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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
The SQL command, select AuthorName from Authors, selects all of the values
in the AuthorName column of the Authors table. The buildArray class that is used
by the GetAuthorList and GetSingleAuthorList classes to build an array from an
DB2JDBC result set. An ArrayList is created, which is an implementation of the
List interface. The most important feature of ArrayLists for the purposes of this
code is that they are automatically resizable, via the add() method.
We have explicitly specified java.util.List because the java.awt package
also has a List interface.
The JDBC specification contains a .toArray() method for result sets, which
would be great for this purpose. However, not all JDBC drivers implement a com-
plete set of methods for JDBC classes. The code in the buildArray class can be
used when the toArray() method is not supported, as is the case with the
DB2JDBC driver, or when you want all JDBC result set array output to be the same
regardless of driver-specific formatting.
A DB2result set is passed from the calling object and an ArrayList is defined
called arrayResults. The code loops through the result set and retrieves the cur-
rent result set row value as a string. DB2result set values returned by the DB2JDBC
driver sometimes contain leading and trailing blanks, so the trim() method is sued
to trim spaces off the string as it is created. The string is added to the array
Results object using the ArrayList.add() method. Next, a string array called
sarray is created, and the value of the ArrayList is passed to the string array
using the ArrayList.toArray() method.
The buildArray class creates a string array from the JDBC result set, which is
passed to the J2EE application that called the Web service via a SOAP envelope
(Listing 36-1).
Listing 36-1: The XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList Web
Service Code
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

import java.sql.*;
public class XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList {
public String [] GetAuthorList() {
String authorList [] = null;
String sql = “select AuthorName from Authors”;
try {
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
Listing 36-1 (continued)
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
authorList = buildArray(rs);
}catch(Exception e) {
return authorList ;
String[] buildArray(ResultSet rs) {
java.util.List arrayResults = new ArrayList();
try {
int rownumber= 0;

String rowvalue = new String();
while(rs.next()) {
rowvalue = rs.getString(rownumber++);
}catch(Exception e) {}
String[] sarray = (String[]) arrayResults.toArray(new
return sarray;
Next, we’ll show you how the WSDL and WSDD files work together with the Java
class to make a Web service.
The XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList WSDL and WSDD files
Each Web service in the Quote XML Generator – Web Service Edition application
has two files associated with it, a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file
and a Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD) file. We’ll explain the files associ-
ated with the XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList class as a guide for all four
Web services. Each WSDL and WSDD file is virtually the same as its counterparts,
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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
except for the names of the classes, the names of the methods, and the data types
returned. Listing 36-2 shows the WSDD File associated with the XMLPBWSMT
ServletGetAuthorList Web service.
Deployment descriptors are well-formed XML documents that control Web service
deployment, security, and administration. The deployment descriptor declares the
name of the Web service and two XML namespaces. Next, the Service data-binding
format is defined as Java remote procedure calls (RPC). The RPC router on the

server parses incoming SOAP RPC requests and extracts data from a SOAP enve-
lope. Responses from the Web service are wrapped in a response SOAP envelope by
the same RPC router.
Next, the service’s class name is defined as XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList,
as shown in Listing 36-2. Access to all methods contained in the Web service is per-
mitted by the wildcard character (*) in the allowedMethods parameter.
Listing 36-2: The XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList
xmlns=” />xmlns:java=” /><! Services from XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorListService WSDL service >
<service name=”XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList” provider=”java:RPC”>
<parameter name=”wsdlTargetNamespace”
value=” /><parameter name=”wsdlServiceElement”
<parameter name=”wsdlServicePort”
<parameter name=”className”
<parameter name=”wsdlPortType” value=”XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList”/>
<parameter name=”allowedMethods” value=”*”/>
xmlns:ns=” />qname=”ns:ArrayOf_soapenc_string”
encodingStyle=” />/>

