of dissatisfaction and progress. Sun Yet San was discontented with
the decaying imperial order, and so he created “revolution”; Mao was dissatisfied with the course
of events and so he intensified the revolution; finally, Deng pushed the Chinese economy towards
free-market economics. Hence, China progressed towards its new-found “superpower” status.
In a not dissimilar way, during the eighteenth century many Americans became annoyed with
direct British rule, and so the United States fought for and gained political independence.
On a personal level, dissatisfaction can lead to change within friendship and marriage. Perhaps it
might even be said that true love cannot remain static. Matrimony and friendship are explorations
of the higher emotions: they are pilgrimages towards the city of true values. If husband and wife
are prepared to confront and discuss their problems, a blue period can give way to many years of
happiness. Sometimes, for instance, a spouse may not recognize that the source of marital
unhappiness is that the other partner has developed a need to have children. Whatever else may
be said, most people would agree that children change the lives of their parents.
The best method of utilizing dissatisfaction is to change things before they get out of hand. An
intelligent man will constantly monitor his emotions; an intelligent politician will understand the
mood of his people. Some people might suggest that the transition to independence for Canada
and Australia was much smoother than that of the United States because Britain allowed those
two dominions to evolve with time. To take the idea further, a good parent or an astute politician
will even anticipate potential dissatisfactions and therefore take precautions.
I agree with the above statement because, I believe that we mature through dissatisfaction.
Without the ability to recognize our discontent, we could collapse into illness. Suffering sharpens
our senses.
(Essay ID: 487 )
Topic: 123

How could anyone suggest that people should only read about real events, real people, and
established facts? For one thing, that means people wouldn't be reading half of all the great books
that have ever been written, not to mention the plays, short stones and poetry. For another, it
would mean that people's imaginations would not develop as children and would remain dulled
throughout their lives.

Reading stories as a child helps develop our creativity by teaching us a lot about how to use words
to create mental images. It opens our world up, exposing us to other times and different ways of
living. Reading histories of those times would serve kind of the same purpose, but it probably
wouldn't stick in our minds as sharply. Reading an essay about poverty in Victorian England is not
the same thing as reading Charles Dicken's Oliver Twist. The images of a small boy being sold are
more horrifying than simply reading the statement, "Children were sold into labor" because a
novel makes that small boy seem real to us. Reading fiction makes a more lasting impression on
our minds and emotions.
Besides, storytelling is an emotional need for human beings. From earliest times, humans have
taught their children about life, not by telling them facts and figures, but by telling them stories.
Some of these stones show what people are like (human nature), and help us experience a wide
range of feelings. Some make us think about how we should act. Telling a child that it's wrong to
lie will make little impression, but telling him the story of a little boy whose nose grows longer
every time he tells a lie will make a big impression.
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Fiction is too important to our culture, our minds, and our emotions. How could we ever give it
(Essay ID: 217 )
Topic: 124

I have always considered that general knowledge is the best choice for me and universal learning
the perfect means to support the phrase "knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself". But if I
have to choose between the above-mentioned subjects I would definately concentrate on art and
literature which I consider fit better my personality.
Art and literature have a lot in common in that they require a different,quite often universal
approach to the world around us.They concenterate not so much on the black and white aspects
of living but on the colourful side of life; on tints rather than brightness.Maths and science study
the form, the physical shape and its laws, but it is art and literature that fulfill this form with that
ultimate meaning that only the human soul can sense.

And it is the human soul that has so many faces, so many aspects and interpretations to all
things.That is why I appreciate the subjectivity of art and literature-the numerous realities they
impose are closer to our inner world than the strict powers that rule that of science.
One is free to tolerate, to critisize, to accept the form of art but not obey them.
It is believed that Order came from Chaos.And if we can associate science and maths with Order
it sounds logical to claim that Chaos has a lot to do with art and literature.The well of our
unconscious brings forward the strangest powers and they show more of the universe than maths
and science do.For Chaos is the beginning of life.
Having in mind the above, I definately support art and literature as a better means for achieving
universal knowledge.What is more, while maths and science closely deal with laws, they cannot in
any way teach us about that "thin red line" separating bad and evil, while art and literature I
strongly believe can.
(Essay ID: 314. This is a 5 point essay)
Topic: 124

Many people hold that studying scientific subjects is more beneficial than studying literary ones.
However, I do believe that each field has its own importance on our lives.
Scientific subjects are definitely crucial to our development. We wouldn't have come that a long
way in scientific and cultural advancement if we didn't have subjects like math, physics,
chymistery and so on. We, would't have conquored the space if we didn't have astronomy. Also,
we wouldn't have found cures for dangerous deseases if we didn't have medicine. Our life relies
great deal on those subjects, so they are greatly vital to us. Yet, I believe that some people are
born with the skill to handle scientific research while others tend more towards literary subjects.
Therefore, people born with literary talents are also very useful to us. Many aspects of our lives
need to be treated by art and literature. As human beings we also have feelings and emotions and
those things need to be cared for as well. So writers, painters and actors are functional elements in
our everyday life. When you're tired and you want to relax you might watch a comic movie or

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