Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
一 二 三!
Anne Bingham
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
In order to start speaking Chinese, you'll first need to know how to
make the sounds. There are four tones in Chinese.
The first is level.
The second is rising.
The third is dipping.
The fourth is falling.
Please note:
"a" makes the sound of someone getting their throat checked.
"o" makes the sound of "floor" with a heavy LI accent
"i" makes the "ee" sound except after zh,ch,shi and ri.
"ei" makes the "ei" in eight sound
"u" makes the sounds of "oo" in boo
"u" makes a tight, curled "eeww" sound.
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
Names of Basic Strokes:
1. heng 一, 六, 大
2. shu 十, 中, 上
3. dian 小, 六
4. pie 文, 人, 大
5. na 八, 人
6. ti 红, 我, 江
7. heng gou 你, 字
8. shu gou 小, 你
9. xie gou 我
10. wan gou 了
11. heng zhe 白
12. shu zhe 叫
13. heng pie 水
14. shu ti 很
CSL-2 Will only be tested on the stroke names up to this point but
should be familiar and recognize the remaining stroke names
below. Possibly an extra credit question on final?!
15. shu wan 四
16. pie zhe 云
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
17. pie dian 女
18. heng zhe gou 卫
19. shu wan gou 见
20. shu zhe zhe gou 鸟
21. heng zhe zhe pie 这
22. heng pie wan gou 那
23. heng zhe wan gou 九
24. heng zhe zhe zhe gou 奶
Stroke Order
First across and then down. 下 十
First slant down left then right. 人 天
Start at the top and work down 三 足
First left then right 红 你
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
First outside/then inside 月 肉
First inside then outside 山 这
First middle then two sides 小 水
First what's inside a "box" then close it up 日 四
Colors: 颜色=Yanse
Please learn how to say and recognize the following in Chinese:
heise 黑色 black
baise 白色 white
hongse 红色 red
huangse 黄色 yellow
lanse 蓝色 blue
luse 绿色 green
huise 灰色 grey
Sentence Patterns:
Ni zui xihuan shenme yanse? 你最喜欢什么颜色?
What's your favorite color?
Wo zui xihuan lanse. 我最喜欢蓝色.
My favorite color is blue.
F.Y.I. may be an extra credit question.
fenhongse 粉红 pink
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
zongse 棕色 brown
zise 紫色 purple
chenghuangese 橙黄色 orange
Please learn how to say and recognize the following in Chinese:
jirou 鸡肉 chicken
niu rou 牛肉 beef
zhu rou 猪肉 pork
yang rou 羊肉 lamb
yu 鱼
xia 虾 shrimp
longxia 龙虾 lobster
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
"Ni xiang chi shenme rou? Ni yao bu yao chi yu?"
你想吃什么肉? 你要不要吃鱼?
"What kind of meat would you like to eat. Do you want to have fish?"
Earth Elements
jin 金 gold
huo 火 fire
mu 木 wood
tu 土 dirt,earth
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
shui 水 water
地理 Dili Geography
shan 山 mountain
huoshan 火山 volcano
hu 湖 lake
he 河 river
senlin 森林 forest
hai 海 ocean
sha mo 沙漠 desert
tiandi 田地 farmland
nongcun 农村 countryside
kuangye 旷野 fields
Sentence Patterns:
Zhongguo he meiguo dou you shenlin he shamo.
Both the US and China have forests and deserts.
Zhongguo you huoshan ma?
Does China have volcanoes?
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
Directions - Fangxiang
dong 东 east
nan 南 south
xi 西 west
bei 北 north
The above can be followed with "fang" "bian" or "bu"
方 边 部 which are all variations of place/side/section.
Sentence Pattern:
中国的山东省在哪儿? Where is China's Shandong Province?
zhongguo de shandong sheng zai nar?
中国的山东省是在中国的东北部. It's in northeast China.
zhongguo de shandong sheng shi zai zhongguo de dong bei bu.
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
后hou=back, rear
左zuo=left 右you=right
*This represents a front view
Qian/hou is usually proceeded by zai 在:
他在前面看书. He's in the front reading "Ta zai qian mian kan shu ."
"Ta zhu zai xuexiao de youbian. "He lives to the right of the school."
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
jijie 季节 seasons
chuntian 春天 Spring
xiatian 夏天 Summer
qiutian 秋天 Fall
dongtian 冬天 Winter
Sentence Pattern: Ni zui xihuan shenme jijie? 你
最喜欢什么季节? What's your favorite season?
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
Clothing:Yifu 衣服
maozi 帽子 hat
maoyi 毛衣 sweater
dayi 大衣 coat
yu yi 雨衣 rain coat
neiyi 内衣 under clothes
chenshan 衬衫 dress shirt
kuzi 裤子 trousers/pants
duanku 短裤 shorts
wazi 袜子 socks
xiezi 鞋子 shoes
shubao 书包 bookbag
pibao 皮包 leather purse
qian bao 钱包 wallet
Sentence Pattern: Ni de yifu zai nar mai de?
你的衣服在哪儿买的? Where'd you buy your clothes?
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
水果 Shuiguo
ping guo 苹果 apple
xiang jiao 香蕉 banana
cheng zi 橙子 orange
pu tao 葡萄 grapes
xi gua 西瓜 watermelon
cao mei 草莓 strawberry
tao zi 桃子 peach
mang guo 芒果 mango
boluo 菠萝 pineapple
ying tao 樱桃 cherry
Sentence Pattern: Wo jiejie ai chi xigua.