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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
The deployment descriptor describes a Web service from a J2EE server point of
view. A WSDL file describes the same Web service from a client point of view. As
mentioned in Chapter 25, reading a WSDL file can be a daunting task, but it’s best to
keep in mind that if everything goes well, humans should rarely have to read a
WSDL file themselves. WSDL files are a way of defining a Web service interface pro-
grammatically to another Web service, smart client, or portal. Listing 36-3 shows
the WSDL interface for the XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList Web service.
The WSDL file declares several XML namespaces, which are used to define WSDL
structure and SOAP data types (Listing 36-3). Next, data types are defined as parts
of call and response messages. The messages become part of ports, which become
part of operations. The Web service is defined of one or more operation. Last, the
endpoint address for the Web service is specified in the location attribute of the
wsdlsoap:address element.
Listing 36-3: The XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList WSDL File
<wsdl:definitions xmlns=” />xmlns:apachesoap=” />xmlns:impl=” />xmlns:intf=” />xmlns:soapenc=” />xmlns:wsdl=” />xmlns:wsdlsoap=” />xmlns:xsd=” />targetNamespace=” /><wsdl:types>
<schema targetNamespace=”
/wsdl/default/” xmlns=” /><import namespace=”
<complexType name=”ArrayOf_soapenc_string”>
<restriction base=”soapenc:Array”>
<attribute ref= “soapenc:arrayType”
<element name=”ArrayOf_soapenc_string” nillable=”true”

<wsdl:message name=”GetAuthorListResponse”>
<wsdl:part name=”return” type=”intf:ArrayOf_soapenc_string”/>
<wsdl:message name=”GetAuthorListRequest”>
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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
<wsdl:portType name=”XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList”>
<wsdl:operation name=”GetAuthorList”>
<wsdl:input name=”GetAuthorListRequest”
<wsdl:output name=”GetAuthorListResponse”
<wsdl:binding name=”XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorListSoapBinding”
<wsdlsoap:binding style=”rpc”
transport=” /><wsdl:operation name=”GetAuthorList”>
<wsdlsoap:body use=”encoded”
namespace=” /></wsdl:input>
<wsdlsoap:body use=”encoded”

namespace=” /></wsdl:output>
<wsdl:service name=”XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorListService”>
<wsdl:port name=”XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList”
<wsdlsoap:address location=”
Putting the WSDD, Class, WSDL, and SOAP together
Keep in mind that each interface plays an important role in dividing the labor of
each component of the application. This separation of functionality also adds flexi-
bility to the application. For example, the deployment descriptor can be used to
redirect calls to another Java class file or another platform entirely without having
to change the name, location, or functionality of the Web service.
As we mentioned earlier, the Web service WSDL file is not important for the day-to-
day functionality of the Web service. However, the WSDL file is very useful for speci-
fying the format for SOAP call and response related to the Web service. Many Web
service clients can read the WSDL file for a Web service and dynamically adapt the
calling agent interface to the serving agent.
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
Listing 36-4 shows a sample SOAP envelope contents that is generated by the
XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList WSDL file. The Method name in the SOAP
call maps directly to the incoming message in the WSDL file. The GetAuthorList
method call maps to the WSDL GetAuthorList operation.

Listing 36-4: A Sample XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=” />soap/envelope/” xmlns:SOAP-ENC=” />encoding/” xmlns:xsi=”
xmlns:xsd=” /><SOAP-ENV:Body>
/wsdl/default/” SOAP-
ENV:encodingStyle=” />soap/encoding/”/>
The XMLPBWSMTServletGetSingleAuthorList
Web service
The XMLPBWSMTServletGetSingleAuthorList Web service is called when a
user clicks on a quote author in the J2EE client application. The CategoryName
parameter is passed to the Web service in the SOAP request envelope. This triggers
a JDBC query on the Authors and Quotations tables in the XMLPB database. The
buildArray class builds an array from the JDBC result set.
The Web service returns an array of quotes for the author back to the J2EE client
application in a SOAP response envelope. The RPC router on the server converts
the string array to an XML-based SOAP string array format. Listing 36-5 shows the
XMLPBWSMTServletGetSingleAuthorList code.
Listing 36-5: The XMLPBWSMTServletGetSingleAuthorList
Web Service Code
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
public class XMLPBWSMTServletGetSingleAuthorList {

public String [] GetSingleAuthorList(String CategoryName) {
String singleauthorList [] = null;
String sql = “SELECT Quotations.Quotation FROM Quotations INNER
JOIN Authors ON Quotations.AuthorID = Authors.AuthorID INNER JOIN
Sources ON Quotations.SourceID = Sources.SourceID WHERE
(Authors.AuthorName = ‘“+CategoryName+”’)”;
String fromrow=”1”;
String torow=”50”;
String threshold=”50”;
try {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
singleauthorList = buildArray(rs);
}catch(Exception e) {
return singleauthorList ;
String[] buildArray(ResultSet rs) {
java.util.List arrayResults = new ArrayList();
try {
int rownumber= 0;
String rowvalue = new String();
while(rs.next()) {

rowvalue = rs.getString(rownumber++);
}catch(Exception e) {}
String[] sarray = (String[]) arrayResults.toArray(new
return sarray;
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
The XMLPBMTWSServletDB2Format Web service
The code in Listing 36-6 is called when a quote is selected by a user and the output
option is set to “DB2 XML”. A string containing the quote formatted as an XML
document is passed from the GetSingleQuoteDb2 class back to the Web service
as a string. The code is nice and short in this class because AXIS and DB2 do most
of the work in retrieving and formatting the XML.
Rows of data are returned as children of a GetDB2XMLResult element. The result
of a query is always a single row. A single GetDB2XMLRow element contains the DB2
column values. Column values are stored in text data, and column names are repre-
sented as element names. These element names are based on the Web service oper-
ation name, GetDB2XML (Listing 36-6).
Listing 36-6: The XMLPBWSMTServletDB2Format Web
Service Code
import org.apache.axis.*;
import org.apache.axis.client.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import org.apache.axis.encoding.*;

import org.apache.axis.utils.*;
public class XMLPBMTWSServletDB2Format {
public String GetSingleQuoteDB2(String PassedQuote) {
String XMLDoc=null;
try {
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new
XMLPB/GetDB2XML.dadx/GetDB2XML”) );
call.addParameter( “PassedQuote”, XMLType.XSD_STRING,
javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN );
call.setReturnType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName
XMLDoc = (String ) call.invoke( new Object[] {PassedQuote});
} catch(Exception e) {
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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
return XMLDoc ;
Listing 36-7 shows the result of the GetDB2XML Operation.
Listing 36-7: The XML Returned as a Result of the GetDB2XML
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<ns1:GetDB2XMLResponse xmlns:ns1=”urn:/XMLPB/GetDB2XML.dadx”

xmlns:xsd=” />xmlns:xsi=” /><return>
<xsd1:GetDB2XMLResult xmlns=”
<QUOTATION>When the hurlyburlys done, When the battles lost and
<AUTHORNAME>Shakespeare, William</AUTHORNAME>
Inside the XMLPBWSMTApp J2EE
Client Application
The XMLPBWSMTApp J2EE client application is a fully functional Java Application
that uses Swing Classes and AWT events to generate a UI. The J2EE client makes
SOAP calls to Web services, which connect to relational data on DB2using JDBC.
The Web services manipulate the JDBC query result sets and return responses to
the J2EE client application.
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
How the application works
When the application window is opened, a Web service is called that retrieves a list
of unique quote authors. The Web service retrieves data from the Authors table of
the XMLPB database on DB2. The connection from the Web service to the DB2
databases is made via JDBC. The application then draws the various Swing panels
on the page and attaches AWT events to the panels. Users can scroll up and down

the list of quote authors in the author List panel, and select a single author by click-
ing on it in the list.
Clicking on an author name triggers another call to another Web service. That Web
service query is to retrieve all the quotes attributed to the selected author. The
quotes are displayed in the quote list panel on the top right of the screen.
When a user clicks on one of the quotes in the quote list panel, another J2EE Web
service is called to generate XML document output for the selected quote and dis-
play it in the output panel in the lower half of the application window. In the middle
of the screen is a combo box that can be used to select output format options.
The options are Just the Text, which just returns the quote as text, or DB2 XML,
which returns the XML output shown in Listing 36-7, which is generated by the
XMLPBWSMTServletDB2Format Web service. Aside from being a good J2EE Web
services application prototype, the Quote XML Web service application is also a
good example of applying a user interface to DB2 data. It’s also a good prototype
from any application that uses Web services, JDBC, and Java GUI classes. The appli-
cation contains examples of accessing and displaying DB2 data in several different
ways, including strings, arrays, and XML documents.
About the example DB2 data
In this chapter we’re reusing tables from the XMLPB SQL Server database. Setup
instructions for the database can be found in Chapter 20.
Creating the Java Application User Interface
We have broken down the source code into segments that relate to a specific
topic, rather than showing the source code in its entirety on the pages. All of
the examples contained in this chapter can be downloaded from the XML
ProgrammingBible.com Website, in the Downloads section. Please see the
Website for installation Instructions.
Defining public variables and the application window
Let’s look under the hood of the Java Application by breaking down the Java
Application source code into topical sections with detailed explanations of the
code, starting with the introductory application setup in Listing 36-8.