我姐姐爱吃西瓜. My sister loves watermelon.
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Things in the Sky
taiyang 太阳 sun
yueliang 月亮 moon
xingxing 星星 star
diqiu 地球 Earth
yun 云 clouds
xingxing 行星 planet
xingxi 星系 solar system
Sentence Pattern:
Tian shang you yueliang he xing xing. Yueliang liang liang de xing
xing shan shan de.
天上有月亮和星星. 月亮 亮亮的 星星 闪闪的.
The moon and stars are in the sky. The moon is bright and the stars
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
qiche 汽车 car
zi xing che 自行车 bike
gong gong qi che 公共汽车 bus
huo che 火车 train
feiji 飞机 airplane
chuan 船 boat
xiao hua chuan 小划船 row boat
lun chuan 轮船 ship
jiu hu che 救护车 ambulance
jiu huo che 救火车 fire engine
Sentence pattern:
Ni hui bu hui kai che? Do you know how to drive a car?
Ni de feiji piao yijing mai le mei you?
你的飞机票已经买了没有? Did you buy your plane ticket yet?
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
感情 GanQing/Thoughts/Feelings
gaoxing 高兴 happy!
bu gaoxing 不高兴 not happy, upset
xiwang 希望 hope, wish
shiwang 失望 disappointed, let down
ji de 记得 remember, recall
wang le 忘了 forget, forgot
xiang 想 miss
pa 怕 scared, afraid
shengqi 生气 angry, mad
zhaoji 着急 nervous, worried
Sentence Patterns
今天是她的生日. 她很高兴.
Jintian shi ta de shengri. Ta hen gaoxing.
Today is her birthday. She is very happy.
他叫什么名字? 我忘. Ta jiao shenme mingzi? Wo wang le.
What is his name? I forgot it.
他不会游泳. 他害怕. Ta bu hui you yong. Ta pa shui.
He doesn't know how to swim. He's afraid.
别着急 我们会想办法. Bie zhaoji women hui xiang banfa.
Don't worry we'll find a way.
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
Let's Start Talking Chinese!
你好! 你叫什么名字? 你多大? 你有什么爱好?
ni hao! ni jiao shenme mingzi? ni duo da? ni you shenme ai hao?
你喜欢运动吗? 你喜欢看电影吗?
ni xihuan yundong ma? Ni xihuan kan dianying ma?
你喜欢音乐吗? 你喜欢做什么?
ni xihuan yinyue ma? nixihuan zuo shenme?
你忙不忙? 你饿不饿? 你累不累?
ni mang bu mang? ni e bu e? ni lei bu lei?
ni jintian yao/xiang zuo shenme?
你喜欢学中文吗? 难不难学?
ni xihuan xue zhongwen ma? nan bu nan?
ni hui bu hui xie?
ni yao bu yao dao wo jia lai wan?
请你到我家吃饭, 好不好?
qing ni dao wo jia chi fan hao bu hao?
好! 谢谢! 什么时候? 几点钟?
hao! xie xie! shenme shihou? jidian zhong?
你喜欢吃什么? 你喜欢吃中国菜吗?
ni xihuan chi shenme? ni xihuan chi zhongguo cai ma?
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
Weather tianqi 天气
Rain xia yu 下雨
Snow xiaxue 下雪
Sunny /clear qinglang 晴朗
cold leng 冷
hot re 热
windy da feng 大风
storm kuangfengdayu 狂风暴雨
Sentence pattern:
今天的天气很好 很晴朗. Jintian de tianqi hen haoi hen
qinglang. The weather is really nice (sunny and clear) today.
北京的冬天很冷.Beijing de dontian hen leng. Beijing winter's are cold.
夏天天气很热. Xiatian tianqi hen re .It's hot in the summer.
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
cha 茶 tea
niunai 牛奶 (cow's) milk
jidan 鸡蛋 eggs
mianbao 面包 bread
miantiao 面条 noodles
chaomian 炒面 fried noodles
shucai 蔬菜 vegetables
mifan 米饭 rice
tang 汤 soup
baozi 包子 steamed bun
roubao 肉包 meat bun
dianxin 点心 dessert
这个菜很好吃 很新鲜. 我吃得很饱, 谢谢!
zhege cai hen hao chi. hen xinxian. wo chi de hen bao xie,xie!
This is delicious very fresh. I'm very full thank you.
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
Basic Grammar Patterns:
是 shi 我是老师. Wo shi laoshi.
I am the teacher.
们 men 我们, 你们, 他们 women, nimen, tamen
你们是学生. Nimen shi xuesheng
You are the students.
的 de 他是我的同学.Ta shi wo de tongxue.
He's my classmate.
比 bi 我比他大. Wo bi ta da.
(noun) zai (place) (verb)
他 在 美国 学中文.
我们 在 饭店 吃饭.
他 在 国图书馆 看书.
(noun) shi zai (place) (verb) de.
这本书 是 在 中国 买 的.
他 是 在 上海 学 的.
我 是 在 北京 来的.
Common Verbs:
Beginning Chinese Basic Đào Ngọc Sắc 0984464415
chi 吃 to eat
kan 看 to look at, read
ting 听 to hear, listen to
pao 跑 to run
zuo 做 to do, or make
mai/mai 买/卖 buy/sell
xie 写 to write
wan 玩 to play ("hang out")
la xiao tiqin 拉小提琴 play violin
tan gangqin 弹钢琴 play the piano
ti zuqiu 提足球 play soccer
hua hua 画画 paint, draw
chang ge 唱歌 sing
tiaowu 跳舞 dance