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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
The J2EE client application imports the java.io classes for writing to the screen,
javax.swing classes to handle UI features, and selected java.awt classes to
manage action events. The org.apache.axis and java.rmi classes are used to
create SOAP envelopes and make calls to Web services.
The beginning of the code sets up a Jframe window, which becomes the applica-
tion window, and creates an instance of an actionlistener to watch for the win-
dow to be closed. When the window is closed, the application exits.
Listing 36-8: Defining the Public Variables and the
Application Window
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import org.apache.axis.*;
import org.apache.axis.client.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import org.apache.axis.encoding.*;
import org.apache.axis.utils.*;
public class XMLPBWSMTApp extends JPanel {
JTextArea output;
JList authorList;
JList QuoteList;
ListSelectionModel authorListSelectionModel;
ListSelectionModel QuotelistSelectionModel;

public String[] listData;
JComboBox comboBox;
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame(“Quote XML Generator - DB2 Web Service
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
frame.setContentPane(new XMLPBWSMTApp());
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
Setting objects in the window and implementing
Listing 36-9 shows the code that is used to define the main UI on top of the applica-
tion Window. The first task is to retrieve a unique list of quote authors from the DB2
Authors table calling the GetAuthorList() class, which we will cover a bit later.
Once this is done, the AuthorList object is created, and an AuthorList
SelectionHandler object is attached to the list. When users click on a quote
author, the AuthorListSelectionHandler class is called to handle the action.
Next, a JscrollPane called SourcePane is created for the list object, and the
pane is placed in the top left of the application window.
The instantiation steps are repeated for the QuoteList object, which will be used
to display quotes for a selected author on the top right of the application window. A
QuoteListSelectionHandler object is attached to the quote list.

Next, a drop-down combo box containing the application output options is created,
which will be located in the center of the Application window, just below the author
list and quote list panes. The hard-coded output options are defined and the default
is set to the first object.
A JtextArea object is defined and placed in the bottom half of the application win-
dow. This is where the XML and text output is sent when a user selects a quote
from the quote list.
The balance of the code in Listing 36-9 is Swing and AWT class housekeeping to cre-
ate the details of the layout that the user interface needs.
Listing 36-9: Setting Objects in the Window and
Implementing ActionListeners
public XMLPBWSMTApp() {
super(new BorderLayout());
listData = GetAuthorList();
String[] WelcomeMessage={“Click on a Source in the Left Pane to
Retrieve Quotes”};
authorList = new JList(listData);
authorListSelectionModel = authorList.getSelectionModel();
new authorListSelectionHandler());
JScrollPane SourcePane = new JScrollPane(authorList);
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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
QuoteList = new JList(WelcomeMessage);
QuotelistSelectionModel = QuoteList.getSelectionModel();
new QuoteListSelectionHandler());
JScrollPane QuotePane = new JScrollPane(QuoteList);
JPanel OutputSelectionPane = new JPanel();

String[] OutputFormats = { “Just the Quote”, “ DB2 XML”};
comboBox = new JComboBox(OutputFormats);
OutputSelectionPane.add(new JLabel(“Select an output Format:”));
output = new JTextArea(1, 10);
JScrollPane outputPane = new JScrollPane(output,
JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT);
add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
JPanel TopPanel = new JPanel();
TopPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(TopPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
JPanel SourceContainer = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,1));
“Source List”));
SourcePane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 100));
JPanel QuoteContainer = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,1));
“Quote List”));
QuotePane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 500));
TopPanel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(400, 50));
TopPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 300));

JPanel BottomPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
BottomPanel.add(OutputSelectionPane, BorderLayout.NORTH);
BottomPanel.add(outputPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
BottomPanel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(400, 50));
BottomPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 400));
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
Listing 36-10 and 36-11 show the AWT Class ActionListeners, which facilitate the
UI functionality in the application.
Defining the action for the author list
Listing 36-10 shows the code that is called when a user clicks on a quote author.
When the ActionListener detects that the user has selected a quote author, the
GetSingleAuthorList class is called, which returns a single-column listing of
quotes for that author. The quotes are displayed in the quote list object on the top
right of the application window.
Listing 36-10: Defining the Action for the Author List
class authorListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent se) {
ListSelectionModel slsm = (ListSelectionModel)se.getSource();
String [] s = GetSingleAuthorList(authorList.getSelectedValue()
Defining the action for the quote list
When a user selects a quote by clicking on a selection in the quote list, the code in

Listing 36-11 is called. When the ActionListener detects that the user has
selected a Quote, the QuoteListSelectionHandler checks the combo box to
see which output format is selected by the user.
If “Just the Quote” is selected, the quote is sent to the output object as text. If
the “DB2 XML” option is chosen, the GetSingleQuoteDB2 class is called to gener-
ate DB2-generated XML for the output, with DB2 table column values formatted as
elements in the XML document.
Listing 36-11: Defining the Actions for the Quote List
class QuoteListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent qe) {
ListSelectionModel qlsm = (ListSelectionModel)qe.getSource();
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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
String OutputFormatChoice = (String)comboBox.getSelectedItem();
if (OutputFormatChoice.equals(“Just the Quote”)) {
else if (OutputFormatChoice.equals(“DB2 XML”)) {
))); }
else {
Retrieving a list of authors by calling a Web service
The code in Listing 36-12 returns a unique listing of quote authors by calling the
XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList Web service. A new instance of a SOAP call is

created and assigned a Web service target endpoint of
axis/servlet/AxisServlet. This endpoint accesses the AXIS Simple Server,
which contains an RPC router. The RPC router parses the SOAP envelope and the
HTTP POST Header, extracts a request object from the SOAP envelope, and routes
the request to the appropriate Web service class. The routing of the request object
is based on the current deployment descriptor configuration.
The GetAuthorList class in the XMLPBWSMTServletGetAuthorList Web ser-
vice processes a JDBC query against the DB2 database and returns a result set. A
new instance of a string array is created using standard SOAP encoding of data type
ArrayOf_xsd_string. Converting data types from their native types to SOAP or
other types of encoding is an integral part of Web services, and allows typed data
to flow between platforms and operating systems by being serialized and de-serial-
ized on sending and delivery of the SOAP envelope. The string array is passed back
to the RPC router. The RPC router then wraps the response object in a SOAP
response envelope and sends the response back to the J2EE client application. The
string array result is extracted from the SOAP response envelope by the AXIS call
object. The response is assigned to the AuthorList string array variable, which is
passed back to the application for display in the UI.
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
Listing 36-12: Retrieving a List of Authors from the DB2
Authors Table
public String [] GetAuthorList() {
String AuthorList [] = null;
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new

call.setOperationName( new
“GetAuthorList”) );
javax.xml.namespace.QName(“ />wsdl/default/”, “ArrayOf_xsd_string”));
AuthorList = (String [] ) call.invoke( new Object[] {});
catch(Exception e) {
return AuthorList ;
Retrieving a list of quotes from a selected author
When a user clicks on a quote author, the ActionListener for the author list
object passes the author name as a string value to the GetSingleAuthorList
Class, shown in Listing 36-13. This class uses the passed value, called Category
Name, to retrieve all the quotes for an author using an SQL query passed to the
server via JDBC.
The GetSingleAuthorList class is similar to the GetAuthorList class.
GetSingleAuthorList in the XMLPBWSMTServletGetSingleAuthorList Web
service passes a parameter value to a JDBC query against the DB2 database and
returns a result set. A new instance of a string array is created using standard SOAP
encoding of data type ArrayOf_xsd_string. The string array is passed back to
the RPC router. The RPC router then wraps the response object in a SOAP response
envelope and sends the response back to the J2EE client application. The string
array result is extracted from the SOAP response envelope by the AXIS call object.
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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services

The response is assigned to the singleAuthorList string array variable, which is
passed back to the application for display in the UI. The contents of the quote list
object are then created by the array and the quote list object is displayed in the
upper-right panel of the application window.
Listing 36-13: Retrieving Quotes for an Author
public String [] GetSingleAuthorList(String CategoryName) {
String singleAuthorList [] = null;
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new
call.setOperationName( new javax.xml.namespace.QName
“GetSingleAuthorList”) );
call.addParameter( “CategoryName”, XMLType.XSD_STRING,
javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN );
javax.xml.namespace.QName(“ />wsdl/default/”, “ArrayOf_xsd_string”));
singleAuthorList = (String [] ) call.invoke( new Object[]
catch(Exception e) {
return singleAuthorList ;
Generating DB2 XML Output
When a user clicks on a quote, a call is triggered to the QuoteListSelection

Handler, which is outlined previously in Listing 36-11. This triggers one of three
actions, depending on the output format chosen in the combo box. The first action
is to send the plain text directly to the output object. The code in Listing 36-14 is
called when a quote is selected in the quote list object and the DB2 XML option is
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
chosen from the output format combo box. The quote text is passed to the
GetSingleQuoteDB2 class. This class calls a Web service to retrieve the quote
from DB2 and format the XML as an element-based XML document.
The GetSingleQuoteDB2 class in the XMLPBWSMTServletDB2Format Web ser-
vice passes a parameter value containing a quotation to a second Web service. The
Web service returns a result set based on a DB2 DADX document. A new instance of
a string is created using standard SOAP encoding of data type xsd_string. The
string is formatted as an element-based XML document and passed back to the RPC
router. The RPC router then wraps the response object in a SOAP response enve-
lope and sends the response back to the J2EE client application. The string result is
extracted from the SOAP response envelope by the AXIS call object. The response
is assigned to the XMLDoc string variable, which is passed back to the application
for display in the UI. The contents of the string are displayed in the lower panel of
the application.
Listing 36-14: Retrieving DB2 XML from a Web Service
public String GetSingleQuoteDB2(String PassedQuote) {
String XMLDoc=null;
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new
AxisServlet”) );

call.setOperationName( new
“GetSingleQuoteDB2”) );
call.addParameter( “PassedQuote”, XMLType.XSD_STRING,
javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN );
javax.xml.namespace.QName(“ />wsdl/default/”, “string”));
XMLDoc = (String ) call.invoke( new Object[] {PassedQuote});
catch(Exception e) {
return XMLDoc ;
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Chapter 36 ✦ Accessing Relational Data via Web Services
In this chapter, we’ve outlined techniques for combining Web services with rela-
tional data. We reviewed Web service features in MS SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2.
We also showed you how to retrieve XML data from a DB2 Web service in a multi-
tier J2EE Web service application infrastructure:
✦ Options for RDBMS Web services
✦ Web services support in Oracle, DB2, and MS SQL Server
✦ Data compatibility issues with MS SQL Server Web services and other Web
✦ Working with the DB2 Web Services Object Runtime Framework (WORF)
✦ An example of DB2 and J2EE Web services working together
In the next chapter, we’ll wrap up the book by covering the brave, new, bleeding
edge world of Web service authentication, security, and transactions.

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and Security for
Web Services
eb services are often described as having “industry
buy-in.” In most cases, it’s the software “industry”
that has bought in to Web services. For other industries to
“buy in” to Web services, they have to be secure and reliable.
Several projects are under way to meet the needs of industry
strength solutions. For Web services, this means security and
authentication. There are several groups working together to
form standards around Web service security.
Web services also need a way to interact with other Web ser-
vices and applications as a single, seamless process. Efforts
are being made to develop standards that manage groupings
of Web services as a single transaction, with full commit and
rollback functionality, among other features.
The individuals and groups that are organizing these projects
come from many different backgrounds. The W3C, the WS-I,
and OASIS all have their hands in one or more of these pro-
jects. Some standards are competing, and some are comple-
mentary. In this chapter, we sort through the options and help
you define the current projects, the problem that a project is
trying to solve, and where overlap between projects occurs.
The standards described in this chapter are evolving.
We’ll be updating this chapter on-line at

as things change, so
check there for updates.
In This Chapter
Web service security
W3C Web
service security
XML encryption and
XML signature
OASIS web service
security specifications
WS-Security, SAML,
Web service
security JSRs
The Microsoft
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
Secure, Reliable Web Service Requirements
Many Web services are completely open and available, acting as conduits between
Web service consumers and unsecured data on a back-end system. Many more Web
services require registration to be able to use their Web service. Web service
providers that require registration and an identity check for consumers can use
simple authentication, such as an unencrypted, pre-assigned ID. They can also use
more sophisticated methods, such as ID and password combinations that are
encrypted in transit using SSL, or some sort of certificate authority scheme such as
X.509 certificates. Authentication can be taken another step further by using new
XML security and authentication standards. Current standards are supported
through libraries such as IBM’s XML Security Suite and the Apache XML Security
Library in Java. The Web Services Enhancements 1.0 for Microsoft .NET (WSE) pro-
vides similar capabilities for .NET applications.
Aside from basic authentication, there are times when systems need to pass authen-
tication from one Web service to another, so that a Web service consumer does not
need to re-authenticate with every new Web service that is needed to perform a
task. In order to facilitate this, some sort of single sign-on feature is required that
can pass authentication data from one service to another, and perhaps also to back-
end systems that are accessed by Web services. This data should also be encrypted
so that it is not intercepted and duplicated as it passes through a network.
Web services may also share data with other Web services without having access to
their security and authentication data. In this case, data that is passed between sys-
tems, usually in the form of a token, has to be compatible with other types of secu-
rity and authentication schemes. It also has to be compatible with other types of
encryption, or at least be able to successfully translate authentication credentials
from one format to another and back again.
On top of security and authentication issues, a group of Web services should be
able to maintain user preferences and pass them to other Web services and applica-
tions. They also need to be able to communicate roles and procedures.

Web services also need to be able to record transactions in a way that all parties
are satisfied with. In Europe, merchants once used “tally sticks” to manage negoti-
ated agreements. A tally stick was a piece of a tree that was marked with notches
that represented a number of goods for payment rendered. Once an agreement was
made, the stick was marked and split in two. One half would go to the buyer, and
the other half to the seller. When goods arrived at the buyer, tally sticks would be
compared to ensure that an agreement was honored.
Today, a buyer that uses a vendor’s Website does not have an independent way of
tracking and verifying a purchase. On the Web, there is no “tally stick” — the vendor
holds all the cards. When a buyer orders 100 widgets and agrees to a price, what
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Chapter 37 ✦ Authentication and Security for Web Services
proof does the buyer hold that this transaction will be fulfilled as agreed, other
than the vendor’s Website, which a buyer has no control over? In the past, this
functionality was provided by mailed or faxed documents, but this approach slows
down the frictionless transaction speed of the Web. Web services and new transac-
tion standards provide the other part of the equation for many B2B transactions.
Web services can track buyer and vendor records for a transaction on the buyer
and seller’s own systems, thus providing even more security than the traditional
“tally stick” approach.
In a perfect world, Web service security, authentication, transaction tracking, and
encryption tools would be designed to be compatible across all platforms, based on
universally decreed standards. Of course, this is not a perfect world. Compatible
tools and platforms have to be determined when designing a secure, reliable Web
service platform, and when deciding how your Web services will interact with other
Web services and applications. So what does the current crop of Web service secu-
rity tools offer?
Current Web Service Standards for
Security and Authentication

There are several recently defined Web service security standards that have either
made it to specification (or in the case of the W3C, Recommendation) status, or are
in the process of being completed. These are all, however, early-stage, version 1.0
specifications, and are most definitely subject to change and development in the
marketplace. The current specifications are based on the three most popular secu-
rity models: transport-layer security, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and the
Kerberos model.
Transport-Layer Security
Without using the new security standards and toolkits, SOAP envelopes can be
encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Web service consumers can be
authenticated by a provider using pre-assigned IDs and/or passwords. The advan-
tage of this approach is that existing transport-layer security features that ship with
most Web browsers can be used. This is referred to as transport-layer security.
However, SSL is only effective between two points, and cannot be interconnected
between more than one Web service consumer and provider. For more than two
points of contact, you need to make use of some of the new recommendations pro-
vided by the W3C and/or the specifications provided by OASIS.
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Part VIII ✦ Advanced Web Services
Public key infrastructure (PKI)
PKI requires a central public key administrator (called a certificate authority) to
issue certificates. These certificates contain public keys, which can be shared, and
private keys, which cannot. When PKI authentication takes place, a shared public
key token is compared with a private key token. If the two tokens are compatible,
authentication is completed. The advantage in this approach is that the certificate
authority has to issue a key, and the public and private parts of that key have to be
physically present on the machines that are processing security and authentica-
tion. In transport-layer security, user IDs and passwords can be intercepted and
reused for impersonation. With PKI, an impersonator would also have to acquire a

user’s private key. Most private keys are encrypted with a password, making this
even more difficult.
Kerberos authentication takes the PKI model one step further by defining a central
location where private and public key tokens are compared. The central location
where authentication takes place is called a Key Distribution Center (KDC). The
KDC performs authentication and passes authenticated and verified tokens to par-
ties that require them. This approach reduces the possibility that a private or pub-
lic key could be “spoofed” by another system by providing a central (theoretically),
secure location for authentication.
W3C Recommendations
The W3C has developed two XML specifications for making Web services more
secure: XML Signature and XML Encryption. As the titles indicate, these recommen-
dations apply to any XML document, though they probably will find their most prac-
tical use as part of Web services, when applied to SOAP envelopes. Remember, SOAP
is just XML, so security that applies to SOAP applies to any XML and vice versa.
XML Signature and XML Encryption
XML Signature is a W3C recommendation. This standard provides the ability to
“sign” an XML document. This provides insurance that a document is derived from
a trusted source, and that it has not been altered since it was sent from that source.
Multiple signatures can be contained in a single XML document, and each signature
can be assigned to one or more elements in the document. The capability for multi-
ple signatures provides the “tally stick” verification facility described earlier in this
chapter, between two or more entities. You can find more information about XML
Signature at />q538292 ch37.qxd 8/18/03 8:45 AM Page 874
Chapter 37 ✦ Authentication and Security for Web Services
XML Encryption is another W3C recommendation. Like signatures, all or part of an
XML document can be encrypted, and multiple encryption keys can be specified on
a document. Encryption can be managed though standard public key algorithms

such as X.509/PKIX, SPKI, or PGP. For more information about XML Encryption, refer
to the W3C Recommendation page at />The W3C has also published a note that is related to the XML signature recommen-
dation. The XML Key Management Specification (XKMS) provides a way to dis-
tribute and register public keys that are used for signatures and encryption. There
are two parts: the XML Key Information Service Specification (X-KISS) and the XML
Key Registration Service Specification (X-KRSS). X-KISS manages private key infor-
mation and authenticates between a key provider and a consumer. X-KRSS specifies
a standard way to register and manage public key information. VeriSign and Entrust
have developed XKMS toolkits in Java, and Microsoft provides an XKML toolkit for
.NET as part of the Web Services Enhancements (WSE) for Microsoft .NET. For more
information about XKMS, refer to the W3C Website for XKMS at http://www.w3.
OASIS Security and Authentication
Several new and advanced Web service specifications are in development from
Microsoft, IBM, BEA Systems, RSA, SAP, and VeriSign, under the auspices of the
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS),
a consortium of software and hardware companies and organizations. OASIS
supports Technical Committees (TCs) that create and maintain OASIS specifica-
tions. Whenever possible, the OASIS TCs base their specifications on W3C
Recommendations. The fruits of labor for OASIS XML TCs are usually specification
documents backed up by one or more W3C schema. The schemas can be used to
validate XML documents that have been created using the specification. The OASIS
WS-Security, WS-License, and WS-Policy specifications are gathering industry sup-
port as they are developed. Other OASIS implementation projects such as Secure
Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and XML Access Control Markup Language
(XACML) specifications are also in development. Implementation of these specifica-
tions is intended to be included in most enterprise application frameworks, starting
with IBM, BEA, and Microsoft.

WS-Security is an OASIS specification that uses SOAP extensions to provide encryp-
tion and security specifically to SOAP envelopes. Signature and encryption meth-
ods are based on the W3C XML signature and XML encryption recommendations.
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